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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wendyjoy

  1. I am so excited. I have Tufts insurance and I can't believe how fast I got my approval. I just finished all my tests and paperwork for my surgeon and they submitted it and two days later I found out I was approved. How great is that. I was looking for a fight because on one of my visits my BMI was below 40(didn't wear my heavy jeans that day). My surgery date is March 26th. Seems far away, but I bet the time will just fly by. I'm just excited that I don't have to pay a cent for the surgery. I love Tufts:) :huggie: I'm sure I'll have more questions for you almighty great ones when the date gets closer. Wendy
  2. wendyjoy

    Anthem BC/BS NH

    I live on the MA NH line and I have to have mine done in MA. When I was looking in NH the biggest center that I found that does them was in Portsmouth. That was like 35 minutes for me. They require you to attend one of their seminars and then they give you the information on what you need to submit it to your insurance. Good luck Wendy
  3. wendyjoy

    Tufts Navigator ppo

    Hey Nicole, I grew up in Salem NH and graduated from Salem High. I now live in Northern MA. I too have Tufts and I am currently going through the insurance process. I am going to Winchester Hospital if all goes well. Dr's office right across from Stone Zoo. Very convenient location and Dr is Very nice and has done many procedures. My paper work is being sent to insurance as we speak and I am waiting to hear. I called Tufts and they said that it goes to clinical review and then make their decision within 48 hrs. I don't know I will wait and see. Good luck maybe I will see you at the Rockingham Mall Wendy
  4. wendyjoy

    Hello from NH

    Hey Kerry, I was from NH but moved just over the the border to MA. (Wish I still was there). I am still going threw the process of getting banded and waiting for insurance approval. I live on the NH border and was looking into having it done in NH, but my insurance will only cover in MA. Where in NH are you going for the seminar? I called Portsmouth. They seemed like the biggest center in the area. Good luck with everything and keep in touch. I hope to be banded by March. It seems like everything takes a while when insurance is involved. Wendy
  5. Why do I have to submit 5 years of documented weight history from my Dr. Do I have to be the same BMI for the last 5 years in order for the insurance to cover the surgery. Obviously I have been steadily gaining the last 5 years, but just hit the 40 BMI mark ( with my heaviest clothes and shoes on, and drinking lots of water):girl_hug:
  6. They wanted every diet I tried and documented weight from my primary care for the last five years. I just don't get why they want the documented weight. I hope I don't have to be over 40 BMI for the last 5 years.
  7. I have an appointment on January 2nd which is my last requirement before my Dr. will submit to the insurance. What do they do at this appointment. Tell me what to eat or something? I tried to make an appointment with one in my town and she told me she didn't believe in WLS and wouldn't help me, so I ended up making an appointment with who my surgeon recommended. I hope she doesn't try to talk me out of the surgery. I have tried everything else and nothing else worked. I'm a little nervous about this appointment. Anyone else have a problem with a nutritionist? Thanks Wendy
  8. Last night I attended a support group meeting put on by the Dr. that will perform my LB surgery. He also does many By-pass procedures and spoke about the differences. It seemed to me that he was more partial to the by-pass than LB. There was only one person there that had the LB. The rest were talking about how great the by-pass was. He also stated that for real results the by-pass is more effective. As a person that has trouble losing weight, I am nervous that when I have the LB I will not be happy with the results. By-Pass is way too scary to me. I don't want to cut my stomache and make changes to my body parts. I have 2 little kids that I have to think about. I don't want to take the risk with that kind of operation. I know there are risks with the LB, but they are much less than with By-pass. I was just wondering if anyone else here found it hard to lose weight prior to surgery. I know that obviously it was hard to lose weight or you wouldn't have had the procedure, but I mean..... if you really tried and managed to stay on a diet for any length of time.... didn't you lose weight. I can be the best of the best and keep to 1000 calories and workout like you would not believe and still have trouble even dropping a pound. I was hoping that someone else had this problem and are able to lose with the LB. Thanks Wendy
  9. Ok, I may not have the most experience in the dating area (married for 7 years exclusive 10), but things now a days are so different. I totally agree with you when it comes to the bar seen. I use to hate that even when I was thin and young. I remember the boys being there with friends watching and checking out all the females. We use to refer to those places as Meat Markets. That was what it was like. Shopping for a piece of meat. Today you guys can meet on line first, talk, exchange photos and then decide if you want to meet. Seems great. The one draw back to this is the fact that you must enter into this with caution. I have heard of many of these things working out. I think if you proceed with caution and remain a little skeptical, you may just have a great time. Good Luck. Keep us posted as to how it went. Wendy
  10. wendyjoy

    Support meeting left me with more ????s

    This really does help me with my decision. It is either going to be lapband or nothing. I can't consider the bypass at this time. My Dr. just made me nervous when he was so for the bypass. Don't get me wrong, I love the man, but he really was a little negative about the LB. He says you really have to have patients to see results with the band and that it is not for people that have a large amount of weight to lose. I'm just afraid that it will turn into any other plan I have tried. If I don't see results, I will have a hard time sticking to it. I Love food, and I only hope that a little piece of rubber can help me get this love under control.
  11. I am currently going threw the approval process for the surgery. I am just waiting for the Diet evalution. Then it will be sent to my insurance and company and I will hopefully be approved. I found this board yesterday and have been reading for 3 hours straight. I love it. Sooo MUCH info. Anyway I am in MA and thank you for all the great support. Talk to you soon thanks
  12. wendyjoy

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Hi all, I am in the process of getting approval to have the band. I have the nutritionist evaluation and 1 support group meeting left before they will submit me to the insurance (Tufts) . I am hoping to have it done at Winchester/Stoneham Hospital ( afraid to drive in Boston). Anyone else have it done at Winchester? I will update you when information comes my way. Thanks for all the great information.

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