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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by conniesueb

  1. conniesueb

    Help yourself.??

    There is no way I would attempt to give myself a fill even if I could. I'm not afraid of needles or anything, I just think that it should be done by a professional who knows what the hell they're doing! Although, right now that does sound tempting since I called to schedule a fill and can't get in till June 11, and really wish it could be sooner!!
  2. conniesueb


    I took Gas-X with no problems at all. I think tums would be okay, too, but maybe you should check with your surgeon. Each surgeon is so different--I asked mine about the no Advil thing and he said it was fine to take it, so go figure. The best thing to do would be to call your surgeons office and check with them.
  3. Wow--that sucks. Do they know what caused that, or is it just one of those things that just happens?
  4. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Hey Tom and BetsyJane--I'm sorry to hear about all the problems you guys are having. I am cursed with osteoarthritis myself, and it can really be dibilitating sometimes. I really thought that losing 71 pounds would make a huge difference in the way my knees and ankles felt but I'm a little dissapointed that it hasn't helped as much as I'd hoped. I know arthritis never goes away, but I really thought the extra weight was making more of a difference. Don't get me wrong, I do feel better, and am able to do more than I have in a long time, but still thought it would be more-maybe another 50 pounds will do the trick? On the bright side, I saw my doctor on Wed., and she said that if my A1c for my diabetes is below 6 with this new bloodwork she ordered, I can go off my diabetes meds! Yeah! She also told me I could stop taking my Pravachol for cholesterol, and we will check in Sept. and see how I am doing without it. She was absolutely thrilled with my progress. Hope everyone is enjoying this nice long weekend!
  5. Alexandra--ok, I just saw at the bottom of your post that your band slipped--how did you know that it had slipped? I guess what I'm wondering is what are the symptoms of that to look for?
  6. Judy, When you are cleared for the creamy soups phase, you can aslo have pudding and cream of wheat. I guess I was lucky and my doc is not as strict about the length of the liquid phase. I was able to move on to soups and stuff after about 7 days. But every doc is different. Just hang in there, it does get better. It's just food--and anything that you couldn't have at that bbq, you can fix for yourself later when you can eat normally again if you want to. Alexandria--why did you have to have your band out?
  7. conniesueb

    Hungry all of the sudden...

    Hey Crystal--this is completely normal. When they put your band in, they do not fill it. This time is meant for healing. When you are able to start getting fills, you will really notice a difference. Just be patient, and use this time to heal. I might suggest that while you are on the mushie stage, you try to get as much protien and fiber as possible, to help you feel full longer. that is what worked for me. Just hang in there--it will get better, I promise.
  8. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Michelle--it was nice to meet your daughter--she must be a little wary of new people, huh? Yeah, they won't do anything at Parkwest until they get their money. I still have issues with them! I'm so excited for you! If you need anything, just let me know. Stock up on broth and jello before your surgery! Talk to you soon.
  9. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Tom, I hope you find something out soon--the waiting game sucks! We had some bad news this weekend--my son's grandpa(my ex's dad) died Sunday--he had his knee replaced on Tuesday, and was doing fine, then something somehow went terribly wrong. Had him on too many pain meds, and he started hallucinating, adjusted that, then Sun. morning he started having trouble breathing. They called my ex to tell him they were taking him up to ICU, and by the time he got to the hospital, his dad was dead. He had started vomitting, and they were trying to intubate him, but he died. They did an autopsy, but still don't know what happened--they are waiting on the histology report now, because there was no obvious reason--no heart attack, he didn't aspirate the vomit into his lungs, he didn't throw a clot, so they just don't know. They will probably do a toxocology test too. They had him on percocet, oxycontin, and morphine all in a two day span, which seems like an awful lot. So, they are still waiting for answers. My son is just devastated--he doesn't understand how someone can go in for a knee replacement and end up dead. Hopefully, we will have some answers soon. So, Tom, I kind of understand what you are feeling--it sucks not knowing! Hope everything turns out okay for you--keep us posted.
  10. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey Michelle--that's awesome! I lost 10 pounds hust doing the low-carb thing before my surgery. That is the day before my son's 18th birthday. He is doing a little better--going back to school tomorrow--they have finals starting Friday, and that's when the funeral is, so he is going to see if he can take his finals earlier for those classes. The autopsy was inconclusive so far--they are waiting on the histology report, and will probably run a toxocology screen too. They just really need some answers. Thanks for keeping them in your prayers, everyone. Michelle, if you have any questions about the surgery, just call me--maybe we can do lunch again while you can still eat!
  11. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey girls--well, after I posted yesterday, we got a call from my ex-husband with devastating news--his dad passed away. My son is devastated. He had gone in Tuesday for knee replacement surgery, and had been doing fine, but they apparantly had him on some really high doses of pain meds, and he started hallucinating, so they were adjusting that, then he started having trouble breathing, and they called my ex and told him they were taking him up to ICU. Well, I guess he started vomitting, and they tried to intubate him, but by the time my ex got there, he was dead! It's just so sad. So, we left Denver early--I had to drive my son's car home--he was in no shape to drive. So, our otherwise fun weekend ended on a bad note. I will let you guys know when we will be up again--my husband will be working there for about 12 weeks, so I'm sure we will make another trip soon. Glad to hear you are doing well.
  12. conniesueb

    What I like most about exercising....

    What I like most about exercising is that I actually CAN exercise. I have severe osteoarthritis in my whole lower body, and always thought exercise was impossible, but I have been amazing even myself lately with just how much I can do. It feels so good to actually accomplish something like that. I have started weight training and I absolutely love it. The enorphine rush after a good workout is nice too. I never knew what people meant by that, but now I do!
  13. conniesueb

    When did you start losing the weight?

    Well, for me, its been a steady thing--I've averaged about 10 pounds a month since being banded. I think it does come off a little quicker in the early months, just because the more you weigh, the quicker you will lose. I have started to slow down a little now that I am at the 6 month mark, but I am still very happy with my progress!
  14. conniesueb

    Had my first fill- HUNGER came roaring back???

    These band are funny, fickle things aren't they? Mine seems to change almost daily--some days I feel very restricted and eat next to nothing, and other days--look out! There's just no rhyme or reason to it. I agree that you should give it a week or so and see how you feel. Good luck!
  15. Oh, good, it worked! I'm never sure if I am explaining that clearly enough! Looks like you are off to a great start--keep up the good work!
  16. conniesueb

    Hi from Colorado

    Hi! I am also in Colorado--in Pueblo--welcome and good luck with your band and your mother-in-law! I guess I am lucky because I absolutely love my in-laws. They are just the nicest people you could ever meet. I actually look forward to their visits cuz when they're here, I don't have to cook or clean--they do everything! My husband usually takes the week off when they come, but I always have to work, so I always come home to dinner and a clean house! They are awesome. Well, I hope Cigna doesn't make it too difficult for you--I had to pay up front, and am now trying to get reimbursed from my insurance, and it has been a nightmare! They have screwed everything up from the start. It has been 6 months, and I have only gotten back $910 for the anesthesia portion, and they sent that check to the doctor instead of me, and I had to wait for them to send it to me. Its just a big mess, but they had said it would be covered before I had the surgery. My surgeon will not bill insurance anymore because he has had so many problems getting paid--now I know why! So, I had to pay everything up front and am now waiting, waiting, waiting for reimbursement. Good luck with your journey!
  17. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey--where are all my Colorado girls? It's been so quiet! Dynomini, and Collector--how are you girls doing? Hope everything is still going well for you. I am in Denver right now--we went to the Crush game Friday night--it was so fun! Last night we went to Amazing Jakes--the kids had a ball. It's kind of weird, cuz you have to pay for the buffet in order to get in--whether you want to eat or not! This buffet has pizza, pasta, baked potatoes, soup, salad, desserts--its incredible, but what a waste of money for me! I was good, and only ate a small salad with fat-free dressing:clap2: . Okay, I had a few glasses of wine, too, so I guess I wasn't all that good;) . Yesterday we went to that new shopping place called Northfield Stapleton--it's like an outdoor mall--very cool. I also went to the Aurora Town Center, and did 30 min. on the treadmill at the hotel, so I definately am getting my exercise in! Today we are meeting my friend for breakfast, and then not sure what else, but it has been a really fun weekend. My son toured Rocky Mountain School of Art and Design on Friday and really likes it. It's small--only 400 students-12 to a class, so it sounds like a great place, and they have an awesome graphic design program. Well, hope everyone is doing well, and have a great weekend!
  18. conniesueb

    I've been approved!!!!!

    Congratulations! You are on your way to your new life! And it really will be a new life for you. It certainly has been for me--everything in my life is better now. My unhealthy relationship with food is gone, and has been replaced by a whole new, healthy one! For example, last night we went to this really cool place that has go-karts, laser tag, mini golf, video games, etc. They have this amazing all you can eat buffet with pizza, pasta, baked potatoes, soup, salad, and desserts. The old me would have had some of evrything--the new me had a small salad with fat-free dressing. I know I still could have had a little bit of everything if I wanted to, but the thing is, I really didn't want to! Lots of people who are banded still eat the same foods they did before, just in smaller amounts, but I would rather fill that small new pouch I have with good, healthy food. And, I quess that's working for me, cuz I have lost 70 pounds so far! This has been the best thing I have ever done, and I'm sure you will think so too. Good luck with your journey!
  19. If you havn't figured it out yet--go to tickerfactory.com, and fill out your information. After your ticker is created, go down to where it says for posting to boards or web pages, and use the first one--highlight the entire thing, go to edit up in the upper left of your screen, click on copy. then, go back to LBT, and click on user CP. Go to edit signature, and click under your name, or wherever you want the ticker to go, and then go to edit again, and click on paste. Your ticker should come up, but you may have to erase all the code stuff that comes with it. Hope that's clear enough
  20. conniesueb

    Newbie Colorado

    Hi Christina--Where in Colorado are you? I am in Pueblo. The band is something you should be prepared to live with for the rest of your life. It's not a magic cure, but more of a safety net for me. I know I can't go back to my old eating habits, like I have on every other diet I've been on. And to me, this is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I am fully prepared to eat this way forever. And it does work if you follow the rules--I have lost 70 pounds in 6 months. Good luck with your decision.
  21. conniesueb

    TV Show - I Lost It

    I have seen every episode of that show! I started to tivo it once I found out it was on at 4:30 a.m. here, and would watch it while I was getting ready for work. I was watching one day, and saw the nutrition counselor from my gym on there--back when she was a weight watcher's leader! Most of those episodes were filmed here in Colorado. I told her about seeing her, and she asked me to tape it for her if it cam on again, so I did, and I took it to her. She had forgotten all about them filming that, and had never seen it. I finally quit recording it once I realized I had seen all the episodes. I don't recall seeing anyone who had lap band, though.
  22. conniesueb

    Want Band Removed, Too.....

    I am so sorry you are having so many problems. My experience has been the complete opposite of yours. I can eat anything I want, with the exception of soft bread. But any kind of meat is fine as long as I chew really well. It seems like there could be a problem with your band, because you should be able to eat real food without having so many problems. If I were eating out with friends, and they didn't know I was banded, they wouldn't be able to tell, other than the smaller portions. I can eat normally, and I have lost 70 pounds since the beginning of November. Have you had your band checked with a fluoroscope to make sure there are no problems? It just doesn't sound normal to me. I hope things work out for you whatever you decide.
  23. conniesueb

    Relationship Changes

    My husband is very supportive, but also a little insecure. He keeps saying he thinks I'm going to trade him in for a better model. But hey, It took me a long time to train him , and I'm not throwing that away! The only thing that I'm worried about is that I really thought my sex drive would improve once I lost weight, but it really hasn't. My husband wants to all the time, but I could take it or leave it. I think I may be in the early stages of menopause, though, so that may have something to do with it. I am going to ask my doctor about it when I see her next week.
  24. conniesueb

    Questions for Cpap users

    I have quit using my CPAP even though my doc hasn't given me the okay for that yet. She wants me to do an overnight pulse-ox test, on room air, which I am doing tonight. If my oxygen levels are good, she will let me get rid of the machine. I can't use it anymore--it really bothers me, and my husband says I don't snore at all anymore, so I am hoping this test tonight will bring good results.
  25. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Dr. A--thanks for the advice, I will definately get the combo. Vikki--my sister is doing much better now, and actually got to go home today. Apparantly her blockage was due to eating too many almonds a few days ago. She is almost 45. I'm just glad they let her out today since she has no insurance. Tom, I hope you figure out what is making you so tired, and hopefully its something that can be easily fixed. Well, I don't know about you guys, but I am really anxious to see who gets kicked off American Idol tonite! Everyone did so good last night, but I'm still rooting for Jordin to win it all.

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