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Posts posted by ldydrgnkpr

  1. My job recently started overtime back up. With the Holidays here how could I refuse. So, here I go again with working 6 days a week. Did this over the spring and summer which didn't leave me any "real time" for my exercise routine. Which I believe kind of slowed my loss. I strongly feel that I could've been at goal by now. Had I not worked the OT it would've gave me more time to concentrate on my weight loss. Then again, I took advantage of it. I guess it will be a give and take. I will give (and take) the OT and take what I can for my loss with what time I have to devote to exercise. It is what it is. And I will take it. It will be just a bit longer than I had anticipated to reach my goal. I know it may not seem like a lot left to lose, but I have pushed myself so much and so hard this year just to get where I am. It seems as if there isn't enough time in a day anymore to work everything in. Or I'm just getting older...LOL :)

    Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :)


  2. While I was washing my car this morning, my neighbor was getting her groceries out of her car and she did a double take when she looked my way. She came back out and came over to say hi and was in shock. She thought I was another woman. LOL..... I just smiled and said no its me just smaller. She walked away shaking her head. This was so priceless A lot of my neighbors stare but don't say anything, this morning was so damn funny. Wait till my husband comes home from work he'll have a good laugh to. :)


  3. Surgery- 3/7/2011

    Total Loss-79 pounds

    19 more till GOAL!!!! :smile1:


    Hey cool -- we are practically stat twins. I'm also about 19 away and we've lost at about the same rate. :smile1:

    I wish the last few would hurry up and drop. LOL..... I went to my PCP on 11/11/2011 she told me I have lost another 11 since my last visit 6 weeks ago. However I think her scale and my scale are a few pounds different. But hey, if she said 11 I'll take that. Mine said more. No worries here. I hope I can squeeze to goal before the end of the year :) I think we have done an amazing job with our weight loss, mini goals and goals. We can make it happen!!!!! :)


  4. I ran into a few negative nancy's. It is okay I just let it go. Move forward. Not worth the energy to feed into the negativity of ones misery. I'm too damn happy now to let some petty, trivial response ruin my journey to a healthier lifestyle.


  5. It does get easier to drink Water. When I walk I carry 32 ounces with me and I can drink all of it in about 45 minutes. When doing zumba I can drink just as much. So yes, the further out you are from surgery it is easier to get more fluids in. You will be able to gage what you will be able to drink and how much as you go through the transistion. Good luck with your journey! :)


  6. I added salads around the five week mark. I started small and worked my way to a handful (yes I measured with my hand LOL) and added chicken about 2 1/2 to 3 ounces. It is all by trial and error. I tolerate salads well. I did stay full for a few hours. I recently realized that I can eat 1 small bananna. I became very full on a very small bananna. It was oh so yummy!!! :)

    Good luck!! :)


  7. My signal to STOP is a hiccup and or my nose will run. Those are my stop indicators. I don't try to force the food in. I have learned that when I get the first hiccup I put down the fork/spoon. This is all by trial and error for everyone. No two people will be able to gage the sense of being full the same. You will find what works for you. Good luck :)


  8. Today after I did my three miles I went to the store. Usually I park my car far away, however this morning I parked closer. I went in the door that wasn't electric. A man and his wife were leaving and he held the door open for me. Now 77 pounds ago no one ever held the door open for me. Nor would they make eye contact with me. Now that I'm 77 pounds thinner I am seeing things that I over looked as if I didn't I would've told them all to get bent. Men and women make eye contact with me. At work most of the attorneys smile and say good morning as to where 8 months ago I wouldn't even get a response. This just goes to show just how shallow the human race is. I just don't understand the way people treat obese and or overweight people. I could easily ignore the ones that treated me like poop. But I choose to treat everyone the same, big or small. I hope one day that they look at how obese people perceive them. Like how much of a jerk they truely are and smile the whole time that thought runs through the mind...... :)


  9. UGH!!!!!!!! I just don't get it........ I feel like my body is tired of losing. Now granted I do work out and I track my daily food intake. Not sure where my issue lies. I had a visit with my surgeon last week and according to their standards I have lost 65% EWL. Plus they are saying that my "Ideal" weight is 122.4 pounds. I believe my "Ideal" weight is 135 pounds. I have weighed that in the past. Like about 15 years ago. I felt wonderful at that weight. I think 122 pounds is too skinny for my frame. My exercise is zumba twice a week and I walk 2-3 miles twice a week and I incorperate kettlebell workout on the days I walk. I see inches coming off but the pounds are being downright stubborn and will not move. If they do its like one off two on, two off one on. I just don't get it. I stall almost every 2-3 weeks for 2-3 weeks at a time. Seriously? WTH!!! I haven't eaten any so called junk. I don't eat white carbs. So what is the deal? I just don't get it? I wish my body could "talk" to me and tell me what it needs more of or less of. LOL..... smile.png Any suggestions are sooooo welcomed!!!!!!


  10. Oh how I can relate.... I feel like my body is tired of losing. Now granted I do work out and I track my daily food intake. Not sure where my issue lies. I had a visit with my surgeon last week and according to their standards I have lost 65% EWL. Plus they are saying that my "Ideal" weight is 122.4 pounds. I believe my "Ideal" weight is 135 pounds. I have weighed that in the past. Like about 15 years ago. I felt wonderful at that weight. I think 122 pounds is too skinny for my frame. My exercise is zumba twice a week and I walk 2-3 miles twice a week and I incorperate kettlebell workout on the days I walk. I see inches coming off but the pounds are being downright stubborn and will not move. If they do its like one off two on two off one on. I just don't get it. I stall almost every 2-3 weeks for 2-3 weeks at a time. Seriously? WTH!!! I haven't eaten any so called junk. I don't eat white carbs. So what is the deal? I just don't get it? I wish my body could "talk" to me and tell me what it needs more of or less of. LOL..... :) Any suggestions are sooooo welcomed!!!!!!


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