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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by conniesueb

  1. conniesueb

    Cost of Fills

    My fills are free for the first year, and then I think they cost about $150 after that. From what I've read on other posts, that seems about average--$150 to $200. Sorry to hear about your ins dropping you. Good luck!
  2. conniesueb

    salads and raw veggies

    Wouldn't that be nice--to never need a fill? But, I doubt you will always feel this way. I wish I felt that way right now! Hang in there!
  3. conniesueb

    Im Still around

    Hey Trish-- it's good to hear from you again--maybe now that the weather is sort of settling down you can make it up here to have a fill. Although, Dr. Smith is out of the country right now--I called to get an appt for a fill and could not get in until the 26th of Feb, and I can't wait. This will be my 3rd fill in about 2 months-- I can't seem to find that sweet spot either. Although, I am doing fairly well with my weight loss, but I do feel like I can eat way to much--I just have to force myself not to. If you do make it up anytime soon, let me know, and maybe we can get together. Hang in there, and e-mail me anytime you want to chat, or just vent.
  4. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Hey Angela--I wonder if your ex was getting insecure about your weight loss? That seems to happen a lot--they think that as long as we are overweight, we will not be noticed by anyone else, or start noticing other people. Like we should be thankful that they are with us because no one else ever would be. My DH has made several comments to be lately about me wanting to trade him in for a better model now that I am losing weight--which is rediculous, and I keep telling him that--but he has gotten very insecure--so much that he has started working out himself! But it sounds like you are better off without your ex, and maybe now, when the time is right you can find someone who will love you for who you are. Just hang in there and don't let your emotions drive you back to that place you don't ever want to go again! Good luck! P.S. I do love this thread--you guys are great and give some excellent advice. And Tom--congrats on the new pants--I am in the same boat--nothing fits--yeah!
  5. conniesueb

    Caffeine-Yes or NO

    I am an avid Iced tea drinker--have to have it every morning, so I asked my doc and he said it was absolutely fine--thank God!!
  6. conniesueb

    salads and raw veggies

    Mark--I know what you mean about taking small bites and eating slowly. I still have trouble doing that--especially now that I am in need of a fill--I can eat fast, and take big bites and it doesn't bother me(although I wish it would!) I can't get a fill until the 26th of Feb though, because my doc is out of the country right now! But it is so hard to re-train yourself after so many years of eating a certain way. Well, try and stay warm! By the way, will you have to come back to Denver for your fills, or is there someone in Maryland that can do them? Semms like that could get a little expensive if you do!
  7. conniesueb

    Surgery on Feb 13th

    Hi Britt--I think it is awsome that you have chosen to take this journey at such a young age. I wish the band had been around when I was your age! I think it will be a pretty easy surgery for someone so young and probably otherwise healthy--the younger you are, the faster you heal, so try not to worry.. I had mine done as same-day surgery at a surgery center--not even in the hospital, and it was a breeze as surgeries go( I have had four knee surgeries that were all much harder)! You will be so happy once it is all over and you can start your new life. I was banded on November 30, and have already lost 45 pounds(I lost 10 before the surgery on my pre-op diet). I am so thrilled! Today, I had trouble finding something to wear because all my clothes are so big on me--I am down 2 pants sizes--it's incredible. I can tell you that if you start a regular exercise program after your surgery, things will be much easier for you. I never used to exercise, but now, I work out almost every day and am loving it. I am losing inches as well as pounds, and the whole shape of my body is changing--it's awsome! So, good luck with your surgery, and I will be saying a little prayer for you on Tuesday!
  8. conniesueb

    Don't know where to begin.

    Hi Dave--I don't know if I qualify as a "bloke", but I will try to answer some of your questions. The main thing that will change is the amount of food that you will be able to eat at one time. The whole idea behind the band is that it creates a small pouch at the top of your stomach, that ideally will only hold 2-4 ounces of food at a time. so, you feel full after eating much smaller portions, and the food stays in that small pouch and slowly digests over about 4-5 hours, so you are not tempted to eat in between meals. I say ideally, because the band will stretch over time, and you will have to go in and get a "fill". That is when they fill your band up with a saline solution to make it tighter, so that you can eat less again. For the first few weeks after surgery, you will be restricted to liquids, because solid food is very difficult to pass through the band at first, and if forced, your band can stretch before it is supposed to. You have to give yourself time to heal, and for the band to really adhere to your stomach lining, and if you eat too much solid food too soon, you can really cause problems. After the liquid phase, you will move on to "mushies". Soft things like mashed potatoes, cream soups, scrambled eggs, or anything you can blend up to a mushy consistency. It's just a gradual process you must follow before trying solid foods. I was lucky, and never had any problems with any foods I've tried, but some people do have problems with certain foods, like bread, pasta, meats. It's pretty much just a trial and error thing. You have to remember, though, that the band is just a tool, and not a miracle cure. It is still important to make wise food choices, considering the fact that you can only eat a small amount of food, so shouldn't it be good, healthy food? And the weight will come off quicker if you are making smart choices. Although, some people still eat the same foods they always have, just in much smaller quantities. The bottom line is, the band helps you to not eat as much, and if you do eat too much, you will throw it up--plain and simple. Personally, this is the best decision I have ever made, and I wouldn't change a thing. I hope I have answered some of your questions, and good luck with your decision.
  9. conniesueb

    salads and raw veggies

    I am a huge salad eater and lover! I have never had a problem with salads or raw veggies--I think the key is to take small bites, and chew well, just like with everything else! And like Mark said--you just have to try! By the way Mark--do you live in Denver? I am in Pueblo--and really getting tired of the snow and cold weather.. I want it to go back to being in the 50's like it used to be in the winter here! And don't worry--things will get easier for you-just be patient!
  10. conniesueb


    Health--no doubt about it. I was tired of being in pain all the time from my arthritis in the knees and ankles, and I would love to get rid of the C-Pap machine I have to sleep with for sleep apnea. That, and the diabetes and high blood pressure--enough was enough!!!! Happy to report I am off one of my blood pressure meds completely already!
  11. conniesueb

    Tomorrow is MY BIG DAY!! Bandsters here I come!

    Colleen--I will be sending good thoughts your way for tomorrow from down here in Pueblo! I think we all have a little bit of "buyer's remorse" before surgery. I kept thinking--what if it doesn't work, what if there are complications, etc. However, I am happy to report htat I have not had any problems whatsoever. I am thrilled with this new lifestyle I am living, and feel like it is the best thing I ever could have done for myself. I have had excellent results so far, and would not change anything. I think it all comes down to loving yourself enough to want a better life. My quality of life before I was banded sucked--I have severe arthritis in my knees and ankles, and I knew that if I didn't get this weight off, I would be miserable for the rest of my life. That, along with diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol, was what pushed me to make the decision to do this. I'm glad you have made this decision, and I'm sure you will be happy once it is done. There will definately be a period of adjustment, and a few days of pain, but it is soooo worth it in the long run. And the good news is, they are not expecting any snow for a few days, so you won't have to deal with that!! It is a beautiful day today here--around 50 degrees--like summer! Good luck with everything--I will be thinking of you tomorrow, and if you ever want to chat, you can PM me.
  12. conniesueb

    Advice for an oblivious girl!

    Wow, that's a tough one. Maybe just sit her down and tell her that you are only trying to help her, and explain to her that when she says these inappropriate things, that she is insulting people, and that it makes people not want to hang out with her. If she truly is oblivious, she may actually welcome the advice. Explain to her that you want to continue to hang out with her, but if she continues the behavior she is going to lsoe the few friends that she has. One of two things will happen--either she will take your advice to heart, and really try and change, or she will be pissed, and not want anything to do with you anymore. If it is the second, then maybe your problem will be solved. Good luck.
  13. conniesueb

    Any Bookworms out there??

    Kat--you are right--Estelle Getty is the perfect Grandma Mazur! I had seen the poll on the website too, but that was several months ago, so I'm not sure if it is still there or not. I sure wish they would make a movie, though--better yet, a t.v. series!! And Jane--I'm not sure about Matthew McConahay as Morrelli--I think someone more Italian looking, maybe, but MAtthew is definately a hottie!
  14. conniesueb

    November Bandsters!

    Hey guys, I should have joined this thread a long time ago, I guess--I was banded Nov. 30, 2006. This sounds like a really fun group of people!! Tom, you are hilarious--but I totally get where you are coming from about exercise!! I hated to exercise--partially because I was such a big cow, and partially because I have severe arthritis in my knees and ankles. I thought about joining the Ymca, because my daughter takes swimming lessons, and plays volleyball through them, but the thought of working out in front of all those guys just scared me to death!! So instead I joined one of the ladies's only clubs that has the 30 minute circuit, and I just love it! I am also doing water aerobics 2 nights a week at the Y, on the same nights that my daughter takes swimming lessons. Let me tell you, that took some doing, to get me in a bathing suit in front of a bunch of people! Thank God most of them are older women who could care less what I look like! But the good news is that one of my bathing suits is now way too big for me! Between the water aerobics 2 times a week, and working out at the other gym 3-4 times a week, my body is actually shrinking! By the way, I tried the eliptical machine at my gym, and I think I lasted 4 minutes! Anyway, I am glad to be a part of this thread, if you will have me!:confused:
  15. conniesueb

    Banded On Wednesday

    My doctor also allows soft foods much sooner than some from what I have seen on the boards. I did not have any problems swithching to soft foods that early though. I was only on liquids for about 5 days, then eating soft foods for about 10 days, then trying regular food. I have been able to eat anything I have tried without any problems--no pbing, no vomiting, nothing. In fact, I can't believe how easy this has all been! The only thing I haven't tried is bread(except for a half of a grilled cheese sandwich, but that was pretty crispy) Regular bread kinda scares me! But otherwise, I can eat steak, chicken, pork, pretty much anything, just in much smaller quantities! On my soft phase, I was eating scrambled egg beaters with cheese for breakfast a lot, and never had a problem. I still eat that most days! Just try things in very small amounts--you will know right away if it is going to work for you or not! And as long as your doctor says it's okay, then go for it!!
  16. I was at my surgeons getting a fill last week and I asked him about this pain I had been having in my lower left abdomen. He said it sounds like a spigelian hernia, and that if it is painful enough to interfere with daily life, that I should let him repair it. I r3eally don't want to have another surgery(even though it is a same-day procedure, done laprosopically), but I'm afraid to just let it go. I asked him if it was okay to still exercise, and he said as long as it doesn't hurt. Well, I was at water aerobics that night, and boy did it hurt!! It doesn't hurt all the time, but if it is going to interfere with me exercising, then I think I should have the surgery, right? I was just wondering if anyone else has heard of this kind of hernia, or had one.
  17. conniesueb

    Any Bookworms out there??

    Hey girls--I am also a Janet Evonovich super-fan!! love, love, love the Stephanie Plum series. I am also reading Plum Lovin right now. I have read every book she has published! Don't you think the Plum series would make an excellent movie(or movies)? I for one, think The Rock would make a perfect Ranger!!!! Oh baby! And I could totally see Sandra Bullock or Debra Messing playing Stefanie--what do you guys think??
  18. conniesueb

    Had 1st fill yesterday--questions

    Yeah, he put in the entire syringe of saline, then had me drink some water. It would barely go down, so then he starts taking some out, and drinking water until it feels like it is going down without any problems. He only ended up putting in .6cc though, in my 10cc band. It is really hard to judge though. I have still been able to eat whatever I want, as fast as I want, so I don't think he put enough in--that's why I'm going back for another fill tomorrow. I know I should feel more restriction than this. In the middle of the night I woke up with the most horrible hunger pains, and had to get up and eat something! THat has not happened to me before--really weird. Anyway, I hope I feel better after tomorrow!
  19. I am also having pain in my left side, but it is down in my lower abdomen. It started a few days ago, and it almost felt like an ovulation thing or something. I also was quite constipated, but had a movement that night, and the next morning the pain was gone. Now the pain is back as of last night. I had another movement, but the pain is still there. It really hurts, especially if I am driving, and hit a bump or something! Has anyone had this? I am seeing my surgeon for a fill tomorrow, and I will ask him about it--I'm not sure if this is band-related or not. Thanks for the input.
  20. conniesueb

    Is this for me?????

    Katie-I think it comes down to how bad you really want this. I had tried every diet imaginable, and always lost some, but always gained it back, and then some. For me, because of severe arthritis I ahd become very sedentary, and miserable. The more sedentary I became, the more weight I gained, even though I was not eating any more than I ever did. The band was suggested to me by my PCP afer being diagnosed with diabetes--to go along with my HPB, high cholestrerol, and sleep apnea. My dad also died from a heart attack at the very young age of 47. It truly was a life-and death decision for me. I knew that if I did not do something serious about my weight, I would probably not get to see my kids grow up, or my grandkids. I thought long and hard about the band, and finally decided it was the right thing for me. But it is not magic--you can sabbotage yourself, and if you are worried about doing that, then you really need to re-consider. Just think how you would feel if you went through all this, spent all that money, and then it didn't work. As for me, it has been 7 weeks since my surgery, and I have lost 29 pounds in that time, along with 10 before the surgery. But one thing I had to come to terms with is that I had to ABSOLUTELY change the way I thought about food. I used to think about food all day, always wanted to eat out, etc., but now, I really could care less. Food is simply a way of providing the nutrition your body needs. That's all. I also started exercising regularly--whether it hurts or not-and it does, but each day it hurts a little less, and each day I feel better, and have more energy. So you need to know if this is the right thing for you 100% before you do it--it was for me, and I would do it over in a heartbeat--it is the best, smartest decision I have ever made. Good luck.
  21. conniesueb

    Any suggestions???

    Hey Niki--I know how frustrated you must feel. I have United HealthCare too(at least I did last year when I had the surgery), so I had to go thru the same thing. When I first called, I was told that coverage for lap band surgery is determined on a case by case basis, but that if it was covered, it would be at 90%. So, I got all my paperwork together(with lots of help from the doctor), and sent it in for approval. My doc does not bill insurance directly anymore after getting burned too many times, so I had to pay up front. I did get a letter from insurance saying the procedure would be covered, though. So, now I am waiting to be reimbursed, and have called twice to see what the hold up is, and all they tell me is that it is still in review. Frustrating! I borrowed money from my mom for surgery, and if they end up not paying me back, I am going to really be pissed! The other thing I am worried about is that they will only pay for the doctor, and not the anesthesia and facility charges(which was more than the doctor's charges) I work in a dental office and have to deal with insurance companies every day, and it seem like if there is a way to get out of paying for something they should pay for, they will somehow find a way around it, and there is nothing you can do about it. It sucks! But, I would definately file an appeal--the worst that could happen is that they will say no. Hang in there, and good luck!
  22. Hey--just wanted to share this website I just came accross--she gives great reviews of all kinds of diet foods(low-cal, low-carb, sugar-free, gluten-free, you name it) It is pretty cool--check it out! http://www.iateapie.net/
  23. conniesueb


    I think all men who are married to "big girls" have that insecurity that we will leave them once we are thin. And maybe some of us will, if they don't straighten up, right?:scared: But seriously, I think it's hard for them to know what the right thing to say and do is. My DH has been pretty great about things, but there are still some things that annoy me--like him asking me constantly how much weight I've lost. I mean, I'm glad he's interested, but it gets annoying being asked every other day, because if I haven't lost any for a few days, then I feel guilty or something. Is that crazy? And I don't like being called "skinny" either, because I am far from that--I would rather he just say "You look nice" or something like that. I know, picky picky. Anyway, those are just my ramblings.
  24. conniesueb

    Afraid I won't feel full!

    Yeah, I was scheduled for a fill 6 weeks after my surgery, too, and by that time, I was ready. In fact, I just had my first fill on Monday, but I don't think he put enough in, so I am going back next Monday to get a little more. It's really hard to tell if they are putting the right amount in, and I think you just have to try it for a few days and see how you feel--I don't feel that restricted, so I am going back for more.
  25. Good protein sources right now would be eggs(if you can handle them,)cottage cheese, chili blended up to get the big chunks out, chicken salad, tuna salad(again, blended).You won't need to worry about the calories because your band won't let you eat very much right now!

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