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Found 1,237 results

  1. I had my first post op appt today and it went really well. I started puree a few days early because I was so hungry and weak on just liquids. They were completely fine with it and told me to progress as I feel comfortable. What a relief to hear that versus them being really strict on following the time table. I know their goal is to get their patients on regular food as quickly as it's safely possible. Otherwise, I'm down 13lbs in 12 days since surgery. There's not a universe that I could complain about weight loss like that. I'm curious when that three week stall will start. At the start of the 3rd week or after 3 weeks. Either way, I'm sure it's headed my way.
  2. trishrnyoung

    I've gained 3 lbs!

    I was sleeved on 3/22 and reached 21 lbs down three days ago. But now, I have gained three lbs back! I am so discouraged and upset, I just don't know why I haved gained 3 lbs. Maybe I am not getting enouch Protein. Or maybe its because I haven't had a bowel movement in a week. Anyone know what I should do? I am so discouraged. Please someone, tell me what to do. I have heard of the three week stall because at first before I was three weeks out I thought that is what had happened. But now, I get on the scales after two days and I have gained! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. catwoman7

    1st month stall?

    I just did a search on this site for you. There are literally 17,501 posts on this early stall. Pretty much everyone has it. I really think bariatric clinics ought to warn people about this because it happens to almost everyone, and people really freak out about it. Just stick to your plan and your weight loss will start up again. Stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks. Here are all the posts on it. Really - over 17,000 of them. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall
  4. catwoman7

    1st month stall?

    it's the three week stall. Almost everyone goes through that. Although you're right, keeping up with your fluids is always important...
  5. Been on a three week stall but I am happy to announce that I finally took a 40 minute walk with no back aches, no joint pain and no chub rub!!!! Woohoo! Also, I am happy to announce the official return of my ankles. I officially have transitioned from Cankleville. God is good and all victories are accepted here. 😊
  6. VSGAnn2014

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Checking in, fellow August sleevers. Sounds like everyone's finding their post-op VSG groove. Also sounds like everyone has discovered that the Three Week Stall wasn't just an urban myth. I'm 34 days post-op. Have lost 33 pounds total (pre- and post-op). I'm 2 pounds away from Onederland. Only unusual part of my VSG resume is that on Day 28 post-op I had gall bladder surgery. Could've done without that, but c'est la vie, eh? But I had the same surgeon, same surgical team, same hospital. In and out of the hospital same day. My protein intake is going well. Food experimentation is fine, even sometimes delicious. Last night we had Mexican takeout, and I had chicken fajitas (2 ounces of meat and 1 ounce of onions/peppers) slightly ground and 2 ounces of Rosarita no-fat traditional refried beans and an ounce of cheddar cheese (melted). I even had a couple (no more) of tortilla chips. Was delish! My water is usually 8-16 ounces too low (REALLY got to fix that!). Walking the dog for 30 minutes a day is my typical exercise, but my exercise activities and variety will increase soon. Also, Miralax works for me when constipation gets bad. My energy sort of waxes and wanes, but over the long haul it's getting better all the time. So, other than the gall bladder surgery interruption, all's going well here. Best to all. Focus on your progress and stay positive! I think that helps.
  7. The infamous three week stall. Mine lasted three weeks. Just keep doing exactly what your doing, it will pass.
  8. Look up the "Three week stall", its common.
  9. Look up "Three Week Stall" Many people have/had it. Do not believe that you can stay at the same weight or gain on 300-800 cals a day forever. Right?
  10. vikingbeast

    Guys who started over 400 lbs.

    You're right about where I was when I started (I was 392, 375 when I started the weigh-in process, bounced between 350-400 for ten years). I am almost five weeks out and a week from tomorrow I can start slowly re-incorporating weights back into my life (the barbell is one form of therapy...). Hoping to get down to 240 or so. I was 220 when I was playing rugby and had a flat stomach, so I think 240 some (*cough25cough*) years later is a decent goal for me. Currently in my three-week stall. Sigh. Get going body, I'm feeding you plenty.
  11. krys1386

    December Sleevers??

    Hi December buddies! I didn't have a chance to read all posts but wanted to check in and say hi. I am 3 weeks post op (sleeved December 11, 2017). I hit the dreaded "three week stall" last week, as I haven't lost anything since Christmas. However, I am down 34 pounds from my heaviest, and 28 pounds since starting my 2 day pre-op liquid diet. I'm also down 17 inches so far! My doctor said to be careful with working out, and no weights yet. His concern was I wasn't getting all my protein in. However, I have upped my protein and I'm now hitting between 60-80g a day. I'm wondering if anybody has started doing cardio yet? I'm anxious to put in the work to break this stall, although I know time is necessary as well. I'm on pureed, and eating a lot of tuna salad and egg salad since my plan allows those without actually being pureed. I just have to cut it up really small! Everything is going really well so far, and I am allowed to start "real" food Saturday, woot! Happy New Year! Here is to a healthier and happier year for all of us.
  12. elturner

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Thanks every one for your support and knowledge about the " three week stall". I will make sure I get my heart rate up and get through this! I will over come! Lol
  13. vikingbeast

    Before and After Pics

    A stall is very common between 3-5 weeks out. If you search this site there are more than 17,000 posts about the “three week stall”. Just stick to your plan and let your body sort itself out. The weight loss will continue.
  14. Four days ago I made three weeks post op and I think I am having the dreaded three week stall! I am the same 266. PTL that I did not gain which I think at this point would be hard to do, but staying the same is sad. I am eating as my dietitian and I work out five days a week for fifty minutes I just have to press through. I know, I know embrace the stall. Words of encouragement are welcomed.
  15. BadWolfGirl

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    I'm in the three week stall too. Surgery on 27th as well. Scale will not move and hasn't for like 5-6 days but I have seen differences so just keep trucking! It happens to everyone. And again at 3 months I heard too . Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  16. Nurse_B

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    So I think I'm experiencing the three week stall. First time since surgery I have been the same exact weight for 5 days. Part of the process, I just had a personal goal I wanted to hit by Christmas. Here is to hoping the scale moves this weekend!! I hope everyone is feeling better each day post op, and pre ops are getting excited!
  17. Deactivatedfatgal

    African American vsgers!

    I'm one month out tommorow and have lost 27 pds, went through a three week stall but hopefully I break it soon! 9 more pds and I will too be in 1-Derlandd
  18. so I have hit my three week stall....but my clothes are getting lose.

  19. So I'm starting to believe that the three week stall is real. My surgery date was 6/2 and my starting weight was 398. One week post op I was 370 now I'm 360 and I know it's great but I've been stuck at 360. And suggestions and also good work out suggestions?
  20. liannatx

    Two week stall?

    A stall is super common a few weeks after surgery. It is so common that it is referred to as the "Three Week Stall" , your stall just hit a little early. It can be frustrating, but if you keep getting in your Protein and fluids the loss will resume!
  21. Countrygrrl

    3 weeks post op

    My three week stall is over!! I wanted to cry like a two year old I had lost 16 lbs and then bam was stuck. I thought I was the exception I was gonna be fat forever. I was weighing myself multiple times during the day. Heck my scale said gained two pounds. Well today I'm back to loosing. And I know it's over!!
  22. BarrySue

    Feeling down :(

    The three week stall is a right of passage, my friend. Welcome.
  23. FrankyG

    Is this supposed to be normal? ?

    Yes it is completely normal. Search for three week stall and you'll get lots of hits.
  24. JoannLz

    May 7th

    I had minr may 7 th as well. I to had the 3 week stall even gained. But I'm two months out and judt got out of a three week stall. I've done pretty good though. 49 lbs down. Only 8 to onderland. I was dehidrated maybe that's why I stalled.
  25. Thinkingthinner1109

    Stalled Blues

    I got the three week stall and 1 week also. It kinda ticks me off. I know everyone says be patient, but I walk 4 miles a day. Get all my protein and fluids in. I am eating correctly. Eggs, fish, chicken sugar free jello. And I stalled at week 2. I was honesty doing better before surgery I drank two protein shakes a day, no snacks and a sensible dinner. I was able to walk up to 10. Miles a day. Now I am so whipped from the surgery I can only walk 4 miles. I cannot do strength training yet, and I was able to do that before surgery. It brings you down. I have put the scale away, right after I kicked it. I am not sure how weight cannot be falling off. So I understand where you are coming from. And yeah I know it didn't all get out on in three weeks, but something should be coming off nonetheless.

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