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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by conniesueb

  1. conniesueb

    Insurance Reimberments???

    I had to pay for my surgery up front, and am now waiting to be reimbursed. I sent in for pre-authorization before my surgery though, so I would know if they would cover it or not, and they said they would, but trying to get paid back has been a nightmare! I had three different claims to send in--one for the surgeon, one for the surgery center, and one for the anesthesiologist. The first one, for the surgeon, was $4000.00. When they processed it, they processed it as an in-network claim, and only allowed $1072.00, and they sent the check to the surgeon instead of me. The office manager called the insurance, and explained that he has two differnet tax ID numbers--onw for all his other surgeries, which he is in-network, and a seperate one for lapband surgery, which he is not in network. They told her to send the check back, and they would start over and re-process it with the right tax ID number, and send the check to me. Well, they did send the check to me, but they still used the wrong tax ID number! They are not even paying attention to what is on the receipt I sent with my claim! So, I had to send it back AGAIN and am waiting for them to try a third time to process it right! The claim for the surgery center was $7800.00. They requested surgical notes, and said they needed the surgery center's tax ID number before they could process that claim. When I called the surgery center to get the tax Id number THEY WOULDN"T GIVE IT TO ME! They said the insurance shouldn't need it since I was self pay! I told them that they couldn't process my claim without it, and she still wouldn't give it to me. She said another patient with the same insurance was denied and they had to refund her money, so now they won't give out that info, because they are afraid the same thing will happen! I told her that even if they do deny it, it is between me and my insurance company because they had already been paid. She still wouldn't give it to me, so I called my surgeon's office and thankfully, they gave it to me. So, I faxed the info to ins. co. and called last week to check on it, and was told that the info was never received. Someone gave me the wrong fax number! I am so frustrated at this point, I could just scream! So, I had to re-fax it, and I mailed a copy just to be safe. Then the check for the anesthesiologist was sent to him and not me too! I wrote in big black letters on the claim DO NOT SEND CHECK TO PROVIDER--SEND TO SUBSCRIBER! They just don't pay attention to anything! So, I called the anesthesiologist's office and begged them not to send the check back to the ins. Now I am waiting to get a check from them, because they could not just sign it over to me for some reason. So, My surgery was in November, and I have not gotten a dime back yet! So, moral of the story--insurance companies are a big pain in the butt!!!!! Be careful!
  2. conniesueb

    Annnnd Sanjaya is FINALLY GONE!!!!

    So happy he's gone!! I am voting for Jordin all the way! I think she is the only one that has the voice, the look, and the personality all in one. Melinda is a great singer, but not much personality. Same for Lakesha--only less personality than Melinda. I don't get the whole Chris thing--I just don't think he is that good, and I got a little worried when him and Jordin were in the same group last night! I wasn't surprised to see Lakesha there, though--I just didn't think she did a very good job on that song, but I am a huge Carrie Underwood fan, and maybe a little biased.GO JORDIN!!!
  3. conniesueb

    what is that gargling ?

    It is so weird that you should say that, because I have been hearing the same thing! I just assumed it was some kind of gastro-intestinal disturbance due to something I ate! In fact, mine is doing it right now! Mine seems to do it more when I eat a lot of veggies--have you noticed a pattern with yours? I don't hear it only when I'm laying down though. I'm not sure what it is but it is weird for sure!
  4. Good to know--I was having trouble a couple of days ago too. I don't really like this new format. Why did they change it anyway? It was fine the way it was!
  5. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    BetsyJane--As far as exercise goes--I cannot believe I have become a total gym rat! I am going everyday on my lunch hour and doing the 30 minute circuit, and on Monday nights I do water aerobics, and on Wednesday nights I get on the treadmill while my daughter is at volleyball practice. Then, on the weekends, I try to do the circuit at least one day on the weekend, and sometime I take my daughter to the Y and she swims, and I workout. I'm completely addicted.. I just signed up for 6 sessions with the personal trainer at my gym, too cuz I want to really work on my strength training, and hopefully get rid of my bat wings!. It helps that I get 2 hours for lunch, so I can always make time to go. I've surprised even myself though. So, Hooray--Sanjaya is finally gone!! I heard on the radio the other day that he has obtained the rights to Michael Jackson's Thriller, and is going to re-make it for the 20th anniversary--how scary is that? I hope that is not true! PRBrooksie--you are looking great--you really can see a difference! Keep up the good work!
  6. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Vikki--I have never gotten a headache from getting a fill. I just got one Monday, and I definately feel more restriction. I was grazing before my fill too. I think a lot of that is emotional, too. I always ate out of boredom, or snacked while watching tv. It's hard to eat only when you're hungry! If you are still feeling really hungry, maybe you should get a litle more of a fill. Is your doctor good about that, or does he give you a hard time? Mine is great about fills--he always says come back right away if that doesn't do it. But, I have also heard other people say it takes a week or two for a fill to kick in, but my doc says you should feel it right away. Everyone is different though. Did anyone watch American Idol last night? Enough already--I hope Sanjaya goes home tonight, but he probably won't, even though he was HORRIBLE last night:yuck:
  7. conniesueb

    Failed Lapband Patient

    I was not trying to attack the girl in the video, I just think that there must have been some problem with the band being too tight or something if she was throwing up all the time. And if the enamel on her teeth is gone, she had to have been throwing up, not just PBing. I just wonder if she went back and talked to her surgeon about that, because I am sure he would agree that it is not normal. I'm not attacking her for failing at weight loss, I just think people really need to be completely informed before making this big decision because it is not the quick fix that some people think it is. Sorry if I sounded too critical--I didn't mean it that way.
  8. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Where is everyone?How is everyone doing? It's been so quiet.
  9. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey Carola--Sorry to hear about your problems, but it is great that you have not gained! Dynamomini--Good Luck tomorrow, I will be thinking about you! Mal--maybe you should go to the show--I would love to meet you!
  10. conniesueb

    Need fill - this is depressing!

    Berry--I think we all feel that way from time to time. I just got back from Texas Roadhouse and while it could have been worse, I ate an entire 6 oz filet mignon, a few bites of salad, and a few bites of green beans. I am so stuffed right now! It was just so good I couldn't stop, even though I knew I had had enough. The band certainly doesn't fix the emotional aspect of eating for us, does it? I'm sorry you have to wait so long for your fill, but in the meantime, just try to be strong, and maybe next time you feel like eating something you shouldn't, go for a walk, or call a friend, or get on the boards here. You'll make it--and you will feel so much better after you have had a fill or two or three.
  11. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Thank you! It's hard for me to believe it myself sometimes. Do you listen to country music at all? Do you know who Chris Cagle is? He is going to be at the Grizzly Rose in a couple weeks, and I am coming up to see him--he is so hot! I am really looking forward to it. I have a couple friends in Denver that are going with me--I can't wait.
  12. conniesueb

    Fat Arms?

    Same problem here--I have been working on it for a couple months, but have not seen huge results yet. I do use the bands, and weights, and all the machines at the gym that I can, but man, they are tough to get toned. I was really looking forward to tank tops this summer, too, but I'm not sure they are in my future, either:cry
  13. conniesueb

    Sanjaya !!!!

    I was pretty sure you were.
  14. conniesueb

    Sanjaya !!!!

    Mark, I can never tell when you are being serious or joking--you do know that there are 2 different Howard Sterns, right? I am just hoping that since Simon actually complimented him(sort of) last week, everyone who is voting for him as a joke will stop.
  15. conniesueb

    Courtney Love has the band??

    I have heard the conflicting reports, too. If she did have the surgery and she is throwing up all the time, there is something very wrong. Why do people think that is normal? No one should be throwing up all the time after lapband surgery--maybe she has too much restriction, and needs to be unfilled. We will probably never know the truth though.
  16. conniesueb

    Failed Lapband Patient

    Wow--it does sound like she was too full, or that she was not chewing her food well enough. I don't think gastric bypass will be her answer either, because I've heard that you are more likely to gain weight back after gastric bypass than with the lapband. It sounds to me like she was expecting a miracle, and was not willing to follow the rules that come with the band, and doesn't want to admit that. It's always easier to blame someone else, isn't it? I could eat chips and ice cream too if I wanted to, I just choose not to, and all that "good" food I eat goes down just fine, and I have never thrown up.
  17. My pre-op diet was just low carb for about 2 weeks before surgery, and I lost 10 pounds. I am so glad I didn't have to do liquids for that long! But every doctor is different. Don't beat yourself up though, I'm sure if you get back on track, everything will be fine. I wonder if anyone has actually had to reschdule their surgery because their liver was too big?
  18. conniesueb

    I just had a fill, am I too full

    If you have to go that far for a fill, I would wait a few days and see what happens. But be sure you are getting something down and don't get dehydrated. If it's not better in a few days, I would go back and get a slight unfill--you have to be able to eat to be healthy.
  19. conniesueb

    thinking of lap bang

    I couldn't be happier. I can't say one negative thing about my lapband experience. It really is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I've been banded about 4 1/2 months, and have lost 53 pounds since the surgery, and lost 10 before surgery on my pre-op diet, so am down 63 total. It is not a magic pill, though, you do have to work at it. Some people think it doesn't take any effort on their part, but it does. It is definately a lifestyle change. You have to be concious of what and how you are eating all the time, but it is well worth it to me. I would be happy to share more with you, if you would like, you can e-mail me with any questions you have at boonconburns@comcast.net Good luck with your decision.
  20. conniesueb

    ??? What about eating out?

    I never have problems eating out, and I eat out quite a bit. I order off the senior menu a lot--most places will let you do that weather you are a senior or not, but they seem a little more strict about ordering off the kids menu. I don't usually order appetizers because most of them are deep fried or loaded with calories, and I am trying to eat healthier. I take home leftovers a lot, too. If I am really having trouble deciding, I will usually just go with a salad. I have never had problems with pbing either. I think you will do just fine.
  21. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Mal, yes I do water aerobics at the YMCA. My daughter takes swimming lessons at the same time as the water aerobics class, so it works out really well. I usually go twice a week, but right now she is playing volleyball too, and her practices are on the same night as the swimming lessons, so I get on the treadmill while she is at practice instead. I also go to LAdie's Workout Express 5 or 6 days a week. It is like Curves, with the 30 minute circuit, and I love it. It is not too hard on my knees, either. I do feel better, but I was really hoping for more of a change after losing this much weight--as far as the pain, I mean. There are still days where I am really in a lot of pain because of the arthritis, but Maybe after another 60 pounds it will feel better! Of course, arthritis never goes away, but I know the extra weight makes a huge difference on how your joints feel. I am so glad the storm tracked so far south--we got more down here than you did up there, but it still didn't amount to much, and yesterday was gorgeous! Today looks beautiful too!
  22. conniesueb

    After Surgery? Toot Toot Express?

    I didn't actually pass too much gas, it was more of an internal thing. It may have felt better if it had actually been let out! Good luck with your surgery--and I think you will have good weather in Denver--the storm we were supposed to get didn't materialize, and I think it's smooth sailing for the next few days. I live in Pueblo, which is about 120 miles south of Denver. I will send happy thoughts your way!
  23. conniesueb

    How has exercise affected your results?

    I definately think that exercising regulary has helped me to lose steadily. I never exercised before being banded, partly because I have severe arthritis in my knees and ankles. But after being banded, I realized that I had to start exercising. The experts say that people who have arthritis should keep moving because it helps keep your joints loose, but I was always in so much pain, that I just avoided it like the plague. I started with water aerobics--which, I agree, is heaven for people with arthritis! Then, a month after my surgery, I joined Ladies Workout Express--it is like Curves, with a 30 minute circuit that incorporates strength training with cardio all in a 30 minute workout, and it is very joint friendly. They also have a treadmill, stair climber, bikes, and an eliptical for extra cardio, and they offer lots of classes, like Zumba, and belly-dancing. I absolutely love it and I go every day on my lunch hour, and try to go at least one day on the weekend, too. We also recently joined the Y, so while my daughter is at volleyball practice, I get on the treadmill, and use the weight machines. I have become an exercise junkie, and it has definately made a difference in my body. Not only am I losing steadily, but my whole body is changing. And, it is a great stress reliever. I was very worried about having a lot of excess skin after losing weight and I think regular exercise is the key to not having that problem. I mean, there will still be some skin, but it will not be as bad as if I didn't workout on a regular basis.
  24. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey Mal--I would say the biggest challenge so far has been overcoming that false sense of hunger in my mind--the one that says that because you are sitting watching a movie, you should be snacking, or the one that says when you go out to eat you have to get the most obnoxios thing on the menu. I have learned to eat healthy menu choices--salads, grilled chicken or fish, etc. I know that there are many people who eat whatever they did before surgery, just insmaller amounts, but for me, I have decided to make a total lifestyle change, and eat much healthier. I have also started exercising almost every day. I NEVER exercised before--but now I am totally addicted--even after having 4 knee surgeries--I have found a way to work through the pain, and it has definately paid off. Jhaust know that it is a definate life change, but you just have to set your mind to it, and it will be fine. Good luck everyone!
  25. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey-- I am in Pueblo, had my surgery done here, too. Good luck to everyone!

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