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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susaninnkc

  1. susaninnkc

    I need some advice

    I could never image one of my friends doing what she is doing to you. I would get her out of the house and seperate yourself from her for a little while. Have you told her how you feel what she is doing to do also? She may not even know what she is doing, but if she does realize how she is treating you. It might be time to re-evulate your friendship on how good of friend she is. You don't need to be around people that are negative right now. You are going to be going through something that is going to change the rest of your life.
  2. susaninnkc

    I need to vent!

    My insurance required that you had to be on a diet supervised by a doctor for a year. I didn't believe them, so I had them email every requirement to me and I gave it to my doctor. But fortunatly I got around that since I have very large hernia. But I was watching "Big Medcine" on TLC last night and this women got turned down by her insurance because she wasn't losing the weight before. And that is one thing the insurance compies are looking for is to see if you are comediate enough to lose the weight. My doctor explained it to me the lapband will only help a little bit but 70% is on how you do. good luck with everything. and keep us updated.
  3. susaninnkc

    Help! Emotional Mess!

    I went through the same thing after I had scheduled my surgery. I almost canceled because of it. I tried to tell my husband how I felt. I still don't know if he understands. But I feel that I hide behind my weight so people won't get to know me. Which is crazy because I have tons of friends that are very supportive of me. Maybe you should go talk to a counsler to sort out your feeling on this. Also be very grateful for the gift your parents are giving you. They have given you the gift of life once when they had you. Now they are giving you another gift of life for you to live healthy and happy.
  4. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    I have been kinda of hesistate of posting my banding experience. But I don't regret having lap band done. I am going to make a long story short. My liver was clipped during surgery lost a lot of blood and they lost my blood pressure for about 90 seconds. Besides that the dr. said that my band was placed beatuiful on my stomach. I am very thankful for my surgereon. He placed me in ICU for the night and came and saw me all of the time. Plused checked on my at home the next couple of days. I stayed home one more week. since I am very tired and weak still from the amount of blood I lost. But I have been concentracting on getting better and while dueing that lost another 8 pounds. I go to my doctors today. I am still have my shoulder pain but not as sharp. And my throat feels like a knife is shoved down it. And a little soar in places. But he told me to take it real easy for the 2-3 weeks. But as I said in the begining I would do it again if I had to.
  5. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    I am less than 12 hours away from my surgery. And I really don't know how I feel right now. Just ready for it to be over with. I won't be home until sometime on Tuesday afternoon. My husband took the week off from work to take care of me. But I will let everyone know how I am doing.
  6. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    I can't wait until monday is over with. I am down to counting how shakes I have left as of right now 19. I am ready for something different. I asked my dr about the pill crushing and he told me that it is not required but if I don't do well with not crushing them. Then crush away.
  7. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    I just got my confirmation from the hospital. Now I am really nervous. But you know I am looking forward to Chicken and beef Broth next week. I can't believe it is almost here. :clap2:
  8. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    my banding date is one week from today!! And I can't wait!! i have lost 14pounds so far on my pre op diet and I want more of the feeling better and energry. I have a really good support group of family and co-workers and friends. I coulndn't ask for anything better.
  9. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    thanks for the incouragement. I think I would of been a lot better the first week, but on the 2nd day my kid sister-in-law that we are raising, we found out that she is flunking out of 6th grade. I could of ate a whole pizza. The girls at work told me chew on ice which I did. I think the hardest thing for me is going to be to change my habits at night. I told my family the next 2weeks they are feeding themselves and we haven't been eating together. But if they do eat in front of me they ask. We did go to the store and by my broth, applesauce and some sf pudding. So I am prepared. I think I am just ready for the surgery to over with!!!!!!!!!!!!:faint:
  10. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    I haven't been on for awhile, I started my pre-op liquid diet this past Monday. I have been doing okay on it. I have 13pounds so far, but I feel guitly because I was told if in an "emergency" I can replace a lean quisene dinner for 2 of my shakes in the evening. I have done this two so for this week. I also ate like 6 grapes last night. The hardest thing for me is that when my husband leaves at night for work that is when I eat. I keep telling myself I got to do better. Then I tell myself well I could of done a lot work and ate more. I am just confused. I get banded on the 21st and I can't wait. But then I am scared to death on how much my life is going to change.. Does anyone else feel like this?? And I am really doing that bad but kind of sort of cheating on my liquid diet??
  11. susaninnkc

    Anyone looking for.............

    I really like the idea of having a Northland support group. We could even go bowling on a saturday or sunday. What I learned from my psy evaluation is that she told me the key thing is to have a really good support group.
  12. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    I have started a somewhat preliquid diet. My hubbie makes me a Protein smoothie in the morning for my Breakfast. I have one mid-morning. a small lunch and dinner. then another protein smoothie at night time. I am getting well over 81gram of protein a day. I was off of it this week and felt really bad. But this really meant a lot to me because I have really never thought that my hubbie and been 100% supportive. And this morning he came in from work at 6:10am and told me that I am going to have to stop by Mcdonalds and get my own breakfast he was too tired to make my smoothie for me. I just said okay. But when I got out of my shower there was a smoothie waiting for me. and he came in and told me that it wasn't fair to me that he was too tired to make my smoothie for me. but I was going to have to make my own lunch. this meant more to me more than anything. I am also really nervous and excited about my surgery. I am really scared for one thin--I know I hide behind my weight and what am I going to do after I loose my weight????
  13. susaninnkc

    May 2007 Banders

    I made a posting for May I guess I was too early. but I am having my done on the 21st.
  14. susaninnkc

    band date 5-21-2007

    I have my date set for May 21st. And I am getting more and more excited every day. I am glad to see more people from the KC metro area on here. I will be banded by Dr. Opie and then after I lose most of my weight he is going to fix my very large hernia. But one thing I am ready for is to feel better. I know it won't happen overnight. I can't wait until the day I am ready to get out of bed with no pain. And I have plan to get rid of my "BIG" clothes as soon as they are hanging off of me.
  15. susaninnkc

    May banding 2007

    I hope April and May go by fast. I turn 40 on the 11th of April, so this is a pretty good birthday present. I told my husband tonight "just think you are going to married to a new women" My whole family is very excited. I am just ready to feel better.
  16. susaninnkc

    March 2007 Bandsters

    you are not suppose to wear nail polish so they can see the color of your nail beds just in case they turn blue. or something like that. whenever I have surgery before with nail polish. they just removed the color on one nail.
  17. susaninnkc

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I haven't posted in awhile, but I might (if everything falls in the right place) have my surgery on the 19th of March. If the nurse can't get my letters from the nutrition, dr, and psy asap then I will have to wait until the last week of April. And this is not because of the dr. scheduling it is because of my work. We are getting a new accounting software the last week of March, so of course I have to be there and I can't take anytime off from March 26th until April 20th. So everyone keep good thoughts for me. If eveything goes right I start my pre op diet on Monday. :omg:
  18. susaninnkc

    March 2007 Bandsters

    my lapband dr. called me today around 2:30pm and told me that he had spoken to my insurance and because of medical necisitty I should have no problem getting approved. So now I just have do my diet class and pys evaluation and then he puts everything through to the insurance. so he said I should have it by March. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: can you tell I am excited
  19. susaninnkc

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I haven't heard anything from my band dr., but he did say it would probably 2 weeks before I hear anything from. And it has only been a week--even though it seems longer. But I have started to see my regular dr. just in case I have to do my pre-op supervised by a dr. for a year. My husband and thought it was better to be safe then sorry.
  20. susaninnkc

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I am hoping for March . I was aiming for February, but when I met with my Dr. on the 23rd he said if we can't get around the 1yr supervised diet i am going to have to wait a year. Today I go to my primary dr. to start my 1yr diet just in case. The reason I might have to wait it because I have fairly large hernia (basketball size) that needs to be fixed, but the dr. would like to repair it after I have some weight off. So he is call the medical director of my insurance and explaining my situation and see if I can get it done sooner.
  21. susaninnkc

    Very Bummed

    mine is also from surgeries and it is the worst he has seen and this will be my 3rd repair. Mine is about the size of a basketball. Very painful at times. This does give me some hope. i will know in 2 weeks.
  22. susaninnkc

    Very Bummed

    I just had my 1st dr. appt today. It went very well, but then we started to talk about my insurance. My dr. was shocked that they are requiring a year supervised weight lost program before I can have my surgery. but I have a very large hernia that has to be taken care of. He is going to call the Medical Director of the insurance and explain my health and hernia. Hopefully the insurance will let me get my lap band first lose my weight then get my hernia fixed or I am going to have to get my hernia fixed twice. I should know something in about 2weeks. so everyone cross their fingers for that the insurance will approve me without the year wls program.
  23. susaninnkc

    BSBC Of MN

    i just got off the phone with a rep of my insurance. Plus I had him fax me everything he had on the precert. I have found out that I have to be on a medical supervised diet for a year or more preceding the surgery. :faint: My BMI is well over 40, diabetic, lower back pain, joint pains. I wondering if anyone has any experience with this insurance and how strick they are about being on diet for a year. I don't want to wait a year to get this done.
  24. susaninnkc

    first appointment

    I scheduled my seminar for the 9th of January and I called back today to see if I can schedule my appointment or what I need to do. They schedule it for the 18th. My insurance says it only take 10-30days at the longest to get approve. so I am thinking end of February 1st of March. I am soo excited but yet so scared. also I found out that my diabetes is way out of wack and the dr. is putting me on insulin at night-time Ugh!!! What should I expect my 1st appointment???
  25. I have been looking at this website for about a month and decide to join. I don't have my Surgery scheduled yet, but I go to the seminar on January 9th. I didn't think I was going to be able to have the surgery because DH insurance wouldn't cover it what so ever. But I started a new job and my new insurance will cover it as long as I meet certain requirement. I found out what they were and the insurance company says it generally take 10-30days to get approved. I am excited but yet very nervous.

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