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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by conniesueb

  1. conniesueb

    Am I losing as I should?

    Some people don't really start losing until after their first fill. Those first few weeks are more about letting yourself heal than really losing a lot--and everybody is so different. I agree that if you are eating more carbs than protein, it will come off slower. Are you still in the mushies phase, or you on full solids? They say to eat your protein first, then veggies, then carbs if you are still hungry. A fill should really help with making you feel full, but sometimes it takes more than one. Hang in there--it does get better.
  2. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Vikkie--I agree with Betsyjane--I'm not sure a tight fill is the answer right now if you can barely eat solids now. It's really important to get to that right level of restriction where you can eat real food, just not a lot of it. Egg foo young shouldn't make you throw up or pb unless you are too tight. I do think stepping up the exercise is a good idea. You just have to make it a priority. Hang in there, and keep us posted.
  3. conniesueb

    rate of weight loss question

    Lynette--I think you are right about that. I definately think that you have to exercise as you lose to prevent all that sagging skin. It's just not healthy to lose it that fast anyway. The key is exercise!(This from someone who was a total couch potato before, but now works out at least 6 days a week)
  4. conniesueb

    TLC Today

    I did see some of that--very interesting. It's so hard to believe that people can actually eat that much and get that big--although if I kept on the way I was and didn't get the band, I might have been one of them!
  5. conniesueb

    How has your life changed

    I think my life is definately better than it was 74 pounds ago. I have been able to go off my blood pressure meds, and cholestreol meds, and if my new bloodwork is good, will also be able to go off my diabetes meds. I am healthier than I have been in years. I can shop in the misses department instead of the plus sizes. I am physically able to exercise on a regular basis, despite my severe arthritis. I get so many compliments from people on a daily basis. There are very few things that I can't eat, but many that I choose not to eat. I love that I am physically unable to eat 4 or 5 pieces of pizza instead of one. My husband says I am in a better mood all the time. I think part of that is that I am not in so much pain all the time, now that I am not carrying all the extra weight on my joints. Being in constant pain is depressing. I can do so much more than I ever could before, and I have so much more energy. It truly has changed my life.
  6. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Wow--where has evryone been? Everybody must be really busy this week. I am anxiously awaiting my next fill on the 11th. Some days I feel like I could eat a horse! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Vikki--how are you doing? Hopefully things are going better for you. Tom--how is the hand? And have you heard anything else on your other issues?
  7. Cyndilou--the only thing you can really do is just take that leap of faith and try it. I did not have any problems at all progressing to new foods, but i was a little scared too. Most people don't have problems, so I say just try it! Tomato soup is a good choice--I had a lot of that on that phase. Also, cream of chicken or cram of mushroom is good. The tiny pieces of chicken and mushrooms aren't enough to be a problem. You could also try smoothies. Good luck--I'm sure it will be fine!
  8. conniesueb

    rate of weight loss question

    Hi kittyhorse--I must say that 2 pounds a month does not sound accurate to me. I have been averaging 8-10 pounds a month. Now, of course that may not be what everyone else will average--it definately depends on what you are eating, and your level of activity. I try to eat healthy food--lean proteins, veggies, salads, fruit, only whole-grain carbs, etc., and I exercise at least 6 days a week. I do think that has played a large role in my success. But everyone is different. I'm sure you do lose faster with RNY, however, I did not want to go through such a radical surgery, choosing something far less invasive, and completely reversible. Good luck with your decision.
  9. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey Trish--of course you are welcome here. I'm sorry you are having so muany problems. I'm sure a fill will help you though. Be sure and let me know when you are coming up so we can get together. And if I make it to albuquerque before you make it here, i will let you know. Hang in there!
  10. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey Sunny--welcome! How is your hunger? It does get better, I promise. Glad to have you on this thread.
  11. conniesueb


    I agree Josette--my friends have been great--very supportive. My hubby is also getting very insecure, though. He keeps asking if I'm going to trade him in for a better model. He has also started trying to lose a little weight, though--I think because of his insecurities. I told him that I have him trained, and wouldn't want to start over with someone else! If your friends are truly your friends, they will be happy for you, not jealous, but some people just can't handle what they don't understand.
  12. conniesueb

    What happened?

    I am so frustrated! I have been working with a personal trainer who has be on a schedule of cardio one day, upper body the next, cardio the next, lower body the next, etc. Well Saturday when I went in to do my lower body--I could hardly workout at all because my hamstrings were absolutely killing me! I do stuff on the floor with a fit ball, and I just couldnt lift it! I had so much pain and was so weak. I don't understand why, though. I didn't have any problems the last time I did my lower body workout, so I just don't know what happened in between there! And my gym is closed yesterday and today for the holiday, so I am freaking out about not being able to workout! I never thought I would say those words! Guess I'll have to find something to do at home!
  13. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Hey Vikki--I agree with Tom--it doesn't sound like you are getting enough protein. Also, I was told by my surgeon not to make soups and protein shakes a staple of my diet once off the liquid phase. He said if you feel like you need some extra protein, have a protein bar instead of a shake. I also think that tracking your daily calories might be a real eye-opening experience. You may find that you are getting extra hidden calories from surprising sources, or you may find that you are not getting enough calories, putting yourself into starvation mode. Are you doing just cardio in your workouts? If you can add some strength training, it would probably help you start to burn more calories even when not exercising. You may need another fill, but if it makes you not able to eat real fodds, like lean protein, and veggies, then that's not good, either. You have to be able to eat real food. Hang in there--I'm sure this will pass. In the meantime, just know that we are here for you:girl_hug:
  14. conniesueb

    What was it like ?

    Hi Kim--welcome and good luck with everythiing. When I woke up from anesthesia, I just felt groggy. Not a lot of pain until I had to get up and walk. The most pain I had was that day, trying to get up and down from my chair, and get into and out of the car. There will also be some gas pains from the anesthesia--have some gas-X on hand for that. It is so exciting, though. I was anxious and nervous and scared, too, but in the end, it turned out to be the best decision I have ever made, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. As for not lifting--do you have any family or friends that could come and stay a few days at least to help with your little one? I think that would really help, especially with a one year old. I can't imagine having to run around after a toddler right after surgery. Good luck with everything, and keep us posted on your progress!
  15. Are you on solids yet? If so, you may want to try eating 6 small meals a day instead of 3 regular ones. Eating about every 3 hours will keep your metabolism going too. Also, be sure you are eating lots of protein and fiber--they will help keep you full longer. And be sure you are drinking your water--all day! I keep lots of low calorie snacks handy and don't hesitate to have one if I am truly hungry. Hope this helps.
  16. conniesueb

    liver question

    I'm not really sure how that works, but I had to do the same thing--low carb, high protein for 2-3 weeks before surgery. I know they have to move your liver out of the way to place the band, and if it is too big, they may not be able to do it, but I'm not really sure how high protein shrinks the liver. On the plus side, I did lose ten pounds before my surgery.
  17. conniesueb

    Need suggestions on liquids....

    Wow, Melanie, I'm not sure what else there is--maybe some Slim-fast or other drinks like that--at least that way you could get some different flavors. I also drank carnation instant breakfast drinks. Stay away from milk shakes, though--too many empty calories. One other thing I did was chili blended up in the blender so that it is smooth--that is good for protein. Once you get to mushies, try oatmeal, cream of wheat, scrambled eggs. I have a magic bullet and it is great for mushing up stuff like chicken salad or tuna salad. Baked potatoes were good on mushies too. Good luck!
  18. conniesueb

    Colorado Anyone

    Hey Trish--long time no talk! How have you been? We were supposed to go to Albuquerque this weekend, but my friend that we were going to see ended up having to go to Arizona, so we didn't go. Bummer--maybe we could have gotten together. Have you been able to get up here for a fill yet? I am needing one, but have to wait until the 11th of June. Which sucks cuz it seems like I could eat a horse these days. Glad to have you back!
  19. conniesueb

    Can anyb iody give me food ideas?

    Tnix--honestly, if that is all you can eat, I think you are too restricted. The key is to be restricted enough to keep you from overeating, but still be able to eat real food--not just mushies. To me, good restriction means still being able to eat what I want--lean protein, veggies, fruit, etc., but not being able to eat much of it. If I were only able to eat mashed potatoes and peas, I would go back and get a slight unfill. You need to be able to eat real food.
  20. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Wow, Tom, when it rains it pours, doesn't it? I'm so sorry! You must be one tough guy to keep plugging along through all this. I know there are long term benefits, but I want the short term benefits now! I know I will be able to put off having my other knee replaced, and my ankles fused at least for a while now. And after what happened to my son's grandpa, I am in no hurry to have another surgery! How did the goats do in the show? Any ribbons? Hang in there--glad there was no major damage, but it still sucks!
  21. conniesueb

    Looking into The Lap Band procedure

    Hi Courtney--My name is Connie and I live in Colorado. I have been banded 6 months and have lost 71 pounds(10 of that was in the pre-op diet). I can truly say that this is the best decision I have ever made. I, too had tried so many other diets, and lost some, but always gained it back. I feel like with this band, it is my safety net--I will never be able to eat like I did before. I could rally pack away the food! But, if I tried to do that now, I would literally make myself sick, or risk making my band slip, which I am not about to chance after what I went through to get it. I did this for my health--I had diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, arthritis, and high cholesterol. I was taking 8 pills a day. Since losing the weight, my doc has taken me off one blood pressure med, my cholesterol med, and will take me off my diabetes meds if this new bloodwork she ordered comes back good. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. And the compliments I have been getting are incredible. People say they hardly recognize me! I still would like to lose about 40 or 50 more pounds, but I feel I am well on my way. It has really changed my life. Good luck with your decision. You can pm me anytime if you have any questions.
  22. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Wow csccorona--your starting bmi was lower than mine is now after losing 71 pounds! We were banded on the same day, too. I'm not in Texas, so I can't help you with that--do you mean golden retreivers? Just wanted to say hi!
  23. conniesueb

    UnFilled vs. UnBanded

    I think that once you are banded, you can't eat the way you did pre-band--your body just won't allow it. I mean, taking large bites, or not chewing well enough. Even without a fill, there is that bottleneck like Alexandra said, and it just isn't feasible. You will be able to eat a little more than you will after you get a fill, but still, not like before. Although, I had good restriction even before I got my first fill, and never really felt that roaring hunger a lot of people talk about--guess I was lucky.
  24. conniesueb

    Considering banding

    Hey Crista, I am not in California, but would be happy to share with you. I think lapband would be perfect for you if you only have 60-70 pounds to lose. I have lost that much, but still want to lose another 40 or 50. You cannot feel the band inside you, just the port that lies below the skin. And as you lose, it seems to get a little more prominent, but it is still no big deal. The port is where they inject the saline for your fills. I hope you find a good referral--I know there are several people on here from California. On the November Bandsters thread I belong to there are a few, so you might read through some of those posts, and pm some of them, and ask them for a referral. I'm sure they would be happy to help. Or go to the California thread under local/USA thread. Good luck with everything!
  25. conniesueb

    Hello from the new girl

    Hey tweetygirl--welcome to LBT. I think you will find this forum very helpful in your journey--I know I have. You are off to a great start! How are you feeling since your fill? Has it helped? Sometimes it takes more than one fill to get to the proper restriction. Just remember--you don't want to be filled to the point that you can't eat real food. You have to eat to lose weight, as odd as that sounds. But, on the other hand, if you feel like you are not tight enough--get back in there and get another fill. My doc is great about that--he never makes me feel like I shouldn't be asking for a fill--only you know if you are where you need to be. What state are you in? I am in Colorado, and the weather was excellent for this long weekend. Hope you are having a nice weekend.

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