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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NJBandit

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I rarely post on here, but feel like I am struggling, and could use some help.

    I was banded back on April 18, 2011. The surgery went great, no complications, and I lost about 30 pounds prior to the surgery just from modifying my habits. So far, I have lost around 85 pounds, and I am about 10 pounds less than what I originally considered "ideal." I have had only 1 fill, back on June 4, 2011 (which strikes me as odd, because most people I encounter seem to have several fills). I have gone back to my surgeon every 6 weeks, and he has not felt the need for any additional adjustments. He also said that the band looks fine, and the placement is perfect.

    For the past 2 months, I feel like I have been unnecessarily tight. I am dropping lots of weight, but I feel like my band is getting tighter even though I have only had the one fill. I have a hard time eating most solids, and I feel that I am chewing thoroughly and eating slowly. I am vomiting several times per week. Sometimes I can barely eat 1/2 a veggie or turkey burger, and these things are very good sources of Protein. Even some light, flaky fish will sometimes be hard to get down. I eat so much Soup, Greek yogurt, Protein shakes, and Protein drinks, but anything solid is usually a chore. I am fully prepared to not be able to eat breads or heavy carbs (like pasta), but I am having trouble with most solids, even the good ones.

    My questions are as follows:

    1) Is it normal to only need 1 fill? I keep hearing about all of these people having multiple fills, and I have only had 1!!

    2) Is it possible that I could need to be slightly unfilled even after only having 1 fill?

    Needless to say, I am TERRIFIED of putting weight back on. I have been so happy with my weight loss, and I feel great, but I do feel that I should be able to eat slightly more, or at least vary my foods a bit more. I cannot subsist only on soft Proteins and soup the rest of my life. I feel like I have been in denial that I might need an unfill, because it makes me feel like a failure. I have my next appointment with my surgeon next week, and I am struggling with whether I should ask him for a slight unfill, or keep my mouth shut.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  2. Hi MollyRN,

    Thanks for taking the time to write. I'm curious - How do you know of Dr. Andrei and Morristown Memorial? I assume from your name that you are an RN, so I imagine you are quite familiar with the medical field. I was referred to Dr. Andrei by a friend of mine who had the band surgery with him. She swears by him. This is my first surgical experience, so I haven't dealt with too many surgeons. I like that Dr. Andrei is kind, has a sense of humor, but is also very straightforward. I don't think he sugar coats things, but I get the feeling that he genuinely cares about his patients. His staff is wonderful too - very organized, professional, and thorough.

    Like I said, I've never had surgery before, so virtually everything about it is a new experience for me. I just hope it goes smoothly, safely, and the pain is manageable. Dr. Andrei already gave me my scripts for after the surgery. He wanted me to get them filled now so I am all set with them when I leave the hospital.

    Thanks again for your kind words.....................I hope your lap band journey is going well for you.



    I am a bit of a freak, but I have to say that I was so calm about this - I just felt like I was making such a great decision for myself and my family. And you are too! Be calm. You will be okay. I know your doctor and the hospital and you are in good hands.

    Here are my responses to your questions:

    1) The actual surgery itself - NO BIGGIE, it was quick and easy and uneventful. And you won't remember so no worries! Be calm and be proud of yourself.

    2) The pain after the surgery - I, like everyone else, had to deal with the gas pain. But MOVE, move around, swing your arms, it willl go away. It was by far the most painful part. Take your pain killers on time. I only needed them for two days. YOU CAN DO IT.

    3) How long it will take me to start feeling like myself again - I felt like myself again after about a week.

    4) My BIGGEST fear - will I ever be able to enjoy food again? Obviously, I get great enjoyment out of eating. It's a very pleasurable, intimate, and social experience for me. I am prepared to be able to eat much less, and I have already started modifying my eating habits, but I don't want food to be my enemy. I still want to enjoy it, yet make better and healthier choices.

    This last question is something I have thought long and hard about. Food has become a non-issue in my life. I eat because I need Protein and I want to work out. The relationship with food is a positive one. Sure, there are some things I cannot eat, but I don't want to. They make me feel like crap. The band will reduce intake. You will still have to make good choices. But it does interrupt social eating in that you will be totally different than you are now - IN A GOOD WAY. The thing that gets me now is that I don't need to eat something - you know that feeling of really wanting something, eating it and then feeling guilty for eating it? That is gone from my life - and honestly, that missing guilt is so much better than anything I could have eaten. You will decide your limits and what you are able to do. You will be in the driver seat of your band experience.

    Take a deep breath, be excited! GOOD LUCK!

  3. Hi Everyone,

    Wow!!! You all wrote such wonderful responses to my blog post. I am not much of a blogger, I prefer to read rather than to type out blog posts, but I was feeling so anxious about the surgery the past few days, I really needed to vent my feelings to those who would understand. I really was starting to question if I was doing the right thing by taking such a drastic step in my life.

    Thank you all for taking the time to write such detailed responses. I had a very good day today - I felt very positive and upbeat about the surgery, thanks in no small part to your kind words. I'm sure I will continue to have a mix of feelings as the surgery approaches, but I rest easier knowing that my feelings are completely normal. Also, everyone reacts differently to surgery. I've heard people have a considerable amount of pain, and those who have had hardly any pain at all. I usually bounce back from things pretty quickly, but then again, I've never had surgery before. Nobody can guarantee how I will feel after surgery, all I can do is hope for the best, right?

    I did something today I am proud of. I live alone, and while I have plenty of people who will be there for me if I need them the week after surgery, I was not feeling too comfortable with spending my first night home from surgery alone. I'm not really a complainer about things, and usually can tough things out on my own, but this is just different. I don't feel that I should have to be a martyr on surgery day. I asked a good friend and co-worker of mine if she would spend the night with me when I return from surgery. I will just feel better if I have some company there overnight. If I need to sleep, I will. If I just want her there to watch a movie with and talk to, she'll be there. I think I will feel overall much safer if I have someone with me. If I am up for taking small walks in the next day or so following the surgery, then I'd love to be able to do that. I love walking and fresh air, so I'm hoping to stay at least a tiny bit active in the days following the procedure.

    Thank you all again for being so supportive. I hope we can continue keeping each other posted......

  4. Hi Everyone,

    My band surgery is set for April 18, 2011, at Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown, New Jersey, with Dr. Andrei. I've gone to all of the nutrition classes, have asked lots of questions, have an ongoing relationship with a great therapist, and have followed all of my pre-op instructions. I've even been able to take off about 15 pounds since I started this journey back in November of 2010. I went for my pre-admission testing last Thursday. Everything went fine, but since then, I am feeling really jittery about the surgery. I think because it's all becoming so real now. I'm feeling very anxious about it.

    A few things I'm worried about:

    1) The actual surgery itself

    2) The pain after the surgery

    3) How long it will take me to start feeling like myself again

    4) My BIGGEST fear - will I ever be able to enjoy food again? Obviously, I get great enjoyment out of eating. It's a very pleasurable, intimate, and social experience for me. I am prepared to be able to eat much less, and I have already started modifying my eating habits, but I don't want food to be my enemy. I still want to enjoy it, yet make better and healthier choices.

    I'm sure in some respect my feelings are completely normal. This is my first time having surgery, and I haven't felt nervous until now. I really hope I am doing the right thing..............

    Advice anyone? Thoughts? Words of wisdom? Comforting words? :-)

    Thanks for reading..........

  5. Hi Louise,

    Congrats on having the surgery and doing so well after it. I am in the very early stages of Lap Band exploration. I have my first consultation with the surgeon and his team on October 23rd.

    I was wondering - how did you lose so much weight right after the surgery? I am assuming you haven't been filled yet? My biggest concern is that after surgery, before I am filled, I am going to feel CONSTANTLY hungry and never satisfied. I am relatively confident that I can physically handle the surgery, but my concern is that I am never going to feel satisfied after it. I am fearful of living in a state of perpetual hunger post-op. My understanding is that you are very limited as to what you can eat immediately after surgery, so how did you handle that?

    Any advice you or anyone else could offer as I prepare for my consultation would be very helpful.



  6. Hi everyone!

    I just joined this forum today. I have recently been exploring the idea of gastric banding, and I just made a consultation appointment with a bariatric surgeon, who comes highly recommended.

    These forums are so filled with information (both exciting and scary). It's overwhelming to try to absorb it all. Right now, I'm trying to focus on the initial consultation with the doctor, assessing my comfort level with him and his team, and asking the right questions.

    Aside from all of the obvious questions about the actual surgical procedure, my biggest question is this: I LOVE food (obviously). How is my life going to be without something I love. Overeating is a symptom. What happens when you remove the symptom? I'm also terrified of constantly being hungry, and never feeling satisfied. What if I put myself through the emotional and physical trauma of surgery, only to find that I am constantly craving something I have loved all of my life? Yet, I really want nothing more than to lose weight.

    I would welcome any feedback about this, and also, what are some common first-time questions to ask the surgeon and his team. I have a list of potential questions I would like to ask, but I think getting some good ideas of questions that you all have had will help me make sure I am covering all of my bases when I meet with the surgeon.

    Thanks for your support :-)

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