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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sugarmoma

  1. I to had this problem and had the lap band done and please everone dont blast my decision but I had so many problems with the band even been hospitalize having my band totally empited and starting over I just got tired and then I kept getting pouches at first my doctor thought I was over eating I assured him I was not my body just rejected the band and to time consume always running back and forth for fills unfills then people do say there is not alot of research on the sleeve but thats not true the sleeve use to be part of the gastric bypass it was call the duedo switch please forgive my spelling and what happen was they did this to get the morbid obese patients down so they could have the bi bypass but what they found out was alot of patients did good with it and didnt need gastri so they allowed the sleeve to stand on its on now on to malabsorpion that is not totally true either r stomach is still intack so we absorb are food and Vitamins I was sleeve 3/19/13 and I am enjoying ever minute of it and hate I wasted so much time and money on the band

  2. I am a former bandster and I did lose ok I would say my starting weight was 272 or 262 and my lowest weight was 189 with the the band I was sleeved on 3/19/13 and according to my doctor scale not mine i was back up to 218 and once I think I even saw 219 I finally decided after all the complications with the band being hospitalize I had enough So after begging the doctor to sleeve me he finally gave in on the date or wls I was 211 and yesterday i was 194 and today im backup to 195.6 now im feeling discourage will anything work for me when will this weight start moving and acting like its goning to leave and stay gone I know weight goes up and down and I know not to get on the scale everday I only got on because I have a doctors appt today and i didnt want any surprise when i got there but I feel he will feel like I feel its not working again what next gastric bypass really I have had some complications but to me there minor compared to what I will get or should get in the end I hope today he release me to full excerise I have not been able to due to my incision Fluid back up them reopening my incision but again all part of what I have to go through to get my bottom line result hopefully anyone else been here? Then I read yesterday on one forum that depending on the size of your stomach heck I thought U only get one size so did he leave me a large one and I will just be fat all my life ? Now I have to ask him what the heck did he do? I know I need to just keep working my tool which is the sleeve once I get released but I am the kind of person who wants to know what I am up against. So rdight now I am losing faith again I even had so much faith I gave away all my to big clothes I do mean all of them never did that before not even with the band thats how much faith I had in this sleeve now I dont know and wonder should I ask for my clothes back after all some of them clothes was new!


  3. Yes I would gladly b a buddy it's hard for me I work n a doctor office and the drug reps brings all sorts of things and if its not them it's my coworker feeding me I am afraid I was just sleeved on the 19th n a husband who says I am forcing him to gain weight cause I'm not eating imagine that

  4. me to mine has been slow but people keep giving me a reality check pre pre op diet i was 217 day of surg 211 and today 195 and i was sleeved on 3/19/13 so i dont know well as they say rome was not built in a day but this time i am determine to enjoy the weight loss as i go and enjoy cleaning out my closet and saying goodbye to clothes i never did even with the band even when they were to big i feel like this is the real things this time so just enjoy the ride and embraced each lb each ounce lost and when the scale stop enjoy inches gone forever

  5. I also went from band to sleeve on march 19th and u will be fine the first day and a half was hard I will not lie to u but it is true each day u will start to feel better I have not been cleared to excerise yet but I keep feeling im ready. Best wishes and see you on the otherside soon on the loser bench

  6. Ok so today is my last day at work until after surgery. Went to Boot Camp yesterday. That was very informative. I'm down 8 1/2 lbs from pre op diet which I started on Tuesday, 3/5/13. My dr seemed pleased. It probably would've been more if I hadn't had that delicious bite of my husbands turkey burger on wheat bun! #DontJudgeMe!! :/ I'm anxious to get this part over with. Wishing all sleevers the best!! This journey has no doubt been difficult but I know it will be SO worth it when I can shop in a REGULAR sized clothing store! Ha! It's the little things!! Have a great weekend all!

    I too will be sleeved Tuesday but I have not decided when should I be nervous or when should I get excited maybe when I wake up from surg and they say everthing went well I want to here the band came right out and no problems and we was able to successfully do your sleeve I dont know but I am ready to start this journey I am ready to sit on the loser bench with everone else I wish u the best and will add u to my friends list and look forward to hearing about your great success

  7. This is also my 4th day on liquids and yes I am about crazy and yesterday I had a headache out of this world I thought I would reach out and touch someone but im still here and u to will make it by tomorrow we should b good r u drinking anyof the Meal Replacements drinks i am allowed two aday slimfast 321 or easy edge advantage and that helps some i am schedule for the 19th when is your date?

  8. I can agree with everone I too have struggle for years with this weight I have being told Im trying to take the easy way out even by doctor but in 2009 the same doctors who would not sign off on it previously was in a rush all of a sudden to sign off on it because the type of insurance i had and come to find out if might have being avoid if someone had just listen and knew I had tried to do this but couldnt i did lose weight i pd plenty of money to doctor all types of diet fads and trend always put the weight back on in 2010 i was banded and i thought i was done and i was scared and nervous then to but the choice i was left with wls was less scary i never even thought of myself as being the fat girl cause i could keep up with everone but the point is if u have tried and failed then u really need to sit and think about in one year where would you like to see yourself and how will you get there and will you be happy there i wish no bad health on no one but reality is eventually this weight will give it to us so now im nervous again but the same options are back on the table again and i dont have a choice i need the help and the tool and I know the day the doc say i am well enough to excerise im at it again so i wish u the best

  9. for years I would not get a period took me sometime to figure her out but what i came up with as long as i stayed over 250lb she would not visit but the moment i got under that number here she comes as if someone called her up imagine how pist i was when i figured her out but just to be on the safe side and everweek they r coming up with new side effects and problem call your doc make appt and just c and keep a eye on it and ask is your birth control still being effective because imagine my surprise that soon after i found out i was preg and needed someone to explain to me the nature laws again

  10. I am one who wakes up with food on the mind rather im hungery or not I was banded a couple of years ago and it has taught me some important lesson but did not reset my brain that if u not hunger dont eat but teaches me a lesson evertime so eventually i slowly got the point but now im weighting to be sleeved and i have being having tlk with myself and i have learned to have that couple of Water in the moring or i make Protein Drink and it work just as well wish u the best

  11. I think the sleeve is the best thing because i to have the band in now and is due to be revised march 19th i had a lot of problems with my band and no one evertold me that the band needed so much maintence always tighten loosen vomitting throwing up and i did have good success far as weight lost but complication and now i have recently put on some weight because my band is deflated i am nervous but yet excited but my date seem so far away but i wish u the best

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