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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neenee717

  1. my doc asked me if I was tired and fatigued. Which I was. Just wanted to lay down somewhere. I also had the raccon eyes as well
  2. neenee717

    Exercise after Band

    I didnt do any exercise for the 2 weeks after surgery. I was just sore, but I did keep moving by walking around house and doing household chores. I started walking and running using C25K Iphone program 3 wks. I am doing about 30 minutes 5 days per week. I am gonna kick it up after my 1st fill this week. Just wanted to wait the 6 weights before I add the squats and stuff to the mix and weight lifting
  3. Hi. I saw you on a post. Looking for friends for support. We are the same height and started out at the same weight. I just got banded in Sept and have 1st fill sched for this week.

  4. I was and found out I I am vitamin D deficient and I have anemia which I knew about, BUT the multivitamins alone were not helping. I have to take prescription Vit D for 8 weeks and prescription Iron 3x per day. My doc said she was glad I asked her to check. Sometimes with that preop lab work they either dont check it, or forget to tell you to address it with primary doc
  5. :smile: I am irritated. I gain over 3 lbs and then lose 2. well its PMS week and I have gained 2 back again. I am working out and stay8ing active daily. I was so hungry this wknd and ate. I didnt go too far off kilter and it wasnt junk food either. Now the 2lbs have made their way back according to scale at work. I tried to get 1st fill appt and they tell me docwill be out for for a week and wont be back till my appt. Its always something. I am trying to be patient as I know this isnt instant but come on would ya. Im gone look into options of seeing if other bariatric practice will do fills as well. I am going to wait for sure but weighing my options.
  6. neenee717

    End of Year Challenge

    It looks like I gained the 2 of the 3 1/2 lbs I gained. I cant seem to shake it. I have been working out to include the couch to 5 k program and I have been so ravenous. I am premenstrual. I stayed within 1000-1300 calories this wknd and to no avail. I ate so much yesterday it was ridiculous. seem Like I couldnt get full. I am going to see if I can push up 1st fill appt by a couple of days
  7. I hope I didnt mess up anything running. I hear P90X is a beast. Im no gonna mess with that yet. I am still jogging with C25K and be picking up pace even more. I am nervous about port since I dont feel it as much as I did on touching my stomach 2 wks ago. Cant wait till next Thurs for my fill.
  8. Im with you as well. I am 4 1/2 wks post op. I have kicked up the exercise and I get 1st fill on 28th. I ate so much this wknd like normal and I know its hormonal but feel like I couldnt stop. I know Its a process to recognize head hunger/bad habits from real hunger
  9. Dont worry about that. Your body is healing just make sure you get the protein from the shakes and liquid protein. I was lucky in the fisrt couple of weeks if I got in 500 calories per day. Doc said I was fine. I got my protein in though by mixing protein powder inot ready mixed protein shales and cutting them into 3 servings. U need at least 50-60grams protein per day. And then I ate popsicles alot and wasnt hungry. and dont worry grasshopper as the swelling subsides and you start to heal the appetite will come back with a vengeance. I was calling doc office to see if I could eat cause I got so hungry after 2 weeks of liquids
  10. Rambunctious I was banded day before you. Doc said exercise and he didn't say I couldn't. U would like program. It doesn't just throw u out there. It's 2 wks of jogging 90 sec intervals with 2 min of power walking. Starting wk 3 next wk and jogging intervals will increase. My fill on 28th and I need it! I can drink and eat anything like befire banding and that's not cool
  11. Ms Joany I'm with u. I hate exercising!!! But ichet energized when my pants start fallin off like the dis today cause I actually need a belt.
  12. neenee717

    Psycologist or Dietician?

    I agree with Betsy. Dont rush to judgement. I was the same way and I am 4 wks post op. the 1st week I would be watching cooking shows for hours and strolling through grocery store and marveling at everything. My family thought it funny. I watched these shows before but it was because of not being able to have it. Once I got on reg food like I am now for past 2 wks its not so bad, but there are times when Im ravenous. As with anything else its takes at least 21 days to form a new habit and we are learning to eat less. The band will be our buzzer if you will if we go overboard and with time we will be conditioned to take in less. I havent had 1st fill yet and struggle each day not to over eat cause I truly love food for the art of it. And I am a practicing clinical social worker/psychotherapist.
  13. Thanks for starting this thread. I was banded 4 wks ago today on 9/16. I lost 15lbs 1st week after surgery. gained 31/2 lbs 2wiks after ago after starting on real food. I am doing the C25K program on Iphone and plan on running for 1st time in my life a 5k after thanksgiving. SO far I have lost 2 of the 3 1/2 lbs I gained. I am jooging/walking 3 days per week with the program and doing other cardio 2 days per week for 30min each work out. I lost 30lbs prior to surgery working diet, Zumba nd going to the gym. I cant wait to start strength training, but wanted to wait and ask Doc if I can lift weights and if so how much. 1st fill is on 10/28 and I am excited. I am hoping to be 15-20lbs lighter by Christmas. One thing I have learned in this journey so far that this is a full marathin and not a sprint! It took me a years and years to get as big as I was, so it wont come off overnight. look forwrd to corresponding with you all and supporting in this journey
  14. I am 4 wks post op and I had all of the above. Gas X strips are a God send. They helped and as someone said I walked around the living room etc. The gas will work itsef out and everyone is different. I also didnt have a bowel movement for about a week and dont worry about that if it happens. Doc says there is no food or solids to let go of. I was told that pain and pressure is jsuswelling etc. you gotta remeber the be shuffling around our insides and also blowing your belly up with gas during the operation. I had a pain when I tried to breathe deep and it took about 2 1/2 weeks for it to go away. Im just now finsihed with all the swelling around port area etc. any way it will be fine, dont panic. Also try to distingusih pain from pressure. I stop taking darvocet tablets after 2 days cause it was pressure and discomfort not pain. I had no problems swallowing pills just cut them and took a 3rd of tab or 1/2 phenergan tab
  15. Been banded for 4 wks and dint have a fill yet. I'm premenstrual (tmi) :-) and 2 things have been happening. Top oft stack has been tightening and it really hurts in weird way. I know it's the band. Also had my st stuck incident out of blue when lately I can eat and drink anything. I jad terrible pain in sternum area and felt like turkey sandwich got stuck. I panicked flailing arms and was just abou to try and throw it up when my son brought me something to drink to try and get it down. It worked but I was tired after the incident and had similar incident tonite. Has anyone else experienced this?
  16. I was told don't worry about that 1st few weeks after surgery buy focus more on making aure u get protein which was essential to healing and also weight loss. 1st wk I was lucky if I ate 600 calories. My nutritionist had me use EAS protein shake ready made as base then mix protein powder with it. I'm 4 wkd post op and believe u me u will eat your calories cause appetite came back with vengeance once I really started raking. Doc told me I felt reatricted and ate less initially due to swelling that comes with surgery, sutures, port and band setting in place.
  17. neenee717

    Protien shots by super whey

    I use mine to make jello and u don't taste as much. Use vial and enough water or diet V8 splash as cold portion of jello prep. I barely taste it at all then
  18. neenee717

    End of Year Challenge

    I would luv to join. I'm gonna shoot for 20 by 12/25 that includes the 3 I gained from transitioning back to solid food. I'm doing couch to 5k and some cardio at least 4x per wk. 1 fill is in 2 wks and hope doc doesn't short change me
  19. neenee717

    2 Weeks Post Surgery and ...

    No we have to deal with the food issues. I am with you. 3 wks post op and doc let me go back on reg food cause I am doing so well with loss etc. What he say that for? I over did it eating too much carbs but within my calorie budget. I gained 3 lbs when I went for check with primary doc and was devastated. You gotta pull it back in! I chastized myself but had to say goodbye to the stupid habits. I ate 3 small pancakes 1 day, egg and cheese sandwich another, sweet tea, lemonade and paid for it. I have since stopped and getting 1st fill soon. its not a lost cause you can do it! We are all human and will have set backs. Dust yourself off and try again at the next meal
  20. neenee717

    Hair loss - Anyone?

    Also get your levels checked ask your doc. I was paranoid about the hair loss and have a thin spot there before surgery. I have anemia and just found out my vitamin D and B12 levels are extremely low. If I wouldnt have seen Dr. Oz and asked about D levels I wouldnt have known. I am taking iron supplement with doc rec, B12 1000 mcg, Biotin 100mg and vit D and primary doc gonna monitor closely. So get with your regular doc I would say vs surgeon. I was taking centrum adult chewables faithfully and that wasnt enough. So I urge u to get with your doc and ask him/her about it
  21. neenee717

    My Doctor Won't Tell Me

    I havent had 1st fill yet but doc told me band size but cautioned about this site in terms of getting caught up in band size and CC's for a fill. He said its a custom tailored thing. I understood what he meant as what someone else gets even if they have same size band may not work for you and dont want us basing it on reading the posts of others. I nervous about my 1st fill cause I dont want to have to go back and forth spending money for fills. But I have to trust that Doc knows his stuff.
  22. neenee717

    Port: Where's yours?

    My doc is using new tools he told me. My port is in my belly button. I have an innie and it's just at top of it. I am 15dys post op. It freaked me out at 1st cause I was feeling around and felt this lump in belly button area which was sore and figured that had to be it. Doc confirmed so it's 1 less scar. Just have 4 teeny tiny puncture wounds from scopes. Can't sleep on stomach at all it hurts
  23. Gym machines are okay. I focus on being active. Sonetimes we get too caught up in calorie count or burn. If u put in the 30 min or 1 each day and build muscles you will burn the calories even at rest and you will see differnece in body shape even when the scale isnt dropping. Muscles burn fat anyhow. I'm gonna definitely try and get into weight training boot camp style stuff. It really works
  24. neenee717

    curious with kids

    Just use will power. It's hard but we can do it. Have to learn restraint any how. Still in last phase if wk 2 post op liquid diet and cooked beef lo Keon for my son tonite. Smell drove me crazy and I wanted some so bad. Didn't taste it. Fam will tell u if needs more seasoning and some stuff I cook from memory anyway. When I wanna cheat I think of what I've gone thru to get here and it ain't worth it. Also ain't worth having band slip or port problems tasting food stuff too early.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
