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  1. not sure where to post this or even if this has been asked before. Wondering if Kaiser would pay for a tummy tuck. I had gastric sleeve done by kaiser in 2018 and then a revision due to GERD in 2020. doing good now but need a tummy tuck desperately wondering if anyone has had it paid by Kaiser. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
  2. SleeveToBypass2023


    I never lost my hunger. Not with the sleeve and not with the revision to bypass. I just have more of a hard stop now that can't be ignored. My big thing has always been training my head. It's HARD, but very necessary. I always made sure I had 3 meals and 2 snack and a TON of fluids. And by a ton, I do mean A TON. My head told me I needed to eat, even when I knew I didn't. And that can manifest into physical hunger. I put myself on a schedule. Breakfast between this time and this time, snack here, lunch around this time, snack here, dinner between this time and this time. And then DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. Eventually my head and stomach learned when it's time to eat and when it's not. I only really run into trouble if I miss those times by a lot. THEN I'm in a minefield. Focus on protein as your #1 with food and snacks. That fills you up and keeps you full longer. Veggies are 2nd. Then carbs and HEALTHY fats. Sometimes at night, I'll have a sugar free popsicle if I really can't ignore the 3rd snack craving. I don't do it often, but the tropical ones are my favorite and they hit the spot. Make sure you're getting enough calories. Don't starve yourself, but also don't over eat. It's all about balance and training your brain. It takes a lot of time, patience, and effort. But I promise it's worth it.
  3. lauraellen80

    How much protein is too much?

    That's interesting... I had revision surgery the day before you, so we should be on the same stage, but even over a week after you posted this, I'm only allowed 3oz protein and 1oz veg, fruit, OR starch. 4 oz. total, with no indication that these amounts will ever change moving forward. And I'm being told that I should not be using protein shakes anymore if at all possible. I'm struggling with how to consistently get 20g of protein per meal when I can only have 3oz. at a time. If I could just eat plain chicken breast for every meal, sure. But I'm not cleared for unrestricted textures yet, and canned chicken breast is only 15g protein for 3oz. The dietician also REFUSES to give me any guidance on how many calories I should be aiming for per day and says that I shouldn't be "restricting," because I'm in my "maintenance phase" now. Which I am extremely confused by, because according to their plan, I'm still on "soft foods" until Monday, 2/25. And I have 25-50lbs to lose, still at the high end of the "overweight" BMI range.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Finally reached goal!

    Congratulations!! I am glad you had such a great team and that like you said you were still in hospital. I shiver when I think of if it was me and I was home I may not have even noticed my BP was up. If they specifically told me to take it every two hours, maybe but if not… Anyways, it sounds like you found a little gem of a team over there and I’m sure your sharing will be helpful to so many. I think for my revision I may ask to go ahead and stay the extra night if they give me the option now. I just wonder why they don’t have recovery houses for surgeries other than cosmetic. I assume they check things such as your vitals and make sure you follow all your post op instructions to the tee. That would be good option if you were still in a great deal of pain and lived alone or just live worn someone who has to work most of the day. Or they would have probably reported your BP to your excellent team and he would have requested they brought you back to hosptial. That and visiting nurses. I have had them come to my home for both “cosmetic” procedures I’ve had but never have they mentioned them for the others. Maybe you just have to ask? ignore me, my mind is just wandering. lol. Congratulations again on your goal. I’m so very happy for you!! For that and that all the surgery stuff is behind you.
  5. Hey all! I had a revision from VSG (2020) to a bypass without bowel reduction on 11/28. It’s been going fine, recovering is good and I’m tolerating food fine. However, since we did my revision for severe GERD and a large hernia, the surgeon told me that my bypass was minimal in terms of removal of bowel. Since I’ve basically maintained my weight loss since my sleeve, he did not want to create a situation where I would be malnourished so he did not remove bowel like a typical bypass. All that to say, I’m super hungry which is surprising since they did mess with my pouch, and I’ve lost a little weight which is fine too, but it’s like I cannot tell when I’m full. I’m on soft foods, so not full solids yet but have been eating real meals basically (soft foods allows canned veggies and some fruits on my plan). With my sleeve I could easily tell when it’s time to stop. Now it’s like I could just keep going. I haven’t had any nausea or vomiting caused by over eating, and I’ve been measuring because I’m nervous but it’s like I’m still hungry. I was hopeful leaving the bowel would help me not experience dumping as much (which I have no idea if that’s legit or I’m just telling myself that), but I’m also so worried about eating too much. On a happy note - I have only ate tums once since my surgery, and I guess now won’t have to continue to keep tums in business anymore. LOL! That was the goal, so far so good, still on protonix but I’ll take it over misery any day!
  6. I gurgle all the time with my sleeve. I say it’s my poltergeist cause it literally groans & moans & whines too. It’s just a noisy digestive system. My young nieces & nephew think it’s quite amusing, I’ve never been able to burp so I think that adds to mine. And yes I agree not feeling your restriction is likely from your nerves being cut during your revision restricting messages getting through just like after your initial sleeve surgery. Remember to keep to your recommended portion sizes until your signals can get through to ensure you’re not accidentally impacting your healing & recovery. All the best.
  7. Thank you for sharing! I'm dealing with a stricture now. I've had 3 bsloon procedures but the camera still won't go all the way through. My surgeon described it as a funnel where he has been able to open some at the top but not go through. I've been trying to transition from a feeding tube to eating but can't keep water or food down and everything makes me nauseous. This is my story so far: I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  8. RTL1234

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I’ll hop on the bandwagon! I am having a revision from a sleeve to a bypass on 11/28 for severe GERD. I also have a stupid hernia now too which will get repaired while they are in there. I can’t wait for some relief of pain. Hoping anyone who had surgery today or so far this month, is doing well so far! Even with my issues, I don’t regret having my sleeve! It truly changed everything for me.
  9. PS - I just did a quick google search on this. This is NOT a scholarly article, so there's that - but it does mention that bile reflux (as opposed to acid reflux) can occur in about 5% of mini-bypass patients. It goes on to say they see it more in sleeve to mini-bypass revision patients than they do with non-revisions. Again, I don't know what kind of research is behind this because this isn't a scholarly article - they may just be basing this on their specific patients. But again, let your clinic know what's going on. Hopefully it's just some kind of flare-up. https://mexicobariatriccenter.com/bile-reflux-after-mini-gastric-bypass-surgery/
  10. newbegining2024

    Is this a stall?

    I think 21days post op and losing 16-18lbs is great! I just learned in this community that revision surgery have slowly weight loss. My doctor and me doing my own research never came up till I found this site. i am also feeling that I am having multiple stalls. Before pre op diet I lose 15lbs on my own, then during pre op diet I lost 8 lbs on the first week of liquid diet and stall for one week have no weight loss. Then went into surgery while having the stall. After the surgery, I gained 7 lbs of water retention from the iv I got from the hospital. It took a few days and get back to my surgery day weight, then I loss about 5 lbs in a week. so almost 2 weeks after surgery only loss 5 lbs. So 16-18lbs is great! I am jelly here. But like many said everyone is different, although it’s hard, but I am trying to positive.
  11. ShoppGirl


    So I was given a month to research the SADI procedure by my doctor and told to come back prepared with questions so we could make up my mind between revision to SADI and Bypass. I have been All over the Internet and this forum asking all kinda of questions to get as much info as possible before today about the SADI. I show up to my appt and my first question promoted him to say the SADI may not be appropriate for me. Even know he has prescribed them for me in the past and it was on the list of current meds he didn’t realize I have to take OMEPRAZOLE DAILY for heartburn/ GERD. So now he wants to do a scope to see if SADI or bypass would be better for me. I know that I need to learn to be more patient and roll with the punches but I thought today that I was the one who was going to be making the decisions and that I would be leaving with a surgery date. Instead I have to get a scope the last of May and follow up early June at which time I will hopefully be getting a date for some surgery. I am just frustrated that he was the one to present me with this option that my research made me really want it and I already wasted a month to do that. Now I have to wait another month for the scope and probably can’t get the surgery I never would have known I really want. If he has just read the chart this could’ve been avoided. If we were just going to end up with bypass we could have set a date a month ago. Idk. Just frustrated and a little sad.
  12. RTL1234

    November 2023 buddies

    Hoping to hop on the train too! I had a revision to a bypass on 11/28 for severe GERD, as well as a hiatal hernia repair. Almost my entire stomach was up in the chest wall he said. I am feeling pretty decent 4 days post op. I did lose 85lbs with my sleeve, and had gained a little back 10lbs. They did a full bypass but didn’t not take out as much bowel so that I don’t lose too much more weight and be malnourished they said. Any way, glad to find others in similar situations just like last time. :) Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Ibuprofen 1 Yr Post Op

    I initially had the sleeve and was told I could maybe try it at 18 months out, but it was very heavily discouraged. I had a revision to bypass and was told absolutely no forever.
  14. Menopause is the worst. It’s when I gained my weight. Went from 60 to 75kg very quickly during perimenopause. This was my usual fluctuation so I didn’t worry that much. Then entered full menopause & bam another 15kgs. I swear I gained it overnight. Several of my friends were the same - gained 10-15kgs very quickly with menopause. Couldn't really shift a kilo of it. Drop a couple & put them straight back on. I had hoped that being on HRT might balance out my hormones & help me lose some weight but nope. Struggled for a couple of years. Wasn’t happy. That’s when I decided to have my sleeve. Why don’t you try getting in contact with a bariatric surgeon to discuss your revision options like to a DS. Does your surgeon who did your RNY still practice? Have you considered whether the new GLP - 1 medications might be an option? Certainly worth a conversation with a surgeon. PS Congratulations on your long term success with your original surgery. Such an achievement.
  15. Victoria Wank

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    It’s a very different situation. I had RNY back in 2004. I lost a lot of weight and maintained it for 18 months. Then it started creeping back on. When I was finally ready for a revision (somewhere around 2014-ish, different team), the team kept losing my endoscopy results. I finally lost interest. In the last few years, I’ve felt ready to try again. My insurance has changed, as have revision methods. My insurance approved a procedure called Endoscopy with Argon Plasma Coagulation. They make the opening to the stomach pouch smaller by zapping it and creating scar tissue, making it smaller. I had the first procedure in 2022. Unfortunately, the surgeon didn’t tell me that there were more to come. No one reached out to schedule the next procedure. I assumed that the revision consisted of that one procedure. That’s why I thought the revision wasn’t working for me. When I spoke with my surgeon, she was surprised that I had done as well as I had with just that one time, as well as the fact that no one had contacted me to schedule the next procedure. I’ve had the second procedure, and I have continued to lose weight. I know the stalls are maddening, and if it continues for more than a few weeks, talk to your surgeon.
  16. Possibly a hiatal hernia has developed, as GERD is a common symptom of that irrespective prior WLS history. An EGD (endoscopy) would establish that as well as anything else that is going on in there; possibly an imaging procedure like a barium swallow to look at shaping of the sleeve and associated connections can help to establish how things are flowing and why backups are happening. Your primary may order those things or refer you to a gastroenterologist to track down that problem, then they can start considering solutions - fix the hernia, resleeve to correct shaping problems or revise to an RNY.
  17. Jdymitc

    Trouble with malnutrition

    I had issues similar to yours where I started with a sleeve in 7/2020 my body started going through severe issues that I couldn’t even hold down a sip of water causing me to vomit uncontrollably in the end of 8/2020 I went to use my restroom and I collapsed. My surgical team had me enter a rehab to try and help me build up my strength and put in a PICC line. I was in the rehab for 6 weeks and the team started to work with my insurance and got permission for a revision to a bypass.(my brain started to have issues with retaining short term memories due to lack of nutrition) Had the revision to bypass done in 3/2021 My body took forever to start to regulate and start to work the way it is supposed to. I pushed myself to do as much work with my brain to get back to “normal “ as much as possible and I’d say I am about 90% recovered. Physically I’m back to “normal” most days occasionally I’ll still have a nauseous day or some dumping but I was just at my dr last week and I am down just shy of 200lbs stay strong you will get through this Family members ask me if I could rewind time if I’d still go through with the surgery and I say I may have opted for the bypass instead of the sleeve but absolutely because if I didn’t get that weight off I know without a doubt I’d be dead within a few years so even with all these issues the surgery was worth it.
  18. ChunkCat

    Revision from VSG to Bypass

    Echoing RickM, bile reflux is different than acid reflux. Make sure you are dealing with a doctor who understands the difference, it matters a lot because best treatment and best course for revision are different between the two. I believe they should have you on something like cholestyramine for the bile reflux, it absorbs the excess bile. And yes, if bile reflux is the main issue, a traditional DS would be a useful revision because it cures it... So I'd research that and talk it over with your surgeon!
  19. For me I think I should’ve gotten a bypass in the first place but my pcp said I was so young and the sleeve was good so I just went along with it. At first I had no intention to get a revision even though I had gained almost all the weight back but I’m glad I did and I have no regrets.
  20. It looks like you've lost 30 pounds since your revision about 3 months ago. So the scale is moving, just slowly? I feel for you, wish I could give you a hug and tell you to your face what a badass you are.
  21. Keona1323

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Revision to mini bypass sept 5! Bye bye GERD!!!!
  22. Keona1323

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Revision to mini bypass sept 5! Bye bye GERD!!!!
  23. I can't help from any specific experience, but on the East coast, I would suggest talking to Dr. Mitchell Roslin in NYC. He is one of the big promoter/developers of the SADI (modified DS) but is also long experienced with the traditional Hess DS along with the RNY and VSG. Having all of the major procedures in his toolbox, he can give you better advice as to which procedure best fits your specific needs; certainly better than your corner "WLS R Us" practice that just does the RNY and VSG. While he may not be a big fan of the RNY (common amongst DS capable surgeons who find that procedure better in most circumstances,) I have seen him actively refusing to do a DS to a lapband revision patient because the RNY was the more appropriate procedure in his case. Unfortunately, many surgeons will recommend whatever procedure they do as the best one, as it is the best for them even if it may not be the best for the patient. Finding someone skilled with all of the major procedures if very helpful when one has special needs.
  24. Hi All, I had a sleeve revision to mini bypass 4 weeks ago. I had a brief period of relief from the acid reflux (due to GERD) but now it is back. I am taking a PPI every PM and find I wake in the middle of the night with a burning bile sensation. I chew a few tums. Also during the day, I don’t have much of an appetite (yay) but I find that if I don’t eat every 3 hours or so, the burning returns and I can taste bile. Has anyone had this? I had really hoped this revision would be the end all for this issue and I was so optimistic but now I’m almost worse off than before the surgery…….
  25. RTL1234

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    @Chel1 How did your revision go?!

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