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  1. If your ferritin level is OK, I wouldn't worry too much about the iron, esp if your surgeon hasn't said anything. Ferritin is the iron stores in your body that your body taps into if it's too low on iron. also, as far as people taking different amounts of supplements, it depends on the surgery (DS and RNY patients malabsorp vitamins and minerals, so they're usually required to take more of them than sleeve patients are), and as someone else said, after the initial few months post-op, how much you take is going to depend on your labs. If you're too low on something, you'll be told to take more of it; too high on something else, you'll probably be told to cut back. hair loss this far after surgery could be due to a lot of things (although I just read that iron deficiencies CAN cause it). Are you meeting your protein requirements? That can cause it, too.
  2. I don’t know for certain how much of an iron deficiency you would need To cause hair loss but I assumed that your doctor does. I just figured If he said he wasn’t concerned and was referring you to a dermatologist then he had ruled out iron as the issue. I guess the easiest way to know for sure would be to increase your supplements though. Doctors aren’t always right after all. I really hope you figure it out soon. I can only imagine how scary it must be to not know the cause.
  3. Hey ShoppGirl, I haven't had Covid recently as far as I know, but I did have Covid in 2023 and there was no hair loss issue then and I got over it quickly. If it isn't the iron, then I would be even more concerned, because it could be a 100 other things. Just seemed to make the most sense given that I haven't had any other recent changes. I should say that I am low in vitamin D, but I always am. No matter how much I take - other medication I take for epilepsy diminishes the vitamin D in my system. I have been this way forever, but it hasn't caused hair issues as I know that vitamin D deficiency can be a factor with hair loss. So maybe the D in addition to the iron is a problem. Unless you are saying that you need to have extreme iron deficiency for it to impact hair and not just a slight deficiency. Yes, I am being referred to a dermatologist. I hope whatever it is - will just be temporary. Thanks for your response. HM
  4. There are so many opinions about what vitamins people are told to take immediately post op any even more variations of what they stay on once people get labs back and realize that our bodies all respond differently to the same surgery. If your doctor isn’t concerned about your iron I would keep an eye on it with your labs but I doubt it’s low enough to be responsible for hair loss. A stab in the dark though, did you have COVID lately by any chance. A friend of a friend of mine got COVID and then started losing her hair several weeks afterwards. A quick google just revealed it’s referred to as hair shedding and it often follows a very high fever that comes with COVID and one site suggests biotin. If this applies to you maybe do a little more research into it. Otherwise I think a trip to the dermatologist is a good next step if your doctor didn’t see any explanation in your labs.
  5. Hey Tek, Thanks for responding. I should have mentioned though that I had my surgery in May 2023. So any effects from the stress of just having surgery are long gone. I have been fine blood work wise and hair wise all this time. The hair loss has been sudden now thus why I am assuming that the slight iron deficiency is the factor here. As I said my family doctor isn't that concerned because it is a slight deficiency and a blood test a month later could be fine, so he isn't yet feeling the need to tell me to take more iron daily. For me, I was told the mutlivitamin, B12, vitamin D and calcium is for LIFE from the hospital/doctors where I had my surgery. Not a temporary thing. It seems random since that doesn't appear to be the case for you. Thanks again. HM
  6. Surgery is a stress on your body that often causes hair to fall out. Suppliments won't change it. My suppliments started with a basic multivitam, iron (slow-FE), Calcium, and B-12. The basic multivitamin is because the first few months we are often on a virtual starvation diet so it's to make up that deficiency. After the first few months we were expected to eat adequately to cover typical requirements. Iron, Calcium, and B-12 additionally because Bypass patients are known to malabsorb iron, calcium & B-12. Any and all other suppliments were/are in response to deficiencies in blood work. Times have changed in the last 20 some-odd years. I haven't. Good luck, Tek
  7. Greetings, I live in Canada, so things may be different from US recommendations - but after having the sleeve, I was told that 2 multivitamins a day with no less than 9mg of iron was all I need. I have a slight iron deficiency with blood work I had done and looking into it online - it seems some patients are required to take a separate iron supplement in addition to a multivitamin. It just seems to be random depending on where you have your surgery. My doctor isn't that concerned, but I have noticed some hair fall/thinning - so I am assuming it is the iron deficiency even if slight and so I am kind of freaking out about it. Going to a dermatologist to see what they have to say. So I was just curious to get some feedback here. Are you just taking multivitamins or additional iron on top of that? Thank you, HM
  8. ShoppGirl


    Thank you all for your suggestions. It helps to just know that I am not alone in this. Some of these options I have never even heard of and others that I had forgotten. For starters, I am one of those people that has the tv on 24/7 just for the background noise and I always turn it to a familiar show at night so the tones do not wake me. I absolutely cannot sleep when it’s quiet but I’m sure the light from the tv is not helping me now. If I go to a friends house or the power is off or something, I listen to podcasts and I think maybe I need to switch to that to eliminate the blue light for starters and I definitely want to do some research on that red light as well Also its curious you mention the hot shower at night @ms.sss because I recently started sweating at night dampening my hair and bed clothes (I assume it’s the beginning of the change) so I switched to morning showers… maybe that’s playing a part In all this. Perhaps until I get back on track I need to take a second shower or bath. I guess I won’t have the sweating excuse for not doing a little cardio at night either. I had a really bad experience with Ambien years ago so I want to steer clear of the prescriptions if at all possible. Two of you mentioned the ashwagandha. I hadn’t heard of that one. I will have to ask my dr about that with my other meds too. Another friend just told me that she has had luck with that magnesium that you spray on your feet for anyone reading this later. I am so relieved to know that there are so many things to try. Something has to work so I can get some 💤. Thanks again.
  9. ms.sss


    i've never used melatonin, BUT... some tips from a self-proclaimed insomniac (i.e, me! lol) i sleep very little (always have, but even less so since losing the weight). pre-surgery i averaged maybe 6 hours a night; past five years or so, its closer to 4 or 5. weirdly enough i still function perfectly fine during the day, and if anything i probably have an excess of energy (but i digress...). ANYWAY, if i had a few days in a row of very, very, little sleep, and i KNOW i need to get some sleep for some event (like early morning yoga, or need to go to the airport, or gonna have a long party day - like xmas, etc - or something) here are some things i do to ensure i don't toss and turn and stay up all night: 1) don't eat or drink anything (other than water) at least 4 hours before bed. 2) do a bit of cardio a couple hours before bed - OR - some deep stretching just before bed. 3) no screen time at least an hour before bed. 4*) sometimes a hot shower just before bed also works, but then my wet hair may annoy me. so this one is a hit or miss. Good Luck! ❤️
  10. NickelChip

    February surgery buddies 🥰

    Things have been going well! After some very slow weight loss in late April thru May, June is really looking up. With my 4-month mark just a few days away, I'm down about 61 lbs from my highest weight, which includes 35lbs since my actual surgery. I'm looking forward to hitting the "overweight not obese" milestone soon, just 5lbs to go! And 35lbs to go until I reach my weight goal! My hair thinning is just starting. My hairdresser styled it a bit shorter when I went yesterday and she'll suggest a new style if it becomes needed. But it's not too bad yet. Thankfully, I don't have any issues hitting protein and water targets. I usually have a protein shake in the morning to start the day and I put around a cup of Fairlife skim milk in my 32oz morning decaf tea, so that's 36g protein before I even have food, which I do a few hours after I get up. I can eat around 15-20g protein when it's solid food. I like Greek yogurt with berries and nuts for breakfast and often do a salad with chicken strips for lunch. Dinner is all sorts of things. The protein shake I use is Syntrax Nectar Natural in orange flavor, which vaguely reminds me of orange TANG. It feels sort of like having a glass of orange juice, enough to not be too weird in the morning before I'm fully awake. The rest of the flavors are just disgusting, although I am okay mixing a scoop of vanilla with some frozen pineapple and a splash of water or milk in a blender to make a frozen treat on a hot day. I do have about 1x a week issues with vomiting, triggered by different foods each time but usually either due to eating too fast or something being too dry. It's hard because a single bite can trigger it so it's very unforgiving. I've started carrying a small hospital-style vomit bags (found on Amazon) in my car and purse so that I won't be caught in an uncomfortable situation in public.. So far, I haven't needed them, but it makes me feel better to have it with me. I'm going on vacation next week and planning to bring along some protein bars and easy snacks like roasted edamame and beef jerky (which I found in 50-calorie packs at Dollar Tree). Once I'm home, I'm hoping to do some meal prep and try some new recipes because food is getting boring and kind of a chore. I don't really experience any hunger, so remembering to eat and making myself eat regularly is a nuisance.
  11. Jessica Marie

    February surgery buddies 🥰

    How are all of my fellow February peeps doing?? Hitting that 4-month post op was very exciting! I'll be honest, I struggle almost daily with my protein intake. I try, but usually only hit 40grams. I'm looking into what else I can add to make it closer to 70grams. Water intake is usually on point. The hair loss though...that **** is rough! Hopefully were on the tail end of that now. I can definitely tell a difference in my energy levels, I can't wait to get up and get moving most days now. I look healthier, cloths fit better, I just have a new outlook on life I feel like
  12. Maybe a 7 day breakfast/lunch/dinner challenge (pick one) where participants have to have a different breakfast etc every day for 7 days, posting pics and recipes (if applicable) I find I can get in to a rut when trying to eat healthier, eating the same things over and over again. This would challenge users and also give others new ideas to try. Also a ‘wear something different’ challenge when you have to wear something outside of your normal comfort zone, say a skirt instead of trousers, or a different colour to your usual palette, different hair, make-up etc etc. Users can post a pic of their usual look and then their different look. Getting supportive feedback from others can be a great help in boosting confidence. Again, it’s trying to get people to try something different to open up their choices.
  13. I've heard / read that the dead parts died during the trauma of surgery, and it was only a matter of time for them to fall out. All we can really do is take care of the new growth --- aka protein-protein-protein, fluids, taking the post-op supplements & vitamins, being gentle on your hair, etc. My hairdresser suggested moisturizing shampoo/conditioner, said to stay away from most volumizing treatments as most of them work by drying out your hair which could make it more brittle. (She also said that most hairstyling products -- gels, hair sprays, mousse -- are going to do the same thing and if I could just bear with it while my hair is looking thin and limp, it'll be much healthier for the new growth to avoid those products until my body has re-regulated itself. That said, I'm early into my hair loss / thinning and it sounds like timing-wise you're coming out of it -- so maybe not a problem for you.)
  14. JennyBeez

    Monday Check-In

    Oof, I'm still on cardio and working in light resistance training with bands (no weights yet). I keep re-straining my abdomen just doing simple things like twisting slightly when bending to get something out of a drawer at my desk, so my team has cautioned me not to start any actual weights until that pain leaves and stays gone for at least a week. :S My Monday is doing pretty good, but my weekend was awful (hormones, heightened body dysmorphia, heightened reaction to thinning patches of hair). This morning though, I found one of my matte eyeshadows is just the right colour to hide the most noticeable thin patch at my temple; I lost more weight this week than last even while fighting menstrual hormones and emotions; and several regular customers have complimented me this morning about both my hair and weightloss so even if I can't look at myself in the mirror without anguish, at least I'm getting some external confirmation that a lot of it is in my head. (@Bypass2Freedom I hope you're keeping an eye on your blood pressure too! After losing as much weight as you have already, it's not abnormal for blood pressure to lower even if it wasn't an active problem for you pre-op. Just make sure you stand up / raise your torso & head slowly after you've been exercising for a while)
  15. I can suggest biotin, and maybe try Nutrafol, but honestly, the best thing is PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN. Your hair needs it to grow but can't produce it. Also, try doing what I did. I know for some people this is an emotional thing, but honestly, get your hair cut. My hair was long, brittle, split ends galore, dry. It was down to by breasts. I got it cut to where it just touches the tops of my shoulders and not only did my natural waves come back, but my hair looks fuller, healthier, and no more split ends. Here's a before and after, for reference:
  16. Get your protein up to your recommended intake. That should always be your focus. Then ensure you reach those fluid goals. Are you having regular blood work taken? Is that indicating you are lacking in anything? Actually there aren’t any rigorous scientific research into the benefits of collagen on hair growth or strength. The studies that exist are funded by companies that produce collagen supplements. Best to get all your protein in so you’re getting all the complete amino acids your body needs not the few in collagen. Hair is made of keratin, not collagen, and you need the complete range of amino acids (protein) for your body to produce the necessary keratin. The different lengths of your new growth hair could just be from the different times it starts coming in (it doesn’t all grow in at the same time). But maybe give the bleach a rest for a while until things settle. Have a chat with your doctor &/or maybe a dermatologist to check your scalp & hair health. Has your hairdresser said anything?
  17. Hey all, does anyone have any tips on the regrowth? I had my surgery 16 months again and it feels like it's taking forever to be healthy again and to grow. It looks brittle and thin with some breakage. I know I need to up my protein and water, has anyone taken anything to help it? I'm taking Collagen, but I don't think it's helping anymore. I have different lengths closest to my hairline. Part of it I believe is from the surgery and the other part I know it's from Lightening my fringe in August. Now the hormonal acne. Wow, that started in January. I've never had this bad of acne before and it's pretty painful. It'll come, stay like a week one or two will go away and come back and repeat the process. Annoying. I know the hormones change after surgery, but I wasn't expecting hormonal acne 😄
  18. AmberFL

    Hair loss

    Just coming in to say I am in the same boat. One day I washed my hair and so much came out I got scared. I started adding collagen to help with new growth and I have been taking biotin since before surgery. Its just one of those things. Nothing we can control. Just take all your vitamins, collagen, biotin to help with the new growth so it comes in healthy. I am actually contemplating a shorter hair cut. which I have never done so I am panicky a bit lol but im vain LOL
  19. Arabesque

    Hair loss

    The stress of the surgery, the weight loss, hormonal changes, etc. accelerates your natural hair loss cycle. So the hair you are losing would have fallen out at some time it’s just happening faster. As @vsgcriminal said it’s very common, it starts around month 4+/- & lasts 3 or 4 months. It’s common after times of high stress, pregnancy and other major surgeries. It’s also quite common to undergo a period of heavier hair shedding every 7 or so years. (Just had one which lasted four months with a similar loss to my post surgery loss.) Yes, it can be scary at first but it usually isn’t really noticeable except to you & your hairdresser. Many of us cut our hair shorter so it takes less time for your new growth to catch up to the length of your hair. (You’re still growing new hair just at its usual rate.) Plus shorter hair is always bouncier and therefore looks thicker. How much hair you lose is very much an individual thing like most things after. Remember though the hair on your head is already dead and was ‘scheduled’ to fall out. Any additional vitamins or hair growth supplements will only help strengthen new growth. (Fertiliser can’t save a dead plant 😁.) And those who do take supplements find the hair loss still lasts 3-4 months. My hair grew back as thick as it was before surgery.
  20. vsgcriminal

    Hair loss

    Hair loss is a super common concern with being post-op! and I hear you on not wanting to continue to lose hair, because it was quite distressing for me too lol. This type of hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, typically begins around 3-6 months post-op and can last for several months. Make sure you're staying well-hydrated and eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Iron, zinc, and other nutrients play a role in hair health. Hair loss after surgery is usually temporary. It might take a few more months before you see improvement, even after you address nutritional deficiencies. Keep up with your protein and supplement regimen, and be patient with the process. With all of that being said, it is something that you just need to ride out unfortunately. A big part of it is also because of the "delayed response" of not getting enough protein earlier on in your journey, so even though you're hitting your protein/vitamin goals now, it's still going to take a minute to kick in. It typically resolves with time and proper nutrition. Keep focusing on meeting your nutritional needs, and your hair should start to recover. Wishing you all the best on your journey!
  21. Star1234

    Hair loss

    Hi , I'm 5 months post op , I noticed hairloss around 1month a go , when I wash my hair I lose the most , some days I loose more hair then others, I take my vitamins everyday , I don't get my 80g of protein in a day like I should, I'm really starting to try hit my target each day now of 80g , I've added in protein shakes to help achieve this, how long does this hairloss go on for ? It's been 1 month, i really don't want to loose anymore 😓😥😢 I take the highest strength biotin I started taking that 1 month pre op, I'm going to start taking collegen , is this something I just need to ride out ? I know my hair will grow back but I don't want to lose it in the first place
  22. March buddies, how're you all hanging in there? Is everyone nicely healed up? Are you coming across any difficult hurdles? Finding a love of new healthy foods? How's your hair lol? Me, I keep hurting myself, lol. First I tried recumbent biking too early -- even though it was on the most minimal setting, my care team scolded me good for that. But even as recently as last week, I bent/twisted sideways while sitting at my desk trying to reach my purse, but it was snagged on something and something about being in that position too long (or tugging a resistant object) aggravated something internally. The same area that took the longest to feel 'normal' and not tight after surgery. I feel like a dope. My hair has just started thinning in the last week or so. It was only a few strands from all over at first -- not concentrated anywhere -- so I got a new haircut hoping that the thinness would look purposeful. Two days after I found a little patch right at the front where my buzzcut ends and the bob-length hair begins. C'est la vie. I'm finding I'm craving sashimi on the regular. It was one of my first meals 'out' after surgery, so maybe there's something psychosomatic going on -- but when I eat it, it just feels like such a clean protein and is moist so I know it'll go down easily. It's my new comfort food, I guess. (Ironically, before WLS I could really only stand salmon or butterfish sashimi, everything else had to be in a roll, preferably with spicy mayo or unagi sauce -- and I hated tuna -- but now yellow tail and tuna seem to be my go-to.) I'm dealing with the cravings much better than I would've pre-OP, but I swear every three or four days something in my brain is trying to convince me that I should ignore my pre-packed lunch and go pick up some ice-cold fish instead.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Looking for weight loss reassurance..

    I put my surgery day weight in my stats instead of my highest weight because I wanted to track what I was losing since the actual surgery. But if you look at my signature, you can see what my numbers were, and they weren't pretty by any means. Everyone loses at a different weight. It depends on what we have going on with our bodies. It took me 2 years to lose 200 pounds. Some on here have lost more than that in that same time. Some have lost a lot less. We can't compare ourselves to anyone else. HAVING SAID THAT..... you lost, from your surgery date, 367 pounds - 294 pounds = 73 pounds lost. In 4 1/2 months. That's an average loss of roughly 16.5 pounds per month, or just a hair over 4 pounds per week. For reference, I lost 79 pounds by 5 months out. So you're very close to where I was. Don't lose hope or feel discouraged. You're doing well. Maybe try hitting the gym once a week and also going for a nice long walk once a week. You'll see the extra movement really helps a lot, too. Stick to your protein first, then veggies, then carbs, then healthy fats and you'll also do well. If you can't get the protein and fluids in at the amount you need, do your best. Supplement with a protein shake for now, on top of the rest of your foods because that counts for both.
  24. SleeverSk


    right on cue, 4 months is the mark most people start losing their hair, no you wont go bald although it will feel like. and if you are lucky it will grow back curly , mine did
  25. catwoman7


    it's due to the trauma of the surgery + the ultra low calorie intake the first few months post-op. Your body has better things to do with the limited energy (i.e., calories) - like - heal itself. Hair is something that isn't at the top of its priority list. It'll grow back, though. I lost hair (although not much, fortunately) from months 5-9. In the grand scheme of things, it's kind of a minor blip on the screen. You'll probably feel that way when you get past it and have dropped a ton of weight. It's worth it in the end.

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