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Everything posted by conniesueb

  1. conniesueb


    Wow--my evaluation was so much easier than all of yours! There was no questionnaire to fill out--we just talked about stuff. She didn't ask me any of those type questions either. It was actually pretty simple. It was kind of nice to talk to someone and get some things off my chest, too. It might have been more fun, though, if I had had an eval like the rest of you!!!
  2. Oh My God--you guys are hysterical! I can so relate to some of these! I took Xenical several years ago--what a disaster! It was the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced in my life. I will never forget one time waiting for my son to get through with his karate lessons, and felt the urge to go coming on, but by the time I got to a bathroom it was too late! I had to wrap my jacket around me to actually go into the bathroom to try and clean up! If you were going to be away from home for any length of time, you needed to carry a change of clothes--nasty stuff! I also agree with the posts about people thinking this is the easy way out--what a bunch of crap! I am working my butt off to lose this weight. I have always been able to lose the weight, the problem has been keeping it off, and I think that is where this band makes the difference. Keep them coming people!! I needed a good laugh today!
  3. conniesueb

    PB, Stomach Swell confused

    Well, I can honestly say that I have very rarely(maybe twice?) gotten that golf ball feeling. I can pretty much eat normally without any problems. Even right after a fill, I don't really have to chew any more, or take much smaller bites, but I don't know if that is normal either. I have never pb'd==thank God! What has gotten stuck has passed after a few minutes, and that was that. It doesn't really sound normal to me that you are having so much trouble thoug--have you talked to your surgeon about it? That would be the first step, I think. Good luck!
  4. I totally agree with everyone who suggested therapy. You have to get yourself in the right frame of mind for this to work. Compulsive eating is something a lot of people deal with, and I think therapy would be the best way to handle it. You are not alone, though, just remember that. And I think this could be a wake up call to a lot of people out there who are thinking about having this surgery--it is not a quick-fix or a miracle cure--it is a TOOL. You can still sabbotage yourself, whether it is intentional or not. I know some people think that if they have this surgery it is going to fix everything, and the weight is just going to fall off with no effort on their part, but that is not the case. Please don't give up though, the band can be a wonderful tool once you get the other part of it worked out. Hang in there--there are a lot of people supporting you here.
  5. conniesueb

    First fill on monday

    Well, my doctor does not use an x-ray, but it is still pretty simple. He has me lay down, then he finds my port, and inserts the needle. Then I sit up, and he starts filling. He will usually put the whole syringe of saline in, then have me drink some water to see if it will go down without backing up. If it backs up at all, he takes some out. He keeps having me take drinks until he thinks we are where we need to be. It is pretty painless though, because they give me a little local anesthesia around the port area first, so I don't even feel the needle going in. Good luck!
  6. conniesueb

    Ticker Factory

    Hey Angie--looks like you did okay! It gets easier each time you do it. When you want to update it, you just have to click on your ticker and it will take you back there and you do the same thing all over again. By the way, Good luck on your upcoming surgery!!
  7. conniesueb

    C-Pap question

    I have only been on the C-pap for about a year, but after my surgery my doctor told me to call her once I had lost 52 pounds(that is apparantly a certain percentage of my body weight). When I hit that mark, I called her, and just last week did an overnight pulse-ox test on room air to see if I can be freed from the machine. I still don't know the results of the test yet, but I have not actually worn it for about the last month. I feel like I am sleeping better without it. When I was wearing it, it really started to bother me--especially a burning sensation in my nose. So, I am not wearing it now, and hoping that the doc says that it is okay to return it for good!!
  8. conniesueb

    A Wonderful Nsv

    That is awesome, especially considering how teenagers can be! You are very blessed to have such a special daughter.
  9. conniesueb

    Today Marks 50 pounds down!!!

    ALicat--that is fantastic. I know I felt the same way when I hit 50 pounds. It does take a lot of hard work though, doesn't it? For the people who think the band is an easy way out, I guess we know differently, don't we? I also work out every day, sometimes twice a day, and eat good food. You do have to work the band, cuz it is still just a tool. Keep up the great work!!!!!!:clap2:
  10. conniesueb

    Ticker Factory

    One more thing--be sure to go down to save signature at the bottom of the page when you are done.
  11. conniesueb

    Ticker Factory

    Okay, I will try to explain this--I had a problem myself when I first joined. Go to www.tickerfactory.com and fill out all the info--when you are done creating your ticker, there is a place where it says to use these codes to post. I used the first one they list--highlight all of it, go to edit at the top of your computer and hit copy. Then close that page, come back to lapbandtalk, and up in the left hand corner, click on user CP. Then go to edit signature. Then go to your signature, and click on it somewhere right under your name, or whatever you signed with, and then go back up to edit and hit paste. It should come up, but it may bring all that other info with it--mine does, and I just erase all the other stuff. I hope I explained that well enough! Good Luck!
  12. Okay, here is my question--I am scheduled for a fill tomorrow--it will be my third fill. The first two did not feel like thay did anything--the first one, I only got .4 cc in my 4cc band--went back about a week later, and was down to .2 cc's and he added another .6cc's. I felt a little restriction for about a week or two, but have since felt pretty wide open. The thing is, I am losing pretty steadily still, so I am not sure if I need the fill or not. I guess I just feel like I should only be able to eat a certain amount, and if I am able to eat more than that, then I need a fill. I seem to get hungry about three hours after a meal. I just don't know. I think part of the reason I am still losing so steadily is that I am working out pretty much every day--some days twice a day. But last night for example I ate almost an entire can of Fat-free pringles! I feel like if I had a good fill, I wouldn't be able to eat nearly that much. So the question is--to fill or not to fill?
  13. conniesueb

    Junk Food?

    Hi Doriana--I'm sorry you are having problems. I can relate though--I have gone thru phases like that myself. You have come to the right place for support though. Just try and remember why you got the band in the first place. We all know it is just a tool, not a miracle cure, and it is so easy to sabbotage ourselves, isn't it? You have done great so far, and you just need to get re-focused, I think. Think about how great you will feel when you reach your goal! I bought a book recently that I think might help you--it's called Chicken Soup for the Dieter's Soul. It's a collection of stories from people who have dealt with dieting issues in different ways. It really is good--I found a lot of inspiration in it. Also, maybe you could tape a "before" picture of yourself somewhere near where you keep the junk food to help remind you what you don't want to go back to. Having lap-band surgery was, I'm sure, not a decision you made lightly, and I'm sure you are not willing to just give up. Hang in there, I'm sure you will shake this, and if you ever want to chat, you can e-mail me or send me a private message. My e-mail is boonconburns@comcast.net. Contact me anytime--everyone needs a friend and a little encouragement now and then. (Even though I am not from Canada!:myscared: )
  14. conniesueb

    2 week for fills to kick in theory???

    My doctor always tells me that if I don't feel it right away to call and come back in right away. I had my 3rd fill on Monday, and by Tuesday I had called to schedule another fill because I didn't really feel any different. But, by Thursday I started to feel tighter. It's so weird, and it's so hard to tell while I am getting the fill if it is the right amount or not. He always has me drink water to see if it backs up at all, and if it does, he takes some back out. Still, I never know if it's enough. I am supposed to go back on Tuesday, but I'm not sure I am going to need it now. But who knows, by then, I may feel loose again! It is definately a mystery!
  15. conniesueb


    My doctor gave me a prescription for a powder called Glycolax. You add a spoonful to a glass of water each day and drink it--it doesn't have a flavor, and dissolves completely in whatever you add it to, and I have been completely regular since I started using it. I was really having problems before I started using it, but I love it. It doesn't make you too loose, either--just nice and regular. You really should ask your doctor about it--it works wonders!
  16. conniesueb

    Body Image

    Puddin--I firmly believe that love finds you when you least expect it. When I met my current husband, I was in the process of divorcing husband number two(sad, I know), and the last thing I was looking for was a relationship. He was in town working and was working with the guy that my best friend was dating. I thought he was nice and cute, but he was seven years younger than me. Anyway, I thought he would just be fun to hang out with while he was in town, and then he would leave, and everything would be good. At that point, I never thought I would get married again, after having two that failed. But funny thing happened--we fell in love, dammit! To make a long story short, we did get married, and I am very happy, but that truly was the furthest thing from my mind when I met him. Just be patient, and give yourself a chance to enjoy the new you--which is beautiful, by the way! You have really given me some motivation--I looked at your pics, and WOW! You have come such a long way--learn to love the new you, and don't worry about finding love--it will find you when the time is right. But don't settle--that's where I made my mistake the first two times! Hang in there girl--and don't give in to those old feelings when you see the ex--just keep telling yourself you deserve better than that, because you do!
  17. conniesueb

    Surgery Center vs. Hospital

    Hey Dreamer--I had my surgery done in a surgery center, and it was a wonderful experience. No problems whatso-ever, and I think probably a lot easier than being admitted into a hospital. My doctor does all his lap-band surgeries this way.
  18. conniesueb

    Should I get a fill or not?

    Thanks Brandy-I don't usually get that carried away with eating, but just the fact that I am physically able to suggests I need a fill, right? I guess I threw the fact that they were Fat-free in there to make it sound better than it actually was! I am definately going to keep my appointment. Does your doctor do your fills while you are sitting up, and sipping water? Mine says that if I feel like the water is not going straight through, then I am too full, and he takes some out, but usually I just feel like I need to burp, and I'm not sure if that is the same thing. Maybe tomorrow I will err on the side of being a little too full, and if it is, I can always go back for an un-fill.
  19. conniesueb

    I'm New :)

    Hi Gigi--welcome to the boards! You can be an ispiration for the rest of us. I also started out at a size 22, and would give anything to be a size 6. HOw long did it take you to get there? I had my surgery 3 months ago, and have already lost 50 pounds, and am down 2 pants sizes--getting close to being 3! It's always nice to hear the success stories--it keeps me motivated! Do you work out a lot? I always wonder if it is a lot easier and faster for people who do?
  20. conniesueb

    Hoping to be another loser

    Wow--first of all--kudos to you for having 10 kids--I couldn't have done that myself! Second, welcome to bandland! I can try to answer some of your questions for you. As far as feeling "normal" after the procedure--speaking for myself, I totally do feel normal. I can't really "feel" the band. I know it's there though. As far as the hardest adjustment--for me the hardest thing to get used to is not drinking with my meals. I had a really hard time with that at first, but now it has gotten easier. The first time we went out to eat, and I told the waitress I didn't want anything to drink, she must have asked me 4 or 5 times during the meal if I was sure I didn't want anything to drink! Now, I order a glass of water, just to avoid that. And, I feel like it's a good idea to have something handy in case some food gets stuck, and needs a little help going down! Eating out in general is not a problem for me. I either order a salad, or some soup, or order a regular(low-fat, healthy) entree, and take most of it home for another meal. As for eating at friends houses, I guess it dpends on weather your friend knows you have had the surgery or not. If they don't, just take a small amount of something, and say you're just not that hungry, or that your stomach as been bothering you, or something. Hopefully, they will not try to push food on you. I don't know too many statistics, but I can say that just from reading these boards, the majority of people are glad they had the surgery and don't regret it. I am one of those people. It has been the best decision I have ever made. But, I have been one of the lucky ones who have not had a single problem. I know not everyone is as lucky as me, and some people have really struggled with problems, and I fell really bad for them. But for me, this has been an extremely easy process. In fact, this is the only surgery I have had that I did not have problems with! You do have to remember though, that the band is not a miracle cure, it is just a tool, and you still have to make smart choices. My doctor told me about a lady that he banded who refused to give up bread, even though every time she ate it, it got stuck, and made her throw up. Eventually, her band slipped, and when my doctor asked her if she wanted him to fix it or remove it, she told him to just take it out! I can't believe someone would go through all that time and money to get banded, and then not be willing to give up bread! So, you can make bad choices. Just remember that it is still a life-changing event that you have to be willing to put 100% effort into. Good luck with your surgery, and keep us posted on how you are doing. These boards can be a life-saver when you are struggling or have questions you need answered and can't call your doctor. In fact, I'll bet the people on these boards could answer your questions better than most doctors because we have actually been through it. Again, GOOD LUCK!
  21. conniesueb

    1st fill...When will I feel full?

    Hey Cindi--I can totally understand where you are coming from. The only time I have ever felt really "full" is right after my surgery, when a half cup of chicken broth would do it! But I gradually started to realize--like Jack said--I don't need to be "full" all the time--I just need to not be hungry all the time. And I'm not. And when I do get hungry, I eat, but I stop eating when I don't fell hungry anymore. I am going back for my 3rd fill tomorrow, simply because the first two just didn't quite do it for me. I am getting hungrier than before, and feel like I could eat a whole lot more than I do, so I just want to have that little reassurance that I can't eat more than I should.Like I said, I am not hungry all the time or anything, but I paid a lot of money for this thing, and want to feel like it is doing something! It sounds to me like you are doing great--you have the right mind-set for this journey, and you know it is not a miracle cure--we have to work with the band, not work around it, like many people do. Keep up the good work!!
  22. conniesueb

    Need advice...

    Thanks Marys--I will definately try that! I really don't want to have plastic surgery when this is all done, but I would like to be able to wear sleeveless shirts this summer without feeling self-concious.
  23. conniesueb

    Need advice...

    The triceps are my biggest problem, too. They keep waving long after I do! I have been looking for the best exercises for the triceps, but I'm not sure anything is going to help! I workout at a gym that is just like Curves almost everyday, but I really need some extra help with those granny arms, too!
  24. conniesueb

    What do you acually eat?

    A typical breakfast for me is eggbeaters with some low-fat cheese thrown in for extra protein, sometimes a small bowl of multi-grain cereal, or oatmeal. I find I do much better at staying full longer if I have protein for breakfast as opposed to carbs. Lunch is usually a frozen Lean Cuisine or similar meal consisting of meat and veggies only, or a salad. And dinner is usually fish or chicken or turkey and some veggies. I try to really limit my carbs, but if I do eat them, I try to choose whole grain instead of white anything. I will sometimes have a small snack of string cheese during the day, but not always. I have been able to eat anything I have tried so far--the only thing I haven't tried is bread. But as far as everything else goes--no problems. I have never thrown up or gotten anything stuck(except a pill now and then). I find I am choosing much healthier options than before too. It's all about making the right choices, I think. I could eat anything I wanted, only in smaller portions, but I WANT to make better choices now, and it has really paid off.
  25. conniesueb

    Eating Out

    You know, a lot of advice is to order appitizers, or order off the children's menu, but I haven't found very healthy options on either of those munus. I would rather order something off the regular menu that is healthier--soup, a salad, grilled chicken, fish, etc. and take the leftover's home. Today, my daughter really wanted to go to Mongolian Grill, so I just got a small bowl, filled it with lots of veggies, some chicken and beef--skipped the rice and noodles, and it was excellent! I tell my husband all the time that I don't care where we eat anymore because it just doesn't hold the same excitement for me that it used to, but I can find something to eat no matter where we go. It has not been an issue at all. The only places I really don't want o go anymore are Golden Corral or Country Buffet, because I just feel like it is a waste of money. As for fast food, I almost always get a salad, but can never finish it. And I also love Wedy's chili. Don't even worry about it--you will be fine. It may be a little awkward if you are eating out with people who don't know you have been banded, because they will not be able to understand how you can eat so little--but just tell them you aren't that hungry or something--and if they do know, they will understand, and hopefully not make a big deal about it.

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