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Posts posted by BlaqBeary

  1. down 6 now. i lost 2lbs this past week. after class tonight i am very optimistic about San Diego. we went over the criteria and i will be their patient. kaiser needs to do something for their patients. i think if they get another bariatric surgery center going north, alot more people can have the surgery quicker.

  2. good for u. surgery coming soon for ya.

    @Kristykreem: I had my appointment with Dr. Alskalf this morning. My weight has gone done and I've even lost 3.5 inches on my waist. Amazing!! Best news of all: I received my referral to the surgeon!! Whoo hooo!!!! I can call tomorrow to schedule my initial consult with him. I'm feeling really great right now! :)

  3. Who will be attending the seminar this coming Thursday with Pacific Bariatric in Anaheim? I called to verify that my name was rcvd through their website. She said there will be a list and also each person will sign-in. They use the scheduling for a head count to be sure they have a enough materials for everyone. She also mentioned that the materials will give us all the information needed and to fax or mail in everything requested.

  4. I am attending the seminar next Thursday also. So exciting. My Options class ends Sept. 20 in Bellflower. Like many others, I decided on SD because I do not want to wait any longer than I have too.

    Hey ladies- Well, I was very proactive today. Had my procedures(Upper and Lower GI) and everything looks good. So I called Wenda and changed everything. I am now having my surgery at Pacific Bariatric in SD. Next Thursday going to the mandatory seminar in Anaheim, and getting this ball rolling. I want nothing to do with Kaiser WLA. Thanks all for all the info on Pacific Bariatric. Looks like I will need to do 3 trips total. Its all good to get sleeved sooner than later.

  5. misseye: when did you have surgery? What a wonderful weight loss u have.

    LOL as jealous as I am, most people arent quite as lucky as Tiffy. Most people have one when they are done (esp if you carry alot of weight in the lower part of the apron I think). BUT, it is soooooo much better as you lose weigh. For me there were awkward periods where it bothered me more then other times. But overall, it is much better. Sexy? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. But managable. Everyone tells me they cant see it when I am dressed in regular clothes now (I dont really hide it in work out clothes)

  6. yes, me too.

    Its ok with a fold-out bed. As long as I have my husband with me, that's comfortable with me. i'm so glad he's with me 100% on this.

    I know this hospital very well. My father had heart surgery there last November. He lives in Chula Vista and where I married my husband Jan., 09.

    We are always there - sometimes don't tell my dad we are there, unless we accidently run into one of my uncles or cousins (LOL). Nonetheless, the facility is nice.

    I seem to isolate myself too. my husband is very outgoing and his personality is awesome. So, being by his side helps me a lot and he says i have gotten 80% better from being so introverted.

    hi blaqbeary -- just to be clear: the guest bed and amenities at pacific bariatric consist of a fold-out guest bed in the patient's private room, and amenities are fresh towels and bedding. the hospital is scripps mercy, which is a fabulous facility.

    i, too, am happy to find other LA-area kaiser people! in the past, i've tended to isolate myself in terms of dealing with my weight and food issues, which i know now was a mistake. this time around, i realize a community of people who are dealing with similar issues will be part of the key to my success, so i'm thrilled that i found this forum.

  7. I, too, am enjoying every part of my class. But to be honest I'm glad its for 12 weeks. The classes are very informative and I live in my folder. I count everything I put in my mouth.

    There are a few co-workers that had the gastric bypass with Kaiser-their choice. I refuse that surgery years ago. however, now I believe this is the best one (sleeve) yet.

    Have you heard of the gastric plicative? I think it where the other half of the stomach is folded instead of stapled off.

    Good info on PB private room and guest and the amenities. All my husband needs now is a bar and a place with good food. He doesn't have a weight problem. Very solid and stocky at 5'11 and 220lbs. He exercises and lift weights 5 days a week. Well actually 7 because he walks with me on the weekends.

    I am glad that I found people on here from the L.A. area and with Kaiser I can relate to.

    Keep us posted on what's going on with you and I'll so the same.

    Have a great Sunday.

    thanks, PamelaAM! you're a genius!

    kristie, i really did enjoy the options classes but, boy, am i glad they're over. that said, i've been watching a lot of youtube videos posted by people who've been sleeved and i'm astonished to see how many of these people are sent home after surgery with next to no knowledge about what to ingest and how to take care of themselves. it's scary. so, i appreciate kaiser understanding that this info is crucial to our success.

    there were about 30 people in my options class and i'd say 30 - 40 people per class seemed average (i had to make up a class with another class, which was just as large as my class). so, it's no wonder that kaiser is backed up in terms of surgery. they're constantly graduating literally hundreds of people every couple of months kaiser-wide. i'm happy to hear they're adding surgeons.

    one very pleasant surprise about pacific bariatric: everyone gets a private room with a full bath as well as free guest beds and amenities, so anyone who's staying with you doesn't have to pay for a hotel if they don't want to.

  8. Hello Fellow Kaiser members

    I am with Kaiser Bellflower and began the Options program June 21. I'm doing well as expected, accept for the edema that continues to haunt me.

    My classes are great. I've been reading the post and everything Kristy has mentioned is correct. I am also contemplating having surgery at Pacific Bariatric. However, it is easier to have the surgery with Kaiser because of all the extras with PB. But, Kristy, I am with you on not wanting to wait. Some may think what is the rush. Unless you're overweight, you will never understand.

    I walk everyday. Complete food logs and be sure to calculate my minutes in walking.

    It was mentioned in my class, that Pacific Bariatric is also turning patients away if you have gained any weight prior to surgery. Also, Kaiser Sunset is no longer a participant in this surgery. West L.A., Bellflower, HC are the only three facilities doing the procedure and the outside vendor. It was also mentioned that each facility has only 1 or 2 surgeons and the hiring of at least 2 per facilities is in process. So with this hopefully surgeries can be completed faster and after the 12 week course, it will not seem so long.

    By the way, my name is Kristie too.

  9. Hello all

    I am really concerned with my lower extremity edema-right leg/ankle is worse than left.

    I began Kaiser classes in June 21. The first week I lost 2lbs. Two weeks later I was back 315;the original weight. July 12 weigh-in was a 10lb lost. A week later was a 12lb gain, which puts me at 317. I weigh in again on Monday, so hopefully that digital scale won't fail me.

    Let me say with doing a food log every day and turning in all logs and weigh-ins, how many minutes I walk a day is wonderful, because it helps. the instructor looked over my food log and mentioned that everything looks good. just go to zero calorie sodas if I have to have one. and my weakness for Pita chips from FreshNEasy.

    But this darn edema is killing me on weigh-in dates. My doc prescribed Lasix and K-tabs and to drink tonic Water before bed to help with leg cramps.

    I walk everyday with my co-workers and with hubby on weekends. i feel totally lighter the way I walk and the feel of my clothes. These ankles had me literally crying in class last week. now I have to count on diuretics to help keep Water weight off.

    Are there any members here who have or had this problem?

  10. Thank you.

    Welllllllll!!!!!! Last Friday I had the appt. to meet w/ one of the coordinators. I gained 4 freaking pounds. I was distraught I couldn't stay focused. But all in all I made it through. We went about the meeting smoothly and I was told how to come in and weight, be sure i have my food chart and signing in. I will begin the 12 week classes on July 20. Yippppeeeeee!!!!! I am very excited. I will lose my 4lbs before class though; only because I have been that weight since Nov. 2007 when I finished the Optifast class. No Biggeeee. I am choosing to go with Pacific Bariatric in San Diego because I do not want to wait six months for Kaiser to have surgery.

    Okay, just know I am happy and I tell everyone about this site. You all out there are an awesome people. I have learned so much here. I mentioned it to the coordinator and she never heard of the site. Go figure, lolololol. But it was written down on my questionnaire, so I know she's been here. lololol

    Good for you. I went through Kaiser. Don't bother losing anything now, because they only start counting the weight on your first weigh in. And every weigh in after that you must show you have lost weight. So, For the first day, wear your heavy clothes to give yourself some breathing room to lose that 10%. They are very strict about it. Best of luck.

  11. in the orientation class earlier this week, the instructor states Kaiser no longer does the Band and at times will not do the RNY, unless the surgeon sees its best for the patient. She stated Kaiser overall did 7 lapbands last year and reversed them all. its seems all their doing is the Sleeve.

    Pouches stretch. With the band you get a pouch, so even if you have restriction, you can stretch your pouch, and eat more food.

    With the sleeve, the portion of the stomach that remains (if your surgeon dissects the fundus completely), is mainly muscle so stretching is very minimal with the sleeve. There is not any of the stretchy, flabby part of the stomach left behind like with the old stomach stapling, and even gastric bypass. Your stomach will function just like it does now only with a smaller capacity.

    I can honestly tell you that I would not recommend a band to my worse enemy because of the stats that are rolling out for regain, reoperations, revisions, and overall complications from the last 4 years on the band. Well, and the other fact that the band screwed me royally, and destroyed my stomach tissue. So, I'm pretty biased towards the sleeve since I've lived with both.

  12. Came and went. I had orientation with So Cal Kaiser today. So much info and well worth it. I have all the paperwork to fill out and fax tomorrow morning to the center. Hopefully I can get into the June 12 week class, for there are some slots still open.

    So, it is 12 weeks of classes, 10% weight loss, do all labs and complete other things as well. I am ready. I already began my walking, watching what I eat and so on.

    I hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend.

    If anyone has any questions about KAISER please don't hesitate to ask. I went to the Bellflower facility. Private message me.

    Good night

  13. 2 Case reports of birth defect associated with deficiency in bariatric surgery patients

    The January 2010 issue of SOARD reports on 2 cases of birth defect that appear to have resulted from severe maternal Vitamin deficiency after malabsorptive bariatric surgery. The first case was of a baby born at 33 weeks to a 27 year old mother 16 months post-op from a biliopancreatic diversion (BPD). The mother was deficient in Vitamin A, D, K, Protein, selenium and zinc. The infant was delivered prematurely with multiple defects including bone malformation, cleft palate, facial hypoplasia, and respiratory insufficiency. The baby died at 3 months of age. The second case was of a full-term infant born to a 26 year old mother 11 months post-op from a roux-en-y gastric bypass. The infant was born with multiple defects of bone and cartilage as well as hearing loss which were attributed primarily to maternal vitamin K deficiency. While most of the recent reports of pregnancy after weight loss surgery have been positive in terms of both fetal and maternal health, these cases should remind us that nutritional deficiency in pregnancy can lead to grave results. Both of these patients had been counseled about waiting 18 months to 2 years before becoming pregnant, one even having signed a consent form prior to bariatric surgery. Because of the significant impact that massive weight loss can have on fertility, it is likely that more young, obese women will opt for bariatric surgery to not only improve their overall health, but also to assist with pregnancy. Clinicians and patients alike need to be made aware of the problems that can arise when women who are not adequately nourished become pregnant.

    Reference: Kang L , Marty D, Pauli RM, Mendelsohn NJ, Prachand V, Waggoner D. Chondrodysplasia punctata associated with malabsorption from bariatric procedures. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2010 Jan-Feb;6(1):99-101. Epub 2009 May 23.

    Abstract: Click Here

  14. Prayers are going up with you. Be safe and wish you well. Krys

    Well, just a little update, was supposed to leave BWI at 5:10 and the left engine would not turn over so about 1.5 hours later, they got it fixed and we are on our way, love having wifi on the plane! Mom is at the hotel near DFW, we will leave tomorrow morning for San Diego and then on to Mexicali!

    I took my daughter's pillow, has cute little hearts all over it (already had a few looks from other passengers...). This is my oldest and she has the worst time with me leaving so I gave her my pillow and took hers, I hope this helps her get through the next 5 days.

    I will update as I can and also give Mom a tutorial on VSGtalk so she can update if I am unable to after surgery.

    Take care! If anyone is on Chat right now, you got my undivided attention for the next 3 hours! Long flight!

  15. My orientation--long waited--is this coming Monday. I'd like to know what the most important questions to ask, which will be beneficial for others in orientation as well? I have searched the internet for so many weeks, I am stuck, lol.

    I will also share this website for those that may not know about it. This site is awesome.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
