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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rockstar

  1. rockstar

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Well guys...I'm currently sitting in my hospital bed, watching movies with me husband. Surgery was at 745am and I remember opening my eyes in recovery at 945am. I think the operation took about an hour. The hospital doesn't have wifi so I on my phone typing to you guys. I'll post more when I get home tomorrow afternoon.
  2. rockstar

    Surgery is tommorow

    My surgery is tomorrow too! 730am. I am also a bit nervous but I'm sure I'll be a wreck as they wheel me away from my family and towards the OR. We can do this guys! Here's too 10/11/10 bandsters!! God bless.
  3. rockstar

    Clear liquid diet...SUCKS!!!

    I'm on day 7 of a clear liquid diet. You don't have to do it as long as me ... but day 3 and 4 were really not that bad. It helped to be working and away from the house where all the good food was. :]
  4. rockstar

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Congrats to all the October bandsters so far! I'm very pleased everyone made it to the other side all right. :] My day is tomorrow! Woo! I'm more excited about getting over this liquid diet than anything. Sure, sure... I'll be on the same diet next week but I won't care as much. Wish me luck guys! You guys have been an awesome inspiration!
  5. I'm not a doctor or a medical professional so all I can offer is my own advice. I'm currently starting day 6 of my clear liquid diet and was fatigued throughout the whole week. With the muscle cramps - are you drinking any broth? My mother always used to tell me when I was a kid that if I got charlie horses it was a sign of low sodium. (I'm not sure if this is true or not...) So if you're allowed broth and aren't drinking any, maybe you should to bump up your salt levels. And the weakness and fatigue is going to be there. You're detoxing and not consuming any nutrients. Hang in there. It sucks but it'll be all worth it. :biggrin:
  6. Hey there. I'm glad your surgery went well but I'm sorry you're in so much pain. :biggrin: I haven't had my surgery yet but everyone says to sip your Water and walk, walk, walk! I hope you get to feeling better soon and hope your friends and family wise up and support you for YOUR great decision.
  7. Welcome and good luck with your surgery! Please let us all know how you did when you're home and feeling up to it. :] I have you in my thoughts and prayers!
  8. I don't know about the Optifast shakes and such but I wanted to say welcome fellow October bandster! Keep us updated on your progress through your pre-op! And join us over in the pre-op section under the October bandsters (if you haven't all ready). Anyways, welcome and good luck!
  9. rockstar

    New to this in every way...

    Welcome to the boards! And I can definitely relate. The people on this forum "get" us potentially bandsters and post-op bandsters. I, too, have supportive family and friends but when I tell them I'm getting weight loss surgery, they automatically think of RNY no matter how much I explain to them that it's very different but a similar concept... bless their hearts. So all I can tell you is post often and read often. I thank God I found this forum with all the info and awesome people within the pages. I never feel stupid about asking questions, no matter how many times I'm sure they've been asked. So welcome aboard! Hope to see your posts around! :biggrin:
  10. rockstar

    Starting Pre-Op Early?

    Depends on what your pre-op diet is, I guess. I'm currently on 7 days of clear, sugar free liquids (broth, Jello, popsicles) and it sucks, lemme tell ya. :] But if you're one of the lucky people who get to drink Protein drinks or eat real food, I'd say go for it. I don't know why anyone would ever want to do it longer than necessary, but it couldn't hurt. :thumbup:
  11. rockstar

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Good luck to everyone getting banded this week! I have you all in my thoughts and prayers as you recover. My date is quickly approaching and I am currently going through the lovely clear liquid diet until Monday. The nerves are starting to set in! :] Good luck October bandsters! :thumbdown:
  12. Hey WV Girl. We're the same age. :thumbdown: My advice is if you're really wanting this surgery is to get the ball rolling as soon as possible. Talk to your PCP and research a surgeon in your area. Start making some phone calls for consults and meetings. You'll probably be required to do some testing before everything is all said and done so the sooner you start the better! And my main advice is just do an ungodly amount of research. Read the forums ... they are extremely helpful and there are a ton of awesome people around to help. I wish you the best of luck and feel free to drop me a line if you have anymore questions I can attempt to answer. :]
  13. rockstar

    October 29th

    Might be a silly answer... but just do it. Push through it and finish it strong. It would be a huge bummer if you went in for surgery and woke up without a band because your liver wasn't small enough, wouldn't it? I know my journey to this point has been a pain in the butt and do not wanna do it all again. And we're all here for you to support you through the tough times!
  14. Come join all the wonderful folks in the October bandsters thread in the pre-op section! (if you haven't all ready.)
  15. rockstar


    You would think they would submit your paperwork when it was complete as a courtesy to you as a patient. You CHOSE to come to them, not the other way around. I agree with Sabbah... call around to other surgeons and see if someone else can treat you a little better.
  16. Congrats!! I'm getting banded on the same day! I go in for my pre-op testing and such on October 5th so we're right there together. :] Come on over to the October bansters thread in the pre-op section, if you haven't all ready!
  17. rockstar

    Date scheduled 10/1

    Congrats all of you! You guys need to head over to the October 2010 bandsters thread in the Pre-Op section! We have an exclusive club. ;]
  18. rockstar

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Roxy and DixieRose... we are bandster triplets!! Go us!
  19. rockstar

    Recovery period

    I wish I could take two weeks off. They were a little "meh" about me taking a whole week off because I'm so new. They told me I could have the week off but if I felt better before the week was up, I was more than welcome to come in and work. Well I'm sure!! :thumbup: I wish everyone the best of luck!
  20. rockstar

    New to you

    Congrats and good luck! When is your surgery scheduled for?
  21. That all depends on what your surgeon recommends. Is it a clear liquid diet? High Protein? Can you have solid foods? Is it all protein liquids? Typically if you're not on a clear, sugar free diet ... you want the most bang for your buck. High protein, low cal/low carb/low sugar. I'm sure more seasoned bandsters can help you out some more! Good luck!
  22. I'm not banded but I can try and give you some advice! Your first 2 weeks is usually when you see the weight drop quickly, especially if you had to do a liquid pre-op diet. Once you start moving on to more solid foods, a weight gain is not uncommon and shouldn't get you discouraged! A ton of people experience up to 10lbs of weight gain as their bodies shift from liquids to mushies or semi-solids. And walking will help you with the gas pain. And Gas X strips are recommended by lots. I hope this helps some! And welcome!! :thumbup:
  23. rockstar

    Hi hi hi

    Hello and welcome! :thumbup:
  24. rockstar

    First step

    Information and friendly people is what this forum is over flowing with. :] Jump right in and enjoy the ride. Keep us all posted on your journey!:thumbup:
  25. rockstar

    I finally got approval!!!!!

    Yep! I'll start my one week all clear liquid diet (broth, SF Jello, SF popsicles) ... basically nothing tasty. :] :wub: How about you?

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