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  1. Morning all ( well it's the morning here)! I weight in (officially) every Friday (In truth I have issues avoiding jumping on the scales every day) I'm 5 weeks post-op today. ⁠Opération day weight 91.1kg ( 200.5 lbs - 14 stone 4 and a half) •⁠ ⁠⁠Current weight 80.9kg ( 178 lbs - 12 stone 10 and a half) •⁠ ⁠⁠Weight Lost 10.2kg or 11.19% of starting weight ( 22.5 lbs 1 stone 8 and a half ) •⁠ ⁠⁠Starting BMI 32.65 •⁠ ⁠⁠Current BMI 29.1 So my stall has well and truly broken and I think I'm on the right path!
  2. SomeBigGuy

    Feeling regret

    Congrats on the surgery and taking a huge step forward in improving your health! Also, welcome to the post-op malaise phase of the process, haha! I was there a few months ago, and I think its a rite of passage to be like "What have I done?!!" somewhere in the first 6 weeks. It does get better gradually, but the first month is the roughest. You will be able to eat "normal" foods again soon. I think I was able to eat most things again around the 3 month mark (mostly excluding carbonated drinks and alcohol). Just take your time and listen to your body. Some things will fight back, and if they do, just wait 3-5 days before trying again. I had a lot of trouble with green veggies initially, but was able to handle them around week 6. Also remember the weight loss pattern will resemble stairs and not a straight line. You'll have periods of weight loss, followed by a couple/few weeks of stalling and slight regain. This is just your body recalibrating itself after a large loss to ensure its safe to continue letting go of fat reserves, because it mistakenly thinks you're in a survival event and doesn't want you to starve to death. Just remember this is part of the process, and its not a failure. This really got me down initially and compounded that regret feeling, but after a long stall I'm making progress again. Also, Cipro is very likely the culprit in making you feel sick. it's a very strong antibiotic, and good at its job, but the side effects can be harsh. I've developed some partial hearing loss because of it after years of taking it for recurring Diverticulitis. Ask your doctor if there is another antibiotic that can do the job, but with fewer side effects. Good luck, and I wish you luck on your journey!
  3. lisssa

    5 years out not losing weight

    It sounds like you've made a big effort to manage your weight, but it's frustrating when progress stalls. Consider seeing a dietitian to make sure your portion sizes and food choices match your weight loss goals after surgery. Sometimes, metabolic changes or hidden calories can affect weight loss. Also, try changing your exercise routine to avoid plateaus. Stay positive and keep monitoring your progress; with adjustments, you can find what works best for your body.
  4. I know stalls are normal, but man I am getting pissed at this point. I hit 7 months on March 17th, but I have been in a stall for almost 2 months. I have tried eating carbs then going back to no carbs. I tried upping the calories. I upped my exercise(and gained 2 lbs). I have no idea what else to do. So what other things have worked for people to get over a long term stall. 🤬
  5. Stalls are par for the course and do not mean you are doing anything wrong. It is just your body's way of assessing and adjusting. Remember surgery is a shock to the body and with limited capacity, the typical nutrients your body was used to getting is greatly reduced. Do not panic, do not go into overdrive to change too much. Stick with your program, aim for the protein (and fiber) and water goals, take your vitamins and don't obsess too much over the scale. Trust me I know it's much easier said than done, but almost all of us have been there a time or two or more and it is completely normal. As @SomeBigGuy stated weightloss is not a straight line. (There is a whole lengthy thread under 3 week stall - though again it doesn't necessarily only occur at 3 weeks or just once.)
  6. I was allowed carbs on my diet plan but my office goes by calories instead of size of meal. I think at 4 weeks it was around 400 to 600 calories but by 8 weeks they wanted us to be around 800. I would see how many calories you are actually taking in and just keep following your plan. Every time I hit a stall I gain 3 pounds and my last stall I actually gained 5 lbs. My stalls are usually 3 weeks long but once it was 2 months. When I think I'm in a stall then I only weigh myself once a week at most because stalls can be rough mentally. The mental part of this weight loss was the hardest part for me. Good luck and take care!
  7. Hope4NewMe

    Daily calorie intake

    I agree that you may not need a calorie goal especially this early on. My office did not have a strict rule on calories but I was like you and wanted that structure so they told me that they recommended 600 calories by month 2 and 800 calories by month 3 and then 1000 by month 6. Not to go over 1000 until goal weight after that. Protein was always the most important but I was encouraged to eat some carbs too. You have to watch yourself later on though and set your own guidelines. Probably around month 3 you will start to see how you lose or not lose with the calories you take in. I found out that if I was under 800 I would stall and if I ate over 1200 I would stop losing. Other people can't eat over 800 and still lose and some, especially those that exercise a lot can't eat less that 1200 or stall. So your calorie needs may be different but I hope this helps. Good luck!
  8. After a sip of my protein drink - enough to just swallow my stomach meds it felt like something was stuck after a few dreadful minutes it had to come up. This had happened for a few days even sipping fluids . Doc put me on a new nausea Med Thursday and took me off protein drinks. Yesterday (Friday) I was able to hold down sipping 20 oz flav enhanced water. Tried to eat purée last night a little and it sat until it had to come out . Going to stick with trying to focus on fluids as doc stated if I can’t get enough fluids I’ll have to go to ER for an IV. I was fine until into week 3 1/2 - 4. Anyone have this issue or things you were ok with first 2-3 weeks then your body rejected? Also after sleeve surgery in 2017 I was never able to drink plain water again.
  9. So I got my surgery on June 22nd - about nine weeks ago. I am 5'8", 35F, and started out at 320, I'm currently 288 for a loss of 32 pounds over about two months. Is that okay? For the last week or so, I've had a really rough stall and barely been losing anything. Some days I'll even gain a pound. This is my second stall. I normally eat between 600 and 1000 calories (mostly about 800) and almost entirely protein really. Is there an issue with me? Is my weight loss rate okay or is it too slow? I feel like I should have lost like 50 pounds by now. What about this stall?
  10. I'm still stalled. It's been 12 days. I just want to cry the whole time and stuff my face with food. I feel like this is it. That the scales will never budge. I'm having such a hard time coping. I just feel like staying in bed and crying. I'm exhausted and the weight still isn't moving at all. I don't know what do to. I feel like giving up. I'm really really struggling.
  11. Even if those white ones are particulary high it's the advantage of my Cerebral Palsy ... my feet and legs are so twisted that heals are actually easier than flats, they straigten out my legs and make me more stable, I fall over my own feet in most trainers and flats (except birkenstocks that I find magical!) ... at school I got a special pass to be allowed to wear heels from about 7 years old ... all the other girls were so jealous! And there are worse disadvantages to be had. Well done on the 4 pound loss... thats massive! Enjoy it to the fullest. And how wonderful to slip into a old dress again and for cherry on the top it to be loose! I hope your daughters special event went well and that you felt amazing in your dress. I shocked a friend who saw me in jeans the other day... I pulled them out of my cellar, she hadn't seen me in jeans since pre pandemic (because I no longer had any jeans that fit ... and had resorted to wearing baggy dresses) and the jeans were tight and i had to wiggle wiggle jump into them and button them up lying flat on my back.. but I managed it. Hopefully they too will be loose one day. If I take the last 30 calendar days I've lost 7.5lbs - but since my three month "surgiversary" to now seven days short of 4 month surgiversary I've not even lost 2 lbs .... and most of that was in the last 24 hours! I really hope my stall has broken. I've arrived in Hungary and after a pretty chill Paris week have a very busy week planned so I just hope I'm able to make good choices food wise and that I get back to Paris to a loss on my scales! I wish I was that brave! I think if I tried that my team would have a field day and an intern would take a video and make it into a meme or a gif in minutes and I'd never live it down! I think it may be out but it is worth seeing a sports physio to ask and to "learn" how to run without putting too much strain on your knees, they may have tips and adaptations for you. Instead of regretting yesterday be proud of today and tomorrow if you can. Keep moving!
  12. I totally get it! I am 2 weeks post op and I am only down 2 pounds from what I weighed the day before surgery. It's hard to say if it's a stall after dropping 15lbs rapidly on the preop diet, or if it's because I had so much fluid weight coming home from two days on an IV. But it messes with your mind, either way. It's easy to panic and think this is it, it's not going to work. But the truth is, stalls will break when they're good and ready to break. All you can do is keep working on living the healthy lifestyle you want to live and give yourself a break when you fall short of it. You can't expect to be perfect every minute, but I do think if you beat yourself up about it, you reinforce the idea that you will fail, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where you're more likely to give in to temptation again next time because you're feeling demoralized from all the negative self talk. 2 dress sizes down is amazing!
  13. Shanna NYC


    Please just take a good look at all the info mentioned above to the original poster. Do not get down on yourself or think this is it. The "3 week stall" is a real thing. (and isn't just at week 3) You just lost 25lbs in one month essentially. That's already monumental! How many times in your life have you lost that in a month?? Your body will assess and adjust throughout your process. Also, you started at a much smaller weight than a lot of us around here do so your weightloss may not always fall off in large numbers. Remember we didn't gain the weight overnight and it will not go away overnight despite this great tool we have in our arsenal. Give yourself grace, trust the process, stick with the program, I promise the changes and losses will come in time.
  14. catwoman7

    Is this a stall ?

    if you've been following your plan and haven't increased your eating lately, then yes, you may be in a stall. Mine tended to last longer the closer I got to my goal. I'd give it a couple more weeks. If your weight hasn't started dropping by then, then you may be in maintenance (at 11.1 st, you're almost at a normal BMI). You can always lose more by dropping your calories or increasing your exercise (or both). But I'd give it a little more time.
  15. JennyBeez

    WORST Soft Stage Expereinces/Recipes

    In soft stage, I tried chicken breast too early and with not enough liquid/moisture. And then I kept repeating the same mistake. Chicken breast in soup would be fine, so I'd think I was good to go forward and each time I had a horrible reaction and it took me a good three weeks to learn from my mistakes -- aka give up for a while. XD The first few days of soft stage, definitely keep your portions lower than you've been able to handle at the puree stage. For example, if you're up to 3/4 cup puree maybe start with 1/2 cup soft for the first couple days. Don't rush yourself -- either with the eating itself, or by pushing forward too fast. Only introduce one 'new food' at a time if you can, to make sure you're doing okay with it. Avoid tough skins for longer than you think you need to.
  16. BeanitoDiego

    How much protein is too much?

    Seems like you've hit the 3-week stall. Totally normal! Lots and lots of posts here about it in the forums. Keep in mind that with the shakes, you were also getting the benefit of the liquid. In my program, I was still eating soups at this stage, which also helped with my liquid intake. I'm 6 months post-op and drinking water is still a full time job. 80 ounces or more every day 😎
  17. Bypass2Freedom

    Monday Check-In

    @NickelChip I am so glad to hear your stall has broken and you are back on the track you want to be on! That is such an amazing loss, well done - I bet you are over the moon! I empathise with this! I think the changes in weather have lots to do with it, I find myself eating more salad than anything at the moment! Good news on the hydration though! So happy to hear of all your wins, it really is inspirational! I hope you have the best time on your family vacation ❤️
  18. GoAskAlice19

    50 and over crowd?

    Surgery 12/14/23 RNY. I turned 51 ten days later. I will be 4 months post op 4/14. Doing well, had a stall and now my hair is thinning in spots. I’ve been exercising since I came home. Only issue is some constipation.. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  19. Rahhh … I’m still stalled! Trying to keep with the onwards and upwards mentality even if it would be much easier if the scales were going downwards … managed 26k steps yesterday so that’s a plus. Starting to get homesick from travelling so much for work. I get back home to Paris on Saturday and have to leave again Thursday. I then have nearly 3 weeks non stop without getting home again. I’m finding it complicated to make good food choices and have enough protein. I’ve basically been having milky coffee and potatoes as a main food groups for the last few days. I hate protein shakes, I don’t really eat meat ( and strictly no pork), I don’t really eat fish ( and strictly no shellfish or seafood). At home I can do cheese and chickpeas and lentils and tofu etc etc but being out and about so much is complicated. I did hit 12 weeks no alcohol on Tuesday which is a big win for me because I’ve never thought I’d make it so far and the not drinking is getting easier day by day to resist the temptation. And also I sort of told myself that I go 24 weeks (6 ish months rounded down) so I’m half way through.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Stomach flu recovery time?

    I had the sleeve three years ago and I have had the stomach flu and don’t recall it lasting more than 24 hours. I know that the stomach size is the same as the Sadi? I think I would go to the Dr if it hasn’t gone away. At least you will know for the future if it does just take a little longer like you mentioned.
  21. Be careful with the gum post surgery. I had a piece when I was almost three years out from sleeve and I swallowed it accidentally. Hadn’t swallowed gum since I was a kid but sure enough I did it. Thankfully it did not cause a blockage but this is a real concern after surgery.
  22. I had several stalls - but they all eventually broke and I kept going until I hit goal (actually, about 10 lbs under) 20 months later. When I tried to lose weight on my own, I'd lose at most about 50 lbs before I'd hit a brick wall and my weight would eventually start heading back up. WLS was the only thing that allowed me to break through those brick walls and lose all of my excess weight (100% of it - although I've gained about 20 lbs of it back over the years). I think it's just a coincidence that you're having a stall at your former "brick wall". Just keep plugging away at it. It does get harder the closer you get to goal, though. Those last 20 or 30 lbs were a bear to get off (and It could be that my new, post op "set point" IS where I am now - but this is way, way lower than any pre-WLS set points).
  23. SomeBigGuy

    November 2023 buddies

    Just checking in for the first time in a couple weeks. Surgery was on Nov 20, and doing well from that, however, I caught covid just before Christmas, so haven't been able to do much this week. It's still hanging around making work difficult, but luckily I can work from home. Just hoping its gone by next week because this sucks. Besides that, I had a stall with a 3-5lb regain for about 2 weeks before it started dropping again, but things are moving along again. That "week 3 stall" is real, so don't get discouraged by it, the weight loss will resume. @Meisha - I can relate, I had the Christmas + covid pity party, and ate chocolate and cookies I shouldn't have had, and I did not tolerate that well at all, lol. I guess in a way it was a good reminder to get back on track. Suddenly I wasn't as tired of protein shakes after getting sick from that.
  24. Btaylor91

    November 2023 buddies

    I had my sleeve surgery on Nov 20th. Monday marked the beginning of week 7 post op. Since week 3 I have not lost anything (if anything, I've gone up a couple pounds). I am getting 60-70g protein. Water is a bit of a struggle due to just forgetting to drink water (no issue drinking it, literally just forget). My MIL has been bugging me the last week to remember water, thankfully, so I'm getting 64oz now. Hopefully this is just a *really* long 3 week stall. Just 4 weeks long now. Aughhhh.
  25. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    Must we wait the entire year for plastics?

    It depends on the surgeon. I am in the midst of consultations with surgeons for tummy tuck and breast lift. Today one told me they wanted me within 10 pounds of goal weight, stable at that weight for three months. Two others are fine doing the surgery now, given that I do not intend on losing 20 or more pounds (goal is under 10 lbs).

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