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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by asksdf

  1. With the exception of one or two, the only people I see complaining (or freaking out) are those who have recently been banded. Most are still in the healing post-op phase.

    Did not gain all your weight in 30 days, can't expect miracles right away.

    All weight loss at that time is from the pre-op and post-op diet regime. Sooner or later you will be on regular food. Then you have to learn to live and use the band.

    It took me 3-4 months before things started to fall in place. Six months till everything started to work the way I had hoped it would.

    And I am still learning things all the time.

    This was pretty much my deal too. I didn't start really learning how to work the band until about four months into it.

  2. Ok, so you lost almost a hundred pounds, and now you're in the process of throwing it all away. I refuse to believe that you can actually feel good after eating all the ice cream and whatever else it is that you're eating. I'm thinking you're eating to the point where you're stuffed? That never felt good to me even when I was overeating every day. You've gained 20 pounds, the clothes fitting a bit tighter? Hope you didn't throw out your bigger clothes. A slip-up here and there for a couple days is understandable. But not this. Did something happen to make this start again?

    You need to come up with a plan, and start tomorrow. Start eating right and start exercising again, because I'm guessing that stopped too. Just go back to square one. You did this already for long enough, you know what it takes.

    I honestly don't think a fill is going to help. It certainly won't help with ice cream filling you up.

  3. I think a few people started noticing the weight loss at around 30 pounds, I still remember one friend who I rarely see was blown away when he saw me at 40 pounds down. People at work didn't notice really until I went away for a week vacation and came back. I kept hearing "Wow you did a lot of walking on your trip, you lost some weight." No, I've spent the last four months losing 75 pounds. It irritated me, but I suppose it's to be expected.

  4. I can see my collarbone clearly

    Fitting into smaller clothes, although the sizes are moving slowly

    Can cross my legs, I don't have to pull it up halfway with my hand

    I'm no longer overflowing into other peoples' seats at the movies or hockey games

    And not really NSVs, but....I'm much more energetic now, my overall mood and attitude have changed completely, I now dislike sitting around the house for hours on end, I have started on increasing my flexibility (as of right now I'm as flexible as a brick), and overall I just want to go out and try new things that I never did before because of the weight.

  5. I'm a guy, so I'm programmed to find no joy whatsoever in clothes shopping. That being said, a couple months ago I bought a pair of jeans and some undershirts for work. At the time, it was questionable if I'd fit in them or not. I fit in both the jeans and shirts, but it wasn't pretty, they were too tight. Now every once in a while I'll try on either one to see how it's fitting. It's just another way to gauge the weight loss.

    I really do need new shorts and pants though. It's to the point where I've had to make new holes in my belt, and the top of the shorts are folding over in places because they're too big, and they're pulled too tight. I don't have a problem spending money on clothes, but I just want to "get by" until I'm closer to my goal.

  6. I'm not a doctor, but that sounds absurd being on a Protein drink only diet for 90 days. And even then, what happens when you start eating food after the 90 days? Probably gain a lot of the weight back.

    The first few weeks after surgery are hard, we all expect that we'll be the special case and lose lose lose. Unfortunately it doesn't happen that way. Hopefully everything will go great with your fill and you can get on the right track.

  7. I workout everyday from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Today I had nothing better to do, and my new kettlebell came in, so I just finished working out for about four hours. My body is DEAD. I haven't felt this sore in a while. That, and I'm continuing eating right.

    EDIT: I clicked on this topic through the the new topics section, just realized it was for May bandsters. Oh well.

  8. Maintenance on my band is so low it's a joke. My doc has to call me and basically tell me it's time to come in for a checkup. For the first few months, I was required to go back once a month just for general checkups and see how I was doing. I really wouldn't worry about having to be at the doctor's office too frequently.

  9. That's always a great feeling. It's weird, I like getting compliments but I just don't know how to handle them. Yesterday at work I ran into four guys who I hadn't seen in a while, and they were all shocked by my weightloss. Felt really good, but I just kind of stand there smiling and all awkward like.

  10. Name, real or screen~ sandworms

    Age~ 25

    Weight on September 1st~ 239.3

    Goal Weight for September 29th~ 229

    Exercise Goal for September~ keep exercising at least 6 days a week, incorporate kettleball into workouts

    Dietary Goal for September~ keep doing what I'm doing, drink more water

    Personal Goal for September~ get outside my comfort zone more

    Date Banded~ 10/7/10

    Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 90.7 lbs

  11. Thank you both for your encouragement! I'm normally really good with my Water intake (normally). I really think stress has a lot to do with my plateau. Plus, I have been an emotional wreck lately. With the loss of my grandmother and just having body image issues - It's been a mess. I think I have been putting way too much pressure on myself to get out of the 240s that my body is going crazy. When I think, maybe I need a fill, I have a stuck episode or a really hard time eating something that would normally not be a problem at all. The mind is a powerful thing and I really think mine is getting in the way. I know this is a marathon not a sprint. I know it's long term commitment not short term gain. Sometimes though, my brain gets the best of me and I'm my own worst enemy. I really need to do the side-by-side comparison shot soon so I can start to see what everyone else does. I mean, I KNOW 80+ pounds is noticeable on anyone. Maybe I just need to start believing in myself again. :)

    I like to take front, side, and back pictures of myself on the same day every month. I take the pics in the same spot in my house too, I try to get everything the same. It really helps put your mind at ease.

  12. I have officially had my band for a year and 1 month now, and I had NO idea about this website..how is this possible? I don't think you even know how much help all of you could have been to me through some really tough times with the band!!

    I am a college Senior..and lovvving life! I have felt like, for the longest time, that I am like the only person to have this surgery that is younger than my mom, who also had it done (no offense, I love my mom, and I love anyone who has had this surgery, but I feel like I am the only one under 40 sometimes..) I have lost around 60lbs in the year since I have gotten the surgery, which compared to some of these other stories I read is chump weight haha. BUT..I am very very pleased with my slow weight loss, and am thinner than I ever was in high school.

    I do have a problem though, I have come to a stand still in weight loss and I really want to know some simple tricks that any of you had tried that have helped you to see a slight drop in the scale. I stay pretty active, walking to class, going out and dancing, and continuing to be an avid follower of Jilian Micheal's workout DVDs. Sometimes I don't always eat as well as I should, due to good and bad days with the band. By this I mean some days I can eat as normal as I should, and other days it takes all my might to swallow my own spit, :(.

    I can't wait to get to know the site and those of you who have taken advantage of this amazing social tool! But..let me in on some of your tricks..it's story time :P.

    I was at a two month plateau, I just made sure I drank a ton of Water daily and it started the weight loss again.

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