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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by gencs2000

  1. I was feeling the same way. I had surgery on Monday the 17th and by Thursday I was over the liquids only. I was actually very hungry. I added sf pudding, Jello and fudge pops. OH and Ricotta cheese. I don't like yogurt so it'd not an option for me. I went to the dr and they moved me to this stage lol - so I guess im going to be loving some smooth food for another week or two!! It does get boring but like you said - I'm not very hungry and the ricotta cheese seems to take the "edge" off when I miss food...i'll play with adding salt and pepper to "spice" it up.

  2. Hi Everyone!

    Im from Cumberland County and am getting sleeved on 9/17/12!! I'm a revision surgery. I had my emergency removal of the band on 5/15/12 and am so glad to have that over and done with. Now onto a new and better me!! I can't wait. I'm nervous but overall I'm excited!!

    I would love to connect with someone in the Southern NJ area - I can use the support of someone who knows what I'm going through!!

    Best of luck to everyone having their surgeries!!!


  3. HI - thanks for getting back to me. How are you feeling? Are you handling the food etc ok? My time is ticking away and Im getting excited and nervous. We are going to Disney at the end of the month and I have two weeks after wecome back before that actualy surgery..i'll start my 2week diet..oh joy - but i figure i have to get this eating under control!!!

    I hope you are doing well!!

  4. I feel your pain. I had my band removed in an emergency surgery, May 15, 2012. I had my band since 10/8/10 and it was nothing but trouble. I lost 50lbs but for the majority of the time I was banded I was eating and throwing up. I had a slips and then finally a blockage (when I was completely empty). So the removal and surgery was going to be in one shot but when the dr went in I was completely swollen - it took forever to get the band out and he said some of the mesh(if i rmember correctly) is still in me bc he couldn't see where it started and ended so he didn't want to cut "blindly". He didn't do the revision bc of the swelling. So I am having it 9/17/12. Like you i'm gaining weight. I just want to cry. I thought having the band was the easier option and it's not. Now in this "down" time I'm hearing everyone tell me how I can do weight watchers -- that I don't need the surgery.. They are trying scare tactics also - we don't want to lose you in the surgery etc etc. While I know they watched me live in hell for 2 years I'm know that this surgery is diff and one I need. If I didn't I wouldn't have gained all this weight in such a short time after having the band removed.

    I'd listen to the dr and wait. time flies and I cant' believe my surgery is in a month.

    Keep me posted on how you are doing.

  5. HI Everyone! I'm new to this site. I'm a former Lap Bander -- had emergency surgery to have it removed on May 15. I wasn't able to eat or drink anything and was in horrible pain. I was already schedule for a revision surgery on June 13 but my band slipped and so May 15 it came out. Now I have to wait until September for my revsision surgery. I'm excited and neverous. I'm nervous bc I don't want to have a horrible experience like I did with the band. I was always having trouble and was in and out of the hospital for the past 9mo with band issues b4 it acutally slipped for good. So with this new surgery I'm hoping that life gets easier and the weight ACTUALLY comes off!! The whole non-reversible thing has me a little uneasy but I have to do something or i'll put on what little weight I lost with the band!!

  6. I"ve had this exact same problem. I was banded 10/08/10 and have had nothing but problems..I never have restriction. I was up to 9cc around September when I got sick and oculdn't stop throwing up - that started my downfall. So in and out of the dr for the past two months and result is this past friday I had to have all the Fluid taken out of my band. NOw I am down to zero and my back is killing me. I figured it was bc my stomach is swollen and even though the food could go down it's still limited bc of the swelling. So I am going to stick to liquids, mushies as much as I can. The only time I actually felt better was when I threw up. It's crazy - I bent over and out it came - I was actually relieved but now I have to stop myself from taking the easy way out and puking. So I'm "manning" up and dealing with the pain and will hopefully remember next time to not eat any food until I give myself time to heal!!!

    Best of luck and I hope you feel better!!

  7. The bands SOLE job is to control your hunger. At 9ccs how hungry are you? Could you go 4-5 hours without eating, that should be your gauge. The band won't ever stop you from eating. Some people have trouble getting food down, that is a side effect, not the purpose of the band. There is no such thing as a sweet spot. The sweet spot is when I can stick to my damn diet long enough to lose weight laugh.gif.

    I can eat whatever I want as well... I certainly can eat too many calories, I know for a fact I ate probably 2,000 calories yesterday (yea, I admitted thatmellow.gif). So of course the band won't work if I continue to eat like that. Basically we are on a big diet. You are probably eating just enough to cancel out the exercise.. you need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound.

    I wish I could honestly answer your question. I'm not sure I know what truly being hungry is. I'm an emotional eater. I also think I have an oral fixation - that I always need something in my mouth. I got some good advice so far and I'm putting it to use. Another person told me to try pickles as a snack bc it's crunchy (which is what i crave) and little cal and little sodium. I'm going to try that and I'm also going to limit what I bring with me. I don't think anything of having little Snacks but they add up! It's like I told my other friend - I have to man up and step up. I can't wait and hope that by some miracle i just start dropping weight. I need to track what I eat and track how much i eat!! That's my goal for this coming week.. Im buying a scale and a journal!! Wish me luck

  8. HI - I'm sorry to hear this - I don't have that problem but for my first fill my dr. had a hard time finding the port. He thought he round it - injected the saline and off I went. I went back 6weeks later complaining of no restriction no diff nothing!! Turns out he injected the saline into my body and not the port! He said if he has a hard time finding it this time I have to go for an exray so he will know exactly where the port is. I didn't have any problems (I make him drain the Fluid each time so I know he's in the right spot and also to make sure no leak bc I'm crazy lol).

    maybe you need that? Can the dr possibly be missing the port all together?? My dr. thought he had it and he didn't so maybe suggest the xray to your dr and she what he/she says.

    Best of luck!!

    Please help. I am almost certain that I have a leak in my port. (Have already had one allergan port replaced due to leak in port) But my doctor went to put in a fill....could not pull out ANY Fluid or put ANY saline into the port. The center that I go to is very well known.....he has never seen this.....where none will even go into the band when it is empty. Has anyone ever had this problem?

  9. I got banded 10/8/10. I have a relaize band and I'm up to 9cc's..I'm not losing weight and I can pretty much eat anything I want. I'm down 33lbs but since October 2010 I think I should be down much much more. I exercise at least 5x a week doing Zumba. I'm at my wits end. I have restriction sometimes but if I had to say how often I'd say 2days out of 7!!

    I thought that by 1yr i'd be down 70lbs. Not an unrealistic goal, so I thought. I'm trying to remain upbeat but I feel like something just isn't right. I had a test and know that my band is ok - but what the heck??

    Everyone talk about the sweet spot - once you hit it you will start losing weight...when do you hit it?? I feel like I'm never going to be there -- considering my band only holds 10cc maybe I won't??

    I will admit that I don't rack my food. I stay away from bad stuff but could I be eating too much good stuff?? Even if I was i'm def eating less so why isn't the weight coming off??

    Somone please help me!!


  10. Thank you for writing this. I'm in the same boat. I had my surgery on 10/8/10 and went down 20lbs by november. At thanksgviing I was down a total of 30lbs. I went up 10lbs and lost 9 of it. I have no restriction. I have a 11cc band and I'm supposedly filled 8cc. I recently went for a upper G.I. and it shows everything was ok. He did ask me to lean towards my side to see how my stomach empties and it didnt! He asked if I had diabetes. I told him only gestational and he said oh. What does that mean? I see my dr. on the 12th and I am asking him to fill again (he didn't last time) bc this is ridiculous that I can eat anything and everything in sight with no restriction nothing.

    I also work out 5 days a week, watch what I eat and drink plenty of fluids (min of 70 oz a day). I'm tired of people telling me muscle weighs more then fat bc at my weight I have too much fat to lose. It just doesn't make sense.

    Keep me posted on how you are doing and i'll keep you posted as well!!

    Good luck.


  11. I'm in the same exact boat as you! I was banded on October 8th and I'm only down 21lbs! I know this is a great weight loss but I too thought it would come off more quickly. I haven't had a fill and I know that once I have my fills and get to that right fill amount and restriction kicks in I'll start losing. Don't be discouraged. It will start to come off. I have to start exercising. I've been very very very bad with that. I find every excuse in the book not to do it. I'm a lazy ass...time for that to change! Keep doing what you are doing - it will pay off...check out all the pictures and read their stories..alot of people were in our boat stuck with the program their dr gave and have had tremendous sucess!!

  12. I was banded on October 8th and between the 2week pre-op diet and the surgery I'm down roughly 21lbs. I can't seem to lose anything else. I haven't had a fill - my first one is Nov 16. I know that I might have to have a few fills before that restriction starts to work. I just keep eating as if I am filled. It's alittle nerve wracking bc I am not eating a fraction of what I use to and still haven't lost more weight! I'm keeping with it bc Iknow it's just a matter of time but it is frustrating!!

  13. Stupid Vitamin question --

    I can't take my Centrum Women's Multivitamin for a while after the surgery - they are just too huge (as it is they get stuck in my throat occasionally now), even if I break in half, they're still big but doable... but to be on the EXTREME safe side I'm switching to all chewable Vitamins for the first 30 days or so (except Iron, it's tiny - i have Gummy Bcomplex, Calcium and got Flinstones Complete)

    So, here's the question - most people and one page in my Pre-Op info booklet says TWO Flinstones Vitamins but the bottle says for adults (and kids over 4) to take one whole vitamin... i know it won't hurt to do 2, but don't want to overdo it if I dont have to... anyone know?????

    They sell chewable Centrum viatmins..try those maybe?

  14. OK....so here I am on day 3 of my pre-surgery diet. I'm sooooo excited for Tuesday, the 5th. I'm wondering something, though....has anyone had a moment of feeling a bit panicked over what its going to be like to be thin? I've been heavy for so long and food has been such a crutch and big part of my life, that I have no idea what that's going to be like. Believe me, I'm not scared of it....bring it on!! But just the idea of losing this weight, once and for all, is overwhelmingly exciting. I don't know...call it a thought for the day...hahahahahaha!!!

    Good luck to all of us Boo-tiful October bandsters!!

    HI - my friend had gastric bypass about two months ago and I asked her yesterday what was the hardest part with food and she told me that the liquid phase is easy bc basically that's all you can handle..it got hard for her when she introduced solid foods. Thats' when she had to bite the bullet and start making smart choices etc.

  15. I have to do mine for 2 weeks prior to surgery. I am on day one now. so far, so good. It is 2 pm and I have 2 Optifast shakes and either the Soup or a shake for dinner left for the day. My doctor is also allowing me 3 servings of sugar free Jello and 3 Popsicles a day.

    I'm allowed two Protein Shakes a day, one 300 cal meal and 3 cups salad.. It's not enough for me..lol. I'm famished. Last night my kids looked like little steaks to me. It's crazy. I"m going to implement the sugar free jellow and popsicles bc I need something more.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
