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Posts posted by SecondHandRose

  1. Congratulations to all of you getting back on the wagon with this great Tool we have! We just need ONE DAY of successes piled up to a healthy weight....I know we can do it!!!!

    I went last Thursday for a fill on my 10cc band and am at 5ccs. Wow, what a difference that made! I am recommitted and happy to join you all in our One Day at a Time Journey. I am 308 and hope to be in the 200s by this time next month.

    I am making a commitment to write down everything that goes into my mouth.....after realizing this has more to do with habits and comfort, for me, than anything else.

    I'm finding ways to stay busy with crafts and have turned our dining room into a craft room. That has been a huge help! Keeps me mentally occupied while those cravings hit and keeps me from feeding them. Oh, and I'm trying to keep my nails looking great. I could do the acrylics but this takes more time and effort on my part and that is what I am wanting. Just staying busy, ya know? And looking for ways to get back to my old self and old ways....I don't remember eating way back then!

  2. Ok, I was banded on october 6th of this year....my port flipped and I had it revised on december 2nd. I was doing great on my journey! I couldn't have been happier. Then, I had pain in my abdomin. Th pain started last saturday and continued through that monday morning. I drove myself to to dr office first thing on monday and they admitted me to the hospital. After 2 days of IV antibiotics, on Wednesday December 22, I had my band removed. It had become incredibly infected and the pain was so bad it was unbearable. Why did this happen to me??? I have done so much research and talked to so many people who have had this done, I really thought that it was right for me. So now what to do??? I cannot exercise dueto the fact that they left the wound open to drain, and now I am starving again! I am down about 35 lbs since the summer, I am still fat though! I guess we will give weight watchers a try again come the new year!

    I am so sorry to hear this happened to you!! I hope you heal quickly and get on to your new life. (((hugs)))

  3. How did you do with the taco? Just had to know. LOL Having surgery this Tuesday. Keep me posted on the taco .

    Oh my, right now you probably feel like you been run over by a truck or have pain in your belly from surgical gas. I hope you are doing well!

    I can eat taco shells just fine! Yay! And chips...lol...and crackers. So, I am going to count carbs and limit them to 60 per day. AFTER Saturday...I'm not counting during Christmas dinner or left overs.

    We have found Carrol Shelby's chili mix in the box (used to be in a sack) is great for low carbing! We don't add the maza and avoid the carbs. Then I count cheese nips, 13 of them have 8-ish carbs and are perfect for that crunch.

    So far so good, let us know how you are feeling!

  4. It is not as simple as calories in vs calories expended. Our bodies react very differently to different calorie sources especially if you have a metabolic issue (PCOS, metabolic syndrome, syndrome X, insulin resistance, thyroid issues, Cushings Syndrome, etc.) There are plenty of documented cases of women with PCOS being vegetarian, on a diet, exercising and still gaining weight. I do believe most people who are obese have diagnosed or undiagnosed metabolic issues.

    I have PCOS and know for a fact that if I eat normal portions I gain weight no matter what. I have been eating on a salad plate for years and still was weighing 265 lbs when all of this started. In order to loose weight, I have to eat portions that fit on a dessert plate about what my 3 year old would eat. I cannot eat that portion without being ravenous. I got the lap-band to help curb hunger.

    I do get tired of doctors and others saying that there is no way a person cannot be loosing weight or even gaining on a limited diet. It happens all the time.

    If you are not loosing weight on a limited diet, perhaps you should see an endocrinologist and get a workup done to see if there are metabolic issues or other medical issues. Of course, see your PCP or pharmacist to find out if any medications you may be on is causing weight gain or slow metabolism.

    My mother is just like the original poster. Years ago we went on WW together. I lost fast, she would loose 1/4 pound a week. She doesn't cheat! Then she went on another program and had to weigh everyday at their center, they would accuse her of cheating, etc. It was awful!

    We don;t know enough about weight loss at this time. There are people who can eat a whole pizza and be thin and those who can have a piece and be fat. I've read a lot. It is the 'wasting' ability of a body that is still very misunderstood. What they do know is what Atkins was saying all along. Cut White Carbs (as we know them) and stay away from higher glycemic fruits and veggies. Proteins first.

    Hugging Original Poster and hoping you find YOUR answer as you go through this journey.

    I BELIEVE you!


  5. I had surgery on the 17th of Nov. Fill this past Wednesday the 15th of Dec. I was out of control the last week up to the fill appt. I was hungry, snacking, eating more than I thought I should but feeling no 'fullness'.

    Same thing after the fill, got total of 2ccs in my 10 cc band.

    Then Saturday, I started to feel the 'fullness'. I ate the top off of one pizza and nibbled on the crust and was STUFFED. Sunday, same thing. Put 1/3 the usual amount of lasagna on my plate, ate a little over half and was stuffed. Yay! Love that!

    Looking to loose some weight and get into the 200 range by next fill.

    Hope you all are doing well!

  6. Salads. I eat them couple times a week but only have Spinach, meats, egg, shredded carrots and dressing. I eat the Spinach cause I can eat it raw and it is nutritious. It's a nice lean meal. I chew and chew it though. Spinach in the bag lasts a while. I doubt I'll eat it after another fill or two. Will probably put some in a quiche at that point.

  7. I'm eating whatever I want, just WAY less!! I am looking at my half eaten Stoffer's lasagna right now and recognizing I can only eat a SMALL amount. I put in the plate 1/3 of what I usually eat and now half of it will be popped into the fridge for later or tomorrow or feed to the trash can.


    Last night, the guys ordered pizza. I had ONE piece and left the dough, eating the top of the crispy crust only. Normally, I am eating tuna salad, deli meats, greek yogurt and blueberries...but I love to enjoy the goodies and eat like a thin person.

  8. I know exactly what you are saying! I gained back 4 pounds and luckily got my first fill today. Proteins will cut the hunger for sure. I would try to make good choices and eat as much as I need to feel satisfied. Limbo is awful...hope Jan 4th gets here quickly. One thing I have learned is make the appt for next time when you go in. AND make sure you get your band filled to a quality level when you go in depending on your size band.

  9. Banding, the day after surgery I was sure I had made the wrong decision too!

    As to the pain meds, you can take liquid Tylenol. It helps, it really does. I knew I couldn't take the codeine based drug so I had horse pills, they were HUGE! and had to be crushed in yogurt and milk. Anything sweet made me almost barf. If you can take unsweet hot tea, slip some tylenol into that and drink it.

    The roughest part will only be a couple days. Then you will feel SO much better. You'll be weak and uneasy but you'll know you're on the way back to normal. I had mine on Thursday and was good by Sunday...walking around the house, talking. I could have gone to work on Monday. In a week you are pretty much normal and eating small meals.

    Give yourselves some time, you are supposed to feel like yo been run over and beat up by something much meaner than you. Its down hill from here!

    Get your rest, don't expect much, moan and cry if you need to. I cried a lot on Saturday, once I knew i was gonna live I was so happy. Cause up until Saturday I thought I had totally messed up my wonderful fat body and would never be without pain again. I was wrong. You guys will be good in a couple more days.


  10. I think it is pretty normal. Sounds like you have some gas still in there that will take some time to go away. And the pain at the incisions are normal, specially the port area.

    Take your pain meds to stay on top of things. Relax, don't fight it. sleep as you can. Get up a little and move/walk as you can when you go pee, etc.

    I turned on the cooking channel and slept most of two days. I had excruciating pain, like brain freeze the second day and my son made me take my meds and sleep. It is rough for a few days, then you get better and better!! Promise!

    Sending hugs your way...

  11. Greek yogurt with milk was light enough to go through a straw, though I didn't use one. I had to crush pain meds and other meds up in it. A few days later I had Tomato Soup. It was amazing how good a half cup of Tomato Soup was! That was the 'Liquid' diet I was on. I also had blueberry juice and hot teas.

    By Thanksgiving Day (one week after being banded) I was able to graze on one small plate of food the entire day. The turkey was tender so with gravy (doctors orders) and chewing it to a pulp, everything went down beautifully and I was very happy.

    Between now and Saturday, try Greek yogurt with milk and sweetner. Don't get the fruited kind, just the regular kind. It is high Protein and low carb. Made a huge difference, hope it works for you as well.

  12. I was thinking that same thing, Insulin Resistance. You simply don't have the privilege of eating wheat products. Not at All!! From there you really need to cut back on the other 'whites' in your menu. Rice, Potatoes.

    It WILL fall off if you make that change. You can't help but loose weight that way. AND, from all I am reading, it is the healthiest way to eat Period!

    (Said Rose as she popped another cheese nip into her mouth)

    Some habits die REALLY hard, but this is a sure thing.

    Congratulations on loosing all that weight!!!

  13. It's definitely more pain and trouble when you baby it!

    Lucky me, the day after surgery thought I was gonna barf so had to roll over and hop up pretty quick to grab the trash can. After all that, I just had a teeny dry heave...and that for some reason made me laugh hysterically. So between laughing and hauling myself out of bed to barf, I got over any pain fast.

  14. so today is 11/17/2010. I was banded yesterday at 8am, so far im nauseous tired, sore, tender. overall just feel like crap. it hurts when i take deep breaths which is concerning me the most, but from what i read in other threads this is gas?




    Lacey, I was banded on the 17th and breathing deeply hurts like H***.. So does swallowing. Close to brain freeze with all the throat and neck insides revolting. Then the anxiety tips in and I have to talk myself off the ledge. Then Im ok. Until the next swallow or deep breath.

    I sho do hope this is normal and I admit to wondering what did I think I was doing getting this band??!!

    My son did great, our surgeries were on the same day. He is up and around, moving slow but otherwise good.

    Im so thankful I don't have the intense gas pain in my shoulder....not yet anyway.


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