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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Herraven

  1. Herraven

    very exciting!

    Emjay.... I just wanted to let you know that I managed to get up enough energy and I made those little mini pan egg muffin things for my husband. He said they were so delicious and he couldn't stop eating them. I used ground up sausage with some shatakii mushrooms, in the eggs I finely chopped up fresh rosemary, onions, red bell pepper and heirloom tomato and used garlic cheddar cheese on top. They smelled soooooo good. I wanted one so bad but I'm still on liquids since I had my surgery 9/30. But that did me in, I had to lay down and rest lol!
  2. I saw those too they are 3.99, 4.99 and 9.99. After reading the reviews I decided I wouldn't spend the money. I went with the two free apps: Sparkpeople and MyNetDiary. MyNetDiary is also on the computer if you don't have a iPhone or Droid. I like MyNetDiary because it is user friendly, I can calculate my food intake w calories, make notes ect. I think you can even have pics. I think??? The reviews on it was way better than the paid apps. It doesn't have specifics for your fills, but that is what I'm going to use the note section for.
  3. The only person that knows I had surgery is my husband and my best friend and that's all I plan on telling. I think it is no one elses business what I do. There are so many haters and judgmental people out there. There is NO REASON why I have to justify my decision to anybody except my insurance. I don't have steady work at the moment and have only been working temporary assignments through a agency, I gave them a dr note stating I had to be off work. But I got my drs note through the hospital so it was not from a specific dr. The agency asked if I was ok and I said yes and they wanted to be all in my business and ask what kind of surgery and all I said with a smile was, HIPPA Law. ( I think I abbreviated that correctly). I guess I just think differently than others. I use to be skinny most of my life. But when I was getting near 30 I started to gain weight. I have seen the haters on both sides. When I was skinny and I was going out, jealous girls would call me fat! LOL!!! I was 135lb @ 5'10 where was the fat??? Now I'm over 300 and feel self conscious when I go to Godiva chocolate to buy a gift because I'm holding a chocolate bag. All I'm saying is there are always going to be haters and the only person you have to please is yourself! But that is just my opinion. Some people are proud and want to tell everybody.... But if you do, you might as well get ready to explain why...
  4. I had my surgery Sept 30. They said everything went great. Since I've been home I can barely get any fluids in me. Im suppose to have 1 oz of water every waking hour. I can get maybe a total of 11oz of fluid in me a day. I'm suppose to have my protein shake, my clear broth and water. I take a few sips of protein shake and I'm done same with the broth. When I take a deep breath I have a sharp pain on my side when I breathe deeply and I feel like I always have a lump in my throat. I have a pain in my neck that won't go away. I always feel hot and clammy. Last night I tossed and turned so much I was waking up every 1Hr or so. I already have a bad back, so from all the tossing and turning I now have horrible lower back pain. And to make matters worse... I am completely starving myself. I could of been cruel to myself and starved myself without surgery. I want it out!!!!!!! I am sooo miserable!!!
  5. Oh and dr office said the reason why my incisions were large is because I have a thick abdomen wall.... I still say they are an over kill. I have a follow up appt w the surgeon at the beginning of November.... I will hear it from the horses mouth then. They never let me actually talk to the surgeon any more.
  6. Herraven

    Do the fill's hurt

    This is good to know.....
  7. Ok....so after calling my dr office and yelling, crying and pleaing with them this is what they told me: take my pain meds regularly and I can take up to 4000 mg of tylenol. Heating pad for my shoulder, and the sharp pain in my side they said it is the swelling still. I told them I'm STILL unable to get enough fluid down all they said was keep trying and if my urine gets a dark yellow or orange that means I'm dehydrated and to call them that they will have me come in for fluids. The huge lump feeling in my throat-I have found that sugar free Popsicles and shaved ice I can crunch on feels the best. They did say that they have "primed" my band w a little solution but said that shouldn't be interfering with me getting down fluids. I'm going to venture out tomorrow and see if I can find some of this protein tea people are talking about. So there is my update
  8. Herraven

    very exciting!

    Emjay.... Those sound delicious....
  9. Herraven

    very exciting!

    Ah ok... Bobs Red Mill is down the street from me. I shop there from time to time
  10. Herraven

    What am I doing wrong!!?

    Amanda.... I'm not sure. All I can say is everybody seems to be so different. I had my surgery 9/30 and I haven't been to get any fluids down and I've only loss 3 pounds from starving for approx 5 days. When I see other posts saying they have loss nearly 10lbs. I'm a bit discouraged because now I think I'm going to be losing my weight at a snails pace compared to others that can just shed it off blah! I'm over 300 lbs and I have a lot to loose.
  11. Herraven

    You Guys are SCARING ME!

    Ebeeze.... I am so jealous. I wish the after effects of the surgery were so different for me. I think you and other individuals like yourself are considered lucky. I wish everbody could have a easier transition after the surgery. It is so nerve racking as it is-just to get mentally prepared, but even when you try to stay positive and your body is in so much pain... It's hard!
  12. Herraven

    Nausea and Indigestion!

    LOL @ little floaties.... That would make me squeamish because I would think it was dirty, putting it in a sports bottle sounds like a good idea
  13. Yes :) let's keep in touch since we got our surgery on the same day :)

  14. That sounds great I will send you and email and we can see how we are both doing since we got it on the same day <3 feel better. I found sugar free Popsicles to be very helpful and the ice from Sonic drive in. Their ice is easy to crunch on.
  15. Let me take a few more of my pain meds before I comment to you Njsizzla. You are post-op and in my opinion I don't think you should judge on how I or anybody else can tolerate pain or how we feel. Thats all I'm going to say. I appreciate the kind, encouraging advice that I have received before your post and I know that others are battling out there like me.
  16. Thank you for all of the words of encouragement. I will however be calling my dr again tomorrow. I called him late Friday and told him about not being able to drink as much as I needed but he said keep trying and things will get better. I will ask him about the scarring because I was told that they would be small minor cuts about an inch or smaller. The inch one being the port insision. I stopped taking my pain meds because I thought if I was high on my pain meds I wouldn't feel if there was anything wrong. This is my first surgery ever. I haven't even been pregnant before so I am a little freaked out and possibly over reacting. My husband got on to me about stopping my pain meds and stood in front of me this morning w/ pills and water in hand. He has been a great person to depend on through this whole process and has been extremely understanding. He brought home 4 different kinds of sugar free jello home because he wasn't sure what flavor I would be in the mood for <3 I hope everybody that is going through this procedure has somebody like this to help you at home.
  17. I've been talking to my best friend who had this surgery last year and her 5 scars are teeny tiny. My largest one is 4 inches long then a 2 inch one and the other three are about an inch long. Some of the others that I have known to get wls their entry scars were small too. So on top of it all I feel like the bride of Frankenstein. I feel so depressed and I can't stop crying.
  18. Herraven

    Nausea and Indigestion!

    Mama... I feel your pain. I got my surgery done Thursday as well and I'm regretting it at this point. My neck pain is horrible, I feel like throwing up after ever sip of water. I have a lump in my throat. I could go on and on with my list of aches. I'm calling my dr tomorrow. I just feel that something just isn't right.
  19. Herraven

    Herraven's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
