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Posts posted by KirstenHope

  1. Hi Kirsten,

    I'm doing good! Getting out and about more and more even though I still have staples in my arms and a drain in my hips. Yesterday I had a career networking event and a board meeting where I had to dress nicely. It was a challenge putting together an outfit that fit my differently-shaped body, looked professional, and hid my arms and drain. I ended up sticking the drain in my bra LOL. I wore heavy duty Spanx but not my binder while I was out. It went fine but I was pretty tired when I got home. Still not too bad for 9-days after major surgery like that.

    Ironically, my sorest part of my body right now is my lower arms. Yes, that's not a typo. My lower arms, not my upper arms where the arm lift was. My doctor has me wrapping my upper arms with an Ace bandage, and I think it is causing some kind of Fluid backup in my lower arms. Sometimes I look like I have Popeye arms! I've started wrapping my upper arms less tightly and that helps, but even unwrapped my lower arms are tender to the touch.

    I have my next doc appointment on Tuesday. I'm hoping to get the staples out then, as well as the tape on my breast incisions. I'm not sure if he will take out my remaining drain or not, though. Maybe not since I only have one.

    As far as pain meds, I'm only taking Advil at night to help me sleep. I'm sleeping in bed now, as I really hate sleeping in the recliner. But I can only sleep on my back, which I don't like. I can't wait until I can sleep on my side again! I tried rolling gently onto my side and it was like, ouch, nope! Not gonna try that again for a while at least.

    That is great. I go Tuesday too for a check up. No drains or steri strips left so I am hoping he will tell me that I can stop wearing the compression sleeves all the time! I also have pain in my lower arms! The sleeves come down a few inches past my elbows like a 3/4 length sleeves. If I roll them up to my elbows it helps the pain in my lower arm go away. The sleeves are also making the incision area in my arm pits angry. My right arm feels almost normal, expect from the numbness on the underside. My left arm does not sit next to my body yet, still a little robotic. Today my boobs are ultra sensitive. Not painful just tingly I guess. I am not sure if it is the nerves reconnecting or what but it is making me aware of them all the time. Something else to add to my list of questions for the Dr. I having swelling from the Lipo on the side of boobs, I think. It feels squishy not hard like my boob where. So I am a little paranoid that it is not swollen and I still have side boobs. I know he did lipo there so I think I am being really impatient. Thanks for the update!!

  2. How you felling Kathy?I am doing good. I am having a reaction to the steri strips so I am on a steroids now but other then that I feel good. I am totally over wearing the compression sleeves. My PS says to wear them for 3 weeks. So I have another 5 days. I actually do like the way they feel but it is HOT in Florida and I am wearing longer sleeve shirts to hid them. Look forward to your reply!!

  3. I tell everyone (sometimes even the waiter so they stop asking if everything is alright!) My mother-in-law knows I had the surgery and still will say Is that all you are eating!! My husband is great about "covering" for too. He will take some off my plate or share servings. I do understand what you are saying but since I have told everyone in my life I answer a little differently. I also often when in public eating I will eat things I know I can get down, like Soup or a small salad. or I order apps. The only time I really stress is going to someone's house for dinner. The portions are harder to control but that's when my hubby will come and steal off my plate. Good luck!! I personally would tell anyone that I was close to in my life. The people closest to me are my support!!

  4. I hope to walk in your path. My PCP is now working with me to get some good documentation to see if my ins will help out at all. Anything will help!

    Glad you are doing so well! Thanks for sharing.

    That is great!! I thought about it but really did not have issues that I could justify. Then I found out about the Care Credit and that helped me make it happen!!

  5. I felt like I was hit by a truck the first 5 mins I was awake but it got better fast. I agree with taking the pain meds on time. That helps. If I was ready for the other surgeries I would have had as many as the Doc would have done!! Over all not a bad experience. I will feel better when I am wearing a cute bra with my new perky boobs but I am feeling pretty good right now. The drains for me did suck but it was a mental thing. I will be better prepared for them next time. I did also need help the first few days with everything but I am OK on my own now, I am also totally off of any pain meds, even over the counter stuff. I am so grateful for everyone on here too. Having people (especially Kathy!!) was great. Janiece I can not wait to see your pictures!!!

  6. I finger crossed on the shower!! My drains where the length of the cut and part that was in side was square, it had little holes and the nurse had to PULL to get them out. The right side drain was not bad but the left made me see stars coming out. The boob drains where smaller tubes and came right out. Can ot wait to see new pics!!

  7. Wow, those are looking great! Seems like you're healing just fine. I also have one nipple higher than the other. I'm hoping they will settle out more evenly, but if not, I will have them revised when I go in for my second operation.

    I will give it a little while and I would also have it fixed in my next surgery. How are you geeling?? How are those drains doing???

  8. Thanks for giving us the updates. Sounds and looks like you are doing great!

    I have gone to a couple consults for the same surgery and it is a little cheaper here so I guess it also depends on where you live. It is about $10,200 in N. FL. I am looking to do the same procedure. My legs are in worse shape, but I feel like I can cover them with longer shorts easier than sleeves!

    I am in Central Florida. My legs are bad too but I am still 15 pounds from my goal weight and my boobs and arm bothered me more. I wear capris all the time and you can not tell I have saggy folded skin. In a bathing suit I can not hide it but oh well. I wear tank tops all the time and I hated my Bat wings I feel like they made me look soooo much bigger then I was. And I could not image have skinny arms and flappy boobs ;) I will have a Tummy Tuck too but I have to let the funds build back up again!

  9. Hey! I hope you're still feeling well. Random question: What did you wear for the last week? I saw you had a strapless dress in your pic. Is that pretty much it?

    I did buy a few strapless maxi dresses at Walmart - the tops are scrunchy and kind of hug my breat which feels good. When I have left the house I put normal clothes on. I am able to put on a shirt over my head. To me, it does not feel good to have anything around my arms other then the compression sleeves. Where the cutting was done is still numb and shirts make the area feel strange and uncomfortable (does not hurt just weird) I wore one of the dresses into the surgery center and the nurses all said how much easier it was to dress me after. I had a wrap I used to throw over my shoulder for the car ride home to cover the bra strap, and also what ended up to be drains clipped all over me. Button down shirts would be helpful but it was easier to go to the bathroom by myself with a dress. Today I have on shorts and a tank top, nothing I would go out in public with be comfy for me at home.

  10. Kirsten, how long before you could take a shower?

    I had surgery Friday. On Sunday I took off the compression sleeves and the dressings they had put on my arms. I also took off the surgical bra and was able to remove the dressings on my boobs. Then I was able to shower. I clipped the drains to a long necklace. The first shower did not feel real great. I could not wait to get back into the sleeves and bra. My arms felt really weird and my boobs where sore, Then add a bunch of drains hanging around my neck and it made for a bizarre moment. I also kinda freak out when I first saw my boobs looking perky and my arm thin. BUT so I guess a very long answer to your question 2 days :D

  11. I just have Ace bandages around my arms, breasts, and thighs. I have a corset-like compression garment around my abdomen. It keeps sliding up above my horizontal Tummy Tuck incision though. I'm pulling it down every time I get up to go to the bathroom.

    They gave me special compression sleeves to wear 23 hours a day for 3 weeks. I don't mind wearing them at all - the sleeve make me feel like they are holding my arms together. I am wearing sports type bras right now. I am also wearing sleeveless maxi dress with like a scrunchy top that offers a little more tightness. My steri strips came off of both breast between yesterday and today. Everything looks really good so for. I am tired but feeling good.

  12. It's done! Surgery went well yesterday and I came home yesterday evening. I have four drains in me. I'm sore and uncomfortable but the pain isn't too bad. I am taking Vicodin every four hours.

    I haven't got a good look at my new body yet as I am still bandaged up pretty good, but I feel very different underneath the bandages and pajamas. I'll post pictures as soon as I'm able to take some.

    YAY!! So happy for you! I am 1 week out and I feel great. I did not have the TT, I hear that is a bigggie. I had the drains and about 1 hour after they took they out I felt like a wonderful new person! I was shocked the first time I saw my self in the mirror, even felt a little dizzy. I can not wait to see your pictures! The "girls" have been getting better looking every day!! :D

  13. How do you feel?

    I feel great. I had surgery last Friday. I am off pain meds completely. I work from home so I have been back at work. I still get tired kind of fast. My are are numb where the cutting was done. Same thing around my breast. I switch to a support bra and it feels great. Over all I could not ask to be in a better place for one week out! :D

  14. So, I went home with a special surgical bra. Closing in the front with Velcro straps. Super comfy. I was told I could switch to a support non underwire bra after one week. I have a Sports bra but I would like to have a better look and support. Any recommendations? What did you wear. What did you sleep in? :rolleyes: I still have swelling on my boobs and under my arms (from the lipo) still so I am not sure what my real size is yet. Thanks!!

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