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  1. Hi, I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am. Any advice or help would be appreciated.
  2. I wouldn't hesitate to look into a revision. You had such great success with your first WLS. I've read the weight will come off slower second time around, but it beats developing later in life co-morbidities. Many are going for the Ozempic shot nowadays in lieu of surgery, but recent studies show a lot of downsides to using it. I had a few people ask me why I didn't go that route with those shots available. It's the wave of the future they say. Maybe one day improvements will be made. I heard the other day they are working on a pill form. I hope for future generations they can perfect it and make it safe and available to all those who need it. Believe me.. I did my research before getting my RNY. But for now, no regrets. Good luck in your decision making.
  3. summerseeker

    Advice Needed: Reflux After Sleeve

    Hello and welcome in the forum. Yes its awful. I got this after the sleeve too. After 2 years I have found foods and drinks that trigger it for me. Wine, orange juice, spicy food etc. My issues are mainly in the night. I don't know if my symptoms are better than before or I just manage them more efficiently. I wish I had zero problems and could eat curries again You might already be doing these things but I will mention them just in case..... Use a wedge pillow under your normal pillow Sleepy on my left side is better than the right ? Don't eat 3 hours before bed and no fruit after 6pm I take Lansoprazole twice a day, religiously at 4pm, 2 hours before my evening meal and at Midnight, the time I go to bed. These times work ok for me. I have the liquid and tablet form of Gaviscon, yuck. I swig it in bed if I have it and have woken with a half sucked tablet stuck to the top of my mouth. Never heard of blowing air in a stomach ? Would it not just stretch a stomach ? I have read of one person on here who had the revision and still had issues. Lots have been cured
  4. Has anybody had surgery in Mexico bariatric Center in Tijuana Mexico? Could you share your experience? Thinking abt getting a revision DS there.
  5. Hi there!!! I have been summoned, I see lol Ok, so a little about what I've been through, and then I'll give any advice I can. I had the sleeve in May 2022. Initially, I was doing awesome. Lost a lot of weight, got off several meds, health issues corrected, it was awesome. Right up until it wasn't. Around 6 months post op, I started noticing some reflux issues (which I had never had before). It steadily got worse and I had to have a barium swallow (NASTY!!!) to see what was happening. I had severe GERD, gastritis, and esophagitis. I also had a narrowing esophagus. So I was put on Nexium (40mg once per day). The GERD steadily got worse and worse until I was put on 80mg of Nexium daily as well as Pepcid for break through (which I took daily). It still didn't completely help. I was on such a high amount of PPI for such a long time that I ended up developing an OBSCENE amount of polyps all through my stomach and duodenum. This year, I had 7 surgeries to remove all of the polyps, stretch my esophagus, and have a revision to a bypass. I also had to have the part of the stomach that's bypassed removed because that's where so many of the polyps were forming. When I had the sleeve, I had so much pain, trouble tolerating anything cold, trouble taking pills, trouble getting in enough water. It was completely miserable. With my revision to bypass, it was like the heavens opened up and the angels started singing to me. No pain meds at all beyond Tylenol. Up and around within 4 days. Was able to take pills from day 1. No GERD at all. No constipation like with the sleeve. Able to get my fluids in from day 1 (drank a 20 oz of water in the hospital within 2 hours of getting back to my room from recovery), no issues with temps of liquids. My only regret is that I didn't just get the bypass to begin with. Because of all the surgeries, my abdominal wall weakened and I developed a ventral hernia that was repaired 3 weeks ago. Still recovering from that one. I was freaked out at first at the thought of getting a bypass. It's why I opted for the sleeve to begin with. I was afraid of dumping, I was afraid of malabsorption, I was afraid of getting a stricture. Well, I only dump if I have too many carbs, so I just avoid them for the most part (I never even get to my allotted amount, I'm always way under). I haven't had any stricture, but if I do, it's a super easy fix (and after everything I've already been through, I'm not even a tiny bit worried). And malabsorption is only an issue with extended release meds (I don't take those now) and vitamins (take bariatric ones or double up on the regular ones). There was nothing to be worried about, but I let the chatter from those that weren't in my position freak me out and cause me to choose the sleeve instead of the bypass. My advice to you is to not listen to anyone else. You and your doctor know what's best for you. The revision will give you your life back. Being pain and complication free is worth its weight in...well...everything. When you look at everything you've been through up until this point, the recovery from the revision will be a walk in the park. It's better for your health (physically and mentally) and it will allow you to get back to your life. This surgery is supposed to afford us the chance to have the life and health we've always been meant to, and complications can really do a number on us. The revision will be a godsend to you, mark my words. I don't have a single regret.
  6. RTL1234

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Hey all! Hope everyone is doing well. I have my revision from a sleeve to a bypass yesterday. I’m hoping my severe GERD will be done now. This recovering even just one day post op is way worse than my sleeve was. He also fixed my hernia which had almost my whole stomach in my chest wall. I’m just super sore and ready to go home to recover!
  7. I am three years post op and I can drink while eating but I don’t recommend it. For one, I’m pretty confident my pouch was left bigger than most since I was always able to eat more than expected from day one. For two, I gained my weight back and this could have contributed. I am thinking I am doing a revision and the PA reminded me I should be doing all those things such as the 30:30:30 (30 before and after with no water and take at least 30 minutes to eat your meal). They haven’t checked it yet but if it is possible to stretch the sleeve in any way, I worry that I have stretched mine. Regardless, he explained that the purpose of not doing both even once you have room is because the liquid flushes the food through your system quicker so you don’t feel full as long. In terms of the size bites you can take they will gradually increase BUT, ideally you will still stay with “normal” sized bites but with time in between so that full signal can get to your brain. Hopefully others can Learn from my mistakes. Apparently they make these rules for a reason 😔
  8. Congrats on getting answers and having the problem fixed. I can tell you that I had SO SO many complications that led to a revision. Once there's answers, that's truly half the battle. I had 6 surgeries in 6 months to correct everything, but now I'm 3 1/2 months out from my revision and feel fantastic. I'm happy you're on the other side of everything now. Hopefully it'll be smooth sailing for you from here on out!!
  9. RTL1234

    November 2023 buddies

    I get that way too. I was like that after my sleeve, and now after my revision. I should be happy, I don’t have any GERD thus far but it’s like I’m just sad. I think this is almost just normal hormonal shifts. I feel down and out after every surgery I’ve ever had, as well as after my kids with postpartum depression. I wonder if it is just something that’s ingrained in me. Hoping you are getting back to yourself soon.
  10. RTL1234

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Good luck to those having surgery tomorrow and the next few days! I started my pre-op diet today, which I am not complaining about because you do get to eat some real food. Though all of it aggravates my GERD. Ugh I cannot wait for my revision. I hope it works and I wake up reflux free.
  11. Cyncha21

    Revision from Sleeve

    Congratulations! You got this!! Good luck on your 2nd Bariatric journey! I'm in the same boat. I had my sleeve to RNY revision with a hiatal hernia repair on 9/11/23.
  12. Cyncha21

    Revision from Sleeve

    Congratulations! You got this!! Good luck on your 2nd Bariatric journey! I'm in the same boat. I had my sleeve to RNY revision with a hiatal hernia repair on 9/11/23.
  13. Anyone having issues with irregular heartbeats since having gastric bypass? I have been having problems with AFIB when I went through dumping the first few months and now 1 year out since February I have been in constant PVC (Premature ventricular contraction). My cardiologist is baffled. Been through all kinds of tests and my heart is healthy and have no blockages BUT even with meds it’s not going away. I am constantly having PVC’s AND when I eat my heart gets worse! I flutters like CRAZY!!!! Feels like I horrible panic attack, sometimes feel like I am going to have a heart attack or something. I have been in hospital, being monitored and back in hospital for testing and been on heart monitors. In 1 week wearing a monitor they recorded over 38,000 PVC’S 😱 I am at a loss here and never had these issues until I was revised to gastric bypass. I went back to Bariatric surgeon and he put me on reactive hypoglycemia diet he said that cannot cause PVCs, but it can cause heart, palpitations, and being on that diet has not made any changes. I go back to the cardiologist again for the 11th time on Tuesday after wearing my third monitor and I don’t know what is going to be done at this point. It’s really freaky that after I eat whether it’s healthy or not so healthy my heart does a freaking jiggly jig dance!!!! I thought I’d come on here to see if this is a problem that anybody else has heard of or experienced ?
  14. Kjhacker

    New to the group!

    I had a band. Wish I never had. They are only temporary, have to be replaced in 10 years. Mine caused permanent stomach and liver damage. Ended up having to revise to RNY. Good luck.
  15. I am 7 weeks out of revision. Things are getting better each day. It took 5.5 weeks before the pain went away. Additionally, I have stalled and lost over these weeks. However, I am at my lowest weight in 8 years. No GERD and no current regrets. I am 53 years old. Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. I am currently three years post sleeve sitting ten pounds heavier than when I stared contemplating the SADI revision surgery. I am pretty hopeful and excited this time though. I am already eating better, exhaustively researching the procedure and the future diet. Finally I found a therapist that specializes in disordered eating near me who is taking new patients. It wouldn’t be possible without telehealth because she’s a couple hours away (something positive that came from COVID). Within 15 minutes tonight we discussed my mental health, medications, medical history, potential surgery, a change in the dietician and touched on some of my emotional eating concerns. She thinks she can help me and she asked me to think about it and talk it over with my current therapist and if we agree it’s a good idea she wants me to sign a release so that she and my therapist can work together. I feel so excited and hopeful that this is going to make all the difference this time. I am curious how long the process usually takes. I’m hoping I will have a pretty good idea of how much help I need and know whether I am ready to move forward by the time my surgery date rolls around.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve Revision to Bypass

    I had it done, and honestly, the recovery was SO SO SO much easier with the bypass than the sleeve for me. I had a ton of complications and the revision was the best thing possible. My only regret is that I wish I had just done the bypass to begin with. Losing weight with a revision goes A LOT slower, and you don't lose nearly as much as you do with the initial surgery. But you'll feel so much better and be able to get back to living your life.
  18. Wow that’s amazing progress! I’m so thankful you responded back to me! Sounds like you’re having a happy ending. Any advice on the revision? Anything you would change or prepare for? What would you tell yourself before the surgery?
  19. rootsbeforebranches

    Changing my mind between sleeve vs bypass

    While this is true, it's important to keep insurance in mind unless you're in a position to be able to afford the surgery out of pocket. Initially, I was going to do a staged DuoDenal Switch but after reviewing my insurance-- turns out they would not cover a revision. Both my surgeon and I agreed that it would be much better to go with Roux-en-Y if we had to choose between the VSG only or the RNY only.
  20. maygoddess

    Use of Mounjaro for weight regain

    I am just starting Zepbound tomorrow! Ihave had a long journey. I was lapbanded in 2002. I lost 130lbs. In 2014, after not seeing any doctors for 5 years, I went to a local bariatric surgeon just for a checkup. He found my esophagus had expanded. My band was too tight and I was packing my esophagus..didn't even know..no pain. Immediately unfilled and gained 30lbs in a month..eating NOTHING! LIke almost! I was refilled after about 3-4 months and then developed an infection..and to cut to the chase..band was removed in 2018 and revised to sleeve. By then I was up 50lbs. Since then I gained another 50lbs..so the sleeve did nothing. Between covid, bad eating habits and menopause, I cannot get this weight off..I tried keto..lost a few lbs..tried intermittent fasting..lost a few more..but my body just won't move the weight down..so broke down last week and saw my new primary doctor and she prescrived Zepbound..well orginally Wegovy but that is harder to find and Costco had Zepbound. I will start this Saturday.
  21. That is really good to know. My particular situation is I had a baby eariler this year and gained 80lbs from pregnany. I"m 6months post partum and still breastfeeding so that makes me super nervous but docs say I should get the revision.
  22. Tomo

    Just had The Talk with my doctor..

    I have had both sleeve and then a bypass revision. I had to get revised because of GERD due to the sleeve. If you've had any type of gerd in the past, go bypass instead and save yourself years of pain and suffering. Both are life changing as in you lose weight, and it stops you from binging, but other than that, once you are are completely healed, I don't really see it being any different than living as a thin person. You still have to watch your weight, watch the things that you eat for health purposes. Be aware that one can eat around the sleeve. You can't eat around the bypass though. I think the only thing that is different than life pre-surgeries is that I have to use a daily multivitamin patch (so I don't have to deal with a lot of pills). I added one chewable adek after I had the bypass. If I had to do it over again I would skip the sleeve. At the time, I was afraid of the bypass. I got severe gerd from the sleeve but please know that not everybody gets gerd from the sleeve. Now I realize that having a bypass was absolutely nothing for me to be afraid of. It's been a problem/side affect-free experience. It resolved all my problems I had with my sleeve.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023


    I never lost my hunger. Not with the sleeve and not with the revision to bypass. I just have more of a hard stop now that can't be ignored. My big thing has always been training my head. It's HARD, but very necessary. I always made sure I had 3 meals and 2 snack and a TON of fluids. And by a ton, I do mean A TON. My head told me I needed to eat, even when I knew I didn't. And that can manifest into physical hunger. I put myself on a schedule. Breakfast between this time and this time, snack here, lunch around this time, snack here, dinner between this time and this time. And then DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. Eventually my head and stomach learned when it's time to eat and when it's not. I only really run into trouble if I miss those times by a lot. THEN I'm in a minefield. Focus on protein as your #1 with food and snacks. That fills you up and keeps you full longer. Veggies are 2nd. Then carbs and HEALTHY fats. Sometimes at night, I'll have a sugar free popsicle if I really can't ignore the 3rd snack craving. I don't do it often, but the tropical ones are my favorite and they hit the spot. Make sure you're getting enough calories. Don't starve yourself, but also don't over eat. It's all about balance and training your brain. It takes a lot of time, patience, and effort. But I promise it's worth it.
  24. So frustrating. It's less than 4 months since your revision though - this could be a long stall as opposed to the end of your losses. I hope you start losing again soon. You've done so well, you're an inspiration.
  25. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Wow, you've been through a lot! I've never heard of a revision like that before, nor that they did further revisions once you had the rny! What you described is my major fear, to have the surgery then have it creep back on despite me following all the rules! Thank you for sharing, yes it is maddening..I have my 6 week next week, I plan on discussing it with them at that time!

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