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Fatty McFatster

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fatty McFatster

  1. Fatty McFatster

    It's my (birthday) and I'll cry if I want to...

    Thank you all so very much. You have each helped brighten my birthday and I really appreciate that. My wife also made it very special. She picked up a steak and baked potato and I pureed it and had about 2oz of steak and 1/4 of a baked potato. She also went out and bought 1 small cupcake at a local bakery and I was able to eat a couple of bites of it. So, I was able to eat almost everything I wanted, but on a much smaller scale...which was perfect!!! Thanks again everyone!!!
  2. Fatty McFatster

    It's my (birthday) and I'll cry if I want to...

    Thanks for the birthday wishes and the reminder to embrace the changes. Thank you and good luck to you on your continued journey!!!
  3. Fatty McFatster

    It's my (birthday) and I'll cry if I want to...

    You always know what to say in a positive manner. Thanks so much for your encouraging and supportive posts. They are always much appreciated. And thanks for the birthday wishes!!!
  4. Fatty McFatster

    Do You Eat Breakfast? What Do You Have?

    Before weight loss surgery I would eat anything in the house from pizza, spaghetti, sandwiches, etc. Now that I am 4 weeks Post-Op I usually have a protein shake, but will slowly be moving to cottage cheese and fruit or yogurt.
  5. Fatty McFatster

    It's my (birthday) and I'll cry if I want to...

    Thank you for the birthday wishes and thanks for the insight. I really appreciate it!! And HAPPY belated Birthday to you!!!
  6. Fatty McFatster

    It's my (birthday) and I'll cry if I want to...

    You summed up exactly how I feel!! Thank you so much for your understanding and willingness to share your feelings with me. It really means a lot to have others share their experiences and offer their support during this time. We can do this!!! And I am honored that your first post was to my thread. Thank you!!
  7. Fatty McFatster

    It's my (birthday) and I'll cry if I want to...

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!! I really appreciate it. That sounds good. Yum.
  8. Fatty McFatster

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    YAY I hit my goal!!! I am down to 319.8 this week.
  9. Fatty McFatster

    My 1 MONTH Post-Op Progress Report

    WOW that is great results for the 1st month. 36 pounds is a huge loss and you have had a lot of NSV as well. Many of which I also hope to achieve with the sleeve whenever my surgery date is going to be. Thanks so much! I appreciate it!!
  10. Fatty McFatster

    My first major NSV

    One thing I love to do is go to candlelight church service on Christmas Eve; however, I haven't had a pair of pants that fit me in over a year. I have been too proud to buy bigger (actually much bigger) pants, so I thought I would just wait it out until I lost enough weight to fit into my smaller pants. Well, I didn't think it would happen this fast, but now only 4 weeks post-op I am again able to fit into my pants which were 8 sizes too small just 4 weeks ago!!!! YAY!!! I am so happy!!!
  11. Fatty McFatster

    My first major NSV

    Sorry to hear about the stress fracture, but CONGRATS on the weight loss and getting into a smaller pair of jeans!!! I know what you mean!!! That is all I have been wearing as well...just shorts. So glad I can finally get into a pair. CONGRATS to you as well!!!
  12. Fatty McFatster

    My first major NSV

    Thanks so much! I appreciate it.
  13. I was at my biggest weight just 3 weeks ago and didn't have any knee pain. However, I have now lost 20 pounds and only 1 week post-op and feel like my knees are going to break when I stand up from a seated position or try to kneel down. Anyone else experience this or have any advice on why I might be having knee/joint pain AFTER surgery and AFTER losing weight?
  14. It's weird. I was doing a lot better, but in the last 2 days they have started hurting again. And getting up from seated position hurts the worst. I walk every day and have lost about 34 pounds so not sure why knee pain comes and goes.
  15. Fatty McFatster

    My first major NSV

    Thank you both!! I appreciate it!!
  16. Fatty McFatster

    Looking for Sleeve Buddy for Dec 7th.

    Thank you both so much!!!
  17. Fatty McFatster

    Looking for Sleeve Buddy for Dec 7th.

    I'm doing pretty good. I will be 4 weeks post-op on Friday and have lost about 34 pounds since the start of my pre-op diet. Close to 6 lbs a week so far. I'm still struggling to get enough liquids, Protein, and calories. I'm hovering around 450 calories per day.
  18. I went with my wife to have her sleeve surgery in Mexico with Dr. A. As far as that went I think things went great and she is doing well. HOWEVER, my experience in Mexico is a totally different story which I feel others need to know about. I ended up getting food poisoning and then kidney stones. I even had to rush to the ER in San Diego because the Mexico doctors were unable to control my pain and nausea after multiple attempts with a multitude of different medications. I was in severe pain and very nauseous for around 24+ hours, but nothing they did helped. I guess the drugs in Mexico just aren't that strong and are watered down OR I just wasn't given any of the good stuff. I was completely miserable. I know the hospital was trying their best to get a hold of doctors to help me and then a couple of different doctors disagreed over what they thought was wrong with me, but I already knew I had a kidney stone. I didn't need a medical degree to figure that out because I have had kidney stones 5-6 times previously and it felt the exact same as before. Anyone that has had kidney stones at least once in their life know exactly what they feel like the next time. There is no mistaking it for something else. But MUCH thanks to Rosa and Juan. They went above and beyond trying to get me back to the states to receive the care I needed. Rosa was so sweet and caring. She was willing to call a US ambulance and drive me to the border where the ambulance would me pick me up and take me the rest of the way into Sand Diego. She was then going to stay the night with my wife in the Mexico hospital. I decided to tough it out another night because I didn't want to leave my wife alone in Mexico no matter how bad of shape I was in. So, the next morning we were discharged from the Mexico hospital and went to the recovery house. I was feeling ok for the moment but later that night the kidney stone pain came back with a vengeance as it moved within my urinary tract and I toughed it out some more until the next morning when ultimately I couldn't bare the pain anymore. After a few hours Juan was able to find me an Uber ride to the San Diego ER. The pain was almost unbearable (as anyone that has ever had a kidney stone knows), but THANKFULLY once I finally arrived at the ER in San Diego I received proper care where they were able to 100% confirm kidney stones and control the pain and nausea within 2-3 minutes. That's right...within 2-3 minutes and not 24+ hours. I haven't passed the kidney stone yet, but at least I have meds that can help mask the pain until it passes. I just hate I had to shell out $600+ extra while in the Mexico hospital even though I didn't receive any successful treatments. Also, a big thanks to Little Robert and Morgan for their friendship and to the nurses, Dr. A, and another doctor for trying to help even though they were unsuccessful. Thankfully we are home now, but haven't had anyone from BariatricPal MX check on me or my wife (since we had to rush and leave Mexico a day early due to my kidney stones), but I'm sure they have been trying to reach us...
  19. Fatty McFatster

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    Congrats Steph! That is great news!!!
  20. Fatty McFatster

    Made it to Mexico! Surgery Tomorrow

    I'm sorry you have been hurt, but totally understand where you are coming from. Thankfully Ana reached out to apologize (even though she didn't do anything wrong).
  21. Fatty McFatster

    My painful experience in Mexico

    Thank you both so much for your care and concern. It is much appreciated and a breath of fresh air. Haven't passed it yet though.
  22. Fatty McFatster

    Made it to Mexico! Surgery Tomorrow

    Anyone from MX contacted you yet? Seems they are in hiding.
  23. Fatty McFatster

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    I'm down to 326.2.
  24. Fatty McFatster

    Looking for Sleeve Buddy for Dec 7th.

    My lap-band to gastric sleeve revision surgery was on November 20th. I had to do a 2-week pre-op diet consisting of mostly Protein liquids along with a salad each day. Everything went great with surgery besides having a seizure at the hospital!!! I had constant nausea the entire first week after surgery, but it's better now. I also try to walk every day even though I still don't have very much energy. My biggest craves, believe it or not, are apples, bananas, tuna, and pizza. 3 out of 4 ain't bad I guess. Lol. I am now 3 weeks post op and have lost 30 pounds. It's a decent start, but I still have a long way to go. Good luck to everyone!!!

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