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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Raychie-Rach

  1. Hi I noticed you commented on my blog.

    So I was just stopping by to say Hi and ask how your weight journey is going?

  2. How are you feeling ??

    Has your gas pain went away?

    I think we were banded around the same time.

    Hope your feeling better today. Good Luck

  3. Hi Donna, I just got banded on 9/30.

    Im new on here and would like a support buddy.

    Im not sure how to add people so if you could add me I would really apprecieate it.

  4. Hi, Im looking for support buddies.

    Im not sure how to use this websyte yet so if you could add me I'd appreciate it.

    Oh and I was just banded on 9/30/10 also!!!

    I am feeling very well how are you feeling??

  5. Hi, well it has been 2 days and I am feeling great!!

    I was so nervous the day of my surgery even doubting what I had done but I know it is a normal process.

    My pain has been minimal I am able to move around very well.

    I have to remember to take it easy. Otherwise I am SO EXCITED IN THE BEGINNING OF MY NEW LIFE.

    I wish you the best of luck and keep in contact with me we can be support buddies!!!

  6. Thanks for your well wish. I am feeling great and I am very excited in my new life.

    Im not to sure how to get around this websyte yet but Im picking it up. If you can add me it would be nice I need support buddies. Thank you so much!!

  7. I'm glad to hear your feeling good.

    I did see my doctor and I will get my first fill on the 23rd.

    I wish it was sooner because Im so hungry.

    He said it was okay for me to eat soft food but chew it really well before I swallow. I do get full fast but hungry just as fast. So now I dont know its a lot of will power to not keep eating. The protein for me is awful I never really liked protein drinks so Im really trying to drink it.

    Dr said I need the protein to burn fat keep the muscle.

    Im moving around good now been walking my 2year old around the park. Im still tender around my port too but not bad. I did lose 15lbs but thats from the first weight they had before all the liquid diets.... But I will take it. LOL So excited to know we are both doing well. Lets keep it up!!! Keep me posted!! =)

  8. Hi Latin-Starr... I am feeling GREAT TOO!!

    I was banded on 9/30/10 as of today My pain is gone and Im moving around good. Seen the doctor on 10/6 lost 15lbs!!!

    But my band is not tight yet and the hunger begins.... LOL

    I get full fast but hungry just as fast. The doctor said to eat soft mushy food but chew really well before I swallow. That burpy air bubble feeling is gone so I think the food & liquid just goes thru.

    Its about will power now. My first adjustment will be on the 23.

    I know what your saying about the mental part its like my nose can smell food from across the street and I want to eat it but know I cant/shouldnt. BUT WE CAN DO IT!!! We begun this Journey to FINISH IT HEALTHY AND THIN!! I am really excited to had made this choice to have te lapband.

    So have you seen your doctor and had your fill yet??

    Keep me posted!!! Good Luck!!

  9. Here to wish you luck and suport. I added you as a friend. GOOD LUCK!!!

  10. Hi I have been feeling very well too.

    Like you said a little soar but overall well.

    I was feeling a little bit yucky yesterday its the anitbiotics they are very strong and I cant seem to drik ebough water to flush it out.

    Ive always been a great water drinker and now I want to chug it down and cant. So Im still trying to figure out how to eat & drink my protine & water.... Im always full.

    Any way Yesterday I drank like 4 sips of juice and took a nice shower, pain meds & a nap. It helped. I woke up feeling much better.

    Its funny to me smelling food makes me hungry. LOL

    Its like my nose is so open to the smell of food right now. I have been sticking to the post op diet except... The meds maks me knind of nausiated so I been adding 1 cracker to my soup it seems to help.

    Glad to hear your feeling well too. When do you see the doctor again? I go Wed 10/6

  11. Today I feel good again, its an on & off feeling.

    Guessing its because my body is still getting use to the band and the cuts are healing.

    I know what you mean about the air bubble I feel it all the time too. Im embarrassed but it feels great to burp.

    Im feeling a little lighter too. How about you??

    Its funny even my feet felt thinner in my shoes.

    I cant wait to see the doctor tomorrow.

    Altho, Im not sure I want my first adjustment... its too soon my body is not use to the band yet. Im going to talk to my doctor and maybe see him by the end of the month for my first adjustment... See what he says???

    Im ready to lose weight but, I'd rather take it slow its more healthy that way. OK talk to you soon!!!

  12. Hi, I was just banded on 9/30.

    Over all I am feeling great. Just wondering how you are doing? Wishing you much sucess on your weight loss journey!!

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