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Found 1,237 results

  1. The infamous three week stall. Mine lasted three weeks. Just keep doing exactly what your doing, it will pass.
  2. gmast99

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I am doing well. Had an over three week stall. It was getting a little frustrating that the scale stopped moving. Then one day I stepped on and I had lost 5.5 pounds overnight. I had to weigh again just to check that it wasn’t a mistake. I am back to losing again but not as quickly. Strangely I am having more problems with food these days. My system seems to be getting more picky. I hope everyone is doing well. I still have no regrets.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Scared to stop losing going into puréed stage??

    Even on the purée phase if you stick to the portions on your plan you will only be consuming VERY low amount of calories. Your body can’t help but to lose weight. You may coincidentally have the three week stall but it will pass and you will continue to lose. Trust the process.
  4. Been on a three week stall but I am happy to announce that I finally took a 40 minute walk with no back aches, no joint pain and no chub rub!!!! Woohoo! Also, I am happy to announce the official return of my ankles. I officially have transitioned from Cankleville. God is good and all victories are accepted here. 😊
  5. Totally can relate! When I first stalled, I told myself, “The three week stall is totally normal and happens to nearly everyone!” Then a week passed and I repeated the above to myself... then week two passed, and I started researching, but not finding definitive answers, how long the three week stall typically lasts. Then week three passed and I started to get really frustrated and debated calling my surgeons office. The truth is there is no set time for how long the 3 weeks stall will last. Some it only lasts a week for... others stalled for a month... but it does break eventually. Just remember that there is likely no possible way you could be consuming enough calories to be gaining weight or not losing at this point... so whatever is causing it is not your fault.
  6. Honestly, 25 pounds in 2 weeks is a lot! And the three week stall is just part of it all. I lost 2 pounds in the last 2-3 weeks and was feeling the same way you are ( I’m 3 1/2 months post op) and then I lost 4 pounds on Monday. Try not to weigh yourself everyday.
  7. Nurse_B

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    So I think I'm experiencing the three week stall. First time since surgery I have been the same exact weight for 5 days. Part of the process, I just had a personal goal I wanted to hit by Christmas. Here is to hoping the scale moves this weekend!! I hope everyone is feeling better each day post op, and pre ops are getting excited!
  8. catwoman7

    Gastric bypass surgery

    23 lbs in two weeks is actually phenomenal. You are ahead of the curve. It was probably six weeks before I'd lost that much. you're probably in a stall right now. Most of us have our first major stall during the first month or so after surgery. It's called the "three week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always. Typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you follow your plan the stall the break and you'll be on your way again. if you want to read more about this, search this site for "three week stall". Last time I checked, there were over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. It happens to almost all of us.
  9. Cerika111


    #498 EvEisMySleeve said Any July Sleevers hit the dreaded 3rd week stall??? I did!! Ugh please tell me when it will end!! Yeppers no change x3 days for me so im guessing we are in same boat. I try not to step on that da#$ scale but can't. Im trying to change up meal choices. ..kinda always the same & hope that will help. Good luck to you!! I haven't lost for last 3 days and I have not been able to get in more than 300 calories on any day (mostly shakes that are 100 calories -'18 grams of protein each.) Occasionally broth, but I tried some puréed food and it did not feel good. Is this the three week stall or am I doing wrong by not forcing more down. I'm so afraid of stretching my tummy out and not losing. Any helpful advice would be great. I'm doing ok with water.
  10. vikingbeast

    Before and After Pics

    A stall is very common between 3-5 weeks out. If you search this site there are more than 17,000 posts about the “three week stall”. Just stick to your plan and let your body sort itself out. The weight loss will continue.
  11. wright616

    Labor Day Challenge!

    After a three week stall the scale finally moved. 166.4 today. Thanks!
  12. VSGAnn2014

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Checking in, fellow August sleevers. Sounds like everyone's finding their post-op VSG groove. Also sounds like everyone has discovered that the Three Week Stall wasn't just an urban myth. I'm 34 days post-op. Have lost 33 pounds total (pre- and post-op). I'm 2 pounds away from Onederland. Only unusual part of my VSG resume is that on Day 28 post-op I had gall bladder surgery. Could've done without that, but c'est la vie, eh? But I had the same surgeon, same surgical team, same hospital. In and out of the hospital same day. My protein intake is going well. Food experimentation is fine, even sometimes delicious. Last night we had Mexican takeout, and I had chicken fajitas (2 ounces of meat and 1 ounce of onions/peppers) slightly ground and 2 ounces of Rosarita no-fat traditional refried beans and an ounce of cheddar cheese (melted). I even had a couple (no more) of tortilla chips. Was delish! My water is usually 8-16 ounces too low (REALLY got to fix that!). Walking the dog for 30 minutes a day is my typical exercise, but my exercise activities and variety will increase soon. Also, Miralax works for me when constipation gets bad. My energy sort of waxes and wanes, but over the long haul it's getting better all the time. So, other than the gall bladder surgery interruption, all's going well here. Best to all. Focus on your progress and stay positive! I think that helps.
  13. Look up "Three Week Stall" Many people have/had it. Do not believe that you can stay at the same weight or gain on 300-800 cals a day forever. Right?
  14. So I had my sleeve done 11/6. I am on a liquid stage right now. Had to go out to any event to Celebrate my son's birthday and were around family that did not know I had surgery. I had Soup and then tried to eat a few bites of mashed potatoes so that it appeared I was eating like everyone else. I was only able to eat three bites of mashed potato. I'm just wondering once I get to real food next month. Is there going to be a point where I'm going to be able to eat an amount that is not so noticeable that everyone's gonna ask why only take five bites of food ? I'm just wondering if it's always only going to be a few bites of food or what? I want to eventually be able to go out and have normal social life without all the questions or why I'm not eating? So that's my only concern. For now obviously just being on shakes and yogurt etc. i'm already down 20 pounds since my surgery date. Still doesn't really feel good to eat yogurt even then I do better with just liquids. I go back to work this week and I feel fine other than that. I've been able to get up and walk around and be active almost since the first few days I've been home. So no complaints here. More just questions about the future. Happy that I will never be able to sit down with a huge plate of food And eat til my stomach hurts. Just knowing that makes me much more sure about my future. Making better choices and this tool helping for portion size it's really a win-win. Now I'm approaching this three-week stall keep hearing about but I have no complaints 20 pounds even for one month it's nothing to complain about. So far every day still more and more weight is gone. My doctor told me last Friday that that weight loss would slow down but I've lost another 3 pounds since then. Cheers to that!
  15. Guest

    Determining Goal Weight

    By approximation in theory but in practice I don't need to. There is no weight I could be, where eating 1000 Calories per day wouldn't cause weight loss. The other problem with weighing oneself is seen on this forum which is replete with hand wringing regarding the "three week stall" and many other issues which aren't issues at all with regard to fat loss. They are scale related aberrations.
  16. Look up the "Three week stall", its common.
  17. I’m worried that my calories are just naturally creeping up over time. I guess the answer is to track more thoughtfully. I need to do something though! I’ve been in a three week stall and I’m starting to feel sorry for myself!!!
  18. so I have hit my three week stall....but my clothes are getting lose.

  19. So I'm starting to believe that the three week stall is real. My surgery date was 6/2 and my starting weight was 398. One week post op I was 370 now I'm 360 and I know it's great but I've been stuck at 360. And suggestions and also good work out suggestions?
  20. liannatx

    Two week stall?

    A stall is super common a few weeks after surgery. It is so common that it is referred to as the "Three Week Stall" , your stall just hit a little early. It can be frustrating, but if you keep getting in your Protein and fluids the loss will resume!
  21. Countrygrrl

    3 weeks post op

    My three week stall is over!! I wanted to cry like a two year old I had lost 16 lbs and then bam was stuck. I thought I was the exception I was gonna be fat forever. I was weighing myself multiple times during the day. Heck my scale said gained two pounds. Well today I'm back to loosing. And I know it's over!!
  22. BarrySue

    Feeling down :(

    The three week stall is a right of passage, my friend. Welcome.
  23. FrankyG

    Is this supposed to be normal? ?

    Yes it is completely normal. Search for three week stall and you'll get lots of hits.
  24. JoannLz

    May 7th

    I had minr may 7 th as well. I to had the 3 week stall even gained. But I'm two months out and judt got out of a three week stall. I've done pretty good though. 49 lbs down. Only 8 to onderland. I was dehidrated maybe that's why I stalled.
  25. Thinkingthinner1109

    Stalled Blues

    I got the three week stall and 1 week also. It kinda ticks me off. I know everyone says be patient, but I walk 4 miles a day. Get all my protein and fluids in. I am eating correctly. Eggs, fish, chicken sugar free jello. And I stalled at week 2. I was honesty doing better before surgery I drank two protein shakes a day, no snacks and a sensible dinner. I was able to walk up to 10. Miles a day. Now I am so whipped from the surgery I can only walk 4 miles. I cannot do strength training yet, and I was able to do that before surgery. It brings you down. I have put the scale away, right after I kicked it. I am not sure how weight cannot be falling off. So I understand where you are coming from. And yeah I know it didn't all get out on in three weeks, but something should be coming off nonetheless.

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