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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TKW

  1. TKW

    Missing food

    I don't miss anything but I can pretty much eat anything if I "choose" to. I stay away from bread, pasta and chocolate(lol) but when I really am in need of a burger I have one. I love a burger on an "everything bagle thin" think i like it more than a bun. And sometimes you just need pasta . but 1/2 cup of pasta and I am full. It fits into my diet so I eat it. But I will say, I don't typically miss eating a lot of bread or pasta or chocolate. I have told this story before but I'll share again. I used to be a chocoholic, probably ate chocolate everyday. One day I was standing in line at the grocery store and they have all the candy bars at the check out. I was standing there looking at them thinking " if i was going to have just one, which one would I pick?" I couldn't even hypothetically pick one cuz none of them even looked that good to me!!!!! I have had candy and I must admit, it isn't that tasty anymore. I didn't ever think I would feel that way about chocolate. I was so worried about being successful because I didn't know how I would ever give it up. It hasn't been that hard. Best of Luck!
  2. TKW

    pre op "cheat" ?

    You've done amazing. No, it shouldn't affect anything. I didn't have to do a "pre-op" diet. I was just required to try to lose some weight. But was not put on a liquid diet. The purpose of the diet is to shrink your liver. It shrinks no matter how you lose the weight, liquid diet or just dieting. If you are losing weight, you are doing what you need to. Obviously, following dr's rules is best. Congrats and good luck with your surgery
  3. Well.... you got to want it bad enough to make changes. I was scared to death to do it. Lets face it, I failed at every diet under the sun. I weighed 432 pounds, so it was obvious diets didn't work for me. I had an insatitable sweet tooth. Uff... was just out of control. I wanted to change my life bad enough that I was ready to commit to healthier eating habits. Do I ever eat ice cream, ya... but I'll opt for a greek yogurt 99% of the time. You might be suprised, I found it easier than I thought (altho... some people do not) Once you start eating healthy and losing weight it really motivates me to keep going. I get full on healthy foods and don't crave the crap (too much) anymore. I was standing in the line at the grocery store the other day and all that candy is right there. 2.5 years ago, there would have been candy on the conveyor belt. I was standing there thinking... jeeze if I could just have one which one would I pick???? I pondered it as I stood in line. The answer was none of them, they didn't even look good to me. I hadn't realized it to it's full extent yet until that moment but I have really gotten control over my "chocolate obsession". Chocolate was my biggest concern when I started this. I can't even imagine eating a big full sized candy bar. No desire. That is a big big accomplishment for me. This was my experience, and not everybody works the same, but a lot of it is the want.... you got to want to change. The band helped me do that. I wish you luck, it is a commitment but I don't feel deprived of one single thing, I eat yummy good for me food and enjoy every bite of it. (now, to lose my craving for cookies).
  4. TKW

    ? For the Ladies

    I went through Menopause (or am going through it) haven't had my period in 2 years. I still get bloated and gain a couple pounds every month or two. It used to drive me nuts.... eh, now I just ignore it. You still get some of the symptoms weather you actually get your period or not. Try not to let it bug you cuz there is nothing you can do about it. Good Luck!
  5. need to get my ass back to the gym.... TODAY!

  6. It will come an go. Happens to me once in a while. Good Luck!
  7. TKW


    I don't think it matters.... pick the healthiest. I love wheat thins baked cracker chips Garden Veggie. Yummy
  8. TKW

    Chinese Food?

    Chicken and broccoli should be great. 1 cup of it can't be that fattening???
  9. I used to be a stomach sleeper. (could not sleep any other way) I feel like I am soffocating when I sleep on my stomach now. Can't do it. Not sure if it is the band or the inferno hot flashes but I have gotten used to sleeping on my back or side now.
  10. TKW

    any one work early

    My breakfast is almost always a greek yogurt, sometimes a protien bar. I'm not overly hungry in the AM.
  11. TKW


    There's no carbonation, so the only concern is empty calories. I say drink up and enjoy!
  12. Pancakes! It is the one food that HAUNTS me once in a while and I just can't get them off my mind. Don't get me wrong, I could eat "a" pancake, and the chances of one little pancake going down fine is pretty good. I can eat most anything if I'm careful enough. But I am talking about a big old stack of buttery, homemade buttermilk pancakes with my mom's homemade brownsugar syrup. So while I could eat one little pancake and be fine, I just can't imagine slathering it in butter and loading it up with carmely brown sugar syrup. Sooooooo flipping delish!!!! This being said, I believe you can eat anything once in a while... in moderation.
  13. TKW

    Zumba n piloxing

    Excercise is key.... combined with health eating, your sure to be a winner! Good Luck!
  14. TKW

    Getting stuck?

    Not only chew good but take your time. If I eat too fast I can get stuck on yogurt. I have had some serious stuck issues and with every fill I got I had to learn to eat just a little slower and chew just a little more. I NEVER (knock on wood) get stuck anymore. It all becomes very natural habit after a while (some of us are slow learners) Good Luck!
  15. I was so fortunate... restriction right from the start. Never had to deal with the bandster hell... little bouts here and there but nothing too bad. My best advice, see your dr. regularly and get those fills. Be honest with them what you are eating and feeling. Also... eat that protien. Seriously, it fills you up way faster then other stuff and keeps you full. Even in the Green Zone it takes some willpower. Every now and then i can hear the ice cream calling my name in the freezer section of the grocery store!!!! I ignore her!. Hang in there!!!
  16. TKW

    2 cc's so discouraged

    Weather you can or not... you shouldn't be eating so much or the type of foods that would allow you to gain everything you have lost back. The band is only part of the equation... you are responsible for the rest (healthy choices, exercise, etc). That being said... your dr should be working to help you achieve proper restriction. Good Luck to you!
  17. TKW

    How Bad Did I Mess Up?

    My pre-op diet (also to shrink the liver) did not involve shakes or bars. I had to lose weight... period. No funky shakes or just liquids, Lose some weight, which I did (18 pounds) The key is to lose weight. Obviously, keep on track and follow your surgeons directive, but I don't imagine you caused much harm. Good Luck!
  18. Well... if it did something to your band you would probably know it. You are supposed to be on liquids to heal and you could be swollen so much that it would not let solids down (if you consider potato soup a solid) and cause you to vomit. YOU do not want that to happen at this point. At this stage in the game a slip could happen quite easily until that band is seated in place and the swelling has gone down. My guess is you are ok... but stick to liquids. Strain that soup and throw away the solids before you even take a sip. Congrats and good luck!
  19. TKW

    calling banders in below zero temps or near zero

    YA.... I've opened super cold water and it sort of freezes when you open the cap. BRRRRRRRR (it's been balmy here this winter in North Dakota)
  20. I love "cuties" even if they are for kids!

  21. TKW


    ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. yeah, sorry. LOL!!! I read it a couple of times even. Boy, I was exhausted for a long time after surgery. Didn't get better till I switched to a vitamin with iron.
  22. 1200 calories and you are burning half that in one hour of exercise everyday. Maybe you need to up your calories a couple hundred? By the way... you look great!
  23. TKW


    In the past year I have only lost 24 pounds.... I didn't realize it even until I had my anual check up, and now it is bugging the heck out of me. Turns out tho... I may have a thyroid thing going on???? Uff I hope not. Anyway. 30 pounds is amazing, You have to learn to stop when you are no longer hungry. Don't go for the stuffed feeling. Eat your one cup or quit at 20 minutes or which ever method you choose but quit when you are no longer hungry... not necessarily "full". I rarely throw up anymore but if I over eat I will. So maybe you're too full and throwing up and not necessarily "stuck". It can be really hard sometimes but just keep going. Best of luck to you!

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