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Posts posted by mskissty

  1. It's very painful. My food doesn't just move along when I eat and drink.. The Water just gathers around in my stomache and it hurts.. It's like eating way too much.. Not worth it...


    I am a pre-op patient and my dietician said that sleeve patients are not to drink any liquids about an hour before a meal and about an hour after a meal and definitely not anything during the meal. They want me to practice this now before the surgery so that when I get to the solid foods stage that I will be prepared. I am really having a hard time not drinking any liquids during or immediately after. Does anyone else's doctor say this is what you should do and if so what are your tips and tricks? I am struggling big time with this part!

  2. I'm 6 months out and 21 pounds from my goal of 130. I've noticed the last month or so it seems I lose more or faster when I eat more carbs. I usually try to eat one heavy carb a day like, rice, potatos, tortilla and the rest of the day low carb.. I eat about 1/3 a cup when I eat. My sleeve is just as small now as the day I got sleeved.. I don't drink sugar and rarely drink drinks with any other sweetner.. Yesterday, DH's birthday... I ate BBQ, potato salad, baked Beans heavy on the BBQ Sauce and cake without frosting and a smoothie from smoothie king.. No extra exercise... I lost a pound and a half.. I weigh myself twice a day every day and my weight does not flucuate I usually weight myself before i eat and at night at least 2 hours after I eat.. This is not the first or the second time this happened to me.. In the past I haven't eaten anything this extreme though. I'm starting to think my body is in starvation mode... What do you all think?

  3. I'm 6 months out and 21 pounds from my goal of 130. I've noticed the last month or so it seems I lose more or faster when I eat more carbs. I usually try to eat one heavy carb a day like, rice, potatos, tortilla and the rest of the day low carb.. I eat about 1/3 a cup when I eat. My sleeve is just as small now as the day I got sleeved.. I don't drink sugar and rarely drink drinks with any other sweetner.. Yesterday, DH's birthday... I ate BBQ, potato salad, baked Beans heavy on the BBQ Sauce and cake without frosting and a smoothie from smoothie king.. No extra exercise... I lost a pound and a half.. I weigh myself twice a day every day and my weight does not flucuate I usually weight myself before i eat and at night at least 2 hours after I eat.. This is not the first or the second time this happened to me.. In the past I haven't eaten anything this extreme though. I'm starting to think my body is in starvation mode... What do you all think?

  4. The same thing has happened to me on occasion in the last couple weeks. I didn't know what it was so I just started adding carbs and waiting for my 6 month blood work. I don't know if this happens to anyone else but my legs fall asleep when I'm sitting or laying down. When I stand I'm have to try to walk off the pins out. I assumed it had something to do with my intake of Vitamins.. Thanks so much everyone..

  5. My body is a train wreak. My whole body looks dried up.. My boobs are done.. You can see every pound and 3 csecs in the stomach that I have. My saddlebags around my thighs make me wonder if I will ever be able to wear shorts again, but all in all I'm so happy.. I can wear a bra with lots of support and padding to make my boobs look good. I can wear jeans or a shaper in a dress to make my stomach look normal. I can also wear pants or a long skirt to make my saddlebags disappear. I couldn't do that before. I could only wear the latest design in sack dresses or curtain inspired outfits. Now I have option. I can make myself look good in clothes.. It's still early.. I'm going on 6 months post. After a year I will seriously be considering plastic surgery, For now I'm just grateful that I'm healthier than I was 6 months ago.

    To be honest the skin can tighten a little but probably not the miracle that you and I both want.. I hope you feel better.. I'm sure you look beautiful..

  6. Thanks everyone.. I just wasn't sure if I was supposed to be at goal or not.. I am still losing so I still have a green light. I really do have to become more diligent in my exercise. I still eat very few carbs so my diet is going well. I am afraid that when I start adding more carbs that I will begin to gain weight so I'm pretty conscience of that.. What do you all think? Crazy?

  7. Hey everyone.. I'm on the 9th I will be six months post op. When I started my journey I was 235., as of today I am 158. I know that is a huge loss and I'm grateful for each and every pound. I am starting to get concerned because I still have 28 pound til I reach my goal. Was I supposed to be at or closer to my goal at this point? 77 pounds lost should it be more? Please give me some insight....

  8. I wish there was a day he had off with him being the lowest on the totum pole when others don't want to work or take a vacation he's stuck with their shifts as well. When he actually has a day off all the appointments that have been rescheduled when he was forced to work are planned. I also wish there was a grocery store around here much less one that delievers.. We got Super Walmart and that's it.. I seems every day is a new adventure in what to cook for the kids that I can eat as well. It seems the food that I can eat is what the kids are more drawn to..

    I find myself working out at the oddest hours 330am was the only time I could fit it in tonight. I guess ll hve to try to do it before they wake in hopes that it doesn't wake them.. Thanks for the advice..

  9. Hey guys I got a problem. I bought all these fitness DVDs that I cannot do cause I'm too uncoordinated. Yes I'm the relative that can't do the shuffle cause I can't get it right. I've been doing the Leslie Sansone walk 3 miles vid.. I repeat the first mile twice cause the second is too cmplicated. Anyone knows of any workout vids for people like me uncoordinted?

  10. Thanks guys... We live in a small town there's no parks around that we could walk to. My kidss are 1,2 and 3 so napping is out only theh 1 yrs old naps its a struggle to keep the older to from waking her up. I tried to make a game out of it to get the kids to do the videos with me but that didn't work either.

    I also tried talking to him. He just doesn't care. He only thinks about himself and doing what he wants. He thinks the gym is a great idea for him and doesn't care one bit what I think. He also told me once that he didn't tell me to have surgery . Like its a inconvience to him that he shouldn't have to deal with.. I'm starting to harbor some ill feelings towards him and I feel guilty about it.

  11. When I decided to have surgery I decided to make a positive change n myself. My DH was there pretending that he was gonna be supportive. We only have one car that he takes to work every day for 16 plus hours while I'm stuck at home with 3 kids under three. He coms home in the wee hours so I can't go wrk out. He doesn't care that there's nothing I can eat at home so I'm stuck eating green Beans out of a can for days. All I ask is that on his way home (hour and a half away) stop and pick me up something from the 24 hour Walmart. Is that too much to ask? Not to meation he was supposed to be supporting me and dieting with me but all he does is buy fastfood and bring it home. No matter if I cook or not. THe thing that really pushed me over today is between sips of a liter of dr pepper he asks me should he join a gym here where we live or where he works. I was livid. I don't have the time to work out in front of the tv because he's never here and I'm always here with the kids. He's not serious enough to diet but can take more time away from home to join a gym. It wuld be different if his job was demanding. He could workout at work all day if he liked. He's right on a beach and alone most of the day. I don't know what to do cause talking to him gets me nowhere. Am I wrong or being too selfish to expect the support he promised.. I would say in the begining but I'm only 7 weeks in.

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