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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Mrs.Doxie

  1. Sitting in my car waiting for my daughter to come out of the house so I can go to work. We leave at the same time every day, so it's not a surprise... COME ON!!!

  2. "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."~Michael Jordan~

  3. So, I went to bed early hoping to feel more rested and then dreamt all night. I think I might feel more tired than when I laid down.**sigh**

  4. is so miserable...someone please just put me out of my misery!!!

  5. Happy 17th birthday to my wonderful daughter, Michaela! Remember our conversation from yesterday...I am so proud of you!

  6. Needs a super strict dictator to come help me get my house organized...oh yeah, and one who works for free!

  7. "If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams."Les BrownHAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May all your dreams come true in 2011!

  8. And it's a "W"!!!El Campo 8Lady Rangers 11

  9. HELP!!! Both of Michaela's regular catchers bailed on her for pitching lesson tonight (for legit reasons). Anyone willing/able to catch for her at 6 in Sugar Land? Pays $10

  10. Feeling kinda yuck! I feel great after I first wake up, but feel like I need a nap mid-afternoon. I hope this is still sugary recovery and not just old age creeping up.


  12. Wow...I am falling asleep sitting up. I MUST be tired!!!

  13. 56 pounds gone...see ya!!!

  14. Have faith in God; God has faith in you.~Edwin Louis Cole~

  15. Nicolette Huebotter is my favorite daughter ever!!!! :) She is so sweet and beautiful. I even straightened her hair this morning! I love Nicolette Huebotter soo much! Have a great day Nick Nack! hehe... <3 Nikki.... hahahaha... Have a good day Mommy!!!!

  16. Lazy afternoon. My kids went to work out and, even though I should have joined them, I am relaxing on the couch watching some dumb Netflix movie.

  17. Just not feeling it tonight**sigh**

  18. Ah well... No moon, no stars, just clouds. Good night!

  19. Being so good. Got my iPod and my walking shoes and I am OFF!

  20. Grouchy and irritable

  21. The sky is dark, the clouds are low, but no water seems to be falling from the sky. Quit teasing us!!!

  22. Way overdid it today, but...no nap, so I made it the whole day through like a big girl ;-)

  23. T minus 5 days and counting...

  24. Game Over. (Bot 5th 0 out, BFTV 0, FRND 14) http://gc.io/g136193

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