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Found 17,501 results

  1. I was sleeved in 2017. Highest weight was 275. Lowest was 159. My 'settled' weight was around 165 and it was perfect. I gained weight after menopause and couldn't move it with resets or diets. I just had GSRe or Overstitch a few days ago, which is a noninvasive revision that allows you to keep your sleeve--- it's just tightened up again. The size of mine had expanded quite a bit. The restriction I have now mimics what I had immediately after my original wls. This might be an option for you too if you're not wanting to revise to bypass.
  2. I am 2.5 years post sleeve and 2 hours between eating an meal and wanting to eat again is absolutely my norm! I extend this time with my fruit and veg portions for the day (even fluids) - they typically buy me an hour or so. So I end up eating a 'meal' every 3 hours instead of 2. I also don't eat breakfast, so I start late morning and end a couple of hours before bed. I hope the prep for your revision is going well @ShoppGirl
  3. So I had the sleeve three years ago and gained my weight back. I am pending revision and the dr did an endoscopy and found a hiatal hernia and some gerd. He then ordered a UGI and a gastric emptying study to get some more information to decide which surgery is most appropriate. I just finished the gastric emptying study and after only two hours the food was completely out of my stomach which may explain why I always feel hungry a couple hours after I eat. I am hoping maybe there is a treatment to slow down my stomach emptying and I won’t even need surgery or if I do it will be more successful this time. I see the dr in a week and I’m sure he will have an answer but I’m just curious if this is truly faster than normal and if anyone else has had this issue.
  4. Congrats on the loss, Warren! Tomorrow is my scheduled 'peek'. Luckily the doctor doing this is a bariatric surgeon that specializes in revisions. Things at work and home are so stressful that I'm ALMOST looking forward to anesthesia simply for the temporary 'rest'...lol.... If there is nothing wrong 'there', then I'm going to have a long talk with my new 'GI' doctor. I hope this doesn't sound bad but after chasing this pain for almost 2 years, I really want them to find 'something' and hopefully minor, but I'm running out of options and I'm still completely salty on my primary doctor's response.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving

    When I had my sleeve, I never lost my hunger and I didn't really have any restriction. It was mostly learning what I can and can't eat, how often, and when. I had to do the work to retrain my brain because I didn't get the benefit of loss of hunger. I complained about it all the time on here lol I had to have a revision to bypass 13 months later due to complications and while I didn't really lose hunger, there was DEFINITELY a hard stop when it came to how much I could eat and how often.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Seems pretty standard. I had 2 weeks off when I had my sleeve and when I had to have the revision to bypass a year later, also had 2 weeks then. I think they tend to only give longer if you have complications. Otherwise I think 2 weeks is pretty typical. Some doctor's offices will give longer if you specifically ask for it (not mine) but I don't think that's typical.
  7. I'm actually scheduled for an exploratory peek into my pouch on June 6th so it should be interesting. If they don't find anything there, the bariatric surgeon said the traditional upper and lower GI do not go through every part of either our intestines or the bowel, cannot remember, but that he knew of 2 doctors in this area that had an 'extra long scope'. Gah, I don't want that to be the NEXT thing we try considering I just went through the yucky 'prep' for a traditional upper and lower GI last month...lol. I would think my 'new' GI doctor should have come up with some of this stuff and not just punted me to the bariatric surgeon and told that I may need a 'revision' as it sounded to him like 'dumping'. It has never felt like the dumping we experience after a bypass/sleeve. It has felt different from it this whole time. This GI doctor has decent reviews so maybe I will just follow up with him after exhausting the 'could it be related to my bypass' route he has sent me on and see if he has any other ideas of what it could be. At this point, I'm getting kind of tired. My primary who is usually really good to work with told me 'you may just have to deal with ongoing, chronic pain'. He and I will talk about that 'not helpful at all' statement.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023


    It happened to me with BOTH surgeries. Started around month 3 after my sleeve and my once really thick hair shed so much it thinned out to the point that I needed to cut my hair and change how I styled it so you couldn't see how much it thinned out. It finally stopped at 9 months, but then at 13 months out I had my revision, and it started again at 2 months out. Here I am 11 months out from the revision and it finally stopped. I got another hair cut and this time decided no more straightening my hair, and now the shorter length and the waves and curls really help hide the additional thinning. Honestly, biotin doesn't promote hair growth or prevent shedding. It just makes the existing hair soft, shiny, and somewhat healthier. The protein is what makes the biggest difference since hair needs it but can't produce it. There really isn't anything that will prevent or lessen the shedding. It just is what it is and has to run its course. I would use volumizing hair care products, have a shorter hair length, possibly style it differently, and just wait it out. That's really all you can do.
  9. Totally agree. Nothing to be gained from beating yourself up. Life is hard enough. You did super well for a long time after your original procedure. MUCH better than most. If you can identify key points when your control lapsed then take them forward into your revision and embrace it? Even if you can't then do your best. That's all any of us can do. We're human, we live in an obesogenic world. We're trying. Every flipping day. Not to be obese. Please can you keep us updated? I'd love to hear your story moving forward.
  10. Synlee

    May 2023 surgeries

    Hello, I'm still hanging in there, things are improving a lil each month. Still have days where I'm pretty sick, but overall I'm feeling alot better. My doc did ask if I would want to try a revision to see if it would help, but I don't think I wanna take that chance with how awful my first round was. I'm down almost 80#s overall. 47# since surgery. So my weighloss is very slow going. I'm finally averaging 500 Cals a day and 53 protein. Each month I able to increase it a lil bit. Slowly working my way up. They said my weightloss will increase as I'm able to get my intakes up. Congrats to you on your journey you're doing great. I'm sure you will hit all the goals you set. Take care.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Looking for guidance on surgery with Medicaid.

    Medicaid typically requires 6 months of documented medically supervised weight loss attempts with your doctor, bmi of 40 or 35 with at least 2 comorbidities, pass an ekg, blood work, and pass a psych eval before they will approve the surgery. They may also require a referral to a bariatric surgeon from your primary doc. They will also require a letter from your primary doctor approving you to have the surgery. All of that gets submitted to Medicaid by the bariatric surgeon and then Medicaid decides if they will approve it or not. If they deny it, they'll usually tell you why and you can either do whatever else they need you to do or appeal it if you already have it done. That's all I can think of. I actually originally looked into bariatric surgery way back when I was on Medicaid, but ended up not doing it. Once I started my previous job and got BCBS, I looked into it again and ended up doing it. When I had my revision a year later, I was changing jobs and in between insurance and back on Medicaid (if the revision if for complications and not failed weight loss, they tend to approve the revision really fast - in my case, it was 72 hours, if it's for failed weight loss, you basically have to start everything all over again as if you're doing the surgery from scratch, and all the previous requirements are back in place). Now I'm at my current job (dream job) and have United Health Care. I hope this helps somewhat!
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    So many questions about surgery!

    First of all, can I just tell you that you're beautiful!!! I don't mean anything awkward or inappropriate with that, but I just felt like I wanted to tell you that you are a very beautiful woman To answer your questions: 1. What was the best part of surgery for you? Getting off blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, and anti-inflammatory meds, losing the weight, and gaining mobility back 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? I had several complications from the sleeve and had to have a revision a year later 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? not during the surgery but about 7-8 months later, complications started showing up. 4 endoscopies, 1 colonoscopy, and massive amounts of PPIs later, had to have the revision 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? it's been hard sometimes, but overall, so worth it and rewarding and a huge blessing 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? If you stick to the plan, it's a gradual process. By 6-8 weeks, I was nervous but ready to eat food and just made sure to go slow. 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? pasta, rice, potatoes, bread (a year or 2 out, some can eat it in small amounts every once in a while, but I'm so sensitive to carbs that I stay far away...but there's alternatives that allow me to not feel like I'm deprived so it's completely ok) 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? dumping really only happens with the bypass, not the sleeve. Never had vomiting and very little nausea (in the beginning). Once I had my revision to bypass, I had dumping twice and learned my lesson lol I follow the rules and I'm careful, so I haven't had it again. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? about 4 weeks after the sleeve, about a week to 10 days after the revision to bypass (much easier surgery to recover from, for some reason) 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? not right away. I was beyond exhausted the first 2 weeks. Weeks 3 and 4 it started to get better. By week 6, I felt normal, and by 3 months out I had lost a good amount of weight and my energy levels really started to pick up. 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? not in any kind of negative way until I started having the complications. Once I had the revision, every complication went away and I've been beyond happy and thrilled. The only real issue I have now is body dysmorphia sometimes. I have moments where I look in the mirror and still see 421 pound me and not 195 pound me. I'll look in my closet and think someone stole my clothes and replaced them with someone else's (I use to be a size 30/5X and now I'm a size 14/XL). 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? I absolutely do not regret it. The only thing I would go back and change is I would just have the bypass to begin with and skip the sleeve altogether. Now, there are a lot of people really happy with the sleeve. They have zero regrets. I was one of them, until I wasn't. Many of us sleevers have to get a revision to bypass for one reason or another, but just as many, if not more, have the sleeve and never have any issues and love it.
  13. Have a revision to bypass. That's what I did and it's a game changer. Now, I had it due to complications, but it's still worth it. Start looking into it, and work on getting your mind back in the game. You know the diet, you know the rules, you know how this works. Get started now. I will say, you won't lose weight as fast, or as much, as with your original weight loss surgery. But you could look at a good 40-50 pound loss, which would put you right back in the weight you liked. I say definitely do it.
  14. Get the revision don’t concern yourself with the negativeness. What’s done is done now move on. Stop beating yourself up.
  15. Hi, I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am. Any advice or help would be appreciated.
  16. Hi, I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am. Any advice or help would be appreciated. I'm also going to post this in the revision forum. Thanks in advance.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    TORe Procedure

    Did you ever have your procedure? If so, how did it go? I never knew there was a revision for the bypass. I had a revision from the sleeve to the bypass, so it's nice to know if I ever need another revision down the line, there's an option.
  18. How are you now? What were the results of your tests? Are you scheduled for a revision yet? Which one are you doing?
  19. Good Morning: I am currently on day 9 since my revision surgery. For some really strange reason I am no longer having any issues like I did on day 1. No pain, no stomach spasms, very minimal nausea. I am now craving something with substance. Contacted my surgeon today and he advised that if I am tolerating liquids...move to the next stage-puree. If in a week I tolerate this well...move to soft foods, then the next stage and so on. It almost feels surreal. Every clinics website states two week for every stage. I wonder since I was a band patient previously that my stomach is accustomed to the sleeve diet. I was very fortunate to loose 150lbs total with that gastric band and good food choices. It seems revision patients have it a little different...we know what is going to happen.
  20. cjbowers2005

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am scheduled in less than a week, May 28th for Sadie revision
  21. cjbowers2005

    Sadi is so lonely

    I am having my Sadi revision from sleeve next Tuesday 5/28, I am excited and nervous but looking forward to it
  22. i had my plastics done just shy of 14 mnths post op. i would have done it earlier (at 7 mnths post op when i reached goal) but my surgeon of choice was booked up. i had tummy tuck, arm lift and boob lift in one shot. second best decision ever (after wls, ha). if its worth anything, i understand that further weight LOSS affects the results more than further weight GAIN. but i mean, if you have the means and inclination, you can always have revision plastics if need be.
  23. Do people think they've lost more weight than they hoped to, or are you happy with end weight? Any others who feel they didn't lose enough and what did you do, revision etc for example.
  24. I agree with @swimbikerun. Don't go off of us exceptions. It's actually not common to lose a lot with a revision. Go into it expecting about 50% less weight loss than what you had with your initial surgery. Then if you lose more, it's a pleasant surprise. But if you don't, you're already prepared for that.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to bypass question

    As you know, I had the sleeve to bypass revision. They do make your pouch a little smaller, but it will stretch out a little as time goes on. I noticed I have more of a hard stop with the bypass versus the sleeve, and I definitely have to make sure I chew thoroughly and eat slowly way more with the bypass. You can lose weight with a revision, but not nearly as much and not nearly as fast as with the original surgery. You also have to take accountability for what you eat and how much. If you're eating slider foods and stuff not compliant with your diet, if you're grazing all through the day, if you're not watching your salt, sugar, protein, carb, and fluid intake.....no surgery is going to fix the problem.

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