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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Stacy160

  1. Stacy160

    Post surgery full liquids.

    Yogurt is listed on my "full liquids" list... last night I had 1/2 a cup of Greek yogurt with some Splenda and s.f. daVinci Vanilla syrup and it was yummy!! Sat VERY well in my tummy too. :smile:
  2. I would rather stay fat than have a lap band put in me.... the complication rate is SO high, and the success rate only mediocre. Personally it wouldn't be worth the cost and aggravation.
  3. Stacy160

    Is PB 2 OK?

    I totally plan on getting some myself!
  4. Stacy160

    Changes with Taste Post Op - Newbie Here! :)

    Don't know what your post-op guidelines are, but a lot of people (me included) are on clear liquids for only 1-2 days, then it's full liquids including protein supplements. One way to go would be to order single-serving samples of various flavors/brands. You can do that at vitalady.com pretty reasonably. :thumbup1:
  5. I agree, that's a great price compared to US prices (mine's $11,200), and you'll probably be in a newer, hotel-like facility rather than a traditional old hospital. AND, you get three nights there to be pampered... usually we only get one here! LOL... I say go for it!!
  6. I know of many, many bypass people (on another board) who have had RNY and gone on to have kids--often the desire to have kids was their primary motivation in getting the surgery in the first place. Your chances of having "normal" kids with the sleeve would be even better I would think, as long as you're getting in your Vitamins and nutrients, since sleevers don't have problems with malnourishment. However you go, good luck! :thumbup1:
  7. The sleeve was a no-brainer choice for me, especially being self-pay...I've just read of SOOOOO many people with complications from RNY. I've seen a lot of RNY people say that if they had the choice now, they'd choose the sleeve instead--but I have never, ever seen a sleeve patient say they with they'd had RNY.
  8. (arrrrgh, can't edit the title! That should read 12-25-10!) OK! I hope nobody minds but it seems that there are quite a few of us headed for surgery next Monday and that week... I figured it might be helpful to have kind of a central thread for us to get together for a little group therapy LOL-- I dunno about you guys but I literally have this on my mind 100% of my waking hours, including when I'm doing something else...talking about something else, working, watching TV, whatever. I'm taking it to mean there's a little anxiety there. :001_smile: Are you scared? Nervous? Anxious? Excited? So far I'm slightly anxious and very excited. I expect not to get much sleep Sunday night and to be very anxious and maybe a little nervous the morning of--I've never had major surgery before. So... I know there are a bunch, so who all's scheduled for next week?
  9. Stacy160

    5 more days

    Mine's in 5 days too and you're like me, it looks like.... JUST within the 100 lbs. to lose category. (You'd think being 100 lbs overweight you wouldn't be thought of as a "lightweight", right? My feet sure don't think I'm a lightweight... but anyway) My surgeon didn't even put me on a specific pre-op diet... I only had 12 days from when I saw him to surgery and he said it's never a bad idea to lose a little weight before surgery, but that I wasn't big enough to worry about having a really big liver... well, I've been trying to be good the last few days, but I do plan on hitting the Chinese buffet one last time tonight, then really hitting it super-low carb before the clear liquid diet on Sunday. From what I understand that's about all it takes to get the glycogen (I think?) out of your liver and shrink it. Totally off-track here (been so preoccupied with this stuff I can hardly think about anything else!), but point is... I don't think you've messed anything up. :001_smile: Are you getting nervous otherwise yet? I'm not, but have been getting little anxious feelings here and there, hoping everything goes well, hoping my hubby and son really are OK with this (I know they are, but worrying about everyone else is such a girl thing lol)...more than anything I'm excited!! There's a handful of us here who are going on Monday.... you know what, I'm starting to ramble again so I think I'm just gonna start a separate thread! LOL
  10. My plan is to walk a lot, read a lot, and clean out the closets in my bedroom... between me and my hubby (well... 80% me LOL), there's not even any floor space in there! Might as well start getting rid of some old and big stuff now! :thumbup1:
  11. Stacy160

    My Last Supper... And Emotions...

    Mine will be in Pontiac, MI, only about 45-50 minutes away from home. We got married in the Keys almost 4 years ago (April 10th)... it's beautiful down there!
  12. That's a wonderful idea! With multiple samples included...love the idea of including tiny cups too. - I won't buy anything with aspartame. I look for Splenda/sucralose in the ingredients, but stevia would be even better! - I love buying online as long as the shipping's reasonable. - There are already some online companies run by bariatric patients, and while it's reasonable to assume that they'd only sell top-quality products that they'd use themselves, I'm perfectly comfortable with buying things elsewhere too. Depends on price and taste, in the end!
  13. Stacy160


    YES! I'm the 25th too. So far I'm just excited and haven't been scared yet, although visualizing the last few moments with my husband and son before they wheel me off to surgery causes some anxiety. I expect to get very little sleep the night before and to be very anxious the morning of... looking forward already to getting the happy drugs they put in the IV early on. :laugh0:
  14. Stacy160

    My Last Supper... And Emotions...

    :smile: Could have been me that wrote that!! I'm on the 25th too and today was my final "blowout" day before cracking down tomorrow. I've had 3/4 of a takeout trough of chicken nachos supreme from Sagebrush Cantina, a 3 Musketeers bar, and a slice of pizza. There's a Hershey's dark chocolate bar in there too, but I don't think I'm gonna get to that--- I feel like crap. That's one thing I'm TOTALLY looking forward to getting rid of... that "Oh crap, I can't go to bed right now, I'm sooooooo full" feeling. I worry about the head hunger too, whether there will be temptation to just taste something new because of being bored with the liquid stuff... we'll just have to deal with that if and when it happens, I guess! Good luck with your surgery. There are several of us here going in on the 25th, we'll all have to compare notes. [edit] BTW... do you live in the Keys?
  15. Stacy160

    OKay, I will.....

    Hi Laurie! I'm scheduled for the 25th too! Several people are also within days of us so we'll all have to compare notes afterward. Aren't you just SO excited?? :smile: Lots of people I've followed on a RNY forum for the last 3 years have gotten pregnant after surgery (with that being their main reason for having surgery in the first place), and I don't know if you're a Biggest Loser fan or not, but Kristin from the purple team two seasons ago is now pregnant also, which was one of her big goals. I think you've made a wonderful decision and you're gonna do great!!
  16. Sounds like a cool idea! Before you get too far into it though.... did you clear it with the surgeon and the facility? I'd hate for you to do all that planning and then find out that they won't allow it.
  17. - I want to not feel like I have a inner tube around my neck and around the middle of me. - I want to be able to sit for more than 15 minutes without my tailbone hurting because of the weight on it. - I want to be able to breathe when I bend over to tie my shoes. - I want my feet not to hurt after working all day (in good supportive athletic shoes). - I want to be able to go up and down a flight of stairs without every step hurting my knees. - I want to not have to take Pepcid every night so I don't wake up choking on stomach acid. - I want to sleep through the night without waking five or more times either with acid, having to pee, or just being uncomfortable. - I want to not have to worry about developing high blood pressure or diabetes. - I want to not have to worry about my stomach or thighs getting in the way of things when I'm under the sheets with my hubby. - I want to move freely and unencumbered. - I want to run at least a 5k by this fall. - I want to wear a nice pair of jeans and have people notice my butt--not because it's the size of a barn, but because it's peachy! - I want to have a bigger variety of shoes that don't cost a fortune to fit my current size 7 4Es. (They're wide, but now they're extra extra wide) - I want one pair of those shoes to be a really slutty-looking pair of heels, to be worn with the nice jeans. :001_cool: - I want to be able to get into our backyard pool without watching out the windows for 5 minutes first to make sure none of the neighbors are outside or at their windows to see me. - I want to wear a cute bikini top with a pair of board shorts ('cause these thighs ain't ever gonna be pretty). - Mostly I just want to be free and comfortable with myself!
  18. Stacy160

    Well I'm home.....

    Congrats, Marci!! :thumbup1:
  19. Hello! My name is Stacy, I'm 44 and being sleeved in either two weeks or six weeks--depending on what the surgeon says tomorrow and whether or not I can get coverage at work this quickly. :confused1: I'm 5'8" (last measurement told me 5'7"... I say b.s.!!), and starting out at 252 lbs. (although I swear I hit 258 a couple of months ago), and am hoping to get down to between 150-160. I'm self pay, and I've done the seminar, had the physical from my PCP, done the nutritional seminar...all that's left is to meet with the surgeon personally tomorrow. Part of me is hoping to schedule for Monday the 25th, but that's only 13 days away (so not much time to lose pre-op), and part of me thinks maybe I should wait until Monday Feb. 22nd, but if I've lost enough by then will my body resist dropping even more right then? I'm conflicted!! Do any of you post-oppers feel that losing or not losing before surgery affected your outcome at all? Anyway, glad to be here and looking forward to getting to know you all! Stacy
  20. Thank you all! Ohhhhh, I'm so excited... I have some Unjury unflavored and Chicken Soup flavor, six small bottles of Isopure, and some various samples of Nectar coming. I have my vitamins ordered, got a large and a small wire ball shaker bottles from GNC, a Ninja for mixing and pureeing... is there anything else you can think of that I'll need in the first few days afterward? I do plan on picking up some SF popsicles the weekend before too. AHahhahahha, I'm geeked! :001_tongue:
  21. OK, I saw the Dr. today and I'm SCHEDULED!! Monday, January 25th I get to start becoming ME again. YAY!! :001_tongue:
  22. I generally sleep like crap, waking up and rolling over MANY times during the night... I know I snore but don't wake myself snoring in bed (like I do if I fall asleep in a chair or flat on my back), so I don't think it's an apnea issue waking me. I think it's a combination of eating too much before bed and either being uncomfortable from that OR from heartburn/reflux, or just being generally uncomfortable in one position for too long because of my weight. Acid issues aside, do you find that you sleep better now after surgery?
  23. Awesome!! That's one of the things I'm looking forward to the most... sleeping better. Jeez, there are so many things I'm looking forward to LOL!
  24. And girl, I have seen your before and afters on the O.H. forum and all I can say is DAMN.... I can only hope to look that great in a few months!! I do think that if we can make it work, I'll shoot for 13 days from now.
  25. Nope, wasn't me, I just registered here today. You'll be fine! Everyone seems to absolutely LOVE Dr. Aceves and his staff... be excited, and good luck!!

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