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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cyndilou29

  1. cyndilou29

    Desperately need some help

    Thanks TravelGirl! While it is definitely better, it is not yet completely opened up. I just got back from a business meeting which was extremely difficult. Every day there was just food everywhere (an example - yesterday for lunch they had Prime Rib, stuffing, green Beans almondine, potatoes and cheesecake. I had soup) and it was definitely challenging. I can get down creamed Soups now, a little at a time. Tried to have some ice cream at the airport yesterday. I had about a half a scoop and felt awful for the rest of the day. Really weird, I don't get it. I can have cream of broccoli soup but no ice cream. Oh well. I have to say the hotel I was staying in (Sheraton University City in Philly) was amazing. They made me 4 different soups to choose from at every single meal and were so accomodating. We went to a restaurant called RAE and it was awful. They knew 2 weeks in advance what my dietary restrictions were and they had nothing for me to eat. The manager felt really badly about it so he said they would try to whip me up something. They came over with a bowl of green liquid. I asked what it was and he told me they put some raw asparagus and "a touch of water" in a blender and VOILA! It was cold and disgusting. I left mid meal while the rest of my group stayed and ate duck, salmon or chicken. Just couldn't take it anymore. Funny thing though? Wasn't really hungry. Went back to my room, had some Water and I was fine. I think I missed the wine more than the food! Still nervous to try mushies. Now that I'm home I'm going to try some really thin mashed potatoes for dinner tonight. I'm scared!
  2. Hey everyone, Weird question here, sorry. I had a lot of restriction due to swelling post op (still have some honestly) but I'm supposed to slowly add thicker foods to see what I tolerate. Here's the problem - I'm terrified. I'm afraid of getting stuck or frothing. Really afraid. So I'm living on broth, tea, Water and Isopure clear liquid Protein drinks. I want to try some, say, tomato Soup but I'm so scared it won't go down. Yet I am absolutely STARVING. Did any of you struggle with this? If so, how did you deal with it and overcome it? Any help would be most appreciated. Cyndilou
  3. cyndilou29

    Embricated Bands?

    I thought pretty much all of them do that, am I wrong?
  4. I was told the same thing as Stacy but he told me 6 weeks. I said "how can I have 4th of July without a Margarita?" He said buy the low carb mix (I've had it from when I was doing Atkins, it's really good) and only have one. I can so live with that. He said it doesn't hurt the band it's just empty calories.
  5. Thanks, I'll try it that way. That potato soup sounds DELICIOUS. I will definitely try to work my way up to that one. Thanks for all the feedback.
  6. Well not to stop that train rolling but my surgeon's diet is very similar to yours. I'm 10 days post op and I feel your pain (hunger) but there are differing opinions on immediately post op eating. There have supposedly been some studies that state if you go really gradually there is better healing and more long term success. However, many on here have less restrictive diets and do fine. Here is what I was supposed to do: Week 1 Clear liquids only, sipped in small quantities throughout the day broth, Jell-O, Water, tea, coffee (no milk or cream) and Protein shakes (3 per day) Week 2 Same as week 1 but add creamed soups and skim milk Week 3 and 4 Same as week 2 but add "mushies" ie cottage cheese, cream of wheat, yogurt, mashed potatoes all fat free or with no added fat. Week 5 Same as week 4 but add protein 1 meal at a time. IE Monday 1 egg at breakfast then mushies the rest of the day. Tuesday 1 egg at breakfast, tuna with low fat may at lunch, mushies for dinner, etc. It's hard but I'm sticking to it because I don't want to stretch my stomach or get stuck. I've been stuck, I've frothed - don't want to do it again. Ever. It's really not fun (I didn't overeat, I was swollen after surgery and it happened on 1 oz of chicken broth). You know what's best for you, none of us can say what's right. Just follow what you know is right.
  7. Thanks ConnieSue. It really is a leap of faith isn't it? I'm so scared! I feel so stupid to be afraid of a little soup for heaven's sake but I don't want to get stuck or froth again. It just feels AWFUL. Guess that means the band is working! LOL
  8. cyndilou29

    Desperately need some help

    And PS, I have to eat standing up too. How weird is that? Guess it just gives it straight shot down, no curves in the road!
  9. cyndilou29

    Desperately need some help

    Oh my gosh, 2 months! You poor thing! I'm so glad you are able to eat solids now! How did you do it? How did you muster up the strength to try solid food? I'm scared to even go on "creamed" soups! What happened when you tried before, did it get stuck? I'm honestly glad I posted it too because I really felt I was alone as well. My surgeon told me he had not seen that before which didn't help either. He did say he's heard of it happening but he also never had to do so much cutting to connective tissue to get the band in place either. Unfortunately, (fortunately?) I used to be an athlete and he said I had less belly fat than he anticipated and much more muscle. It's hard to even remember my athlete days but I'm looking forward to being there again! I got quite a few private messages as well from people who had/are having the same issues. Maybe it's more common than people think. I'm so glad you are feeling better! Thanks for the reply
  10. cyndilou29

    Desperately need some help

    I like the med cup idea, think I'll try that. Thanks!
  11. cyndilou29


    I'm so sorry you're scared. I would love to say that you are unique in your pre-op fear but you are absolutely not. I posted on here the night before my surgery because I was totally freaking out. I had all the fears you have now. I hate to speak for others, but I would assume 90% of us on hear had those same fears. Regarding the unhappy and miserable people, as you say, understand that this is a support forum. Many of us have nowhere to go but here when we are scared, frustrated or confused. But just because there are complications, doesn't mean we are unhappy. I have only been banded a week and one walking, sleeping, breathing complication. Notice I didn't add "eating" because I'm not doing that. I'm having a lot of swelling and have spent more time in the hospital than out since I was banded last week. Am I scared? Heck yeah, a little. Would I do it again? In a second. Why? Because what I'm scared of is that they will have to take it out. I've losed 23 lbs and I like that. Do I longingly look at what my family eats? Sure but that's only because I can't eat anything at all. If I could have some salad or some fish, I wouldn't need anything else. I do like the feeling of restriction because it takes away my obsession with food. I'm not planning my next meal or snack because I'm not hungry. I admit, I am currently obsessed with getting Fluid in but that will pass as the swelling goes down (I pray!). Also, admit it, aren't you drawn to the threads where it seems like there are issues? I am. If there are two posts and one says "Happy Day!" and the other says "Please help me", which are you going to first? We all say we'd do it again because we WOULD do it again. For every person that is "miserable and tremendously unhappy", there are 20 that are thrilled. These feelings are normal but don't let them take over. You'll get through this, I promise.
  12. cyndilou29


    I'm assuming you are talking about immediately post op, correct? You will be having your shakes plus chicken broth, tea, Water, etc. As for being full, it's hard to say as everyone has different levels of restriction. I can't even get the shakes down. Wait, Optifast? Is that pre-op diet? If so, I have no idea as I didn't have to go on liquids pre-op. Sorry!
  13. cyndilou29


    Julie, What an excellent post. I'm printing this one out and I'm going to look at when I'm feeling a little low. I was banded a week ago and am having some problems with swelling so I'm getting very little in. More than a few days ago, but still not much. There are times when I say "What have I done?" but then when I look down and see that I've lost 23 lbs already I tell myself it is worth it. Thank you for your thoughtful post
  14. Hi Ashley, It's probably nothing serious but you should really get to your doctor as soon as you can. It's always better to be safe. There are many reasons for numbness and tingling, usually nerve related. Should be checked out though.
  15. cyndilou29

    Scared to death!

    I so know how you feel. I quit smoking and my food was my addiction once the nicotine was out. I still get head hunger (craving some of the pasta I made for my family last night) but it's different. I don't want it now. I like the thought of it, but the reality of it does nothing for me. I don't know how to explain it other than you'll be okay.
  16. I was afraid of the same thing, especially being a lower BMI. I had 99 lbs to lose, lost 10ish pre op (took me 5 weeks) and have lost 12 post op (banded 8 days ago). Technically, I've already lost what they said and given my restriction level, I KNOW this won't be the end of it!
  17. cyndilou29

    Desperately need some help

    Hi Shelli, I am actually feeling much better today. Still a little slow, but not bad at all. I'm getting in about 40 oz. I could probably do more but I don't want to push it. Saw the doctor today and he said I'm about a week behind for my diet (so one more week of clear liquid for me) but other than that he thinks I should be fine. Thanks for asking, and thanks for your concern
  18. cyndilou29

    Desperately need some help

    Hi Faith, Well, ironically when he put the band in, it was fine. He actually saw me in post op and apologized saying I was going to have a tough time until I get filled because the band was so loose! That's how much swelling I had. Crazy. I feel much better today. Everything seems to be going down okay, so far so good. Thanks for the thought though. Believe me, I would have been all over him if this sucker had to come out!
  19. cyndilou29

    Help - I'm dizzy

    Definitely make sure you are seeing your doctor. Maybe as your stomach expands it is pressing on the vagus nerve or something. When you say dizzy, what do you mean? Dizzy like the room is spinning, like bed spins (remember those from college?LOL) or do things start to go dark and you feel like you will faint? If you feel faint, it is probably BP related somehow. I hope you feel better. Keep us updated, okay?
  20. I think the biggest problem with all of us is that we are so excited to have this done and the life that lies ahead of us, we forget that this is surgery! I've had a bugger of a time since I was banded a week ago. I had the same issue with the drugs, they pulled me off the Morphine really quickly because my resp rate was really, really low. PLUS I had so much swelling, I couldn't even get a sip of Water to stay down. BUT today was a new day. No pain, I can get my liquids in fine and I feel like a new woman. I promise you THIS WILL PASS. You will feel better, just hang in there. Every day you will be closer to feeling yourself again.
  21. cyndilou29

    Why am I so darn hungry all the time?

    Meltini, I'm only 6 days banded but I hear you, I'm starving. Some head hunger, some rumbling stomach, shaky real hunger. My doc said that you won't stop being hungry for a while but it will happen. He said most people get no restriction at all until a fill and some not until the 2nd or 3rd fill. If you have no restriction then it's like the band isn't there at all so of course you'll be able to eat! But with patience you'll get there. Good luck!
  22. cyndilou29

    The NEW "I'm Fat"

    I think Molly nailed it. When I weighed 125 (high school) and when I weighed 225 (or 250!) I never felt like I looked any different. Okay, that's a stretch but at 250 I felt like I looked at 190. At 190 I felt like I looked at 125. Does that make sense? I too took some pictures this time because I know when I get down to my goal weight I will not feel as thin as I will look. I need to learn to not have such a warped body image. I was a cheerleader, I'm 5'5", I weighed 125 and I thought I was a cow. I was self conscious and always covering my "rolls" (which were only created because I wore jeans that I had to be poured into and the rolls were tiny - ridiculous). I really feel my weight gain was to put me physically to the weight I was psychologically. I want to change that so I don't get back up here again. Once I hit Onederland, I never want to see 200 ever again.
  23. I was banded the same day as you. My doctor told me that the incisions would feel fine in a few days but the port incision would be swollen, bruised and/or sore for 3-6 weeks. Sorry, I know it's not fun to think of. I guess because I knew that going in I was prepared so it's not terrible but it's certainly not fun!
  24. cyndilou29

    Wonder what my Doc will say

    I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope you are feeling well soon and the flares become less frequent. It has been a contraindication for the band in the past - all auto-immune disorders were. The fear is the foreign body will make you flare more as it "stirs up" your immune response. I think they are backing off that now. I have MS and the only recommendation the company made to my surgeon is that I was not in the midst of an attack when the surgery would take place. I'm very glad you told your physician, it is vitally important that they monitor you very closely to make sure the Lupus isn't attacking your stomach or esophogas. You are in my prayers. Be well and keep us updated.
  25. cyndilou29

    What went wrong...

    Holy smokes! What a crazy story! You poor thing! Here I am thinking my issues (stomach swollen so I can't get liquid down post op) are SO serious and look what you went through! I hope you're okay now and feeling better. I can't believe that all that happened, it's like the Perfect Storm or something!

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