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  1. I found I was allergic to derma bond after having skin removal surgery. Yea - the itchiness is awful. They put me on prednisone for ten days, and it cleared it up. weight loss is always slower after a revision than it is after a "virgin" surgery. Five lbs is great, though. And actually a 20 lb loss the first week would be very unusual, even with a virgin surgery. Maybe for folks on "My 600 lb Life", but not a for an average WLS patient. I lost 16 lbs the whole first MONTH. emotions can be wild the first few weeks after surgery - and so can regrets. This will pass - just hang in there!
  2. I am contemplating a revision surgery from sleeve to SADI. I am in the research process now. I asked my doctor what I could do to get started and he said to keep my carbs below 40 for now. Well I have questions what about net carbs? I am looking at a package of wraps and it’s only four net carbs but it’s 32 g of total carbs. I understand that it has a lot of fiber, and that you subtract the fiber from the carbs to get net carbs, but does the post surgical body care that you’re getting the fiber as well. in other words, if my post surgical plan was 40 carbs a day could I have this tortilla and would it count for 4 g of carbs or 32 g of carbs towards my goal?? also, I think I read somewhere that too much fiber may cause an issue post surgery as well- will 28 g of fiber be too much??
  3. I'm actually scheduled for an exploratory peek into my pouch on June 6th so it should be interesting. If they don't find anything there, the bariatric surgeon said the traditional upper and lower GI do not go through every part of either our intestines or the bowel, cannot remember, but that he knew of 2 doctors in this area that had an 'extra long scope'. Gah, I don't want that to be the NEXT thing we try considering I just went through the yucky 'prep' for a traditional upper and lower GI last month...lol. I would think my 'new' GI doctor should have come up with some of this stuff and not just punted me to the bariatric surgeon and told that I may need a 'revision' as it sounded to him like 'dumping'. It has never felt like the dumping we experience after a bypass/sleeve. It has felt different from it this whole time. This GI doctor has decent reviews so maybe I will just follow up with him after exhausting the 'could it be related to my bypass' route he has sent me on and see if he has any other ideas of what it could be. At this point, I'm getting kind of tired. My primary who is usually really good to work with told me 'you may just have to deal with ongoing, chronic pain'. He and I will talk about that 'not helpful at all' statement.
  4. Congrats!! I'm so happy for you! how has your journey been with revision?
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    So so angry!!!!!

    So as you all know, I had my revision from sleeve to bypass on June 28th because of severe gerd, esophagitis, gastritis, and a ton of pre-cancerous polyps all through my stomach. I was put on 80mg of Nexium daily and still had a lot of pain and break through gerd issues. After the revision, the PPI was lowered to 40mg daily for 2 weeks and then on weeks 3 and 4, go to 40mg every other day and then completely stop at the beginning of week 5. Well here I am, doing the evry other day, and I had horrible gerd today!!! My throat was burning, my esophagus felt like I had acid in it, and I was MISERABLE. I had to take a Nexium (today was a day not to take it) and follow it up an hour later with a Pepcid before it went away. WTH????? I never ever had heartburn or gerd before the sleeve. Got the revision because it was supposed to fix it, and here I am, still dealing with it!!!!!!! I'm so over this. I'm not eating anything bad, following my diet to the letter, and I can't catch a break.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I am three years post sleeve contemplating revision surgery and I am trying not to do food funerals this time. I still don’t have a surgery date though so let’s see how I feel as I count down the days. . I am thinking I am going to have the SADI so I really May have stuff I can never tolerate Again. Now I’m thinking…maybe just one last meal, lol. But if you are like me and carbs make you crave carbs maybe stop these a few days before your scheduled to start the pre op. Otherwise the preop will seen that much harder. Just FYI also, With the sleeve I was able to tolerate anything post surgery and I’ve heard the same from a lot of people who have had bypass (although they can sometimes only have very small amounts of certain things).
  7. GreenTealael

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    The revision was for GERD. At one week post op I may have still been on a PPI but it was pretty clear further out that the GERD was gone. I agree with your doctor to keep calm (but don’t hesitate to reach out to them) Try to allow yourself a bit of grace to fully heal. One week post surgery is very early so there’s likely a lot of inflammation. My advice would be keep your team in the loop about any changes, sleep propped up, don’t eat or drink anything besides clear fluids near bedtime, and avoid anything that previously caused your GERD to be worse. I know it’s boring advice but I hope it helps. ❤️
  8. I’m 21 days post op and have lost 16-18 lbs (depends on the day) but I’ve been kinda hanging at that weight for about 5 days. My doc said they was normal but I’m wondering as this is a revision if I’ll keep losing or is that it? I’m down 36-38 lbs from before I started the 2 week pre-op Optifast diet. Never intended this for more weight loss just to stop the GERD but now that I’ve had some I want more. I’m at about 750 calories a day now on the purée phase. Just short walks around the neighborhood. I get pretty tired during the day and nap at least once a day. Water and protein are on target. Thanks for any insight?
  9. Shanna NYC


    Congrats on your revision. I do agree that most big celebrations are centered around a dinner, drinks and dessert historically. I don't personally have too much issue with still involving food as I either split a meal or just take home leftovers for a meal or two. (my boyfriend is a fan of my small capacity as he just gets to eat more), but I understand separating that out at this time. I would say, depending on where you are/what you are into, there should be events/activities that don't center around food. Pottery or a painting class. An art show. Museums. The zoo or aquarium. A movie (and bring your own snack). Amusement park or local fair. An escape room (those are fun). A walking tour of some kind. I'm in NYC so there are so many varieties of things to do especially now that the weather is getting warmer. I also just like to have friends over and have a game night - board games or Jackbox game on the tv. Food may be optional, just not the focus and if it's at home you can control the healthy options you need to have on hand. What type of activities are you into? Hope this gives some spark of inspiration and happy early birthday.
  10. This sounds miserable. I haven't had bypass so I can't comment on that, but I did just have a hiatal hernia repair due to food getting caught in my esophagus and causing choking and chest pain. Best they can tell it was probably a sliding hernia, so sometimes most food could pass but pills would get stuck, and other days nothing could pass but water at a trickle. It was a really scary feeling and I'm thankful they got me in so quickly! You say you have this pain, but are you having any of the other symptoms of dumping like diarrhea, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, etc...? I would consult the revision specialist to see if they have run into something like this before. Right sided pain is so non-specific. I have a ovary that hides and when I ovulate on that side it hurt like HELL. I think it was pinned by my bladder and uterus, because after my hysterectomy the pain is much better (they left my ovaries). But that would only be for a few days every few months. Not as frequent as your pain sounds. I hope you find some answers. I'm sorry you are in such pain!
  11. My surgeon recommended starting with the sleeve, and then at a later date it can be revised (if needed). If you start bypass then the sleeve would do no good.
  12. ShoppGirl


    If you feel like therapy can help you consider finding one that takes your insurance or even payment plans. I didn’t do it the first time around because I couldn’t find anyone taking new patients and I gained my weight back. Now I am facing revision and working on starting with one that is private pay but I asked if she can give a lot of homework so I hopefully won’t need as many sessions. You don’t necessarily have to do like every week I don’t think. I haven’t met with her yet but I’m hoping I can do like once or twice a month to start and do my homework in between. I have a regular therapist and she wants to speak with her so my hopes are she will basically tell my regular therapist how to help me and I won’t need her too long. I will be posting about how it goes I’m sure. Lol
  13. swimbikerun

    When did everyone start ?

    I had 6 weeks, and no I didn't. I had a hernia repair on top of a revision due to medical problems, so no. Just sit and recoup. You don't know what else is going on with the body and it does need to adjust.
  14. Thank you all for sharing your photos, they are so beautiful and motivational. I normally hate the idea of sharing photos of myself online, but in the spirit of sharing and support here goes. The last photo was taken last night.... I'm 4.5 months post, 25lbs to go before goal (thinking about revising my goal.)
  15. Jinyinjin

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I had a revision from the sleeve to the traditional duodenal switch on October 4. The scale isn’t moving a lot but I’m losing inches. Good luck to everyone!
  16. I have a feeding tube currently. I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  17. The pressure in our little sleeved tummies is different than the pressure in a regular tummy from the things I've read. This can cause reflux to happen. Plus the acid our stomach produce when larger is the same amount produced when smaller, so basically we have more acid than we need. There are better PPIs than Prilosec, have you tried Protonix or Dexilant? I have had much better luck with these. RNY revision for reflux is a good option for a permanent solution. They'll probably do imaging to prove you have reflux (an upper GI series) and an endoscopy to check out the status of your stomach and esophagus. Insurance usually requires these before considering approval of a revision. I wish you much luck in finding a solution!!
  18. Arabesque

    Band revision?

    I’d ask simply him why. Why he’s removing it & why he wants to do two separate surgeries. Lap bands have dramatically decreased in popularity over the last years & not many surgeons do them any more. Failure, side effects, effectiveness, etc. seem to be the reasons. Some studies say the life span of a lap band is only 7-10 years so you’re at your band’s end of life now. Not all surgeons do the removal & revision in one surgery. Maybe your surgeon is basing his decision on your current health status. Maybe he wants to give you a recovery period between the two surgeries to ensure you’re fully healed. May be he wants to give you time without a weight loss tool to see how you respond in regards to self monitoring your food intake, etc. Just throwing some ideas out there.
  19. Jalapeño

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    I have always had a dilemma about the sleeve, because patients can expand their stomach pouch, by poor compliance. The majority of people who have bariatric surgery experience psychological problems with their relationship with food rather than a physiological problem. Therefore, not withstanding a brain transplant, I don't think a sleeve would be successful for such individuals. I think that's one of the main reasons for revision from sleeve to bypass. With bypass, this is my own experience, you can eat as much as you want, but you don't put on the weight. I feel sleeve is suited to people who need a helping hand to lose weight but are strong enough to comply with a lifestyle diet change. Those of us who would continue to struggle with our relationship with food regardless, I think are better candidates for the bypass. The bypass comes in various strengths. There are several variations of the bariatric gastric bypass surgery, including: 1. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) 2. Mini gastric bypass (MGB) 3. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) and While Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch are the most well-known variations, there are other less common types of gastric bypass surgeries, including: 1. Single Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (SAGB) 2. Loop Gastric Bypass 3. Sleeve Gastrectomy with Transit Bipartition
  20. CarainCali

    Feeding tube after revision

    I have a feeding tube currently. I had surgery 6/13/24 for revision to RNY. I had 2 emergency surgeries 3 days later. I had a leak and had 7liters of toxic fluids cleaned out of me then ICU 6 days and hospital until the end of July. It has been 10 months + with wound vac, Gtube, and now a stricture that I've had 3 balloon procedures and still not halfway there. Total of 6 hospital stays, 4 ER visits, 7 surgeries since June 2023. I'm getting better. Feeding tube helps but also causes alot of pain and granulated tissue which has to be burned off. I have found 4 people who have talked about the same issues. A leak like this and a stricture is very uncommon. Most people with leaks end up dying. It's why you don't hear about them. I'm not sure why anyone would require a feeding tube other than a major stricture or leak. Maybe due to already having so much scar tissue. They think that is why I had a leak but nobody knows. For reference. I had lapband 2008. Lapband Removal 2019 due to Gerd. RNY 2023. I was 238lbs 5'6 at the time. I'm 170 now.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Time off work?

    When I had my sleeve, I took 2 weeks off (desk job). When I had my revision to bypass a year later, I felt fantastic and only took a week off. I had a harder time with the sleeve than I did they bypass, but everyone is different. A week is absolutely essential, 2 weeks seems to be the average, some even take 3 weeks off. Personally, I had my doctor write a note saying I needed 2 weeks off, that way I knew I had it. I needed all of it with the sleeve, but I was able to go back after a week with the bypass so I just had my doctor write a new note saying I was cleared to go back after a week.
  22. Spinoza

    Damn Tik-Tok

    OK, breathe. Lots of people have revision surgery for lots of reasons and the vast majority of them are *absolutely* fine. I'm sorry you're having this worry - I know you don't need that when you've had to go for an additional procedure. I hope everything will be good for you long term. 😍
  23. Hi everyone. I know there's another theead like this under the Gastric Sleeve part of the forum, but I thought I'd start a thread here to be more inclusive to people who are having a variety of surgeries. I'm scheduled to have my VSG on October 2nd. I'm looking forward to a new start. I'm 5'5" and 235 pounds. I have lost 25 pounds so far. My pre-op diet starts on September 11th. It's protein drinks plus up to 7 ounces of protein only foods. Not looking forward to that. Back in 2010 I had a lap band. I lost 122 pounds and kept about 65 pounds off. I had to have it removed last year because it slipped, but I had already decided to have a revision to the sleeve. Anyone else scheduled for October surgeries?
  24. Spinoza

    Progress 7 Weeks Out

    Do you mean you had sleeve to bypass revision surgery OP? Was it more for reflux than weight loss? Could you share some more info that would help others on their journey? Even if not - well done you on your loss and getting back on track.
  25. I wouldn't hesitate to look into a revision. You had such great success with your first WLS. I've read the weight will come off slower second time around, but it beats developing later in life co-morbidities. Many are going for the Ozempic shot nowadays in lieu of surgery, but recent studies show a lot of downsides to using it. I had a few people ask me why I didn't go that route with those shots available. It's the wave of the future they say. Maybe one day improvements will be made. I heard the other day they are working on a pill form. I hope for future generations they can perfect it and make it safe and available to all those who need it. Believe me.. I did my research before getting my RNY. But for now, no regrets. Good luck in your decision making.

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