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  1. So I’m two weeks postop and I know that’s early but I went from 217 to currently being 189. I know everyone’s like you have to give it time “Be patient” but emotionally., i wish that results were more rapid. I’ve been at 189 for three days and I barely eat anything. I enjoyed tomato soup recently, but the creaminess of it, kind of upset my stomach so it just feels like protein shakes are the only thing that will help and sustain me. I guess I’m writing for some support and encouragement that in time I’ll see more changes. The 28 pound difference did make me happy and I want to continue to see changes, but I guess I’m just not being patient enough. Please share some support😔 here.
  2. Officially 2 weeks post op as of yesterday and i feel like i’m finally in a groove : i can serve food and know if it’s too much. I’ve mastered what my new normal portion is. I have also managed to make sure my water intake is ok (not great, around 1.5 litres per day should be a little more). I feel much better and have even had morning or afternoon snacks on the go which is great as i feel i’ll be able to manage once i go back to work next week. I’m not getting enough protein in daily yet because i can no longer stomach protein shakes, they feel heavy on my stomach and have made me throw up the last 2 times i’ve tried them. I have a couple more brands to try and hopefully one of them works. I tried protein water but honestly i can’t stomach it either (taste wise) - everything seems so sweet … I don’t have much room for vegetables and i’m craving some so badly. I’m going to try and incorporate some but i have to prioritise the little protein i’m getting in so it won’t be easy. One thing i’ve learnt this past week: some days i can eat more than others. It almost scared me one day but the next few days i ate so much less than i realised we just need more sometimes ! Weight wise i’m at 10.9 kgs (24 lbs) down which is great so far :) I know a stall is near as everyone mentions the 3 weel stall so i’m’trying to be reasonable and weigh in less ! My new goals for the week are to make sure i reincorporate vitamins and minerals that will help me fight any fatigue next week when i go back to work. And also, to up my protein intake ! Hope everyone is doing well :)
  3. Thanks for the response! Yeah I feel your frustration. When I last saw my doc I was a month into the stall and she said she wasn't worried about it at the time. It's another month or so before I have my next check-in. I was just going to tell them then, but maybe I will get in touch sooner.
  4. I met with the nutritionist and surgeon last week and have received a surgery date of December 27. It's about a month later than I thought it would be, but I'm trying to make the best of it and not be too disappointed. My doctor's office only does 2 days of liquids prior to surgery, so while it does mean I will be on liquids for Christmas, I will have Christmas Eve without any restrictions (which is our bigger celebration day anyway). And I still get the surgery done on this year's deductible, which will help a little financially. So until then I am just working on establishing an exercise routine and healthy eating, but I don't have an additional weight loss goal that I need to meet. I'm sure the time will fly, but it feels so far away when I had been crossing my fingers for mid-November.

  5. @BlueParisim hoping the stall ends soon. It makes it easier to see that everyone else hit a stall for a bit too. I bounce around between liquids and a few solids here and there and I just take it really slow. I’ve been doing better with liquids so overall not too bad here. Gave you tried the vitamin patches? They were on the list of vitamins my dr gave me before surgery. That’s what I take because I’ve always had an issue with iron making me really sick. Maybe try those?
  6. I would start now, and cut what you are already doing in half. Max of 500 calories and 20 carbs daily. Find protein supplements with 0g fat and carb. I know several of the powders are just 23g or so of protein and nothing else, and around 90 calories. Get in at least 5k steps a day. If three weeks of that doesn't knock off 3.5kg, I'm not sure what will.
  7. I'm still stalled and starting to get very very down about it. I'm scared I'm just going to be stuck at this weight forever. I'm so so upset.
  8. Andrea RN

    November 2023 buddies

    My surgery was 11/30, so I am about 8 weeks post op. I’ve lost 31 pounds and hit a stall. But dietician assured me to just stick with the plan and the weight loss will restart. Protein and Water goals are all I can think about lol
  9. Hey everyone! I'm 4 weeks out as of yesterday, and I've mostly been feeling great. However, I got my period 4 days ago. At first, my weight loss stopped. Then, it even went up 2 pounds. Is this...normal? I've been on track with my water and protein, been following dietary guidelines to a T, and I haven't been exceeding 500-600 calories a day. How on earth did I gain 2 pounds? Is it because of my period? Trying really hard not to panic. 😞
  10. catwoman7

    Raw vegetables?

    I'm nine years out so my memory is foggy, but I think they recommended we wait three or four months for those. Raw carrots still occasionally irritate my stomach.
  11. I just returned my first post-op vacay. I was gone for a week to two different areas. The first place was a wilderness area on the Atlantic ocean, and then I visited an historic city for a few days.

    On my most active day, I was able to hike 11 miles, and I accomplished my first solo backpacking trip. All of the other days, including the city, were 6-8 miles of walking.

    One issue that came up for me was my mobile phone. I have become reliant on it for tracking macros, calories, and water intake. However, in the wilderness area, I did not have access to mobile data nor wifi, and the app that I use for tracking will not work if it is offline. I am sure that I met my water goals, but I doubt that I was able to reach my protein goals.

    My second issue that came up with the mobile phone was, well, I broke it while in the city! So, in the span of 8 days, I was only able to track my intake for 1. It remains frustrating, as I haven't replaced my phone yet.

    I will need to get some kind of paper logbook/backup option for travelling in the future. I am going to search the forums and start a post to find out what others use as an alternative to electronic journalling. 

  12. SomeBigGuy

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I'm 3 months out from Gastric Sleeve surgery and have the same issue. I had constant hunger before and that never really left. The difference is now my stomach has a governor in place and will fight me if I give in. The 3rd week stall was discouraging but it passed and I lost 15 more pounds before hitting another stall now. I'm trying to change up my diet some and try some new foods, in case I'm deficient in some sort of nutrient and my body is craving it. I did eat some Korean food, sort of a low carb bibimbap type thing, and it seemed to get rid of my head-hunger and my stall broke when I was eating it more frequently, but that lasted about 3 weeks before returning. For some reason I'm really craving beef right now, but my iron levels are actually too high. I find myself constantly wanting to graze while working at my desk, I'm guessing more out of a stress relieving habit rather than true hunger, but it feels real. When I get that urge to graze after a meal, I'm making myself drink a 16oz bottle of water and chew some very flavorful gum to distract from it. It's not a cure, but instead of constant cravings, it seems to buy me 2-3 hours. Good luck, and congrats on your surgery and your progress! Definitely share with us if you find a way to curb the head-hunger feelings.
  13. I had one at two weeks post op, six weeks then at three months, one coming up at six months, nine months and then I'll have a one year and finally an 18 month. Then a required one time every year after that. Along with the yearly check ups I'll have a nutrient blood draw labs each year.
  14. ChunkCat

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    If you've been losing steadily up until now, you are probably due for a stall. I had one after 1 month of surgery that lasted 5 weeks. During those weeks I gained and lost the same 2-4 lbs. The gains really freaked me out! But as others have said, it is probably water weight, especially if nothing has changed in your routine. Our bodies need time to recalibrate from the rapid weight loss and yours has lost a LOT of weight in a short time, so this may be it rebalancing. That often involves changes in fluid levels, which reflect in the scale. Maybe skip weighing for a week or two to give it a chance to settle down? Caloric intake is very individualized and not all doctors agree that it is important... I don't track calories at all due to my malabsorption, I track macros. But each team has their own thing they like tracking. It seems like you have a good relationship with your team and they are generally happy with your progress. So I'd give it two weeks and if you continue to gain throughout that, then it might be worth a talk with them. My stall broke a week after I increased my steps. I don't know if that was coincidence or had something to do with it, usually the advice is to steady on during a stall as changing things up causes the body to sometimes take longer to adjust... Good luck!!
  15. I would definitely switch up the tomato soup. That can cause havoc on your stomach. 29 pounds in 2 weeks is awesome. That's about where I was. If you look at my signature, you can see I was someone that responded EXTREMELY well to the surgery. But even with that, I had to learn to manage my expectations. Stalls happen. They're real, they suck, they will continue. It's important not to obsess over the number on the scale and pay attention to NSVs (Non Scale Victories). How are your clothes and rings fitting? How is your mobility? Are you able to get off any meds? Can you fit in booths and chairs with arms better? How do you look? When stalls happen, stay off the scale for a while and pay attention to NSVs. In the beginning, you lose the most weight because of water weight, inflammation, and your body's general "OMG wtf just happened??!?!" response to the surgery. The rate of the loss WILL slow down. It's inevitable. That doesn't mean it won't be a success. It just means that you have to change your expectations and relearn the process for what it is, not what you saw on tv or read online that it would be. The higher your bmi and starting weight, the faster you initially lose weight. As your bmi and weight get lower, the weight loss slows down. That doesn't mean it'll stop, it just gets slower. Be very mindful of what you eat, how much, how often. Pay attention to actual hunger vs head hunger. Avoid slider foods. This is the stage where you work on your mindset and relationship with food. No cheating. No alcohol. No junk food. Stick to your diet religiously. Listen to your body.
  16. Arabesque

    Not Enough Calories

    I’m with @Spinoza. The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. I was barely eating 900 calories at 6 months (probably less as I didn’t have to track just randomly checked for my own interest). But I couldn’t eat anymore than I was at that time. My stalls were very brief but that’s just how my body reacted to the stress of the weight loss & my changing needs (digestive hormones, metabolism, etc.) How much weight have you lost? What do you currently weigh? What’s your goal weight? How tall are you? These details can be helpful for us to be able to share more specific experiences. For example, when we get closer to our final weight, our weight loss slows to almost nothing & sometimes it almost seems a stall.
  17. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Calories wise, you seem to be getting enough. My calories range from 1200-1500. Looking at what you eat, I think you're where you should be. If you have a nutritionist that you can talk with, I'm sure they could point out if there's any issues with what you're doing. I think the stall is just one of those things that we have to deal with, no matter how well we do the right things for success.
  18. Arabesque

    Down Time

    We all heal & recover differently & it is a pretty major surgery. Plus you’re on a restricted diet to begin, have restricted movement & how much weight you can carry, low in energy, & can get weary quickly. A friend was back at her job after a week - easy. Another took three weeks off & said she needed all of them. I did 4 weeks, returned part time but it wasn’t easy - weak, lots of drops of blood pressure, doughy headed. We all worked in offices. Best advice is negotiate with your employers in case you do need extra time. Or return with reduced hours. You won’t actually know until it happens. All the best with your surgery.
  19. jmorrisbp

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    (Oh, here’s Week Two’s Spreadsheet. I didn’t attach it.) Week Two, you’ll still be focusing on the THREE things: Water, Protein, and Movement. This week, don’t focus on using the soups and yogurts and such to get all your food. Think of the food items as practice for your stomach, not so much as getting ALL your nutritional needs. It won’t happen, you can’t meet your needs with soup, yogurt, and pudding! Haha! You’ll be relying heavily on your protein shakes here, still. Your surgeon will probably give you the green light for your multivitamin and calcium supplementation. One note, every new food I tried, I was a little scared, just because I didn’t know how my body would react and I didn’t want to hurt myself. As it turned out, everything I’ve tried has been perfectly fine and I haven’t had a single issue. Try new things ONE at a time and take it easy. Eat slowly. Put your food/spoon DOWN between bites. Buy some baby spoons (they have stainless steel ones on Amazon!). Only stick to the diet your surgeon gives you - NO DIVERTING! You’ll only shortchange yourself, whether anybody finds out, or not. And worse case scenario, something happens to you because of diverting.
  20. I am now about 8 months post surgery (and stalled for a couple of months). Here are my stats. Age 54; height 5’3. Starting weight 210; weight lost prior to surgery (on liver shrinking diet) - 20 lbs. weight loss first three months 25 lbs. weight 8 months out - 160.
  21. NickelChip


    First, a long stall between 3 to 6 months is totally normal and the type of thing doctors should tell us to expect. But weight loss surgery is a game changer. This is no longer about calorie restriction to force your body to shed some weight, and if you think about it logically, it's impossible that your body is carrying out all its bodily functions on less than 1000 calories per day. It's burning fat, and also shifting fluids which account for a lot of what the scale reports to you as weight. If someone who had not had surgery said I will only 800 calories, you would be concerned for their health. I say this as someone who is in a similar place mentally and emotionally as you are after stalling again for 9 days: you have to stop the dieting mentality. Calorie restriction got you nowhere before and it will do nothing but hinder you now. Stop counting calories, especially if your team does not require it. Stop weighing yourself. Focus on eating protein, veggies, fruit, beans, nuts, and seeds. Focus on avoiding artificial sweeteners, processed foods, and simple carbs. Focus on creating sustainable habits and getting the right balance of foods every time you eat. Weigh yourself in a week. Or a month. This isn't about the scale or what you lose from day to day. It's about getting healthy for the rest of your life. It'll happen but you need to step back and not drive yourself crazy over it.
  22. ccast49

    weight stall

    I am actually not in a stall anymore but i did find out i a bit anemic so I am need to work on getting more iron and folic acid in me. That would explain why i been feeling so tired and no energy. Thanks for asking. Also yes I have lost 45lb already since my surgery and its been 3 months so i think i am on track.
  23. So I had the sleeve three years ago and gained my weight back. I am pending revision and the dr did an endoscopy and found a hiatal hernia and some gerd. He then ordered a UGI and a gastric emptying study to get some more information to decide which surgery is most appropriate. I just finished the gastric emptying study and after only two hours the food was completely out of my stomach which may explain why I always feel hungry a couple hours after I eat. I am hoping maybe there is a treatment to slow down my stomach emptying and I won’t even need surgery or if I do it will be more successful this time. I see the dr in a week and I’m sure he will have an answer but I’m just curious if this is truly faster than normal and if anyone else has had this issue.
  24. Going into my second week post op liquids and I have become weary eating the same things that I've noticed my fluid intake has been going down. I'm charting everything and although I am still within limits of my fluid intake I've noticed it declining as the week goes on. I was on a pre-op diet for one week with the day before surgery all clear liquids. So in actuality I'm going into 3 weeks of fluids. I've had different flavors of protein shakes, some I make some are premade. I have my SF popsicles, different flavors, broths, and creamed soups. I now want none of the above except I can still deal with the popsicles. It's like if you eat a certain food for a long time just the thought of that food makes you nauseous. I am still getting the protein shakes in but I need to mix it up a bit and need creative ways to get through this next week. I also have caffein free teas and SF hot chocolate (not a coffee drinker). I have been using SF Orange Crush & SF 4C tea with lemon packs to flavor my water. My 2 week follow up is Tuesday Sept 12 I still don't have an appetite and it's not that I am wanting to eat off the liquid plan, it's just that if I never have another broth or cream soup for the rest of my life I'll be just fine! lol Any suggestions to get through this next week?
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sertraline since gastric sleeve

    Sounds like you're in a stall. As someone who has had MANY of them (and the last 2 were 4+ weeks long) I can tell you they're frustrating and can make you feel defeated. The best thing to do is watch your non scale victories, stick to your diet, change up your workout routine to "confuse" your body, and stay on course. The stall WILL break, but give yourself some grace and don't deviate from your plan. Weigh yourself once or twice a week instead of everyday. And you'll see that you'll get there.

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