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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NYYnNYGFAN

  1. I'm at 8 or so units in my 14 band and I feel I can still eat like a normal person. I usually just get stuck when I eat fast or in a rush but I don't have to cut my bites too tiny since I don't have a problem with it going down. Yes, my portions are much smaller than before the surgery but I feel like I'm eating as a normal sized person does which is why I think I haven't lost anything for awhile. Its as if my body is comfortable at this weight which is what I weighed for most of my adult life before my dad got ill & with stress I put on the extra 70+ pounds that made me unbearably uncomfortable. My doctor says that I'm "up there" in fill units but I don't feel full most times or any other symptoms most people feel at their sweet point. Anyone know how many units a band can hold...can a 14 unit be filled to the max?

  2. I agree that my band is a lifestyle not a diet. I eat Pasta, bread, rice but it is all portion controlled. I lost 37 lbs just with 1cc in my size 14cc band. I added 2cc just a week or so ago and enjoy the fact that I never get any stuck issues unless I eat too fast. (That happened just once!!) :blink:

    I only treat myself with alittle sweet if I worked out that day. If I miss a workout...sweets are off limits. Gotta earn them! Its not a habit but I'm not going to stress out if I have a small scoop of ice cream. Back in the day it would have been the entire quart!! Honestly, a tub of ice cream wouldn't last in my house...I would have a dish every nite until its gone but with my band...I think differently. That's what I'm trying to have my band do...control my brain more than my tummy!

    Good luck!

  3. I have been doing very conservative fills...I only had 1cc until today. My doctor was so surprised I actually lost another 5 lbs because I virtually had no restriction in my 14cc size band. He told me that he would have guessed that I would have gained since I had no trouble eating anything I wanted.

    But I'm learning Portion Control and the band is giving me willpower to choose food wisely. I love that I can eat my favorite foods and not worry about getting stuck. I want to eat like a thin, healthy person so when my body is that size, my brain will already be trained! Also, I'm worried about sagging skin so I'm hoping by taking pounds off slowly will help me not sag!

    Good luck to everyone. :D

  4. My first doctor didnt use xray but did use lidicane injections. Never quite understood the whole needle to use a needle again. My new NP uses the spray numbing stuff (forgot what it is called) I like that much much better! She also uses an xray machine to see where my port is so she is able to get it right off. To the poor girl whos port is tilted, do you not worry about how many times they are penetrating the port? I thought I had read somewhere on here that there are a certain number times that it can be pricked......I know its in the thousands but if you are having to be stuck 30 times each fill, that would worry me!


    Did you ever find out what the name of the numbing spray that you used? I need to get some!!! LOL...I had searing hot pain the first time I was filled in Dec. I go tomorrow and I'm soooo scared but I'm going to use this cream my mom uses when she goes for her dialysis treatments. I hope it works!

  5. My issue isn't drinking with dinner ... its drinking coffee with breakfast!! The only habit I cannot break! I will give up Breakfast just as long as I can have my coffee!

    I posted this same question on here about drinking coffee and of course there are so many different ideas. I wondered why we can't drink before a meal when the liquid should just go through if there's no food to wash down. Then eat...my problem would be solved. (That's what I've been doing actually)

  6. I use powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein powder. I really like the chocolate splendor and the vanilla flavors, and the chicken Soup flavor really does taste just like chicken soup! Best of all is their unflavored powder. I mix it into almost everything - scrambled eggs, oatmeal, mashed sweet potatoes, and even into yogurt to increase the Protein content. It has no taste whatsoever.

    How much do you add of the Unfavored protein mix to yougart? I tried mixing it in my cottage cheese but I literally had to choke it down. Somehow I did taste it even though it was unfavored! I may have added too much....

  7. I do think its normal to be envious but still happy for someone. I have a great friend that I felt was pulling away. She recently got laid off and put on about 20 lbs when she already needed to lose 40 or so pounds. She still looked great (very curvy) but started to get depressed and she kept saying that she's going to use me as her inspiration and then joined WW. I joined her gym so we can workout but I've only seen her 3x since August! I don't talk about the band with her but sometimes slip and feel guilty cause I'm able to have that extra willpower from it and she doesn't and obviously feels defeated. I personally (and honestly) think I would too if roles were reversed...

  8. I finally can go without a drink at dinner. I just don't put out a glass so I basically forget about it. If its there...I reach for it! One habit I can't seem to break is coffee with my Breakfast. Those 2 go together!!!! I would skip breakfast all together if I had to choose between the meal & coffee!

    1 question...I can understand why you shouldn't drink after a meal since it will just "wash everything down" but why can't we drink before the meal? I always have Water and sometimes I forget and I'm drinking away and realize that I'm going to have a meal shortly. Now what?? :blink:

  9. I like DesignerWhey Protein...I get the 4lb jug online for about $40. It has 20 grams of Protein & 100 calories...low on sugar too. I actually enjoy it with skim milk. Mixes very well in my plastic blenderball shaker. I find it in local grocery stores too in case I need it quickly and can't wait for my online order. I also tried Unjury...very, very good but expensive.

  10. JadeKatz....I'm in the same position too. We basically lost the same amount of weight too. Even if I slip up...there is always a new day to start over! I chose to go the conservative route with my fills because I want to eat like a normal, healthy thin person. I do eat on smaller plates, lots of Water, workouts, I can still enjoy eating Pasta, rice, bread but I have strict limits. I am enjoying my new way of eating!

    BTW Journeygirl....love the bags of sugar example!!!!!!


  11. Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I hit the gym every other day because I have 3 hours to kill while my mom has her dialysis treatment. (Better than shopping all those hours & cheaper!) My friend knows the schedule and I told her to just meet me if she isn't working that day...she called to see if I was going to the gym today and I said I was already in the locker room. She replied "oh well...wanted to see if you wanted to do lunch". I think she's subconciously trying to sabotage me. She's not mean at all...just unmotivated. But I need motivation!! Especially since the pounds aren't melting off me because I'm not very restricted.

    It's too bad everyone had to lose a friend or family member just because we decided to be healthy. Hope everyone can find peace in their journey! Email me if anyone needs to chat!!

    P.S........Erink58...love them Yanks! WOOHOO!


  12. Just need to vent...I have a friend who decided to go onto Weight Watchers when I got my band since she needs to lose 50-60 lbs the band isn't for her. I joined her gym so we could be a buddy support team. She never goes to the gym and when she does...she's very unmotivated. I called her today just to tell her that Jennifer Hudson who is a spokesperson for WW was on Oprah and she lost 80 lbs. My friend started ranting that she "had to have work done cause she lost it too fast" & WW isn't that good. I kinda was taken back. She saw how hard this process was for me and what I had to go through. I wanted to say that if she showed up at the gym she would see alittle result but I didn't. We used to talk daily but now we chat 3x a week. I think she's pulling away...she was so supportive before. I'm not losing weight fast...going the conservative slow route. Learning Portion Control & willpower with just 1cc in my 14cc size band.

    I'm still over 100 lbs heavier than her so I don't think its jealousy. She actually looks great and her weight is deceiving but of course she sees that differently. Anyone experience friends pulling away...?

  13. I also knew I might experience Hair loss but wasn't too worried since I have LOTS OF IT ANYWAY!! LOL! But I have to admit that when I rinsed out the conditioner in my hair during my shower...and handfuls came out...I was freaked! Almost reminded me of my mom during her chemo days! Thank god I read this thread and all the posts were reassuring that this too will stop in a few months!

  14. Pure Protein bars are a life saver!! When I'm extremely busying during the day and running around....the last thing I need to do is go food shopping when I'm starting to get hungry!!! I just take a quick break and eat my Peanut Butter/chocolate bar then hit the food aisles! No risk of buying bad choices because it really is filling! Only 200 calories/2 grams of sugar...its a meal itself! I actually got my 85 year old aunt who lives alone & hates to cook. I was worried about her just snacking on Cookies, etc and at least this has protein and she loves them. My mom who is on dialysis needs to get tons of protein in her but she cannot eat a meal during her treatment and she's starving when she's on her way home and stuffs her face with food. She takes a bar and eats it in the middle of her treatment which fills her up enough until she gets home to eat a proper meal.

  15. I only have 1cc in my 14cc size band. I made a decision to use my band as a tool for willpower. I still can eat anything but I choose not too. I didn't go through all this and constantly make wrong decisions. I enjoy life and food is life...granted...too much food is not good but that's where I'm trying to learn control. My ethic nationality is Japanese & Italian...both cultures that love food. I still can enjoy a small quantity of my Japanese rice and my Italian Pasta during dinner! Its about a 1/4 of the amount I used to eat or less! I'm OK with losing 1 or 2 lbs a month instead of per week...I'm alittle afraid of sagging skin!

    Good luck to everyone any which way they choose to use their band!

  16. I got my first 1cc fill on 12/28 and boy did it hurt! I literally had tears rolling down which he noticed and then changed needles. The new needle didn't hurt as much so I don't know exactly what was the issue. Normally I can sleep on my stomach but after my fill...I was in agony. It got much better after a week. Anyone know the name of the numbing spray and if we can buy it or do you need a prescription?


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