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Found 17,501 results

  1. AmberFL

    where do i go from here?

    Well that alone is a HUGE NSV!! whoop whoop!! 2lbs down yasss!!! killing it! How many calories are you eating? I had my surgery 1/24 I eat around 1000-1100 but I work out like crazy. I'm a bit coo coo LOL I started with walking on my lunches for 20min, worked up to 30min, now I still walk on my lunches for 30 min, go to the gym or work out at home, 30min weight lifting, and i take my pup for a run for 20-30min. Movement really helps! Just giving you a run down of what I eat and you can take it or leave it lol but I wake up make my protein coffee- Decaf cold brew with 2tbls of collagen and a café late premier protein shake (i know I know no caffeine allowed but I haven't had adverse effects) I make these crustless quiches for my bfast: eggs whites, spinach, 1 slice of ham (deli meat kind) top with thin sargento sharp cheddar cheese on top of it. I make like little mini loaves for the week, Lunches are always a protein and a veggie. One week I did Just Bare chicken bites and carrots lol- own little take on a Wing place- This week I am doing a bento box with grapes, strawberries, celery, cucumber, cracker or quinoa chips, turkey roll up with a laughing cow cheese and nuts. snacks are a Greek yogurt. I weight and measure everything. Input everything into my netdiary tracking app and stick to it for the week. I am not perfect at all, Ill come home and grab a popsicle or fruit and might go over my calories for the day, but hey this is a lifestyle change and this is life long. Its hard to remember that when we all have so much weight to lose and we want that immediate satisfaction, but we got this!
  2. I would definitely switch up the tomato soup. That can cause havoc on your stomach. 29 pounds in 2 weeks is awesome. That's about where I was. If you look at my signature, you can see I was someone that responded EXTREMELY well to the surgery. But even with that, I had to learn to manage my expectations. Stalls happen. They're real, they suck, they will continue. It's important not to obsess over the number on the scale and pay attention to NSVs (Non Scale Victories). How are your clothes and rings fitting? How is your mobility? Are you able to get off any meds? Can you fit in booths and chairs with arms better? How do you look? When stalls happen, stay off the scale for a while and pay attention to NSVs. In the beginning, you lose the most weight because of water weight, inflammation, and your body's general "OMG wtf just happened??!?!" response to the surgery. The rate of the loss WILL slow down. It's inevitable. That doesn't mean it won't be a success. It just means that you have to change your expectations and relearn the process for what it is, not what you saw on tv or read online that it would be. The higher your bmi and starting weight, the faster you initially lose weight. As your bmi and weight get lower, the weight loss slows down. That doesn't mean it'll stop, it just gets slower. Be very mindful of what you eat, how much, how often. Pay attention to actual hunger vs head hunger. Avoid slider foods. This is the stage where you work on your mindset and relationship with food. No cheating. No alcohol. No junk food. Stick to your diet religiously. Listen to your body.
  3. Bypass2Freedom

    Monday Check-In

    @AmberFL Congratulations on your NSV, it is certainly a massive one! Really impressive I am glad your week got off to a good start
  4. AmberFL

    Monday Check-In

    Happyyyyyy Monday!!!! Yesterday I ran 2.5miles with my pup and that was a HUGE NSV for me! I have been working up to it, but kinda of a weird weekend. It was such a busy weekend so I grazed a bit instead of sitting down and eating a full meal. so that annoyed me that I did that when its not my typical eating habits. Other than that, so far so good!
  5. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis you're looking great! I'm impressed you can stand in those shoes. I think I would end up in the hospital if I tried. And congrats on finally getting below that magical 70kg marker. I'm happy to report that after 7 weeks of very pokey weight loss in which I only lost 4 lbs total and stalled out completely for 2 of those weeks, I have now dropped 4 lbs in 4 days. I cannot begin to express how relieved I am. I know it will slow again soon enough as a pound a day isn't sustainable, but I plan to enjoy it as long as it lasts. NSV for me this week! So, I had gotten down to around 205 lbs back in 2017 through my hospital's nutrition program. Naturally, I bought some clothing back then, though unfortunately I regained steadily over the years. Because I had moved house 4 years ago, I purged most everything in my closet. This included almost all the smaller clothing, plus the remnants of my old "professional" wardrobe that was also in smaller sizes from a good 20 years ago. (I should say, I don't regret that too much as the clothing was way out of style and I never have cause to wear suits these days anyway.) But I did happen to hold onto one springy sort of dress that I guess I must have thought was too nice to get rid of, just in case it ever fit again. Well, I pulled it out of the closet the other day to wear to my daughter's special event at school and not only did it fit, it was loose. I honestly struggle to see the difference when I look at myself in the mirror sometimes, but there's no denying how clothing fits, and I know this dress never fit me loose back then like it does now.
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Dang it! Back up to 200 today. I could see the digital scale contemplating telling me 199.8, but it decided nope. I've had days with tons of exercise. Days with no exercise. Days with over 1000 calories. Days with barely 500 calories because what I ate made me sick. None of it does anything to move the weight. I get on the scale daily because I like to see the graph as a visual. But I'd like it better if the number went down. On the bright side, my blood work all looks pretty good. A bit low in Vitamin A, zinc, and prealbumin, but so far no one has said I should change anything. @LisaCaryl I love the NSV with the jeans! What a nice surprise, even if you did get stuck wearing them to your group. I have one more week of school runs and after school activities before my kids are out for the summer. At that point, I am going to make a weekly meal plan and try out some new recipes from the bariatric cookbooks that are gathering dust because I've been too busy. I've also found a workout video to try with my pilates bar resistance band set, so that's going to happen this week, at least once.
  7. I'm glad weighing once a week is helping. Sometimes it's difficult... I want to get on the scale way more often and sometimes do. All my adult life I have considered a loss of 2 pounds a week to be right on track. The first few weeks of this got me spoiled with bigger losses. At this point I'd be very happy with a consistent 1 - 2 pounds a week. It seems like the slower it comes off, the easier it is for my body to adjust. An NSV, well, not really a victory, but a surprise... I had to go to support group at the hospital last night. I was running late and threw some jeans and a T-shirt on after my shower. I hadn't had those jeans on in a few weeks, and oh my gosh, they were huge! Not just the waist, which is elastic, but the legs were so funny. I didn't have time to change them, and they are my favorite jeans. In fact, I have a pair that is 4 sizes smaller in my closet waiting for me! lol.
  8. ms.sss

    Clothing sizes

    an NSV in the same vein: vacation packing is soooooo much more satisfying. our smaller clothes take up way less room so we can either: (a) bring more clothes, yay! no need to pick and choose, just bring it all!! OR (b) bring smaller luggage, yay again! i have been on many vacations now (several of them for 2 weeks or longer) where i only needed a carry on for my stuff. Win!
  9. Ok I'm the QUEEN of stalls lol So here's what I can say. Take from it what you will. Cold hands and feet: I have that, and for me, it's due to weight loss AND low iron. I'm anemic, so I take a bariatric vitamin w/ iron and an additional iron supplement w/ vit c and it keeps my iron levels at the lowest part of normal. When it dips down, my hands and feet are like literal ice cubes. Breaking a long stall: So I tend to gain 3-5 pounds when a stall hits and then lose the same 1-3 pounds over and over until it breaks (and I lose like 6 or 7 pounds all at once). My stalls can last anywhere from several weeks to 3 months. It SUX. When I have a stall, I change up my work out routine to confuse my body. If you do the same things in the same order every day, your body gets used to it and gets complacent and the work out becomes less affective. So I add new things, take things out, add or take away reps, etc. I pay extra close attention to what I eat and when. On work out days, my fluids, protein, calories, and carbs MUST be higher because if not, my body thinks it's starving and holds on to everything. I prioritize fluids, protein, and low carb above all else, but I still make sure that I'm at a calorie deficit while getting in enough to prevent my body from thinking its starving. I also only weigh myself once per week and pay special attention to NSVs, because even when the scale isn't doing what you want, your body still is. Fat gets redistributed, you slim down, that's when you see you drop sizes in clothes, rings, etc... When I work out, I keep my calories at around 1300 - 1400 depending on what work outs I do. I drink an electrolyte drink (Propel or gatorade zero) and an additional 64oz of fluids at LEAST. I keep my protein at 80-90g, my carbs at 40-50g, and healthy fats at 40-50g. When I'm not working out, I keep my calories at around 1000 - 1150, my fluids at around 64oz, my protein between 60-70g, my carbs between 20-30g, and my healthy fats between 20-30g. We need less when we aren't working out. We need more when we are. Just keep at a deficit while still providing more when working out. And make sure you change up the work outs. Right now, your body is really confused. You have to be patient with it, but at the same time, show it who's boss and shake things up to get it going again. You still have time to get where you want to be. Make sure you're not grazing through the day, be mindful what you're eating, when, and how often. Go back to your bariatric diet basics if you need to. You got this.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    I did it!!! OMG I really did it!!!!

    Pretty much everyday I just KNEW I wouldn't make it here lol I had to block out all the noise and just focus on my mind, my body, my health, and my goals. I had to make sure the number on the scale wasn't my main priority. When I did that, I eventually got here. But all the NSVs along the way were the real rewards.
  11. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thanks for all the encouragement guys! This mad me laugh out loud! I may be wishing this at people a lot 😂 My hubby’s company is self insured so they just changed administrators (the surgery should be covered). I think it’s just a bunch of red tape between the MD office and ins co. at this point (we asked for this, they didn’t send that back and forth nonsense). I just hate it when I don’t really have a lot of control over it and like things taken care of quickly so this is sending me into outer space and shooting my anxiety through the roof. @NickelChip great on the NSV! I’ve been loving grabbing things in my closet that were too small before, that I can wear now. We can just stick our tongues out at the scale when it decides to be rude! 😜
  12. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @gracesmommy2 I'm so sorry about the insurance issues. What a nightmare! Praying it is resolved soon. As for the goal weight, I used the weight loss calculator on the Pound of Cure website and took the lowest weight in the range, which also happened to get me to a "normal" BMI. So, it's pretty arbitrary but it sounded good. I based it on the weight I had reached before starting my pre-op diet, which was after dropping about 12 lbs from my highest point. My own doctor didn't discuss goals or percentages with me, although I don't know if that's standard practice for him or not. My experience has been odd. First, I was with a different weight management center for years, first managing through diet and meds and then switching to the surgical route, but it closed very suddenly. I had my December surgery canceled 3 weeks prior to my date and had to rebook for February with a surgeon at a sister hospital. So I came in very last minute and only met the surgeon and nutritionist at the new place twice so they could sign off on me as quickly as possible. And right after I had my surgery, my surgeon had a nasty ski injury and was out for several weeks, so I did one follow up with his colleague and one with him via video. I'm glad I was able to get the surgery in a timely fashion and they did a good job, but I sometimes wonder how my experience differs from if I had started off in their program. A nice NSV today. I had a dress I wore on my birthday back in March that fit me but with no room to spare. This was a victory in March because I had purchased it for a trip out of town the year before for my birthday but the dress didn't come close to fitting me back then. Well, today I needed something nice to wear to my daughter's dance competition only it was cold and rainy so my summery stuff wasn't going to work. I remembered the birthday dress, which is long sleeved and has a sweater. I put it on and it was so roomy! I'm actually glad I got a second wearing out of it because I'm hopeful it will be much too big when the fall rolls around and I need cool weather clothing again. In fact, my summery dresses that were skin tight two summers ago are already very loose, too. It's the little things that keep you going when the scale decides to stall, right?
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    I did it! I had my surgery

    Congrats!!! The first 2-3 weeks seriously suck. After that, it gets easier and you really start to learn your new body. Just prioritize walking, getting in your fluids, and getting in your protein. Don't rush things, stick to your meal plan, and trust the process. Weight loss stalls are NORMAL and to be expected. Watch for NSVs (Non Scale Victories) when the scale isn't moving. You got this!!
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Needing some encouragement

    I lost 33 pounds in my first 6 weeks, not in my first month. I also started a good 100 pounds heavier than you. The bigger you are, the faster you initially lose. I will say that you should go check out the NSV thread here (Non Scale Victories). Even if the scale isn't doing what you want, it doesn't mean things aren't happening. Clothes fit differently, rings are looser, you fit into seats with arms better, you're not smooshed when you sit in a booth, you can do more walking and working out without as much difficulty, etc.... Don't weight yourself everyday. Try picking a specific day each week and do it then. Make sure you're prioritizing protein first, then veggies, then carbs and healthy fats. Move everyday. Can be a workout, can be walking, could be swimming or biking. Just make sure you're moving your body. Try to stay away from sugar and salt as much as possible. Get at least 64oz of fluids daily, if not more. The first 6 months is when you lose the most, so do everything you can to help that along.
  15. ms.sss


    been going to the pilates studio almost everyday now (a few times ive gone twice a day, thats how addicted i am to it). got tired of washing the same 4 pairs of yoga pants every few days, so decided to buy some new ones! got these babies in 5 colours (black, pink, blue, red and these brown ones)...for $10 each! bonus NSV: finding my size in abundance in the clearance section! win! ...now i gotta buy some new tops..
  16. ms.sss


    From the album: ms.sss OOTDs

    been going to the pilates studio almost everyday now (a few times ive gone twice a day, thats how addicted i am to it). Tired of washing the same 4 pairs of yoga pants every few days, decided to buy some new ones! got these babies in 5 colours (black, pink, blue, red and these brown ones)...for $10 each! another NSV: finding my size (xs) in abundance in the clearance section! win! ...now i gotta buy some new tops..
  17. @RonHall908 You look amazing!!! NickelChip, I had a similar experience about 5 years ago. I got down to 202 pounds and couldn't get under 200. Then, I started to gain weight and, over the next few years, reached my highest weight. I am hoping to push under 200 without a big stall, but if it does happen, I'm going to fight hard to not let it mess with my mind! I find it interesting that so many of us are stalling at the same time. It makes me think this is a normal pattern after surgery. So far, I've been steadily losing weight —even if it's a pound a week. I'm guessing I'm going to be stalling sometime soon, too. This is when we have to look at the NSV's (Non-scale victories)... Ron's pictures for example!! Hang in there everyone!
  18. The little things are sometimes the best NSV. Just going into regular shops will never get old to me. Congratulations on your weight loss and the NSV.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023


    I agree with @BlondePatriotInCDA. Definitely check out the NSV thread. That's what got me through when I was needing motivation or when I needed to get through stalls and feeling frustrated.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023


    So for me, I've had stalls last anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. I tend to gain 2-4 pounds during a stall and then drop like 5-6 pounds when it breaks. Once I see I'm in a stall, I stay off the scale. Normally I weigh myself 2-3 times per week. When I'm in a stall, I do it once per week, just to see when it breaks. I stick with my diet, I change up my workout to "confuse" my body (if you do the same thing at the same time al the time, your body gets use to it and the exercises become less effective), and I focus on NSVs (Non Scale Victories) such as how I look, how my clothes fit, how my rings fit, if I've dropped inches, if I can fit into seats/booths better, etc...
  21. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Heya! Definitely close enough haha! I am really happy to hear you are excited, and it seems like this is a big step for you in your journey, I wish you nothing but success with it all ❤️ Ohhh see I was gonna buy some new slippers, but I am thinking crocs will probably be a smarter thing to do! Definitely a lip balm too! Whats the heating pad for if you don't mind me asking? That is such a lovely NSV to look forward to ❤️ We've definitely got this!
  22. 2 of the Biggest NSV thus far in my life; 1) my 6yr old daughter can wrap her arms around me for the first time ever! 2) My 12yr old son is having a basketball game for the parents vs. their players and I am playing with him! Its been awhile since I played basketball so I have been practicing lol but I would never had even volunteered to do this 70lbs ago! 

    This surgery has changed my life for the better!

    1. NickelChip


      That's fantastic!

  23. I didn't dare give myself goals. I had my heart broken too many times. Every sure fire diet got my hopes up and then it failed and I crashed. I had hopes of loosing 70lbs because I had done this before three times. When I began getting NSV's these really boosted me. I had rid myself of diabetes, blood pressure and water retention. These meant so much more than the numbers on the scales. I doubled my expectations and I love my saggy skinned old woman body now. For the first time since I was six years old, I fit in this world.
  24. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    A small NSV today, and this is just from the pre-op diet. I bought a dress last winter that I had wanted to wear on my birthday because I was going to NYC and going out to dinner. I bought it at a store where I wasn't able to try it on, and when I got it home, it was so tight that every single button gaped ridiculously. But I was optimistic, so I kept it. It's been a year. I pulled it out today and tried it on, and now only one button right at the largest part of my bust has a slight gap. Another 5-10 pounds and I will be able to wear it with no issues. And since my birthday is 4 weeks away, I think I know what I'll be wearing!
  25. SleeveToBypass2023


    You look great and have made fantastic progress. You have nothing to worry about. What you want to look at are your NSVs (Non Scale Victories). Here are a few of mine: I was able to fit in normal sized chairs at doctor's offices and the movies I was finally able to properly cross my legs when sitting My clothes were getting looser and not fitting as snugly I was able to wear 18" necklaces and they didn't fir like a choker My ring size went from a 10 to a 6 I could sit at a booth in a restaurant and there is plenty of space between my stomach and the table and I wasn't squished up against it I can wear bracelets and anklets now I am no longer diabetic, no longer have painful joints, no longer have high blood pressure, and am off all the meds for those issues When the scale isn't doing what we think it should be doing, look to your NSVs. That's what REALLY tells the tale with what your body is doing. Now, having said that, you gotta get back on your bariatric diet and re-dedicate yourself to it. The trick is to not undo all the progress you made. For me PERSONALLY, I can't let things like holidays and birthdays and special occasions be an excuse to go off my diet. I know that if I do, it'll be 10x harder to get back on track. So I make sure ahead of time that I have things I can eat that are compliant with my diet and still taste really good and allow me to be included with everyone else. Just keep that in mind going forward and you should do great.

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