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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Angera

  1. Angera

    update 10 months after the band...wow

    you look fantastic! congrats!
  2. Hi all, I'm newly banded, banded in august! I was so disappointed with my one pound weightloss over the past 10 days! So silly of me to think this way, but I was hoping for more, I was blinded by how quickly the initial weight came off, but at least I kept losing and didn't gain!!! Since my weight slowed down with that one pound loss, I got my first fill yesterday :smile: I have this lump in my throat feeling, not too sure if that's how it's supposed to feel. I was having some greek yogurt this morning and I can't even make a dent in it. I enjoyed the fill because I feel rejuvenated with my process. I'm feeling motivated to shed more pounds and even did a 2.5 mile walk yesterday! Before, I was only averaging about a mile. Hopefully with this spike in exercise, the fill, and motivation.............I can jump start my weight loss again to reach that new year goal !!! Wish me luck and good luck to everyone feeling like they are in a slump! You can do it!!!
  3. Angera

    wedding day

    you look gorgeous!!!!! luv the dress
  4. Angera

    October 2009 & 2010 Race for A Cure

    congrats on your weight loss!
  5. where you at!?

  6. hey there! haven't talked in FOREVERRRRRRR! how are you?!

  7. Dr. Carcamo banded me on aug 13th a month later on sep 17th, he also did my umbilical hernia/strangulated intestine repair! He came to my rescue with that second emergency surgery very glad he was prompt to take care of me a second time around! I've recommended him to two other folks, he did surgery on my boss today for a hernia, and he is going to do a lapband for another friend of mine!
  8. I definately am well aware that if i really wanted to I could eat EVERYTHING, I am truly testing my will power at this point because I never had my first fill
  9. thank you :) I actually haven't had a fill. My doctor and I decided to hold off for a bit longer since my initial weight loss had been so successful. Don't get me wrong, I get hungry and what not however I am very satisfied when I do eat the small meals on my own. It's been all on my own complete will power at this point. I see the doctor on Monday and I think I may get my first fill. The longterm goal means so much that I am working so hard to make sure i'm doing what i'm supposed to be! It was such a long process to get surgery, and it means so much to me, I dont want to ruin it by going back to my old ways!!

  10. Angera

    Food has A hold on me?

    I am glad you realize it is a problem. Now you are aware that you need to work on it a little more. Grazing was a big issue for me, i'd pick at things in the house. my solution was to get rid of EVERYTHING, I only keep what i'm preparing for actual meals and nothing else that's easily snackable. I gave away allllllll the things I knew I wouldn't be able to eat in moderation (i.e. popcorn!). I've even come to realize, the small amount of mashed potatoes i've incorporated back into my diet have me craving sugar alllll the time. I've decided perhaps it's best to go cold turkey with bread, Pasta, and potatoes. I seemed to do better when it's just out of sight out of mind! I turn into a child with a halloween bucket full of candy when i'm around those pesky carbs. I just can't stop!
  11. I had 14 day liquids before and 7 after, I managed to make it through. Stay strong, it's only a small price to pay for the long term goals.
  12. Angera

    flu shot

    I work at a cancer center and got mine today! A few folks were walking in reporting some issues as I sat down to get mine! All I can say is I have a headache, but perhaps that is because I am hungry and it is lunch time!
  13. From one girl that has to lose 200 pounds to another, you are my idol! It's results like yours that reassure me I KNOW i can do this! Congrats!!!

  14. So, i've set a small goal for myself to hopefully be down a total of 100 pounds for the year 2010. That means from now to then, I need to lose 30.........oh boy! let's see how it goes! Anyone else have a new year goal?!
  15. how is everything going ?

  16. A positive attitude goes a long way :thumbup: Enjoy the small accomplishments. Expect the small setbacks, but know you just have to get back up and get going again. You will do great. I am also 26 and was 25 when i began my process. I've been banded almost 2 months after a 6 months insurance requirement. It's been the best decision of my life :thumbup: Good luck!
  17. Been stuck at 294 for a week :thumbup: I was so excited that I finally got to a weight starting with a 2, but now i wanna be excited at going in the 280's! lol Don't get me wrong, i'm ecstatic about being down 70 pounds (50 has been from start of my preop liquids to now and 20 before pre-op liquids.)! I started a workout regimen yesterday and my husband and i committed ourselves to follow thru with it for the 6 week cycle :thumbup: I have not had a fill yet since my doctor was pleased with my intial weightloss and i agreed to wait on the fill so i could see how far i could get! I see him in two weeks for a potential first fill which will be a little over 2 months post op! All in all i'm doing well, but stuck at 294 just for now and hopefully not much longer!!!!!!!!
  18. Angera

    Band as second choice?

    Thanks Pat I've always been told I am "well-spoken" and very responsible for someone my age! Here's a little more of my "whole story" on how I decided on weight loss surgery. I've been overweight since as long as I can remember. The only time I know i was skinny was at age 3 because i've seen it in pictures! I grew up with a family where EVERYTHING revolved around food, parties, holidays, funerals, everything! My dad was a large man with many many health problems. He had diabetes, thryroid issues, heart disease, kidney failure, hypertension, the works! He had heart surgery in his 40's to clogged arteries, it was the first time my family all took the initiative to "get healthy", for his sake. Well it didn't last long! He was a stubborn man. He went back to his old ways, gained more weight and ended up on insulin and then gained about another 100 pounds after that. He even discussed gastric bypass with his endocrinologist. He was told he wouldn't be a candidate because he was just too unhealthy. On December 22, 2005, we celebrated an early christmas because I had to work on christmas day. My dad insisted we go to the bank so he could give us all our annual $100 and insisted we go buy my brother a BBQ pit :tongue2: He started getting irritable and asked that we hurry up and go eat dinner. So we picked a place and went assuming that his sugars were running low. I remember sitting with him outside the restaurant and telling him i'd found a store with 5x and 6x shirts we could get him. He said "well, i need to work on this weight, it's not good to be this way, i don't' think i'll need those 6x shirts". Table was called and we went inside. We were at a steakhouse and my dad ordered a veggie plate! I thought it was strange, but he barely touched it. He just sat back and watched all of us eat. Thinking back on it, his eyes were so glassy. He told my mom he had "indigestion" from some tamales he had earlier. He asked her to go with him outside because he was not feeling well. My mom came inside and asked us to pay the bill and pack up because he wanted to go to the hospital. Needless to say, we didn't make it to the hospital.........he died en route. I got to the hospital, walked passed the trauma room and all I heard the nurses saying were "he's flatlined". I was in shock. I couldn't believe it, we had all thought it would be like all the other times where he would go in for a few days and leave. He was 54. I was 20. His highest weight at that point was nearing 450lbs. I was already weighing 340. Experiencing his death and illnesses scared me enough to realize I needed to change. My mom begged me for years to take care of myself because I was heading down his path. I wouldn't listen, i was being just as stubborn as him (I am just like him in every way!). I needed to make this choice to take control when I knew I was ready. Nobody else could do it for me. My mom says he's been my guardian angel getting me through all of this. This has absolutely been the best decision I have ever made. It was a scary one because i'm young.........young people should be able to handle this! But I realized this was a lifelong problem that I needed a lot of help to get under control. Part of me accepting my choice was accepting that I could NOT do this without surgical help and support. All my other diet attemps failed, i'd go back to my old ways. And it's because it was just that, a "diet". I was not making those "lifestyle changes" that I needed I truly look forward to the future I have. I look forward to having children with my husband, being able to play with them, and being healthy Now as far as spokesperson goes, that would be a "dream job"! Once I got down to goal of course! I love public speaking and motivating and encouraging other folks when I can. I had my co-worker convinced, she's now started her journey and she thanked me for that! It was very flattering :tt2: :thumbdown:
  19. Yes and yes! I work in the medical center and live near downtown. It has been going really good so far. I hadn't really started an exercise regimen yet, but finally committed to that last night. Keep in touch!
  20. Angera

    Resturant ideas needed...

    My recent restaurant choices are anything grilled on the menu with veggies. I order for me, but my husband eats it and I just take my portion :thumbdown: works out great so I don't overeat! If it's a burger type place, i usually get a kids burger and eat only one bun or just the meat and lettuce. A suggestion some others gave me once was to pack Meal Replacement Protein Bars to have on hand for those just in case times. I even keep some in the car for long trips when fast food choices are the only options!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
