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Found 1,237 results

  1. Eyemallrt

    One month out

    Search for " three week stall" , you"ll find some great information out there. It is NORMAL and is usually followed by a good loss. It just goes to show that it is not just as simple as calories in vs calories burned. Our bodies are complicated machines.
  2. So I'm starting to believe that the three week stall is real. My surgery date was 6/2 and my starting weight was 398. One week post op I was 370 now I'm 360 and I know it's great but I've been stuck at 360. And suggestions and also good work out suggestions?
  3. liannatx

    Two week stall?

    A stall is super common a few weeks after surgery. It is so common that it is referred to as the "Three Week Stall" , your stall just hit a little early. It can be frustrating, but if you keep getting in your Protein and fluids the loss will resume!
  4. VSGAnn2014

    Afraid I'm not gonna lose

    Google or search on Bariatric Pal for "three week stall." It happens to almost everyone. Not kidding.
  5. cutensingle

    Not Losing 3 weeks Post-op

    I hate the three week stall I think I'm in it. It should go week 1,2,4,5,6. Haha
  6. Berry78

    Discouraged. 3 weeks post op.

    You are in the "three week stall". Usually lasts for a week or two. Stalls will happen regularly. It's a normal part of the process, and doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong... and there is nothing that will fix it. When your body is ready, the scale will move again. The average weight loss for the first month is 15-25lbs. So you are already there! I lost 17lbs myself.. totally normal.
  7. I was sleeved on 12/28 and so far I'm down about 23 pounds. But I lost most of that in the first three weeks. For the last two weeks I've only lost about 2 pounds and its driving me crazy! I know about the three week stall and I hope that's all it is. I'm 5'9" and started out at 260, now at about 238, but the scale actually went UP a pound over the last few days which really kills me! Anyways, do these stalls break themselves? Do you have to exercise to break out of one? Do you have to go ultra low carb to break out of one? This stall is why I always failed at diets in the past - when they inevitably occur, it's just so demoralizing! This
  8. Nicey2u

    Surgery 4/25/14 two months pictures

    OMG I had a three week stall!! It sucked!! Haha but I was just not losing weight... I think iit was like I was condensing! Hahaha no worries you will move the scale again! Give it time!
  9. I had GB surgery Nov. 8. I dropped 26 pounds in the first three weeks. I hit the expected three week stall and didn't lose any weight for about two weeks then I suddenly dropped 6 pounds. I weigh myself once a month because I know it can be addictive. Well I haven't felt any difference in my body so curiosity got the best of me. Since Dec 18th, I weigh the SAME! I haven't lost any weight or inches since then and it's almost been a month. Does this sound right to you guys? I do about 600-700 calories a day, 60 oz of Water, 60-70 Protein, and I try to stay under 15 carbs a day. Please explain what I'm doing wrong . I read a few success stories if ppl that have lost at least 40 pounds two months out, and while I know we shouldn't compare cause everyone loses different, I can't help but feel disappointed in myself. I still haven't been approved for working out since I still have pain and pulling in my left side but I just don't think that's it...I welcome positive criticism so if you feel like I'm doing this wrong I'm all ears with a solution to my problem. TIA Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. thegeek


    It's called the three-week stall, but it varies from person to person. I think I stalled from weeks 3-5, but I'm back to losing again. From what I hear you'll go through periods of time where you won't lose any weight, but it'll come back. Just stick with it, keep doing what you're supposed to be doing and the sleeve will take care of the rest!
  11. Latrell

    6 weeks post Sleeve surgery

    Just wanted to give you guys an update. The weight loss has started up again. At the time I wrote this I was 308. I am now 294. I also drank some Smooth Move tea. The three week stall is real! For those going through it just be patient stick to your plan and don’t give up!
  12. Pennie

    What Am I Doing Wrong

    The scale can be so aggravating! Stalls happen, whether you've already had the sleeve surgery or not. I had a THREE WEEK stall just weeks after my sleeve surgery. It was so disheartening because I was eating 650 cals a day, following all the rules and the scale just wouldn't budge. You can try changing things up a bit - changing your exercise routine, increasing Protein even more, increasing Water... even adding another 100 calories to your daily intake may shake things up. BUT, I think it is far better advice to just keep following your diet plan "rules" and trust that the scale will eventually start moving. Anyone that thinks weight loss is as simple as a calories in/calories out formula has never been significantly overweight and dieted! There are SO many variables that can make an impact on the scale - water weight, hormones, muscles, stress, etc. If you stick to your plan, at least you know you are doing everything you can. It'll move. I promise! Hang in there. Your body might just be in a bit of a shock (or state of stress) due to the change to the liquid diet. As a result, you may have a lot of water weight. It'll pass... literally lol! You'll probably drop a couple of pounds overnight. (((HUGS))) I seriously think the pre-op diet is the hardest part of the journey. You are doing great! Good luck!!
  13. Countrygrrl

    3 weeks post op

    My three week stall is over!! I wanted to cry like a two year old I had lost 16 lbs and then bam was stuck. I thought I was the exception I was gonna be fat forever. I was weighing myself multiple times during the day. Heck my scale said gained two pounds. Well today I'm back to loosing. And I know it's over!!
  14. Djmohr

    Lost to much weight?

    Also I would not count on stalls to slow you down. Following the three week stall that lasted 3 weeks, I have not had any real stalls to speak of and I am now 6.5 months along. Sometimes I get a week where I lose and gain the same pound a couple of times but then all of a sudden I will drop 5 lbs making up for that week where I went back and forth. If he is saying something to you I am guessing he is concerned about how fast you are losing for many reasons.
  15. Taja

    Difficulty eating

    Thank you so much for your thoughts. It is reassuring to know that it happens to others, as well. I keep forgetting about the leftover swelling from the surgery; that's a good point. The three-week stall - yikes! I'll be glad when that part is behind me!!
  16. My HW before pre-op diet was 282. I'm now down to 199 in eight months. I'm pear-shape and carry my weight in my legs (I have a circulatory condition) and my butt, which I think is harder to lose than apple-shaped, stomach/bust weight, but even though I'm slower than some on this list, the losses have been steady and my eating is at a very sustainable pace. I don't feel that I'm dieting or that I'm deprived. With the help of Mr. Sleeve, I perceive myself as eating like a "normal" person - I eat, get full, and stop eating. Before surgery, I never got full unless it was Thanksgiving dinner! Unlike some others on this list, I don't have any forbidden foods. I eat out at restaurants often due to the nature of my work but choose lean Proteins and only eat half portions. I even eat dessert sometimes - eating one cookie can satisfy me now rather than 6 (or 12?) Cookies. The first two weeks are by far the hardest. The three week stall is hard too. But after that, I hope it is as smooth for you as it's been for me.
  17. catwoman7

    Ugh....a stall?

    nope. Do a search on this site for "three week stall". Almost everyone has it.
  18. VSGAnn2014

    How can I be a failure already?

    Oh, good grief. Google "three week stall." This happens to everyone somewhere around 2-4 weeks. Everyone! EVERYONE! Surely no one promised you you'd lose at a regular clip or that your scales would behave like a car's gasoline gauge. Because you won't and it won't. Your body is a lot more complicated than that. You're doing fine except for going all drama llama.
  19. unsupersizeme

    Frustrated with the scale!

    Same thing happened to me. My clothes were getting loser but the scale wasn't moving. I was on a three week stall. This past Monday it started moving again. I lost 5 pounds that week
  20. Google "three week stall" and stay off of the scale for the first month. Your body is desperately trying to heal, and weight loss comes second to that. Make meeting your protein and water goals your full-time job, and the weight will begin to slowly come off. Everything about this journey is a marathon, not a sprint.
  21. BarrySue

    Feeling down :(

    The three week stall is a right of passage, my friend. Welcome.
  22. key is totally right i had a three week stall. guess what i'm eating 2000 calories a daY!!!!!!! and i'm losing weight so that is soooooooooooooooo true. (oh course i lift weights and i exercise seven days a week. what? you thought i lost 130 pounds just from the sleeve it self??)
  23. I'm. Three weeks out today...scale isn't moving. Is it the dreaded three week stall? I'm struggling getting in the protein and water requirements. I'm walking thru the ligament pain...I am 1 pound away from losing that horrible 3 in my weight....it just....won't .....move!!! Any advice welcome!
  24. Three week stall is the norm. Search three week stall on here. There are tons of threads. A lot of them have tips on what people did to try and break their stalls. Also what worked and what didn't.
  25. I agree must be three week stall as I'm on week four have not lost in weight since week three. I think it is our bodies adjusting to changes from surgery. I sure hope that is all it is little bummed out since my daughter had surgery one week after me and is still loosing weight daily. Doctor visit tomorrow will see what I need to change or stick with current plan. good luck everyone.

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