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us plus 3

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by us plus 3

  1. Congrats on baby #4. I'm on #4 as well. After 2, whats a couple more, right? ;) I'm 16 weeks along and starting to get a little paranoid that I'm not eating enough. I've only gained about 3 maybe 4 lbs so far and it just worries me being this far along now. I had really bad nausea that started in week 4 and lasted until about week 13-14, but I only ever threw up a hand full of times, but the thought of eating was so unappealing. Ugh!

    I have my appetite back to normal, but still feel like its not enough to grow a little person :( My husband has mentioned it over the last few days and so tomorrow I have an OB appt so I'm going to talk with her and see what she thinks about where I am with weight. Before the band I was 192, and pre-pregnancy I was hovering between 157-160. Now I'm going between 159-161. I haven't gotten ANY unfills yet, and sometimes things get stuck, but usually when I'm eating too fast or taking too big a bite. And of course if I eat too much I get that uncomfortable "after Thanksgiving" kinda full feeling

    So being how you are on band baby #2, any advice? When did you get an unfill, if ever? And when did you know it was time for one? How was your weight gain? Of course I don't want to blow up, but I want to make sure I'm eating ENOUGH to have a healthy baby. :-/

  2. I had a tight fill August 23rd. I have had good days and bad days during the last 6 weeks.

    I have tailgated and was able to eat a small portion of each meat. I have been able to eat crab legs out to dinner, but I have also not been able to eat much either. I need to take a long time to eat and to eat small portions. In general I eat very little portions. Ice cream and candy goes down fine-and I need to be super careful not to eat around the band.

    I didn't really want to get an unfill because I figured this fill will eventually losen up-but it hasn't happened yet! How long before a tight fill were you able to eat regular amounts at meals?

    Just curious, since this tight fill, how much have you lost? I read a post just the othe day about someone having a tight fill, but they liked it because it kept them from overeating and whatnot.

    Good luck to ya!

  3. Surgery was Aug 14th (14cc band), first fill was Sept 8th with 3cc, 2nd fill Oct 4th 2cc added. Wondering if I am still swollen or not. I stuck with liquids till tonight and grabbed one of my toddlers plates and put a little dinner on there. I got that yucky feeling (like someone punching you HARD in your chest!), so I started chewing a bit more and then I just quit eating. Maybe its due to swelling but hoping its some restriction :) We will see what the next few days hold. But I tell you what, I'm getting those sweet tooth cravings, but remembering how painful things were earlier is keeping my hand away from my mouth!:P

  4. Bummer that it hurt this time. Maybe next time you can ask, or insist, the Dr to do a lidocaine shot. Mine does that and I can't feel it at all. If he will then you might not have to change Dr's. I think most of them don't like to take patients that have already had surgery somewhere else, at least it's that way it is around here.

    Quit weighting every day, it will drive you crazy. I know cause I do it too! LOL I understand completly beause I love it when I have lost but then it bums me out when I have not lost or have gained and sometimes can ruin my day. I need to get my hubby to hide my scales. As women we do fluctuate up and down daily and need to remember that as we climb on the scales every day. Try to not let it bother you and don't record it but once a week if you can.

    Keep up the good work and next year at this time we can all laugh at all the newbies that are so stressed out like we are now in Bander Hell.



    Well its not just the fill issue. His whole office is just unprofessional. Never returning calls, the doctor actually answering his cell during my appointment (??!?!?!), not being very informative with anything. When I went for my fill yesterday, they didnt even weigh me. (Thought that was weird.)

    I do try to tell myself that my weight will flucuate because of Water or bloating, but nevertheless, still irritating. I just gotta get that exercise in. One of these days I will stop just saying it and DO IT! :P I have a perfectly wonderful eliptical that I threw a fit about having one year for my birthday, and an ipod full of good workout songs....One day, one day. I have noticed today that something that would have given me no problem before yesterday is now feeling like I'm being punched in the chest! Its definetly putting me in check. I havent eaten alot today, some Soup, some greek yogurt, a string cheese, couple bites of leftover chicken. I still nurse my 11 month old son so I want to make sure I get enough calories to keep producing, just need to keep working on my Water intake-some days are better than others.

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I dont always post on here lately, but do get everyone elses and love seeing how everyone is getting along. To those who have lost 20+lbs...YEA!!! Congrats and cant wait to meet ya there!

  5. As the weeks past I find myself weighing more and more. I used to read people post about weighing themselves a lot and remember saying that they are crazy why would they do that. Well I apologize to you all, because it is becoming addictive for me. I am not weighing everyday, but it is increasing from the 1x a week that was my original plan. And like most have said when it reflects a loss I'm super excited, but a gain ruins my entire day. I do only record my weigh on Thursday.

    Its funny, when I first got banded, I recorded everyday and it was always a pound less each day...now within the past month it goes from 180 to 178, always changing. I have just got to get my fat butt up and excercise! But ugh, I hate it. I know once I get into a routine it will come nature because I have done it before....Oh well enough complaining. How has your weight loss been? Still sportin the mufin top cause I AM! haha I cant wait for the day when I get that sucker cut off and thrown in the trash? :P

  6. I live in the Temecula/Murrieta area and am in the process of trying to get banded. I am also going through Dr.Owens. I am a mom to 4 little boys. I dont have a lot of answers but hopefully I will be banded soon!!

    My advice, check other surgeons. While he is a pretty friendly guy, I'm far from pleased with the process with him. I am a cash patient and have gotten more info on this website than from him or anyone on his staff...Not to mention that staff of his sucks at returning phone calls, nice enough girls, but still terrible at it. Last month I went to the Orange office for my first fill and waited in an empty waiting room for an hour. I went to speak to someone at the front desk to see what was going on and no one was there!

    Anyways, that is my personal experience and would not ever recommend someone to him, and once I get my 3 fills that were included in my cost, I'm finding someone else to be my doctor. Hopefully someone who is more informative and helpful in this whole process.

  7. Ahhh...so 2nd fill today. 2cc added for a total of 5cc in a 14cc band. Ugh. In my head I picture that little band just sagging there and being held up only by stitches. As I walked out of the office I thought "What would happen if I went in and asked for more?" Has anyone ever done that or know of anyone who has?

    So I was boasting about losing another pound and the scale saying 178...and this morning it was 180. I hate that it fluctuates with those couple pounds---drives me crazy! I am a scale obsessor, so seeing it change daily is nuts!

    I also was saying almost a month ago how the fill was no big deal, didnt feel the needle at all...well NOT THIS TIME! I felt that sucker go in, come out, go in again (doc "missed the damn thing") and come back out...not pleasant, not excruciating...but not pleasant. The area is a tad sore when I press on it (and yes I know "Well genius! Dont press on it!" Ha!) And I noticed that I have 2 small holes in my skin (from where he stuck me) and how disturbing is this-- They are about an inch apart! I have decided that as soon as I get my next fill (My cost included 3 fills), I'm going to see about going to another doc for my fills. There have been so many things that I am less than pleased about so yes, any little thing I will pick apart and complain about :P

    Sooo...we will see how this little fill goes, hopefully better than my last because I only lost 2lbs with that one :angry:

  8. Whoo-Hoo momma!! Congratulations! And can I say I am super jealous! I can't WAIT for my day to come when I can get my surgery and have a flat little tummy and perky boobs that I can rest my chin on :P

    Having a 9yo, 2yo and 11 month old, I definetly LOOK like a momma! I like the price you got versus the price I found out here in CA though :unsure: Oh well, I have 65+ lbs to lose and can start saving my pennys now!

    Of course I about had a nervous breakdown before the lapband surgery and was actually thinking at the time, "I dont know if I could go through this again and have something done like a Tummy Tuck and boob job!" I heard the recovery is pretty rough and that makes me nervous.

    Have fun with that rockin new bod!:D

  9. Hi All! Its been awhile and nothing new to report, that is until yesterday! 1 more ugly pound lost! :D I was so excited to update my little ticker FINALLY! Its been several weeks since I lost anything. Seems I have been gaining and losing the same 2-3lbs and its making me sick. I called today and made an appointment for a second fill on Tuesday. I have 3cc now and can tell that I can eat smaller portions, but not as small as they should be. And really, my will power sucks.

    Still slacking in the exercise department, well I wouldnt call it slacking, more like NOT DOING. And I have my bag full of excuses, but dont feel like digging to grab one out at the moment :P

    Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed weekend!!

  10. You have to loose some more weight. Its probably Water weight. That is the first that comes off. People didn't really start noticing my weighloss until I was -30lbs. Now that I am -44. I get compliments daily on how smaller I look. I suggest being more active. I have been banded for 3.5 months and have gone from a couch potatoe to exercising 4-5 times a week. I went from walking 0 miles to 4-6miles at a time, doing Zumba, cardio kickboxing, sculpting etc. Exercise is the key! It will take the weight off and have you looking MARVELOUS in no time!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I always hate the first part of actually GETTING UP and doing it! I have such low motivation it makes me sick. I thought that since I started off at 192 that losing 12lbs would be noticeable, but nope! Stupid Water weight!!:P

  11. Incase anyone is interested I had 3 ccs on my first fill. The needle did not hurt but it was a little uncomfortable when she kept digging around in there. She kept trying to get saline out to see if the doctor had prefilled me. I told her he had not put anything in during surgery but she didn't listen. She opted to used a different needle because she didn't like the first one. This time she injected saline in and pulled it out only to say "oh it seems like he didn't put any saline in during surgery" Freaking really? I think I just told you that. Anyway I haven't felt a difference with the 3 ccs. I have learned that I cannot drink while eating which is crazy because I was taught to always drink while eating to digest food better. I have learned that I cannot eat scrambled eggs because they seem to gather in the pouch instead of going through the band which is strange. I could feel it getting uncomfortable so of course I drank Water because that is what my instincts are when something is stuck............ and I had to make a b line for the restroom. I am slowly learning I guess lol. I will gladly answer questions about fills if anyone has questions.

    Secret eater checking in :P Trying to get my stuffing face non-stop under control. TMI ALERT- getting ready to start my monthly friend, so its always a struggle around this time. I seem to do fine until my babies are in bed and I'm able to relax. Last night was day 3 of eating...and eating...and eating until I was so uncomfortably full. UGH! WHY DO I DO THIS! I know there is no one to blame but myself and I know there is someone thinking "Stop complaining about it and just stop girl!" So much easier said than done. But I will try again today to do better, thats all I can do, right?

    Have you tried adding a little milk to the scrambled eggs before you cook them? It makes them much more soft. I havent had problems eating certain foods, and have felt the lumo in my chest feeling maybe twice, but goes away fairly quickly. Is that the 'stuck' feeling?

  12. Its been 3 months since my surgery, I have had a total of 3 fill's I am now at 8cc's....and feel No restriction what so ever.!!! ..I am always hungry, and I have not lost a pound, however I have noticed that I get stuck with bread or rice I got my 3rd fill last week, but still not felling any diffrence, so I am just wondering If you fell restriction weeks later after your fill.

    My 1st fill was at 4cc's....my 2nd fill was at 3cc's and my third fill was 1cc's total now of 8 cc's!

    Also could it be that I have a low BMI,(34)

    and thats why its taking forever to hit what they say its call the "sweet spot"?

    thanks :)

    Good question, but I believe the answer will be the standard "every one is different" Do you know how big your band is? I had my surgery on 8/17 (lower BMI as well 35-36) and I have a 14cc and had my first fill a week ago for 3cc. I feel nothing, maybe a little bit more than I did before, (I get full quicker, but starving again within an hour or 2).

    What I would love to know is what does this restriction FEEL like. I've heard "you eat 1/2-1C of food and are full for 3-4 hours". Do you just KNOW when you've erached that spot??

    Good luck! Cant wait to see the responses to this.

  13. Banded 8/17 and I thought it was going to be the beginning of my new life....shelled out $13,000 and not a whole lot has changed. I suck at eating and excercising. Ugh I walk my oldest to school 4 days a week (about 1 mile) and I know I need to kick it up quite a few notches. I got my first fill last week (3cc in a 14cc band) and was so excited when the scale finally said 180 (lost 2lbs)...but this morning I was back up a pound and a half and I know exactly where I messed up.... Hand filled with food to mouth too many times.

    (maybe I should have gotten my jaw wired shut until I got the famous 'restriction' feeling)

    I'm on the myfitnesspal and tried to figure out a way to be 'friends' but it took to long to figure out then my babies started crying and I got distracted. :P

    So I'm hoping to get back and get another fill because I can stuff my face till I want to puke (but havent) and because I have such poor self control on some days, that is dangerous :(

    At least you are a step ahead of me and have gotten in some good sweaty exercising!

    Ok! Found ya on myfitnesspal! :P

  14. Banded 8/17 and I thought it was going to be the beginning of my new life....shelled out $13,000 and not a whole lot has changed. I suck at eating and excercising. Ugh I walk my oldest to school 4 days a week (about 1 mile) and I know I need to kick it up quite a few notches. I got my first fill last week (3cc in a 14cc band) and was so excited when the scale finally said 180 (lost 2lbs)...but this morning I was back up a pound and a half and I know exactly where I messed up.... Hand filled with food to mouth too many times.

    (maybe I should have gotten my jaw wired shut until I got the famous 'restriction' feeling)

    I'm on the myfitnesspal and tried to figure out a way to be 'friends' but it took to long to figure out then my babies started crying and I got distracted. :P

    So I'm hoping to get back and get another fill because I can stuff my face till I want to puke (but havent) and because I have such poor self control on some days, that is dangerous :(

    At least you are a step ahead of me and have gotten in some good sweaty exercising!

  15. I had surgery on 8/17 with my first fill of 3cc on 9/8. I noticed within 3 days that I was eating small portions, but becoming hungry again soon after (about an hour or 2 later). I have seen mentioned a few times that it takes a few weeks for a fill to 'work' and to notice a difference in how much and how often you are eating. I dont really understand that because I would think it would be an instant feeling after the swelling goes down.

    After my fill I did 24 hrs of liquid and lost 2 lbs. On Sunday night and all day Monday (yesterday) I could not stop eating, even when I knew I wasnt hungry and was feeling uncomfortably full. Hopped on the scale this morning and I gained about a lb and a half. :(

    Today I have been better with my eating. I've eaten oatmeal for Breakfast, had a string cheese for a snack, then a Healthy Choice meal for lunch. (540 calories total).

    So, my question for all you out there in bandster land, how long should I wait to go in for another fill? I'm afraid if I a month, I might gain back the rest of the 2lbs I lost PLUS more (because I suck at eating right :angry: )

  16. Honestly, as hard as it is, you need to stop comparing yourself to others. People lose weight at different rates and in the beginning it drove me INSANE. Having one fill is not going to magically take away your hunger. We have to work at this...Yes we may have been able to do this on our own, but obviously we couldn't keep it off or we wouldn't be where we were in the first place. The band helps us to keep it off. THAT is the key!!

    Have faith in yourself and don't worry about everyone else. Exercise, eat less and eat healthy...you will lose. It took me 8 months for the "click" to happen. Trust me, you will do just fine, but you have to have faith in yourself and a huge dose of patience. This is not a magic bullet!

    So I just noticed your start and current weight...ASTONISHING!! Congrats on the weight loss. Truely an inspiration. I'm gonna go check out your blog and see what I can learn. I'm just starting out and hoping to succeed in my goal. Wish me luck!:D

  17. I just got my first fill and had no restriction in my band prior to my fill!

    Ask yourself these questions.

    Are you just getting satisfied instead of full? You have to train your body and especially your brain to feel comfortable instead of full (that is the toughest part with this band for most to understand). My dietician and psychologist at Temple did a great job of explaining it to me prior to surgery! Aim for a NEW feeling of stopping with satisfied!

    Are you following the 1/2 hr. Water before and wait 45 min. after you eat for water!!!!! At first I didn't do this and THIS makes all the difference in the world!!!

    EAT Protein first!!!! and stay away from complex carbs!!! If you choose to eat them know eat them in moderation!

    I am also working on my stress level (stress produces cortisol which has been linked to weight gain), and it burns out your Thyroid!!!

    There are a lot more tips, a fill can take up to 3 weeks to work, and you might need several fills before feeling satisfied! I wouldn't give up on the band just be really aware of what you are eating and use this website, I also use myfitnesspal.com and track all that goes in my mouth!

    Good luck,


    So this is the second time I have seen a post about it taking a few weeks for a fill to work....I dont quite understand this, and neither do a few other people who I have mentioned this too. Why would it take a few weeks for a fill to 'work' when the saline is and instant thing? Does that make sense? I'm just wondering what your doctor told you the reason behind this is. I just had my first fill almost a week ago and I could tell by the 3 day that I would need to go back very soon to get another fill. Should I wait? I'm afraid if I do, I will gain back some of the weight I have lost already.

  18. Also with only 65 lbs to lose, you may lose it slower than with someone who has over 100 lb. And at 2 months out, I may have been below 25 lb lost and I had much more than you to lose. (still have more than 65). I am guessing you were self pay? I'm not saying all self pays are, but I think with those who are self pay, go through the process so quick they don't have time to truly educate themselves on how the band really works. As opposed to with insurance a lot have to go through 6 month diet, I know that gave me time to come here and see how it actually works. I am in no way trying to offend the OP

    I think you hit the nail on the head with the self pay comment-at least for me. I was so desperate to lose weight and once I finally decided "Ok I'm gonna just do it already!" That was it. It was like some one shot the gun and I was off for the race. I made my appointment with the doctor, and 2 weeks later I was getting surgery. I read the typical band 'instructions' about how it works, but just the BASIC of the basics. I thought that was all I needed to know. Until of course, I found this site and heard about what actual patients go through.

    I'm so very grateful for this site and all the people on here who are willing to share their stories, concerns and questions!

  19. Ya, I always seem to lose first in my face and legs. Although I was asked if my boobs were getting smaller. haha Which is juuuuust fine with me! I'm hoping that there will be plastic surgery in my future. After 3 kids and 2 being back to back, lets just say I am no pin up model :P

    I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one who is having to wait on a new wardrobe. I am wanting to add some eliptical time into my crazy schedule, and I know once I do, I will see better results. My BMI was on the lower side (36) but being so short (5'0) I am wanting to get down to 110 at least. I really couldnt even tell you when I weighed that little. I've always been a curvy girl with boobs and a butt. But after having babies, I've added the GUT to the boobs and butt. Before I got pregnant with my 2 babies, I dropped alot of weight and was 130-135. And it was a healthy 130-135. I had become a 3 mile a day runner and was in really good health. I, of course, was not happy with myself. My oldest was 6 years old and I had this 'mommy body'. But I knew that I looked WAAY better than I did when I was 30-60lbs heavier. Long story short, I'm just wondering if I will look emaciated being 110lbs, because really the 130-135 was small for me. :unsure:

  20. :D

    I know where you are coming from. When there is no one around to keep us accountable, the pressure falls on ourselves to make the right choices. Maybe it would help you to rectify the behavior by thinking about all that you went through with the surgery and the fight to lose the weight. As the veterans say, it is a mental process as well because the lap band alone isn't magic. I chose the lap band to help me control my hunger and portion sizes but ultimately, what you put in your mouth is still completely up to you. You can do this!!

    Can I say I love you! :P Your comment made me feel so much better. And as a true 'dieter' I will say "Tomorrow is a new day" haha I have to get out of that terrible habit of secret eating because it does me no good and I DO have to be a big girl and be accountable of my own actions. Like most people, my biggest fear is going through this surgery will be all for nothing and it wont work. I have to MAKE it work because its my last resort at losing this weight. Like I have seen somewhere before "being skinny tastes better than that food" :D

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  21. Yes, getting in that Water is proving to be very difficult for me as well. But I'm bad and drink a little while I eat. Just a few sips here and there. Of course since last night I have NOT been a good girl. I have been stuffing myself to the point where I am super uncomfortable and its a bit painful. I want to kick myself in the face because I KNOW that I am once again sabatoging myself, but this time it will come at a MUCH higher price. I was so happy to see 180 FINALLY on my scale and now I'm backtracking??! UGH! :angry: So of course being this full, trying to get my water in, is super hard.

    I have always had a problem of being a 'secret eater'. How sad. A mother of 3. almost 32 years old and I secret eat. I'm the bulimic eater without the throwing up part. I hate it and its so embarressing. I thought that if I got this lapband, it would help, but it hasn't. My boyfriend is working out of town for the next few weeks and only home on the weekends, so I'm having like a free for all. UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I just need to stop!

    Sorry for the rant. :(

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