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Found 17,501 results

  1. Arabesque


    Why do you feel you can’t go to a restaurant? Do you worry there’ll be nothing you can eat i.e. not on your plan or may compromise your weight loss? Scope out menus on line & then suggest where you go to eat? (I still check out menus online before I go out & make my choice before I go & work out what I may need to ask the restaurant to change.) Choose an appetiser or share a main with a friend or family member. Most places offer soup which is always a pretty safe choice. Many places will allow you to make small changes to what you want to order. Make the best choices you can in the situation. You don’t have to eat everything on your plate & you don’t have to have dessert or choose fruit or cheese. Remember this isn’t something you’re doing every day. You have to be able to enjoy your life. At almost 3 weeks after my surgery I went to a casual back yard joint 60th birthday. Took my shake & sipped away. At around three months went to a canapés & cocktails 40th. Sipped a G&T for hours & nibbled on a cheese croquette & a tartlet. At 7 months went to a 21st at a formal restaurant & ordered a fish dish. It can be done. Happy birthday.
  2. catwoman7


    we started out at about the same weight on the day of surgery. I just checked, and I'd lost 63 lbs at the fie month mark, but then, I had RNY - weight loss is usually a bit faster with that than it is with VSG (although you usually end up at the same place in the end). Two lbs a week isn't unusual once you get out that far. Honestly, I still drink a protein shake every day because I'm supposed to average 100 grams of protein a day (we discovered early on that I malabsorb it - so the usual 60-80 grams/day wasn't doing it for me). I could probably get that high from food alone, but I don't like to obsess all day about whether or not I'm going to meet my protein goal. I know I WILL meet it if I have a protein shake for my mid-morning snack. I know some dietitians and surgeons don't like people to stay on protein shakes for long, but I know a few people who hate eating breakfast whose dietitians told them to just have a protein shake for breakfast, then (so they're OK with it in some situations) - but opinions seem to vary among dietitians.
  3. So at this point, I am confused to say the least. Started the bariatric Program: 336lbs Day of surgery: 326 CW:279 2 weeks shy of 5 months post Vsg GW 220-230 In the morning I can not eat food without first, drinking, something hot it’s the only time I really feel restricted. I am two weeks away from being five months out. Noticed I’m will only lose about 1-2 pounds a week but I fluctuate the same 1-2 pounds. I can’t get my protein from real food after eating 3oz of chicken at noon. I can’t eat real food for the rest of the day. Water intake is not a problem. But I have been at a stall for a month!! dietitian does not want me to rely on protein shakes, but that’s the only way to meet my protein goal. Any advice???
  4. Bypass2Freedom


    Heya! My surgery is next week, but my birthday is about 3 and a bit weeks after that, so I have been asking myself the same question! My plan is to make everything as non-centered around food as possible. I am hoping to go to an animal experience so I can pet some capybaras, and then just see my family and watch some movies or something! Don't get me wrong, it feels weird that this will be the first birthday in like 28 years where I haven't had cake, but at least I should be feeling happier for the first time in many years! Where I have lost something, I will also gain! Happy belated birthday ❤️
  5. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Heya! I started my pre-op diet a week ago and it was so hard in the beginning, but I promise you it does get so much easier after the first 2-3 days. You got this!
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis We're going back and forth here in Massachusetts, with one day beautiful and sunny, followed by 3 days of rain. It's the time of year when you need to have every single type of clothing in your closet and you might wear them all on one day. But I'm so happy to get outside for walks any day when it isn't actively raining. @Briss72 I hope your leg infection clears up soon. That sounds so painful. It's funny, between last night and tonight cooking dinner, I already have enough little containers for the rest of the week for myself. I guess the next few nights I can make the stuff my kids like that I can't really eat since I'm all set. I have to say, the frozen squash "noodles" with marinara and turkey meatball (yes, just managed one) was so good tonight that I don't know why I ever ate it with spaghetti before.
  7. S!NNER

    April Operation Buddies

    I am hesitant to say that I have a weight target, because I really want more than that. I want to be able to run and move and wear the clothes I want to wear. I want to have a low resting heart rate. I want to be able to play sports with my son. There's so much more than a number on a scale. I have probably spent 15,000 hours at the gym. I have a lot of skeletal muscle, but it's not really visible. I always felt too humble to want big muscles, but why? I've done the work. Why shouldn't I enjoy and take pride in it? I have been walking. Not a lot, between 6 and 10 thousand steps a day. I have some chronic shoulder injuries, but I can't wait to get back to lifting. I love lifting weights. I am thinking another two weeks off. In the meantime, I want to get back to stationary bike and a lot of stretching!
  8. Arabesque

    Eating too much I feel like

    @SaraSara4 Lots of nerves were cut during the surgery so messages about feeling full, having had enough, eaten/drunk too much, etc. either don’t get through or don’t get through in the same way. So the listen to your body advice doesn’t really work fully yet. Plus liquids go through your digestive system much more quickly so you won’t ‘feel full’. It’s why it’s important to stick to the recommendations regarding portion size, sipping your fluids slowly & eating slowly too. Tread slowly & carefully. I used to dilute my cup of shake or soup to around 1.5 cups or more & literally took about 2 hours to sip my through it. They count as fluids so all good. It takes around 6-8 weeks to recover & for the nerves to be back working properly & even then the messages could be different than what they were.
  9. Anyone having issues with irregular heartbeats since having gastric bypass? I have been having problems with AFIB when I went through dumping the first few months and now 1 year out since February I have been in constant PVC (Premature ventricular contraction). My cardiologist is baffled. Been through all kinds of tests and my heart is healthy and have no blockages BUT even with meds it’s not going away. I am constantly having PVC’s AND when I eat my heart gets worse! I flutters like CRAZY!!!! Feels like I horrible panic attack, sometimes feel like I am going to have a heart attack or something. I have been in hospital, being monitored and back in hospital for testing and been on heart monitors. In 1 week wearing a monitor they recorded over 38,000 PVC’S 😱 I am at a loss here and never had these issues until I was revised to gastric bypass. I went back to Bariatric surgeon and he put me on reactive hypoglycemia diet he said that cannot cause PVCs, but it can cause heart, palpitations, and being on that diet has not made any changes. I go back to the cardiologist again for the 11th time on Tuesday after wearing my third monitor and I don’t know what is going to be done at this point. It’s really freaky that after I eat whether it’s healthy or not so healthy my heart does a freaking jiggly jig dance!!!! I thought I’d come on here to see if this is a problem that anybody else has heard of or experienced ?
  10. Are you sure it’s the same one? On their site it’s $39.99 for Three month supply and cheaper if you sign up for autoship.
  11. Wow your life is so full on, and here i am struggling to go to work each day haha. I've got my 3 months post surgery coming up and i really hope my surgeon will be happy with my progress. Starting weight was 118.6kg way back in Oct on day of surgery was 111.9 kg and now sitting at 96.1 kg I've got to keep reminding myself that I've kept off 20kg since starting and that's a huge achievement for me but still want my surgeon to be happy. I've got a leg infection again at the moment so it has slowed down my walking routine (which annoys me) back to the doc this morning before work - i Just finished 2nd round of antibiotics - the pain feels like I've walked into a tow bar at shin level but constantly oh and i kind of high jump into bed because i can't put any weight on the knee. I suppose i should be grateful I've got a great gp that has already sent me scans to rule out blood clots. Other than that working on making better choices on protein my next dietician appointment is at the end of May and she says we will talk about Macros so I'm looking forward to that. My hubby went to see my surgeon as he is 233kg and surgeon wants him to get down to 180kg before surgery. Has advised him to go on weight loss medication (our GP gave him a scrip for Ozempic to begin with which is 1 needle a week) and he is off to see my dietician mid June so I'm happy with that. The dietician associated with his other surgeon told him just to eat veggies and 1 meal a day of 300 calories, even i had a protein allowance in my pre diet. I went for a short walk/hobble at a Lake near our work yesterday and i must of brushed under a tree with ants on it. Got back to work and stripped off clothes picking ants out of everywhere spent next few hours whilst driving bus, picking another Ant out under my clothing the little buggers. Fortunately no bites but i literally had ants in my pants. I'm on my 4th food tracking app this one i seem to like so hopefully I'll stay with it haha Anyway have a great day everyone.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Needing some encouragement

    I lost 33 pounds in my first 6 weeks, not in my first month. I also started a good 100 pounds heavier than you. The bigger you are, the faster you initially lose. I will say that you should go check out the NSV thread here (Non Scale Victories). Even if the scale isn't doing what you want, it doesn't mean things aren't happening. Clothes fit differently, rings are looser, you fit into seats with arms better, you're not smooshed when you sit in a booth, you can do more walking and working out without as much difficulty, etc.... Don't weight yourself everyday. Try picking a specific day each week and do it then. Make sure you're prioritizing protein first, then veggies, then carbs and healthy fats. Move everyday. Can be a workout, can be walking, could be swimming or biking. Just make sure you're moving your body. Try to stay away from sugar and salt as much as possible. Get at least 64oz of fluids daily, if not more. The first 6 months is when you lose the most, so do everything you can to help that along.
  13. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Heya! I completely get the nerves - I am definitely feeling it too! It is only natural to feel that way, it is a big step we are taking I started my pre-op diet on the 30th May, so I am almost a week in. The first 2-3 days were really hard, I won't like. Cravings were biting my ass, and the pressure headaches were unreal. That being said, it does pass, and then it is pretty manageable. I don't feel like I am struggling as much at the moment! You got this!
  14. NickelChip

    Day 5 of pre-op diet and...

    Oh my gosh, you're almost there! Just over a week to go! Are you allowed tomato or butternut squash soup? I found these blended with unflavored protein were so much better than the powdered "soups."
  15. learn2cook

    Needing some encouragement

    You are doing great! PCOS or menopause or something did slow things down for me, but the surgery does work. 2+ years out and I’m still tinkering with how carbs and preservatives trigger inflammation in me. I still track when inflammation strikes and you will find your ebbs and flows too. I don’t know if you tried WW or any other plan? I remember the normal loss of 1/2lb a week. Just keep thinking of how this loss compares. WLS does work. Body measurements helped me through the many stalls, speaking of which, you’re probably heading into or out of your “3 week stall.” It’s temporary, you will get to where you hope to go. Here’s to good health!
  16. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @NickelChip I agree! You look great. WTG! And my weight loss graph looks very similar to yours over the last month also except I stalled a little earlier than your recent one and am now back losing again after a little more than 2 weeks. Just keep on keeping on, you’ll get over the hump. 😉
  17. pamela

    Day 5 of pre-op diet and...

    My skin broke out right after my surgery! Omg. I am on week six postop and it is cleared up, but wow, it did not like the change.
  18. NickelChip

    Needing some encouragement

    I totally get it. My brother had surgery about 15 years ago and his first few months were dramatic. He was losing so much weight daily, and went on to get from 310lbs to 150lbs in the first year or so (he's since regained to about 230lbs). But when I am tempted to compare myself to him negatively, I have to remember he was a guy (they lose 20% more on average) and in his early 30s at the time. I'm female and 50! Plus, his starting BMI was 6 points higher than mine. All that can make a difference. And even with friends who may seem a lot more like you (similar size and age), there are things you can't see like how much inflammation or water weight a person had, or how much muscle. But yeah, it's hard. Especially as most of us had tried and failed so many times, having a few good months and then coming to a halt and regaining everything plus some, time and time again. When you are a slower loser, it messes with your mind and plays up your fears. But I definitely second the idea of measurements. In the past 3 weeks, I have barely budged on the scale, losing only about 3 pounds and doing a lot of bouncing up and down. But I took my measurements and I've lost almost an inch in my bust, over an inch in my waist, and an inch and a half in my hips. At the start of April, I was wearing a size 20w in jeans (albeit roomy, but they stayed up). Yesterday, I had on a 16w and they were comfortable, not even skin tight! I haven't worn a 16 in years! So if the scale is messing with you, see if you have a piece of clothing from your skinnier days that you could try on. You might be amazed.
  19. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thanks, @RonHall908! I should probably say, the 48lbs lost stretches back to last summer when I was at my highest ever weight and started incorporating the Pound of Cure guidelines into my daily routine. I lost 13lbs just with that over about 6 months, and then I lost about 13lbs more during the 2-week pre-op diet. So 26 of it was pre-op and 22 is post-op. Which kind of feels weird. I thought the surgery would ramp things up, but it feels like it slowed things down! I know there's a lot more going on metabolism-wise that will make it easier in the long run to lose more and keep the weight off, but it still can do your head in sometimes trying to balance expectations and reality. This is also the weight where I plateaued during my last serious weight loss attempt, right around losing 20% of my starting body weight. I know that research shows that most people can lose 5-10% of their body weight, but once you get to the 15 to 20% mark your body usually rebels. I assume that may be what's happening here as everything has to readjust, and the surgery changes will eventually make it possible to push past that plateau where I couldn't do it before. Fingers crossed!
  20. K Ramirez

    Needing some encouragement

    I have thought of taking measurements instead. Something I was going to talk to my nutritionist this coming week. Thank you 😊 I do appreciate your comment
  21. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    You look Great! A few weeks from 90 days out and your halfway there. That's a great accomplishment. Congrats! I think I figured out my stall phases. I'll stall for 2 or 3 weeks, then lose a few pounds. Stall again... rinse and repeat. That seems to be how my body is reacting. The Doctor in the online support group I attend, said our body believes it may be heading to starvation. Because of the mal-absorption of having Gastric bypass. So it has to adjust, I think these stalls are the adjustments. At least that seems to be the phases my body is going through. Again you look great!
  22. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I swear, if this stall doesn't break soon... I did some research and found that indeed, 3 months is a common time for a stall to hit. It's just frustrating to see that nice downward trend come to a halt, especially when the "experts" tell you the first 3 months are the fastest weight loss. It really is a marathon, isn't it? Here's what my weight has been doing the past 30 days:
  23. NickelChip

    Needing some encouragement

    I am also a slow loser and was diagnosed with PCOS in my 20s. I'm also 50, so perimenopause probably comes into play, too. While I've lost 48 lbs in the past 9 months, only 22 of that is post-surgery (almost 3 months). It's frustrating for sure. First, though, 13 lbs in a month is great, even if you hoped for more. And it really shows in your photos. Second, your body retains fluid for several weeks after surgery, so it's hard to say what's really going on. But most importantly, this is a journey that will take 12-18 months. You're only 1 month in. And while your doctor can talk about trajectories and averages, each person is unique. Each body does what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Try not to focus on the scale (hard, I know). Focus on your health, developing good lifelong habits, and nonscale victories like loose clothing, getting off a medication, or improved lab results. Just because you started off slow doesn't mean you won't make it to a place that makes you happy.
  24. Today marks 1 month since my surgery. Little back history for me, my start weight in March during diet for surgery: 280#. My surgery day: 269#. Today, I'm at 256#. I started and am currently still at at class 3 obesity. Posting before and after pictures. I read and hear so many positive stories on how others lost 30+ pounds their first month. I should be happy with the fact I am losing weight but super slowly. I'm considered a "slow loser" apparently. I'm down 13 pounds in 1 month. I go 5-6 days plateaued same weight before I drop another pound. It's quite annoying. I've been drinking/drinking protein shakes, yogurt, cottage cheese and when I'm not working, I drink between 64-96 oz of water. When I'm working (I work as a warehouse worker and does get to heavy lifting at times), I can hardly down 16 oz of water. When I work, I get excited thinking, "I'm burning so many calories, I'm bound to finally lose that pound!" Just to be disappointed. I weigh daily, I have a separate nutritionist outside of the place I got my surgery as the nutritionist there hasn't helped much, doesn't respond or pay much attention when I try talking to them. So, I found a different one. I tried not weighing in each day, went a week, only to still be disappointed with the same weight. I do occasionally lick unhealthy items or chew and spit out just to get some flavor again. It's not often. Something different about me is I have a lot of muscle naturally. I also have PCOS. I've read PCOS can stall weight loss. I do for sure see changes in my stomach, not so much in my face or my arms...but why can't I be happy about this? Is this like a depression thing others have gone through? I'd love some others opinions, stories, how you're feeling right now.
  25. summerseeker

    4 months post-op

    Yes exactly this. This is so very tiring. Your brain is going a mile a minute and must be burning so many calories. I get B12 shots every 3 months at my doctors. If you have bariatric surgery here it seems to be the norm. These are like liquid energy and I don't need to check my calendar when they are due for renewal. The last two weeks are hell, I drag myself around. I had similar issues to you in my first year. I really struggled to eat and my calories were so low. I tired easily too. My team and I decided that it would be best for me to eat tiny meals, 6 times a day. My menu would be, meal 1, protein yogurt 2, homemade lentil and veg soup 3, scrambled egg 4, Fish in a sauce 5, Some jerky or cheese 6, a latte or some watermelon. This, in my mind gave me everything, I nutritionally needed but my calories were about 500 a day. I started to do full fat everything and upped my calories to 800 slowly. You will feel regret, its a lot to deal with. Every week gets easier. Once you master drinking enough you will leap forward.

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