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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ambatch

  1. It's been exactly one week since my surgery. I feel really good, except for an "ache" I have on my left side when I walk. I have a feeling that it is a gas bubble that I can't work out. I completed my one week of liquids and (I have to admit...) I moved on to mushies a day early. It was either that or I was becoming a mad woman!! Cottage cheese has never tasted so good!! I learned (the hard way!) today, that I eat very fast :smile2:....did you all realize you can no longer do that once you're banded??!! lol Even though I don't have any fluid in my band yet, my tuna fish got stuck! After some time, it worked its way down, but I now know what I'm REALLY going to have to work on....and that's to S L O W D O W N! Have a good night everyone!
  2. ambatch

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Hey Alisomniac...we had surgery on the same day. I just had my first bm today. I started drinking a hot tea that gets things moving yesterday....it worked! But now that things are moving, I'm a little nauseated, so I've had to take the anti-nausea med the dr gave me. Other than that, I'm doing really well. My appetite is slowly coming back today. I really haven't felt hungry. I called my dr today and they said I'm right on track for recovery. I hope you're doing well, too.
  3. woo-hoo! I'm on the other side! It's been 24 hrs since surgery, and it's going really well. No pain, just a little discomfort from gas moving around and at incision sites. I'm going to try and do a lot of walking today. My dr wants me doing 40 mins/day. She said to break it up right now, which I will be glad to do!! lol However, with all of the hills around my house, just going around the block will take me that long! Hope you are all doing well. Keep posting, keep sharing. Even though we may not live close enough to get together, we are only a click away!! :thumbdown:
  4. ambatch

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Surgery is over!! I'm banded....I think! I'm doing so well that I'm not sure they did anything other than cut me 5 times and then stitch 'em up! lol Seriously, surgery went smoothly. The gas is really moving today and my incisions are tender, but I'm in very little pain. I'm not going to get on the scale for awhile, because I know that this month is not about weight loss. I hope recovery keeps going as well as it started. My only problem right now is the vitamins that I have. I bought them from my dr (the bariatric kind) and I hate them. I almost gagged and I want to avoid throwing up at all costs. Any suggestions? I know I need them, but I can't eat one more of those. Good luck to all you that are waiting for your surgery. Not much longer and we'll all be on the post-surgery side! woo-hoo!! :thumbdown:
  5. ambatch

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Good luck to you both! I'm just a day later, on Tuesday. Here's to the beginning of our new, healthy lives!
  6. Burien, WA (just south of Seattle) and I'm a high school Special Ed teacher. I get banded in 2 days!!! woo-hoo!!!
  7. ambatch

    caffine withdraws???

    I, too, thought I couldn't drink anything other than water and my shakes for the pre-op. I got the worst headache and was dizzy the first day (I'm a morning coffee - afternoon diet coke drinker). I called my dr to see if I could at least drink black coffee. They said that was OK. Call your dr and see what they say. From reading this, it seems that there are many pre-op diets out there. The best way to know...is to call!! Good luck!
  8. ambatch

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Tuesday can't come quick enough!! I have to be there at 6am, which means I'll have to leave my house by 5am....my brother will be so happy to hear this!! At least traffic won't be an issue! I'm soooo glad I'll be one of the first surgeries of the day. That means I'll be home by noon. I can't wait to be off this pre-op "diet" and begin my new way of life. No more "diets" for me!! Its going to be great for us all to be on the post-op side. Just remember, you're not in this alone...we're all in it together!! :smile2:
  9. ambatch

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    OK....so here I am on day 3 of my pre-surgery diet. I'm sooooo excited for Tuesday, the 5th. I'm wondering something, though....has anyone had a moment of feeling a bit panicked over what its going to be like to be thin? I've been heavy for so long and food has been such a crutch and big part of my life, that I have no idea what that's going to be like. Believe me, I'm not scared of it....bring it on!! But just the idea of losing this weight, once and for all, is overwhelmingly exciting. I don't know...call it a thought for the day...hahahahahaha!!! Good luck to all of us Boo-tiful October bandsters!!
  10. I'm all set for Oct 5th! I am so excited for this surgery. I went to my appt with the surgeon/nurse and was shown how much food I'll be (eventually) eating at a meal....WOW! It's hard to believe that so little food will keep this big body living. hahahaha!! I'd love to hear from other October journey-takers. Are you ready?? Let the good times roll!! :thumbup:
  11. ambatch

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Favorite Auntie....no, not every dr does the pre-op diet. I only have to do it for one week. My dr is having me do it so I lose a little fat in my liver. she explained that in order to get to the stomach, she'll have to move the liver out of the way. she said its much easier/safer to do that with a little less fatty liver. I'm so thankful I only have to do it for a week. I'll drink 3-4 shakes and one weight watchers/lean cuisine/etc meal for dinner (calories will depend on whether I have 3 or 4 shakes thru the day. Be sure and follow what your dr says....not what everyone else says. Hope this helps!
  12. ambatch

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Hey....Oct 5th for me!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I haven't been this excited about something in a long time!! Let's keep us all in our thoughts/prayers as we all begin this exciting journey to the rest of our healthy, long lives!!
  13. I went to my internal doctor yesterday (shoulder/muscle issue) and mentioned that I'm going to have the LB surgery. I asked for her opinion. She said that she is not "totally" for it. She has many patients that initially lost weight, but later gained it back, so the long term success is shaky. Should this be a concern? I'm a self-pay and so now am (slightly) worried about my decision to go thru with this. Help!!
  14. ambatch

    Long term success??

    thanks everyone...I'm not doubtful that I can do this. I'm SO ready for a lifestyle change. In fact if I don't make this positive one, I'll be forced to make negative ones: high blood pressure meds, diabetes, etc. I'll take the positive changes any day. I hope I can get this journey started soon. Take care all!
  15. ambatch

    Federal Way, WA

    thanks, Carol....I'll keep you posted. Take care!
  16. Has anyone heard of Dr. Srikanth, in Federal Way, WA?
  17. ambatch

    Federal Way, WA

    Hi Carol! Vacation?? I'm jealous! And here I've only been back to work for a few weeks! lol Thanks for filling me in on your experiences. I'm really getting excited. I went to my regular doctor yesterday for a shoulder/muscle issue. I asked her opinion about me doing this surgery. She's not entirely for it. She said that a lot of people initially lose the weight, but then gain it back later on. She said she would support my decision, but to be prepared for a huge lifestyle change. She did mention that her assistant had it done and has been successful. But the mind has got to be ready for a change. I'm there....I want the change....I need the change! My blood pressure is up and so is my weight...its the highest its ever been, 285. I'm just sick about it. The blood pressure scared me, though. Its time to get it together!! Thank you for your words of wisdom....I'd love to walk this journey with you. Have an awesome vacation! Ali
  18. ambatch

    Federal Way, WA

    Thanks, Carol. You had surgery in June....how are you doing? The weightloss is awesome, but how is every day life with the band? I'm turning in my paperwork to the Dr on Monday and will then set up pre-op appts. I'm hoping to get this done in Oct. How much time did you need for recovery? I'm a teacher and so I'm hoping to take off as little as possible. Again, thanks for your feedback!
  19. Hi everyone! I recently found out that my insurance does not cover the surgery :biggrin: (darn employer!!). However, last night I received the best gift: my Mom called and said that she is going to pay for it!! :scared2: I'm still in shock that I'm going to be able to begin this journey to a new, healthy me. I can't wait to call the dr and set up my appts/surgery date. What I'm wondering from all of you, is how much time off you needed before returning to work. I'm a high school teacher so I can be on my feet or sit for most of the day, but do no heavy lifting. I've read where some have gone back after a weekend, where others have taken 2 weeks. Of course, I'll hear my dr's recommendations, but I'm just wondering what your experiences have been. The less time off is best, but I want to do this right! Thanks for your help!
  20. ambatch

    Time off from work???

    Hi Tracy...thanks for your feedback. I think we are all obese because the districts choose not to cover the costs of this surgery! lol
  21. Hi everyone! I just found out today that my insurance does not cover the band. How depressing! :cursing: I'm a teacher and you would think the district would want their staff fit/healthy so that they could pass that on the students! Oh, well....so now I begin the process of coming up with the money. I REALLY want this surgery. From all of the posts I've been reading, it seems like it would be worth it. Oh why, oh why, can't money grow on trees....it did when we were kids!! Hahahaha!! :thumbup:
  22. ambatch

    100lbs down in 5 months!

    That is fantastic! I'm in the process of figuring out how to afford the surgery (ins doesn't cover it). Do you have any regrets? Did you have any problems with the Band? What's been the hardest part? Is there anything you would do differently if you had to do it over? Sorry about all of the questions...but I'd greatly appreciate your advice. Keep up the great work....you're truly inspiring!

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