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Found 554 results

  1. cutlass6521

    SLIMBAND?! Don't do it.

    I called and talked to the people at Slimband. They talk a good sales pitch. They talked of quick weight loss, and were very sympathetic to my weight struggles. There was very little talk about after care. I did some research and found the after care is almost more important than the surgery itself. I decided to call SWLC in Mississauga. The people there answered my initial questions and sent me info via email and requested that I talk to Dr Cobourn before I make my final decision. Dr. Cobourn told it like it is...no instant weight loss, no miracle cure. He told me about the risks, how things can go wrong if the patient doesn't follow instructions etc. He quizzed me on my health condition and why I wanted the surgery. I had my surgery there in January. The clinic offers many webinars on the band, nutrition, support groups, etc. The team answers emails and phone calls quickly. They are eager to get their patients on the right track. If you are confused, they will set you straight. Understandably, they cannot give medical advise over the phone unless it is directly related to the band, found that out this past week. (thank lawyers for that one). Do your research before any surgery. Medical Tourism can be dangerous. Include your family physician before you go ahead with the surgery-you will need their support too.
  2. Buggie1369

    My Journey...

    Day 1 of the start of my new life: So today is day 1 of my pre-op diet... I'm wondering how I will be able to live on yogurt and still stay sane for the next 10 days! I decided to get a slimband, because my mom has a LAP-BAND® and has seen great sucess (I think she has lost about 70Ibs, and has been able to maintain it for the last 3 years), also because I want to be in control of my life, and because of my family's medical history. I keep having these "what am I doing" and "isn't this a little extreme" thoughts, but at the same time I'm really excited about it (I can't wait to be able to control my eating!). I was so excited about it one day that I told 3 of my co-workers, 2 of them were like ok, whatever... and one of them is now watching me like a hawk, great:unsure:. Most people have been supportive, my mom, my husband, a few close friends. So far the journey with slimband has been a fairly smooth one, and the folks there have been awesome. Good Luck to everyone!
  3. Buggie1369

    My Journey...

    So I'm banded!!! YAY!!! Everything went well... feeling ok (kind of gassy) The folks at slimband were awesome! I'm just taking it easy, and looking forward to the full fluid phase now :scared2:
  4. jennybean

    HELP! I need a fill in Toronto!

    Have you called Smartshape...they do Allergan, but should be skilled enough to fill a Vanguard band. Maybe for a fee, they may help the stranded Slimband paitients????? They are in Mississauga. Can't hurt to try.
  5. Living My Dream

    Getting back to basics

    Just came back from my family doctor's and got a 1/2 cc fill which takes me back to where I was before they took out 2 cc June 29 at Slimband. I feel quite restricted and have only had water in the first couple of hours since my fill. I will stay on liquids today and tomorrow, then mushies before trying solid food. I hope this takes my hunger and craving for carbs away. I want to lose what I gained (almost 30 lbs) and then finish the last 10 or so after that to goal. Wish me luck.
  6. LessLee

    I need a buddy

    That is great to hear. I still have the fear of failure. Pre-op diet is not too bad, as I get to eat food and not just liquid. But since supper I have been starving. I am having my surgery done by Slimband in Toronto and it is June 21st. 10 more days! How are you doing?
  7. LessLee


    Hello and welcome. I responded to your other post, I am also a Slimband patient.
  8. the Lap Band and Slim Band here in Toronto? I dont' see anyone talking about the Slimband but are they the same just different name?
  9. mountain

    waste of 16 thousand dollars

    I'm sorry you've had a bad experience. I had the same doctor and found him to be very helpful. During my first week after surgery, I couldn't drink anything at all - a sip of Water came back up looking like white foam (soap suds). So I called the clinic and they told me to get a defill and made the arrangements immediately. Still had problems - Dr Kundhai himself called me at home and gave me his cell number, imploring me to get to an ER and get an upper GI etc. Happily, I didn't need to as the swelling went down and (having had the defills) I was able to start drinking again. But I was impressed that he called me and gave me his cell number so that I could have the ER ring him (Note: I live on the other side of Canada from where the surgery and Slimband is, so I couldn't just go in there.) As far as your refund - I would have agreed to you getting a refund if you had exhausted all of their options and still had problems. But you refused the exploratory surgery they offered (which would have just been a laproscopic procedure) and didn't get another medical opinion either, so I personally believe you acted too hasty in having it removed. Best wishes for the future - I hope you are able to find peace.
  10. Right on, cheers my coffee to the next 5.... I find that I still get exhilarated when I catch a glimpse in the mirror and see that this weight has stayed off. My brain sometimes just hasn't accepted the fact that I am no longer fat. I don't drink and I don't smoke, but I actually get a 'high' just from feeling thin and ecstatic that it has stayed off. I am finally free of that "heavy" that weighed me down for so long. My dearest friend just got banded this year. She has seen me lose this weight and keep it off for 5 years now. She is tired of trying the next program, the next diet. I am so happy for her and I am impressed by the support she gets from Slimband. Tom, it is good to hear your story and share Cheers again, Paula PS, I just can't imagine what the last 5 years could have been like, had I not made this decision. I feel so really very grateful!
  11. Mrs.Bales


    I am. Got my band from Slimband in Toronto on May 24th. Happy with my choice and no issues with the clinic.
  12. Bendy H

    5th fill - difficult but worth it

    So I went in for my 5th fill. I got .75cc fill. Felt fine but by that night couldn't even swallow my own spit. I went in the next day and had a .25cc defill. Felt fine and then a few days later the band tightened again had to go back in and have another .25cc defill. Now I am at 8.75cc in a 10cc band and feel great. I think I am at my sweet spot for now. Altogether - I am down 55 pounds as of this morning. What a wonderful feeling. Even though being overfilled was very uncomfortable - to get to the spot where I am at is great. I can hardly wait until summer - going to the beach is going to be a totally different experience than in the past. Before people looked at me like I was a beached whale. This summer I am going to feel awesome and totally enjoy the water with my boys. Thank you Slimband - I Love My Band.:biggrin:
  13. peaches9

    CIBO Clinic (toronto)

    I went to TLBC (now Slimband) and I called yest to get a De-fill appt... now I sent a FAX, an EMAIL, and telephoned and left 2 messages... I have YET to hear from them yest or today!!! Wats up wif that???
  14. I too will be making a complaint to the College of Physicians about Dr. Yau's practices. I also am talking with a lawyer who is interested in pursuing a class action but needs to hear from more people in the same situation - from the TLBC/Dr. Yau and no longer treating his patients now that it is slimband. If you are interested please respond.
  15. conanband00@gmail.com

    Were you banded at TLBC? (Toronto Lap-Band Centre) - pre 2008

    Hi Kat, I'm not sure how to email you...I am interested in taking action against Slimband. Please let me know how to reach you. Thanks.
  16. conanband00@gmail.com

    Were you banded at TLBC? (Toronto Lap-Band Centre) - pre 2008

    I have recently learned about Slimband's absolute abandonment of the previous TLBC patients. I did reach out to Dr.Yau and he spoke to me personally on the phone. He requested a doctor's referral letter so I could have an appointment with him. I recently have experienced a sudden loss of restriction with my band, (which previously has worked fantastically for almost 7 years). I have no pain, no vomitting but very little restriction...I can eat almost as much as I used to eat. The fact is, I need the band to provide that STOP! If I could do this on my own, I would have and saved myself surgery, lots of money, and effort. I am confident Dr.Yau will be able to get to the bottom of it. He was quite helpful and did not at any point suggest that he would not treat me. He was very professional and reasonable. My appointment is next week and I will provide an update of what happens. In the meantime, I'm waiting to see how my appointment goes before I contact the college of physicians or join the others in investigating legal options. At the end of the day, Slimband took over the TLBC patients and should be held accountable, I am not sure how Dr. Yau fits into all of this because my contract is with TLBC. We shall see, fingers crossed!
  17. Hi there, I have been looking into getting the LAP-BAND®. Several of my friends have it and have been very successful. They all got it done in Mexico and have no troubles finding fill doctors here in Vancouver. I was about to go that route, when my husband found out we are suddenly being relocated to Ontario (Waterloo area). I am frustrated to have to restart the research for a new area. I have read that it is hard to find a fill Dr. in Ontario, so I am thinking of forking out the $$ and going to a clinic in the area. So far I have emailed CIBO, SWLC and Slimband. I am interested in hearing opinions and experiences with these clinics from those who have been there. Do any of them have fill centres near or around the waterloo area? I received friendly and prompt replies from CIBO and SWLC but I received annoying, argumentative replies from Slimband...outright refusing to give me info via email...and I am so not a phone person, I have four small children, my life is crazy busy right now with trying to move across the country, I don't have time to have a phone consultation with someone when all I want to know is the cost of the procedure and what was included. Those are admin questions and none of the other clinics had an issue answering them for me. The woman was so rude and argumentative in her emails... if they are this inflexible at the research part of the journey...I can't imagine how inflexible they will be after they have my money. I am ready to strike them off the list already. I am looking for some feedback and help from people who have had this procedure done in the area. Thanks so much and sorry for the huge, long post!!!
  18. Birinak

    band has slipped

    Yes, I'm also wondering if self-pay patients have to pay for the surgery to repair the slip. I assume that we would have to pay, but can anyone with experience tell us how much it was for them? I'm with Slimband, if that helps.
  19. So I mentioned started a new thread for Slimband. Last years thread was getting up there to over a dozen pages, lets post our experiences, desires, victories what is working for us and questions that we have! This thread is primarily for Slimband patients formerly TLBC but anyone is welcome but please don't get upset if we talk about our surgeon positively or our clinic in glowing terms. Nothing against any other clinic but we choose our clinic for a reason and that is because it was the best choice for us and we thought it was the best period! I hope this year kicks off a year of losses in weight and gains in so many other areas of people lives! Heather
  20. nu2ywg

    Paying for the lap band

    I recently received an email from slimband (had initially considered going to TO for the surgery until I discovered that they did it right here in Winnipeg) and they are offering fairly attractive financing now. I was able to get a portion back on taxes with a letter from my family doctor saying that the surgery was not cosmetic (that I had health reasons to lose weight) as well as a letter from the surgery clinic saying similar things. I didn't get much back but every little bit helped. You might consider a personal loan if you aren't using a clinic that offers financing. Good luck!
  21. Hello. I have been receiving more and more emails regarding the recent decision of Slimband to no longer support TLBC patients who had been receiving care up until this past December (2013). Slimband now says that they will not honour the lifetime long agreement that we were told we would have. That means if you want a fill then you are paying for $200 for it but only after you get a referral from your GP and have documented what you eat with a 2 Week Photo food Log. After Dr. Yau "resigned" from Slimband the other month, Slimband is now not treating any of his TLBC patients even if they pay. So if you were banded by TLBC you are being left out in the cold. Slimband said they would pass along information as to where I could go and get a fill but they never sent me the information. The support staff have been nothing but rude when myself and others have called so be aware that if you call they will treat you the same and will send you away. The good news is that I have been working on a lawsuit class action case. I have posted on this forum and had little hope that I would find anyone in the same situation I have found myself BUT I was wrong. There are many of us who want to take action against Slimband and this decision. I want to also make those who have had success aware of this because if anything happens in the future (i.e. infection) you won't get assistance from Slimband). If you want more information on any of this, please email me at 2014takeaction@gmail.com Thanks
  22. Oh wow! I really dodged a bullet! I was considering getting my surgery here before I met Dr. Cobourn. The consultant I met with at Slimband was very nice, but she couldn't answer all my questions, and in my research I had read some bad stuff about Dr. Yau.
  23. Starting to get nervous. I'm scheduled with Slimband on Wednesday afternoon. We fly in (my wife and I) from Nova Scotia in the morning. Excited about the change - afraid of failing - again. Fingers crossed. Thanks Glenn
  24. Living My Dream

    My band is choking me and no one will listen

    Thanks for the kind inquiries. I now have a surgery date on June 1 for a laparoscopy and possible repair. The slimband surgeon did not have the CD of the Upper GI when I saw him last week but booked the surgery anyway because of my history. I continue to have constant gastritis and obstruction in my throat. I am praying that they can do a simple fix and I can again work with my band. It has been the best thing for me to control my weight finally. Because I can still hardly eat anything, my weight is almost down to my lowest but I was debating whether I need to lose maybe 15 pounds from that. I just hope I don't ricochet up again after surgery depending on what happens. I thought I had finally found the utlmate weight loss tool for me when all this started. I will let you know what happens. I am not on this site very much but I get your messages in an email. Lynda
  25. I have discovered that those banded by TLBC (pre - Fall of 2008) are no longer receiving treatment from Slimband who took over the TLBC patients. I signed up for a lifetime program of fills, defills & corrections if necessary but now I have been completely cut off of any and all support. I am looking for any former staff (I spoke to one nurse) who were "let go/fired" by Slimband but can atest to the fact that TLBC did agree to a lifelong support system & that patients such as myself were not informed of any changes to our agreement when Slimband took over. I hope to hear from someone soon. Anna

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