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Posts posted by AnnaOz

  1. 6 Days since surgery and it has been a roller coaster!

    At first I was not prepared at all for the level of pain and immobility! I learnt that I am someone that actually does not like to be still for long and continually had my husband, best friend and family demanding I rest and take it easy!

    But each day I have had a little less pain, more mobility and more energy. I even managed to vacuum the entire house and do our weeks laundry yesterday without collapsing in to bed unlike 3 days earlier after I un-stacked the dishwasher!

    Spoke to my dietitian yesterday afternoon and he decided that my swelling had been minimal compared to others and that I was ready to cautiously approach purees! So finally after 3 weeks (two pre-op and almost one post op) I finally had Protein and carbs! I puréed the family mince & Pasta casserole... not amazing but better than optifast! I did spend the whole night worried though that I may have moved too quickly to purees and was praying not to heave in the case I missed a lump in the food. But this morning I woke up and felt hungry so was relieved that my new stomach handled the food. This morning I had 1/2 a metric cup of yoghurt... this was bliss :smile2:

    So things seem to be going quite well for me so far.... "touch wood".

    However I have one question... has anyone that has been banded so far not had shoulder tip pain for the first three days or so and then found it develope?

    I started to have my left shoulder ache over the last couple of days and then last night I had an acutely and agonisingly sore shoulder. All of the sudden I could not move without the shoulder hurting and it felt like someone had forced a blade between the two bones in my shoulder socket! Has anyone had anything similar happen to them? And those who have had shoulder tip pain was it so bad it nearly brought you to tears?

  2. surgery sept 16.. im still in alot of pain much more pain than i anticipated but its getting a lil better everyday ..... just didnt expect to be in so much initial pain. still not sorry yet.....:thumbup:

    I completely agree... completely not prepared for the level of pain! But it is slowly getting better.

    I seem to have more pain when I haven't had an Optifast shake for awhile. It feels almsot like heartburn... not sure if any one else is has felt this. It seems to go away after I have a meal (1/2 an optifast).

    Last night I was regreting it a little but have felt better today, most likely beacuse I managed to sleep better last night. I acutally slept for 4 hours straight at one stage unlike the revious nights where I was waking every hour!

    Thanks for your post tho, I had always considered myself as someone with quite a tolerance to pain, but this was worse than any other operation I had undergone before! But atleast I know that I amnot on my own!

    I hope everyone is starting to recover well, and thier gas pain is passing faster than mine... its a killer :thumbup:

    Lastly good luck to everyone having surgery this week. All those pre-op diets will be just a memory soon :tt1:

  3. Hi all. I need support.

    Tomorrow's my surgery and I'm really really nervous. I can't believe the day is here!


    Hi Maxi2010, you will be fine!

    I completely understand the nerves tho. I am meant to be asleep at the moment as it is 1:40am 17th Sept in Australia, I am online cause I have been lying in bed since 11:30pm and cant settle! I need to be at the hospital for addmission by 6:30am. I am schedualed for a 9:30am surgery! eek!

    But you will have had the surgery before you know and be back here letting us know how it went and how you are going!

    Best of luck and look forward to reading about your op etc soon :wub:

  4. Firstly good luck to all my fellow Sept 17 Bandsters tomorrow! Stateofzen, blondeej, vega1star, helgainaz, MrsFitand42, maxi2010, risenhour1, maxi2010, jakealta, CdnBlondie - Hope it all goes well!

    hserrra - sorry to hear bout the date change but really glad you have kept a positive spin on it!

    And I hope all of those that have crossed to the band this month already are doing great!

    So I am getting ready for bed... it is 11:30pm in Australia at the moment and I have to be up at 5am for my surgery tomorrow morning.

    Have had a strange week waiting for tomorrow. It felt so long away at times, especially when I was frustrated with the two week pre-op diet. And now it’s here I can’t believe it.

    I had a bit of an emotional night last night. :eek6: It all caught up with me, it became totally real and I realised that I am having this surgery and although small, there are chances of complications and there are risks. I also sort of grieved for my eating habits of old... started to realise "wow, I won’t ever go out with my Hubby or friends and family to enjoy a 3 course meal at a restaurant! I will only be eating an entree sized meal".

    But now that my mini-meltdown is done (partly due to the support of my amazing hubby!), I am ready! Ready for this change and my new life! :wub:

    Be back soon, to let you all know how it goes!:alien:

  5. :thumbup:Hello, I just received a call from the medical coordinator, she stated 6 mo diet notes were good and I have all req's: cardio, endo, psych, dietician, so approval was submitted today, and I got my appt date of September 21. Wooo Hoooo!! I am beyong happy, I did not think it would be this sson. I thought it would be around november. Wish me luck people!:thumbup:

    Congrats on the approval :thumbup:

    The 21st will be here before you know it!

    Keep us posted on you progress.

  6. Today was the first day of my pre-op diet. Had a Protein Drink for Breakfast, one for lunch and I sure enjoyed my dinner. I have a question do guys mix your powder with Water or milk? I mixed mine with water but I was thinking of doing it with milk so it could be thicker.... Thanks for any advise...

    I would stay with water, my doctor and dietition insisted on on only using water. However my pre-op diet seems to be stricter than others on here, so maybe your doctor or nurtrionist could point you in the right direction :blushing:

  7. I am on day 7 with 14 day Optifast VLCD diet. No meat or Carbs, I am only allowed veggies (minus potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, peas and corn or other starchy vegetables). I am also able to have 1 cup of strawberries/raspberries per day. I also have to drink 3 litres of Water each day

    I really struggled with the diet on day two and three and came very close to cheating a couple of times. Particuarly when I had to visit the shopping centre to buy my Dad a Fathers Day Present last sunday (Australia's Fathers Day). As soon as I stepped off the escalators I was hit with the smell of bacon and eggs(it smelt devine!). But I managed to resist all the food in the food court as I walked past. This has made the following days a little easier because I proved to myself that I can resist the temptation even when I feel I desperately want to eat and I am alone without anyone to see me cheat.

    Since then I Have found when I am hungry I keep drinking water... and I am not thinking too far a head.

    Just taking it one day at time. This has made it easier for me. Now I can't belive that I am half way!

    I am sure you will find a way to get through it, its all for a great outcome :blushing:

  8. So I am 6 days down on my 14 day Optifast VLCD diet. No meat or Carbs, I am only allowed veggies (minus potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, peas and corn or other starchy vegetables). I am also able to have 1 cup of strawberries/raspberries per day. I also have to drink 3 litres of Water each day (not easy).

    I really struggled with the diet on day two and three and came very close to cheating a couple of times. Particuarly when I had to visit the Mall to buy my Dad a Fathers Day Present. As soon as I stepped off the escalators I was hit with a smell of bacon and eggs(it smelt devine!). But I managed to resist all the food in the food court as I walked past. This has made the following days a little easier because I proved to myself that I can resist the temptation even when I feel I desperately want to eat and I am alone without "anyone" to see me cheat.

    It has also been great to read everyones stories here... it is great to know that others are also going through what I am.

    I now only have 9 days before I am banded and I am starting to get very excited. I feel like my new life is about to begin. A life full of regained enegery, enthusiam, and positivity!

    I cant wait to read about all our transformations over the coming months and years! :)

  9. My surgery Date is 17-Spet-2010 :scared2:

    I started my pre-op diet yesterday and need to follow it for 2

    weeks. It is not easy tho.:biggrin:

    3 Optifast VLCD milkshakes a day (only vanilla or chocolate flavours), allowed 1 cup of strawberries or raspberries. and unlimited veggies (not allowed pumpkin, potato, sweet potato, peas, corn, nut, or legumes) and no meat or fish.

    Could have received it free through the Public system but I dont want to wait two years!

    The Health Insurance Situation is a bit easier in Australia though, and as I have been paying for top health insurance since I left home I will only be out of pocket $5000AUD.

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