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Found 1,238 results

  1. I love the month to month updates from everyone VST, so I thought I should post my 1st month update. Well, today October 1st marks my 1 month surgiversary! I am so excited to see that word typed out. In some ways, I can't believe 1 month has come and gone so quickly and in other ways, it has been going at a snails pace! I started my weight loss surgery journey at 257 lbs with a BMI of 45, but my highest recorded weight was 271 lbs with a BMI of 48. I can't believe at 21 years old I was morbidly obese. I feel like I have missed out on so much of my life being obese. I stopped going out with my friends. I did not feel attractive in front of my boyfriend, and I hated being in pictures. However, just starting the weight loss journey again has given me so much hope. I mean since May 2011, I have lost a total of 45.6 lbs and a total of 59.6 lbs since my highest recorded weight. And I kind of can't believe that I have lost 18 lbs of that has been post-op! 18 lbs in a month! That has never happened before. That means altogether since the start of my weight loss surgery journey..... I have lost 33% of my excess weight. I am a 1/3 of the way there! Right now, I am in the dread three week stall, but I know that if I keep pushing my fluids, Protein, and exercise the scale will move again. I am not going to get down about this, and I know I wouldn't have such a positive attitude about this if it wasn't for the great supportive people here at VST. Best so far: I feel just like normal. I just eat smaller portions of soft foods. I am getting all my fluids in, but my acid is really sucky. Lucky, my surgeon let me switch to omeprazole twice a day. It has really helped. Worst so far: The first couple weeks I had like no energy. I didn't want to do anything, but getting in more calories REALLY helped. Also, the stall, but the inevitably happen, so I am just going to roll with it. Can't wait to see where the next month takes me! P.S. When I take photos today, I hope I can add them to this post!
  2. Google "three week stall." My advice is to stick to your plan, meet your protein and water goals, walk as much as you can, and stay off of the scale for at least a month. Your body is trying desperately to heal, and weight loss isn't the top priority right now. Good luck!
  3. btw - I just did a search of this site for you on the three week stall. We're up to 17,501 posts on it. Like I said, it happens to the vast majority of us. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks - and you're likely to encounter more as you move along on your journey. my three-week stall was weeks 2 & 3. Didn't lose a pound. It broke during week 4 and I dropped like eight lbs within a couple of days. anyway, here are the posts about the three week stall: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  4. Bufflehead

    Very helpful advice needed!

    I practiced the behaviors I knew would be important after surgery. I got a myfitnesspal account and a digital kitchen scale and got in the habit of weighing or measuring my portions on myfitnesspal and logging everything. I stopped drinking with meals and for 30 minutes after. I gave up caloric and carbonated drinks. I started walking 20 minutes per day. And I read all the threads here and on other wls boards -- not just things that were of immediate concern to me, like what to take to the hospital or insurance approval, but I read all the post-op threads so I knew what to expect: things like the three week stall, gas pain from surgery that is only relieved by walking, stuff like that.
  5. vikingbeast

    Feeling awful 6 weeks post op!

    Okay. Deep breath. Exhale. 'Nother deep breath. Exhale. One more. Exhale. If you search these forums, you will find almost 20,000 posts on the infamous "three-week stall". That is exactly where you are, and sometimes it lasts a few weeks. Stay on your plan, stay OFF the friggin' scale except ONCE a week, and just be patient. The constipation is almost certainly part of the issue, though you're not eating enough to really be backing stuff up. But you can go and get an enema at any drugstore; sometimes it just "packs" and you have to break the pack. (Gross, sorry, I know, but facts.) You're also almost certainly not getting much if any fiber. It does get better. One thing you might want to try (though who knows if it'll work for you) is INCREASING your food a little bit. I know it sucks, but anything helps. Soup. Tomato soup. Cream soup. Whatever. Just increase calories to about 500-600, in concert with your nutritionist's guidance, and see if that moves things along.
  6. unsupersizeme

    Frustrated with the scale!

    Same thing happened to me. My clothes were getting loser but the scale wasn't moving. I was on a three week stall. This past Monday it started moving again. I lost 5 pounds that week
  7. They pumped 10-12 pounds of IV fluid in me while I was in the hospital. It took me more than a week to just get back to the weight that I was when I went in. I also had the three week stall and IVs 6 more times, so my early weight loss was a constant roller coaster ride! You'll be fine, don't stress it. Don't want to lose those fluids too fast or you'll end up like me; with a needle in your arm every other day
  8. I am five weeks post op. When I first had the surgery, I was somewhat worried about not feeling full, because I could drink liquids like it was nothing. Even on pureed foods I was able to eat a decent amount. Now that I am five weeks out, and on solids I can honestly say, I AM FEELING IT. My nerve endings must have finally healed because I can definitely tell a huge difference in three weeks post op, and now and how much I can consume. I tried to eat a meatball yesterday for dinner and I got halfway through when the fullness started. Today at lunch I didn't even make 2 ounces of tuna before I could feel it. This is wonderful! I also broke my three week stall :D
  9. ShoppGirl

    Water Consumption

    The three week stall others mentioned is very common. Just stick to your plan and the weight loss will pickup. I never had any problem drinking liquids either. I tried to slow down but if I drink without thinking about it I realize I can drink as much as i did pre surgery.
  10. Djmohr

    Lost to much weight?

    Also I would not count on stalls to slow you down. Following the three week stall that lasted 3 weeks, I have not had any real stalls to speak of and I am now 6.5 months along. Sometimes I get a week where I lose and gain the same pound a couple of times but then all of a sudden I will drop 5 lbs making up for that week where I went back and forth. If he is saying something to you I am guessing he is concerned about how fast you are losing for many reasons.
  11. Never had the three week stall. Mine started at 4.5 weeks. I'm sure this normal. My taste is very picky post op. But still am trying things out. Get in two Protein shakes and enough fluids a day. I go back to work in two days and know what food I will bring to get me through my long 12 hour days as a nurse. I don't think I'm getting enough protein. Any suggestions? Also what are the people who weren't active pre-op doing now? Please be honest about this question. I am finding it hard to get motivated. HW 202 SW197 Current weight 175. HELP
  12. Nicey2u

    Surgery 4/25/14 two months pictures

    OMG I had a three week stall!! It sucked!! Haha but I was just not losing weight... I think iit was like I was condensing! Hahaha no worries you will move the scale again! Give it time!
  13. Heyher

    So frustrating. Gaining? On week 3

    Search the forum for three week stall. There are half a dozen posts every single day about stalling after three weeks out.
  14. Hi! I'm 8 weeks out and had a three week stall during weeks 4,5,6. Stick with the rules. I upped my food intake and watched carbs and finally the scale moved and I've lost 6 more pounds in last 2 weeks for a total of 36. Sometimes your body just stops to take a breath.
  15. I had GB surgery Nov. 8. I dropped 26 pounds in the first three weeks. I hit the expected three week stall and didn't lose any weight for about two weeks then I suddenly dropped 6 pounds. I weigh myself once a month because I know it can be addictive. Well I haven't felt any difference in my body so curiosity got the best of me. Since Dec 18th, I weigh the SAME! I haven't lost any weight or inches since then and it's almost been a month. Does this sound right to you guys? I do about 600-700 calories a day, 60 oz of Water, 60-70 Protein, and I try to stay under 15 carbs a day. Please explain what I'm doing wrong . I read a few success stories if ppl that have lost at least 40 pounds two months out, and while I know we shouldn't compare cause everyone loses different, I can't help but feel disappointed in myself. I still haven't been approved for working out since I still have pain and pulling in my left side but I just don't think that's it...I welcome positive criticism so if you feel like I'm doing this wrong I'm all ears with a solution to my problem. TIA Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. gemigirl


    The three week stall is infamous! It sucks but you'll get through it. There are lots of good reasons why it's happening and none of them have to do with anything you're doing, so keep following your program, trust the process, etc. This article was immensely helpful to me.
  17. Heyher


    Search three week stall here. You will see its very common. Also on those posts people have listed what they tried and what worked to break the dreaded three week stall. Congrats on 30 lbs down!! Over a lb a day!!!
  18. catwoman7

    Ugh....a stall?

    nope. Do a search on this site for "three week stall". Almost everyone has it.
  19. catwoman7

    Week 3 stall & no eating much

    almost everyone experiences the dreaded "three week stall" (it's not ALWAYS the third week, but sometime within the first month or so after surgery). Don't increase your calories - just stick to your food plan. It *will* break.
  20. DangerMouse007

    How long does 3 so stall last?

    Well, my three week stall has now hit four weeks so I'm still waiting. I've been familiar with stalls when I lost weight in the past pre-op. Some have lasted 3 months. I'm not sure that this one will last that long, but I'm a patient man.
  21. blizair09

    Compulsive weighing

    @@Dashofpixiedust8 I weigh every morning, and I record my weight every Monday (a habit I started during my six-month pre-op diet). I am also data driven, and it would drive me more crazy to not know where I was than it does when my body acts all weird. I won't lie, the "three week stall" about broke me, but I finally broke free of that, and the past week or so, I have been in a bit of a free fall again. I know that won't last forever, and that the ebbs and flows will go on, but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts for now. I agree with @@theantichick, if it doesn't stress you out, weigh all you want!
  22. thegeek


    It's called the three-week stall, but it varies from person to person. I think I stalled from weeks 3-5, but I'm back to losing again. From what I hear you'll go through periods of time where you won't lose any weight, but it'll come back. Just stick with it, keep doing what you're supposed to be doing and the sleeve will take care of the rest!
  23. mnbsleeve

    NOT losing weight!

    Hang in there NewKat! Lots of us go through this. I have two to three weeks stalls regularly! Especially in the begining! But then there's a big drop. Sometimes they are little drops, several in a row. I've been stuck for four weeks as well. Recently I've been "stuck" right at onederland's door! :-) I know it's super frustrating but it seems from everything I've read here and what I have experienced myself that this is pretty normal and part of the process. Don't despair. I focus on my nutrition, fluids and exercise. Somehow the clothes keep getting bigger and I'm looking better. So as hard as it is, don't freak about the scale. I'm sure others here will post more. Hang in there!!!! Sending good thoughts your way!
  24. MichiganChic

    Slowing down

    Search the three week stall, and you will see that this is normal. When you see 20 pounds drop off in a matter of a couple of weeks, we quickly come to expect it will continue, but most likely it won't. Our bodies will only lost so fast. It took me a bit to adjust to this, and I've gone as long as 18 days and not lost a pound, and there are people here who have gone longer. However, we are all successful because we just keep doing what we need to do - follow the rules of your program. If you do that, it eventually comes off. As soon as I came to grips with the realization that the laws of weight loss have not changed with the surgery, I spend a lot less time stressing about something I can't change. I figure if I'm doing what I am supposed to be doing, there is nothing else I can do to impact the rate of weight loss. Good luck and hang in there, just focus on eating right and getting in some exercise.
  25. catwoman7

    Feeling frustrated at week 3

    it's the three week stall. Almost all of us have our first major stall sometime during the first 3-6 weeks after surgery, and it's usually the third week (hence, the name). If you do a search for three week stall on this site, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your plan and the weight loss will start up again. Stalls usually last 1-2 weeks, but occasionally longer. Stay off your scale if you need to and know that it'll eventually break.

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