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Found 3,904 results

  1. I have lost 91 pounds so far and I am 8 pounds from my goal of 135. I want to be there by my 1 year surgiversay so I am following my NUTs advice and keeping it very low carb for the next three weeks to try to make that goal. I also am in the Labor Day Challenge to try to lose it by then, if I dont sooner.. Hopefully sooner but you never know when a stall will rear its ugly head. I have been strength training and walking this past week and so I hope that pays off too. I am a solid size 6 now, some are a smidge tight but not uncomfortable enough not to wear. That was my Goal Size! I am thrilled to be there! Now on to 4's if that is possible! Woohooo! Come on August Allstars, check in!!!!
  2. alwaysvegas

    3 days post op

    Congratulations on the recovery! My recovery went very well also. Just be sure to still take it easy and allow your body time to recover. Just as a heads up...many of us experience a stall at three weeks. It's completely normal and weight loss will start again. Best of luck and welcome to the Losers' Bench!
  3. I was having the same dilemma and asked the same question. Do a search for three week stall and you'll find that it's perfectly normal. Your body is readjusting itself and in a little while you'll be losing weight again. Be strong
  4. It's common to stall about three weeks after surgery. Happened to me, too. It's only temporary. Hang in there!
  5. I had mine on jan 3rd. So far down 73 lbs. I have had my blood pressure meds reduced from 20 mg to 5 mg. I go to the gym three nights a week and do about an hour on the treadmill. Currently eating between 600-800 calories a day with between 70-100g of protein. I realized that making sure I get enough protein and drinking water all day has helped when the weight loss slows down or stalls.
  6. Miss Mac

    OK here it goes..

    Everyone's journey is so different, starting with your bariatric team's requirements, but some things stay the same......the Dreaded Week Three Stall, for one. My surgeon said he had never heard of it.....so guess what? It hit me right in the middle of week three. You have already found many nuggets of advice and fair warning here, so visit us often and let us know how you are doing. It won't be long before you can help someone following in your footsteps.
  7. suzbuni

    1+ Month

    Hang in there! I'm One Month out today too. I was discourged because I have stalled and been the back and forth with three pounds the last two weeks. I inched forward today and am down a total of 16 pounds since surgery- I lost 21 pounds in pre op diet, was hoping post op would be easier/quicker weight lost but its hard. I have no restriction and going on will power and walking only til I get my first fill Feb 8th. My sister reminded me that the beginning is hard and it will come off. Don't stress over it. She had got stuck at the same weight for a few weeks,she said it pissed her off, weeks with no lost - then droped 5 pounds the next week. 6 two weeks after that. No change in what she did, her body just took a while to catch up. She had surgery in sept. and is down 70 pounds now. I also know exactly how you feel with the added stress of returning nursing school term. I start back on the 30th. I still have another year to go with Nursing school. I am very proud and excited for you and me- to have been doing this and school is amazing. My uniform fits a little better then before. I am actually looking forward to being back in class and clinicals because I can control my food better. I have three small kids and this house is a dieters nightmare. So at least at school I can bring my protein shakes and I can do that can still go to clinicals. Sometimes is easier then eating other foods. I bought this battery operated smoothie maker on amazon for $6. I tried it out and it works. Has a little plastic whrilpool blade. Plus a bunch of ready made shakes for my locker at school. Try to relax! I know = like that is really an option. The stress of nursing school can be crazy I know- I have so much read and class hasn't even started yet, ( Mother/Baby and MedSurg this term) Plus stress also makes our blood sugar go up, -lead to retain more weight- lossing less. Plus school doesn't always have best options for dining, so just come prepared. Bring your on shake or greek yourt,soup in a cup sugar free jello, whatever yoiu need. Good luck with school. Hang in there you will do great!! Remember it is not a quick fix but a change for life and may take a little bit of time for our bodies to figure all this new stuff out. So relax and hopefully let weight slip away when it ready. Suzi
  8. Well my three week stall is now a gain Just a pound but that's annoying! I am still having bathroom issues though so that must be part of it. I've tried a little MIlk of Mag but what does everyone recommend for the constipation??? So far any soft foods I've had have went down ok but I really need to solve this potty issue!
  9. Thanks for all the posts! Makes a girl believe that this journey isn't for nothing. I am a little past three weeks out post op (surgery Jan 25) and I haven't seen a loss in over 10 days! I know that it is part of the 3 week stall, but still so upsetting. I am hitting my liquid and Protein intake everyday, as well as taking all my required Vitamins. I just wish that the scale would move just a little bit to show that what I am doing is so worth it.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    What am I doing wrong?

    What they said. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all stall periodically and most of us experience our first stall about three weeks after surgery. What are you doing wrong? I don't know. Are you: Following your program? Tracking your food? Getting in all of your Protein and at least 64 oz. of Fluid? Taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed? Exercising moderately? Weighing infrequently? If you are doing all of these things then you should be fine. If not, why not? Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  11. quilter

    Stall help

    My numbers are about the same as yours. I'm three weeks post-op today and I'm STALLED also. Hope this ends soon.
  12. yeah who knew that losing TOO MUCH would ever be a concern but I'm coming up on my three-month anniversary of gastric sleeve. Have had no problems really at all ... Started at 280 with the two week pre-op diet and weighed 218 this morning. Never really stalled at all and am starting to wonder what's going to happen when I reach my weight target (190). I eat four meals a day but only 200-300 calories per meal so averaging around a 1000 cal/day. I swim 2-3 times a week and do yoga 2-3 times a week and I make sure I hit my protein goals every day. And am never really hungry. In fact my afternoon meals often leave me feeling like I ate too much. When I reach my goal how will I add calories? 1000 cal/day is not sustainable forever ... is it?
  13. Search three week stall. Tons of people have gone through the same thing. Also losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time kind of shocks the body. It does need time to adjust. Are you measuring? While weight might slow or stall from time to time, you could be losing inches.
  14. Maxthecat

    Post Surgery weight loss

    It took a good week for all the extra fluids to wash out. Then I lost 16lbs the next week. Now I am at the dreaded three week stall.
  15. NLWC.Christa

    Stall...for how long?

    I had my first stall at three weeks and was quite discouraged. However, I could tell that my body was changing, so we took some measurments. I'd lost a total of 12 inches from my waist, hips, chest and arms. I highly recommend taking your measurements and tracking them along with your weight loss. It was a huge motivation for me to see that even though the scale was not moving as quickly as I wanted I was still losing. I still have periodic stalls, but if I up my Protein and Water, I start to lose again.
  16. catwoman7

    Post Surgery weight loss

    the three-week stall usually lasts a week or two, but I've known of a couple of people who had it last for 3.5 weeks. Mine lasted for two weeks and after it broke, I settled into a pattern like you described - a half pound to a pound a day. I lost at that rate for the first six or seven months, then it slowed down even more (actually, after the first month or two, it was more like a half pound a day, if that...). It adds up over time, though. I've lost a total of 236 lbs. Just stick to your program and be patient and the weight will come off..
  17. Great work. I have had the unfortunate pattern of lose for two to three weeks then stall for 8 to 10 days almost my entire post op experience. When I lose its a decent amount however. My body is reluctant to let go of... itself errr its extra luggage. We can do this.
  18. Hello all, Well today is my three month post op check up with my surgeon. I am down 62 pounds since my journey started in December 2017. My surgery was on May 16th, 2018 so since my surgery date I have lost 36 pounds. I did hit a bit of a stall for a week but I just tried to ignore it and keep on keepin on.
  19. What great perspective! I am still preop, but have made lifestyle and diet changes to really get myself in best position for surgery. But now I've been stalled for about three weeks and have been really frustrated. Your message reminded me that even though the scale sticks, I am feeling changes in my clothes and that it's a marathon, not a sprint. THANKS for that!
  20. I stalled at three weeks for five weeks but noticed the inches were melting away. One morning I woke up, jumped on the scale and was five pounds down. I lose inches and then I notice....VOILA there go the pounds. That has been the way it has been going for me so far.....
  21. TwoStepsBack


    Hey Guys, Hope everyone is well. I haven't been around for quite a while due to being really busy at work, and just generally getting back into routine and "normal life" after my op. Everything has been going great, hit a two-week stall but finally came out the other side this morning which is a relief. I am now down 30lb! Hooray! I have noticed one thing though, which is that I have been feeling nauseous a lot over the past week. Like actually urging at the slightest thing, especially in the morning when trying to take my tablets. I had no trouble whatsoever with feeling sick until now, and as I am almost 8 weeks out I would have thought it would have affected me before now if it was going to. Then tonight I realised that my period is three days late... Now I realise that a) it isnt' VERY late yet, and I am probably worrying for nothing, weight loss can affect your periods, c) I have been on the pill and therefore highly unlikely that I am pregnant. But I still can't help worrying. I wish it wasn't so late in the evening so I could go and buy a test to put my mind at rest. Nowhere sells them at this time of night here. My body has been through a lot over the last couple of months, so I wouldn't be surprised if my hormones are totally messed up. Hy head tells me that my period will start soon and I am being silly, there is nothing to worry about.... but my heart feels like it is going to go pop. I know that no-one can tell me the answer, but I just needed to type it out. Somehow it helps! Thanks for listening. Cross your fingers for me! xx
  22. Man it's hard not to! I've had a pretty hard time in the three weeks and I think my weightloss is pretty good. Literally 21 lbs in 21 days. Truly, I'm fine with that. But then you log in and see someone whose breezed through everything and lost 50 lbs in 6 weeks. (Halfway to goal which means she had 100 to lose just like me) I'm positive I won't lose 30 more lbs in the next three weeks since the dreaded stall is about to find me most likely, and even though inWAS just fine with my weightloss, now I'm dissapointed. Lol. I try not to read those threads but sometimes it just creeps up on ya. So. I'd love to hear from others whose weight isn't just falling off them.
  23. meggiep

    Sleeved May 31st and Feeling Great

    Hey Kara! Seems like I can't help but give you support everywhere ;-P You should also chck out a thread I started in Post Op (which is where you belong now!) comparing people who do pre-op diets and those who do not. I don't want you to be upset if you lose a bit slowly at first, or hit a semi stall sooner- For example, I lost 18 pounds on my two week pre-op, so then lost 12 my first two weeks after and NOTHING for a week starting at two weeks, rather than the oft mentioned three weeks. However, I started losing again this week- am close to 5 pounds lost this week. Just remember everyone is different and everyone is normal! I have great faith you will be a stellar sleeve girl because you faithfully follow the diets you elect to do. This diet will be different- because it is the last one, the one that will work like no other, and the one that leaves you with a tool to keep it off. Are you drinking your Protein drinks yet? xoxo
  24. anaarnaiz

    3 Week Stall

    I hit my 3rd week and the stall too it's been almost three weeks on exactly the same weight not loosing or gaining any pound, but they said sometimes is normal and is only the first one of many more to come! Good luck
  25. monfer


    I am the same exactly three weeks and stall it is frustrating as I am barely eating I guess my body is just fighting it to keep as it use to be deep breath and patience I guess

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