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Posts posted by 1sunnuri

  1. Wow!! This is really unreal.. Exactly the reasons women don't come forward. In such cases of unwanted sexual advances and discrimination. I can understand concerns of unproven allegations. I honestly can say I have lost a good nights sleep over whether to reply or not. Haven't lost any sleep over Omar in at least 6 months.. That being said .. I was one of the ones involved in a consensual sexual relationship from August to January of last year. I also emailed Susan to express my support of those who received unwanted sexual advances. I may lose Facebook friends over this.. But they have expressed their observances I decided to throw in the towel and express mine.. First and foremost I do think Dr . Illan is a fantastic surgeon.. Would I go back .. Yes in a heart beat he literally saved my life. Would I recommend him yes most assuredly but I would never send a woman alone with Omar. Do I feel like a victim.. No! But I do the know if I hadn't been at such a low point in my life I wouldn't have participated in a relationship with him. Take a good look in the mirror ladies .. At 242 pounds I was not the most self assured woman in the world. When we go for these surgeries we are at the lowest point in our lives.. We are desparate.. Lonely and most often depressed.. We are FAT and some haven't had the attention, concern and affection shown to us in years.. Even some that are already in relationships. He is your husband, boyfriend confessor all rolled into one. He is GOOD at his job.. He gets PAID to do this.. The more he can reel you in.. The more patients you bring in.. The gifts, the tips and the money he takes off the top.. And yes I know for a FACT he has done this. The emails and texts he blocks for Dr . Illan these are words out of his mouth to me.. He sets the prices he runs the show!! His words again not mine. Manipulator, con-artist, hustler all rolled into one.. But the main one is predator.. He prays on these women's insecurities and vulnerabilities.. He approaches those he feels are most open to his advances.. Sometimes it works.. Sometimes it doesn't.. You go for these surgeries needing to be seen as a patient a human being that is seeking treatment.. Not to be seen as a sexual conquest and a potential marketing tool... Those that are less worldly or knowledgable than I could and have been duped and violated in the most outrageous form... So take this as you will personally I'm out of it all together.. I hate that others were hurt perhaps if I had spoke up sooner they wouldn't have.. Perhaps not!! As we see the evidence posted on this thread.. Do I think he should lose his job? I'm really not sure on that.. Integrity is the albeit answer. Crime? If so is it a crime to expect and receive respect in all aspects of this journey? Peace and Blessings

  2. I was sleeved August 12th 2013, HW 242 SW 229 and CW 164. I am 5 foot tall and type II diabetic. With in two weeks of surgery my Doctor had taken me off all my meds. This surgery and Dr. Illan saved my life. I was sceptical at first like everyone else but talked to former patients of his who gave him glowing references. Dr. Illan and his staff do go above and beyond..my experience was everything they say it is. I just returned with my neice a couple of weeks ago who had the surgery as well. She is doing fantastic. I would not have taken her or recommended her go to him if I didnt feel confident in his skill as a surgeon or the care she received.

  3. Been there have done all the above. Jealousy is still not beyond me recently had a severe case of it "like the flu" but it only took me a short time to come back to reality. It was a new relationship early in my journey and his job requires him to interact with lots of women. I became jealous. .then I came to my senses and realized that I am a hell of a woman and if I'm not enough for him than its his lose. I also realized I was giving him power over my emotions. I took my power back..lol life is just to damn short to waste time on such an ugly emotion.

  4. I know most of us seriously contemplate plastics such as breastlift n Tummy Tuck but what about face work? I never thought I would b one to consider it but since losing weight my under chin area is seriously sagging. Does it tighten up any after awhile? Im 49 going on 50 soon. I know I'm ok with everything else concerning my face..I think its a blessing to grow older but without the excess skin under the chin.

  5. One book that was recommended here is, "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg.

    I walk twice a day, first thing in the morning before work and right when I get home. It has become such a habit that I don't really think about, I just put on my warm walking clothes and go. You have to find something you like to do so that you can make it a habit(I know this is everyone keeps saying, but it is true).

    As far as food goes I pretty much stick to the same routine and what I eat. I have 3 meals and 3 Snacks. I am in maintenance now and trying to have a "forbidden" food once a week to still keep the food enjoyment in my life. Though I will say I truly love my healthy eating plan and also how it makes me feel.

    I also keep my mind in the game by reading posts here, reading diet related books(recently read The Dukan Diet, it has a lot of good points in it on how to diet/maintain), surround myself with positive people and I still track and weight my food.

    Thanks very much for the info I read about another book on here as well. I am going to check them out. It is so hard to fight these addiction demons..lol and thats what I am. I have been a food addict most of my adult life. I see the damage I have done to my 17 yr old daughter. She copes with stress the same way I did by eating it. I want to reverse the cycle for her. I am not sure I can but I can show her another way. Thats what this disease does, it plays over into our loved ones lives. It damages their perceptions on food and how to handle all the internal struggles. I have wondered if it is because food is in such an abundance now that obesity has become the problem/norm. All I do know is for certain anyone doing this surgery looking for an easy way out.... well your up a creek without a paddle to put it nicely..lol Its work, lots of work everyday work. I do know that in all my years of living, if you have to work for something then maybe you just might appreciate it more.

    Peace and blessings everyone..

  6. Thanks ReDbEaN I appreciate it. I know that I need to make myself move more.. I got my exercise stuff in the car today for a visit to the gym after work. I was walking alot in the evenings. I work 6Am to 6PM so now with the time change its dark when I get off. I really enjoyed it too. It became my me time. I joined a gym and have started an arm routine trying to work those batwings..lol but havent went in a week and half. I am going today. I am promising myself and I am not going to break my promise. This head stuff is really really hard. I quite smoking before surgery and normally when I would do that food would take its place. I wonder if that is not part of my problem as well. I have no intention of going back to smoking or overeating. I just need to get to a good place with this stuff. Therapy... I live in a small rural area and there is not much choice of therapists. Does anyone know of any good books that they could recommend? I am willing to try anything here..lol to get things under control. Peace and blessings..

  7. Hi. Any advice on what to do to overcome this food obsession. I'm about 3.5 months out and down 50 pounds. I've been averaging about 800 calories per day and the scale is not moving. I did hit the 3 week stall at about a month out but since then very slow. I think about food all the time exactly like I did before surgery. I want to get to a point where I eat to live not live to eat. I have been doing well as far as choices but I know too much of a good thing is just as bad. I have figured out some trigger foods...triscuts & peanutbutter extreme (life choice) Protein bars...they kick in the carb monster heavy. I'm trying the Quest bars now..they seem to satisfy that sweet craving but I do not want more. The life choice bars ....I could eat them back to back. Yesterday seemed to be a good day..I got most of liquids in and I kept the carbs at 20 percent got 90 grams protein and the rest n fats. I woke up 1.5 pounds down but it has been fluctuating up and down for awhile. The head crap sucks! I know I can do better have done better but depression set n an exercise has dropped to nil. I need to get back to me! I will NOT fail at this. I refuse to surrender to those dark unworthy thoughts. Is it always going to such a battle?

  8. I always had a very strong fear of men' date=' but after a lot of therapy and this surgery I'm feeling ready to start dating. I'm just really self-conscious because I'm 25, and have only had one serious boyfriend. I have next to no experience with flirting, dating, or sex. I'm way behind the curve when it comes to other girls my age, and they're all prettier with bodies that don't look like melted wax. Not to sell myself short, I'm pretty awesome, but I'm also terrified that even if a guy is interested my lack of experience sexually will be an issue. :/[/quote']

    Honey the least of your worries should b lack of experience. Men do NOT worry about that..lol And as far as your body goes I have found that it really doesn't matter once the clothes come off its what is happening in the moment is their oncern...lol I promise u NO guy is worried about ur lack of sexual experience ...its a good thing in this day and age. I'm going to tell u what I tell my daughter. .just b sure when u fo decide that the nextv level "sex" is going to happen that he is worth it. That this guy is someone u want around for awhile. Sex changes the whole dynamics of a relationship and before u go there u need to know he is worth ur time and affection.

  9. It's so funny how we try n buffer our feelings with our weight. I know for myself for 25yrs being heavy has given me the excuse NOT to expect much from a relationship. So when I didn't get treated with respect and value it just validated how I felt about myself. Its been a long long road and I'm still learning how to love ME..just recently had a "fling" with someone who I thought was beautiful on the inside....I just realized his rejection was really about him. It was not about me...not my fault he didn't think I was wonderful. .lol ok yes it hurt my feelings I shed a few tears but definitely not at the level I would have before this journey. It was NOT a validation of my selfworth it just meant I wasn't IT..for him. Just like the blast from my past isn't the one for me. Lots of mind healing to go along with getting a healthier body n lifestyle. U need to b ready to do all the work to b successful n every aspect of this journey.

  10. Cowgirljane I think ur right.. I also think he is still in love with his exwife. So I'm trying to figure out a way to put it on a platonic level n n I think the ex is the way to do it. Maybe just say something to the effect of I would love to hang out from time to time but n the romance department I believe ur heart is elsewhere. I'm only interested n friendship right now with u...not those exact words but something to that effect. I just know I never want to hurt someone's feelings. I know mine have been hurt lots..

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