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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cyndilou29

  1. This is SO normal. I was on here the night before my surgery FREAKING OUT. I was terrified - couldn't breathe, shaking, the whole bit.

    But now, 6 months later I'm down almost 50 lbs and I have my life back. This surgery is routine and it wasn't bad. You'll be fine, just like all of us are.

    I'll keep you in my prayers. Monday is truly the first day of a wonderful new life for you!

  2. You are absolutely mourning the loss of your ''friend" and it's normal.

    I have to be honest, my nutritionist was really good with this. She said that food is a part of celebration and life. She said on Thansgiving, I should eat. I should eat a small amount of anything I like and that's what I did. I didn't eat very much but I had a bite of everything that looked good - including dessert. She suggested that I just take it easy and up my exercise for a few days after which I did, and for the first time in 39 years I did not gain one ounce Thansgiving week. Not one! And I don't feel deprived in any way because I ate what I wanted. This is how normal people eat and it's why they aren't fat.

    Don't beat yourself up if you "cheat", it's not cheating if you have a bite and move on. If you make a mistake, get back on track and the "mistake weight" will come right off again.

    You can do this! You've done great so far and you'll continue to do so. Hang in there...

  3. I am 5'6'' and about 230 #

    and I wear a size 22 - 24 !!!!!!!!!



    I know this is an older post but it's so true. I was a 22 at 245 lbs but my mother in law is a 22 at 210. i'm 5'5. I think it just depends on how you're built. My friend is 5'2'' and she is in a size 10-12 at 183. When I was in high school, I was 5'2" and I was barely in a 10 at 135 lbs. Her weight is mostly in her legs and arms where mine is mostly in my abdomen/back. We always said if I could surgically attach my arms and legs to her abdomen (and vice versa), she'd be the skinniest thing in the world and I'd be the biggest fat butt ever! I'm 194 and I'm in a 14W-16W. I should be in a "regular" 14 around 180 lbs +/-. Can't freakin' wait!

  4. No such thing as a dumb question. Your weight loss has been AMAZING, congratulations!

    Just my two cents, but I think the problem might be that you were not living "real life" before now. In real life, you have BBQ and ice cream and you miss a day of exercise. It is very difficult to keep up the pace you were doing. On a birthday, you are SUPPOSED to eat birthday cake. Not the whole cake, not a slab, but a PIECE. That IS part of the rules. You've been dieting for 2 months but you have to find a place in between dieting and living, otherwise I feel you are setting yourself up to fail. If you beat yourself up every time you have a bite of bbq chicken, you're not going to get far. Moderation is what you have to learn now. Because when motivation goes out the window, and it usually does eventually, moderation is what keeps you on track.

    Restriction is one of those things that when you have it, you know it, but it's hard to explain. You just get full really fast.

    Don't worry about slippage or erosion ,if you are following up with your surgeon he'll catch it.

    Listen, it's just my two cents and I'm sure many will disagree but my opinion is that you are doing the right thing to ask whether it is head or stomach hunger, you are eating your Protein and you are drinking your Water. If you are truly hungry, you should have a fill. If not, you should work on head hunger - maybe with a group or a therapist. But you have to stop obsessing because you can't maintain that attitude for long and I fear you are setting yourself up for failure.

    Good luck and keep me posted.


  5. Hi everyone,

    I did a search for Alli and there were a lot of comments about it but I was wondering if anyone was actually taking it? Can it hurt the band? I honestly didn't have any issues on Xenical, I lost 10 lbs without changing a darn thing, but it was too expensive and my insurance wouldn't cover it. I'm thinking about trying Alli but I wonder if it would be okay with the band? Anyone have any experience with it?

  6. I've been 204 for the last 8 weeks. Okay, that's not true. I've been 204, then 205, then 206, then 204 again - you get the picture. FIVE STINKIN' POUNDS! I get so frustrated because the ones are right there in front of me but I can't get it. I'm taking the Halloween challenge - I'm breaking this stupid plateau if it kills me!

  7. The problem I have is that the band takes care of physical hunger but who here has physical hunger? The emotional hunger NEVER goes away. I'm almost 4 months out and for a while, I really thought this would be my "savior". It's not. It helps remind me when I don't eat well that I need to do better tomorrow - that's all. I still have to make the choices, I still need to exercise. I went into this somewhat thinking that it would be easy, even though I truly knew better. Nothing that's good in life comes easy. I have been at the same weight for 8 weeks and I just recently said "this is ridiculous" and started to DO something about it. The first 8 weeks, the weight MELTED off. I didn't even have to try. Now, I have to try. I write down everything I eat again and I'm back on track. I want to be thinner and healthy and I'll get there. You will too. You just have to work at it. :)

  8. OMG you guys my hair is falling out so badly! I can't believe how much I've lost. I'm taking Biotin, upped my Protein, taking my multi-Vitamin - what else can I do.

    I'm totally freaking out and need some help. Aaah, I could cry! Have any of you lost your hair? Did it grow back? How long did you lose it for? How long until it came back?

    Sorry for the questions but I'm nervous and bald!


  9. Hi Judyann,

    I don't have lupus and I don't know anyone with lupus who's been banded. However, I also have an auto-immune disease (MS) and while I was cleared for surgery, auto-immune disorders are a contraindication for the band from what I've been told. I would talk to your treating doctor (Rheumatologist?) and get an opinion. The fear is that the foreign object will increase the immune response and trigger an attack.

    Sorry I don't have more info.

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