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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Butterfly2010

  1. bandednellie- Ohhh so glad to hear about your post op stuff. Im so glad you are doing well. I am only 3 days post op and every day seems to be a little better. I cant wait till all this gas pain is gone. And ohhh I cant wait to be able to sleep normally and back on my stomach!

    Butterfly- congrats and welcome. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well.

    Good luck to those getting done today! Woo hoo!

    Question for those now banded.. When did you finally go to the bathroom-bathroom?


    Is it just me or is it impossible to drink the recommended amounts of post op stuff? Today is the first day that I had mor then a few sips of anything. I had about 4 oz of protien drink and 2 teaspoons of pudding. My diet recommends 8 oz of drink 5 times per day...

    To answer you question about drinking: I can get down all my recommended Protein but I have not been hungry otherwise...reading Brian's post he ate several popsicles already..no way for me as of today...but I guess each day is different as is each person... I changed from my prescription pain meds to tylenol and seem to be doing okay, but even drinking that seems a lot in addition to the shake sips.


    Hope you are starting to get better! :smile:

  2. I arrived in Bandland!!!

    I had my surgery at 7:30 am yesterday and went home from the hospital at 4 pm. Hardly any gas pain but nausea!!! And I think my BP is dropping at times; I tend to have low BP. Yesterday was mostly rough because of feeling dizzzy and a lot of nausea. I am on Lortab ( tasting awful) for my pain, so any mispelling and crazy sentence structure bare with me... Feeling better in general, but nothing like Brian described , no 98%...he is a lucky guy. I might be at 60%... but much more important then any % : I am happy! And thank you all for all the good wishes and prayers! I feel very good about the surgery and wish all the upcoming ones good luck.

    I am now on 1/4cup of Protein Shake six times a day and sugar free stuff/drinks in between. Not hungry at all. Taking it easy; trying to move around in between resting...

    Best wishes from NC!

  3. Hiya Mom05 ! No I didn't have that procedure... My Doctor being a Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon goes for only minimal amount of incisions plus he hides the port in the belly button. Yes I am a very emotional eater plus I eat waaaay too much fast food ( I am a single guy who lives alone plus hates to cook ) so I figure the LAP-BAND® is great for me because it will be a control mechanism which will stop me by being full real fast.

    If you are looking for a way to bulk up your chocolate Protein drink - try this that learned in UCLA RFO - use ice in a blender to mash it up and thicken it. You might try it. I don't know if it works post op as it now has ice and is thicker but pre-op it works.

    Hi PitPat ! Thank you for your kind words. I don't know if my experience so far will be everyone's experience - I doubt it will - but for me so far it is going well / I am feeling very good. I don't know if tomorrow if I will be much more sore but tonight I am doing pretty good. A little, very little gas but good. :blushing:

    -Brian :couch2:

    Hi Brian it was encouraging to read your report this morning, right before I head to my surgery.... thanks for sharing and I hope you continue on your 98% pain free path!

    To ya' all! I am getting ready in about 20 minutes to drive to my local banding airport to fly into bandland.... wish me a great flight! And pray for me!

    Ready for take offffffffffffffffffffff!!!

  4. I am starting to count my hours down... They called with my "arrival time" earlier today. I have to be at the hospital at 5:15 am; which made me very happy! Don't want to wait another minute longer to fly into bandland...I have taken my first of two showers with the hospital soap and will take my nail polish offffff in a few minutes....

    Had my last meal at 7 pm, thougt about something special first but then decided to stick with my low carb fish and veggies diet. I am excited! Aaaaaaaaand nervous.... but more excited!

    It has been great to read all the posts along the way and I hope I will be able to post soon again.... well if I can't sleep I will just read and post all night ...:blushing:

    Any prayers are very welcome!!!!

    Ready to fly in NC!

  5. Pre-op done. Paperwork to insurance submittned on 8/1 (BCBSNM). Started pre-op diet yesterday 8/3 and I'm starving!!! Once approved surgery will be on the 16 or 17. If insurance denies I've lost $50 for Protein that I purchased from bariatric clinic and hopefully 10-15 lbs. This protein brand is the worst I've ever tasted. YUCK!!! Wish me luck!

    Stick with your pre op diet but you might want to ask your medical provider if you can switch to a better tasting shake; many good tasting ones around. No need to stick with something you hate...several threads on that already. I tried a sample the other day, terrible..so I stick with what I like....big differences...that's for sure! And I wish you best of Luck!!!

  6. I am taking all your posts in while waiting for Thursday to come around...it is great to read everyones status update, from "just approved" to finally banded and even "years later" updates... I use the forum especially when I "feel" like eating; not hungry but looooooooonging for foods that are not healthy and have brought me to this point....

    My doc wants a 2 week pre-op low carb


    2 week fluids ( Protein shakes)

    2 weeks pureed food

    2 weeks soft food

    fills around 6 weeks

    I started my preop earlier with good weight loss so far....

    Hurry up Thursday!!!

    Greetings from NC!

  7. No, it never got better! Last night was my last night for anything. This morning at 10 a.m. is my surgery. However, last night I had a cup of hot Water with a teaspoon of powered chicken broth which was not on the diet. I was only to have Water, coffee, tea, etc. The chicken broth helped me. I was ready to eat dirt at that point. September 16, 2010 is my follow up appt., which at that time I am scheduled to be allowed pureed foods. Until then, I am only to have water, coffee, tea, broth, etc. From what I have been reading on here, everyone's pre-op diet is different - some can eat right up until the day before. My diet was terrible for me. I did lose about 10 more pounds though. Good luck!

    You are right we all have different pre-op and post-op diets but most important for you: you followed your docs advise! Congrats on that! It does sound tough! And good luck on your surgery today. Keep us posted!

  8. Well I was part of the August rush, was going to have surgery on the 26th and 3 days before my surgery I got the call that I had to cancel the surgery due to my chest xray showing my heart is enlarge..Had my EKG the other day and just waiting to get the all clear so I can set up my new September date!

    Hi Mandy, sorry to hear you had to cancel; but you want to be on the safe side...it is a surgery and you don't want any complications that can be preventend. We are glad to have you with our September Bandsters! Welcome!

  9. I'm back.

    The surgery went fine this morning with no complications. Started at 8am, woke up at 10:10am and was leaving by 11:00. The hospital gave me morphine to get me home without getting sick, so I am just now getting out of bed.

    The first thing that I learned when I woke up was that my throat was super dry and extrememly sore. So I sucked on a couple of sugar free popsicles which did the magic. The coolness worked perfect and the fruit flavoring coated my throat. So add sugar free popsicles to your shopping list.

    Butterfly2010 -- If you find you like most of the flavors, I found that MyBatriatricPantry sells the 10pk samples for $13. They limit the order to 5. But that will give you a big stash of variety. Let us know what flavors you like or dislike.

    Soooo glad everything went okay for you; your were our FIRST to go....will you be starting a post op September thread? So many will join you next week!

    I got my sample pack with 13 samples from calling the phone number that was posted on another thread. 13 samples for $13 ....not bad! I plan on ordering from mybatriatric, have you ordered regular protein/vitamines from them before? Just hesitant since it is an on-line store....

    Again, soooooooooo glad you posted! How are you feeling today?

  10. Great to see more September Bandsters...welcome on board!

    I just got my 13 different flavor sample pack in the mail ....will start in the morning to try the different nectar shakes... one by one...

    I have been on chocolate Truffle for over 2 weeks...need a change in taste!

    Had my pre-op today...so far so good. Paid my deposit! Yikes! Surgery on the 9th.... excited!!! I am supposed to be the first one on "the list" that day, which I hoped for...

    Greetings from NC!

  11. I've ordered from Nashua Nutrition and Best Price Nutrition. Also if you call Syntrax they will sell you a sampler with 10 or 11 single packets of their flavors for like $10 with shipping. The number is 1-866-333-7403. Just tell them you are a bariatric patient and would like some samples.< /div>

    I called them today and ordered it. It was $13 and she told me it should get to my house in 2-3 days....so will see! Great!

  12. Hey September family :0) had my pre op appointment today. They did urine sample, EKG, Blood work and X-rays. They also informed me of what I have to bring with me and gave me some lung apparatus. GOD I can't wait to look like I did when I was in the Army HOAH

    YOU can do it! And we will be your new army for you...we are all fighting the same war!

    keep posting on your journey...:)

  13. Hi September family!!! i called the Dr office and was told to start my liquid diet on sept 2, and i would see the Dr on the 8th then surgery on the 16th i feel like a step is missing BUT i will do as they say they gave me a list of things i can have .. i guess i expected a little more hand holding:wink2:getting really nervous gd luck to everyone!

    Hi Sunny day,

    I feel very similar; even when I call and do have a question it is not very personal; so finding this forum has been super helpful....we hold your hand!!! :)

    But check and see if you have a local support group. We have one but they only meet once a month. Good group but way to much time in between meetings so reading the posts and posting helps!

    We walk with you!!!!

  14. I've ordered from Nashua Nutrition and Best Price Nutrition. Also if you call Syntrax they will sell you a sampler with 10 or 11 single packets of their flavors for like $10 with shipping. The number is 1-866-333-7403. Just tell them you are a bariatric patient and would like some samples.< /div>

    Great, I will call them today; I already drink their chocolate truffle and like it very much.

    Thanks for all the info posted so far! Will check out those websites.

    anything on " my Batriatric pantry"?

  15. I am drinking the french vanilla and it is really good! I plan on going back to Vitamin shoppe this weekend to try another flavor.. I don't know if I want strawberry or try the fruit punch. The guy at the store told me the french vanilla and the pina colada where the most popular!

    Thanks for the info; Pina Colada sounds sooooooooooooo good! Will try that one! And might get french vanilla as I will start to replace my regular lunch pretty soon....

  16. Hi all!! I'm new around here.

    My surgery is set for September 16th. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and being in a network of support.

    I'm going to do a little reading and lurking and catching up on the boards here, but wanted to through out my first question to you all.

    How open are you being with people about what you are doing? Are you telling everyone? telling just family and close friends?


    Greetings onceuponaband,

    I don't have a formular in regards to who to tell. I will not lie, so if someone asked I give them a truthful answer. But I have been selective in telling people at this point, simply due to the fact that I am still learning a lot and don't need to be challenged with more then what I challenge myself with. But my boss knows, few co-workers, few family members , 2-3 friends and of course my boyfriend.

    It will not be a secret, but I will also not tell the world around me... yet... But I do have to say: I can't wait until it is so, so ,so obvious that people will just have to ask me and I can then proudly say how the band and my hard work paid offffffffffffff....Happy Day!

  17. Thanks for the thoughts! I do feel ready for a lifestyle change and feel that this tool is what I will need to make it happen this time. I'll be looking to my new forum friends for encouraging words and when I'm hungry in these 40 days until surgery, I'll type instead of eat -- how's that sound?

    Hi wannabhealthy,

    I do just that, read and type instead of eating those empty carbs. Especially after 5 pm; the hardest time for me. It works!!! To me, "that" is another tool: support! WE need several tools to helpd us fix what we feel is "broken" and keep it running after. And it helps me to read what everyone else is doing so I can pick the tools that are right for me. But we have ONE in common: THE BAND!!!!

    Have a great day!:lol:

  18. CONGRATS on the new additions of dates! Woo hoo! The count down begins! :)

    SOO today I was thinking (im always thinking- make it stop :eek:) that ... all my life I have been struggling with weight but when I look back at parts of my past, no I wasn't skinny but I wasn't fat... I thought I was fat and I always dieted like all the rest, and exercised.... but why couldn't I be happy with where I was back then? I would kill to be back to what I once was... But because of the naturally skinny and small statured girls in school and society, I felt I was too fat.... A size 12 was GREAT on me. Im not just saying this to cover up my fat but I truelly am larger boned and VERY broad shouldered, so probably a size 10 would be the absolute cut off for me.... Why do we have to be so influenced by others? Why couldn't my family and friends acknowledge that I looked great back then instead of them telling me now-- ohhh yeah when you were in high school and college, you looked really great.. Geese- ya know, could have saved years of my life beating myself up about not being thin... also I had this boyfriend.. we were together for 6 years, starting at the end of 11th grade.. and 7 months after we broke up (after I was fat and in my early 20's), he called me to appologize for making me feel bad about myself all those years. He had the nerve (though I am glad for it) to tell me that he thought I had the perfect body but made me feel like i wasn't good enough purposely because cause he actually felt that he wasn't good enough for me (he appologized for a few things). Okay great but by this point- my self esteem was depleated and still, about 8 yrs later, working on rebuilding my self esteem. WTF. And I only realized about 1 year ago that I hide behind my fat.... I have an amazing boyfriend now (for 3.5 yrs) but because of a few bad breakups in my past, I put on more weight to protect myself... I learned that my thought is, if I am very fat, then thats a good reason to be broken up with and it won't hurt so much to be left cause its expected... but if I was beautiful before and "a great person" and broken up with, why wasn't I good enough..." soooo now that I am 30 and have done a lot of self reflection and therapy- I am so ready to live my life again. One where I feel good about myself and not needing to care what other people think. Now that I know who I am as a person... I can't wait to get back to where I should be physically so I can have the confidence, energy, and pride that I need to do the things I want. And as far as my relationship, he is super supportive and loves me for me but I know he will be super super excited and proud when I get to a nice size (at least to where he met me, if not less).

    Thanks for letting me vent again! :thumbup:

    Oh and yeah, I didn't start the pre-diet today- I wasn't fully prepared- so heres to tomorrow!

    How is everyone else doing? Are we all ready? Its coming closer! YAYYYYYY :tt2:

    Thank you for sharing!!!

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