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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Dr. A I saw them and just love them. I just responded in band2gether site. It is a trip how small the streets are. I am from CA and everything is big here. Even the 4 lane freeway. I am so jealous and want to go really bad!!!! Do you speak French?? How did you communicate? Did you just go weak at the knees with the guys talking French??? I would!!! Thank you for sharing those with us. I am going to have to start using Walgreens to share pictures. Have a great day!!!!
  2. Vikki

    Orange County Bandsters

    Great Autumn we would love for you to join us. Send me a message and I will add you to the distribution to try to get something arranged. vikki4mymail@yahoo.com :confused:
  3. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I know when I had my first fill it was too tight at first and I know how you feel. What helped me get threw it was the premade protein shakes from vitamin store watered down with hot water and I would sip them. I then got the powder of veggie and fruit suppliment and put it in hot water then some strong juice to sip and that really helped give me some energy like a caffenine boost. Make sure you are getting your chewable multivitamin each day. Sip water all day long to get the H2O. It is hard but if you have no saline and you didn't feel like this when the band was first put in you really need to go see your Dr. Do you get that gurgle sound when you sip liquids. I got that when I was too tight. It was wierd. I think everyone's advice at this point is call the DR. I bet he will want to see you ASAP. Good luck
  4. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I wanted to ask you guys. I know I have only received one fill and am scheduled to get my second on Sat. but do you guys still feel hungry. I am just feeling so hungry lately. I am wondering if I should take some dexatrim powder they have to put in water now. Something to help me not feel so hungry. I thought that getting this band was going to stop my hunger but it did at first but now back big time. Does that just mean that it is time for a fill and that will make the hunger go away? I just don't know. I am just struggling with will power right now.
  5. Vikki

    Orange County Bandsters

    Thanks for the new post Sandy. Looks great so hopefully we can get a group together. I would like to meet up in May or June at a mid point. Send me a message letting me know if you would be interested and which weekend would work best. Plus where you live. Have a good day!
  6. Vikki

    Looking for locals in Orange County.

    I am still trying to put together a meet up for people in OC area. If you any of you are interested in meeting say in May or June let me know where you live and what weekend would be good for you. I will try to pick a central point for all of us. Was thinking somewhere at Universal Walk? Please send me an email at vikki4mymail@yahoo.com
  7. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    We all complain Connie. It is nice to have the support to give each other advice. But when something so horrible happens like that it does put your life in a different view. I had a mini nervous break down a couple of weeks ago about being so broke all the time and feeling overwhelmed with finances. Now it seems so small and not important. I have two healthy kids and a good husband and that is what is important in life........not a fancy car or a big house. Thank you for your prayers.
  8. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Hi your guys.......my bandster support buddies. Went to my girlfriends babies funeral yesterday. She was only 2 mths old and stopped breathing last Sunday and they found out she had a calapesed artery which ended up making all her system just shut down. One of the relatives spoke at the funeral yesterday about how we need to live life to the fullest and stop being obsessed on our physical appearence and self image. Made me do some soul searching. I have a different outlook today about my life and that I have a healthy family and need to appriciate life more!!!!!! I just can't stop thinking of the heart break my girlfriend is going threw as a mother. You never know when you something is going to change your life in an instant. If you guys could please say a prayer for her family. Her name is Stephanie. Thanks. Sorry to be a damper but I am just so sad for her and her family for their loss.
  9. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Pure Pressure is so hard to deal with when you are a teen. You are completely confused as it is then others trying to get you to do things you know you aren't suppose to. If he is a Jr. then I think don't back down. I still have do things like I did when I was a teenager. I am in a small office and my boss is gone a lot so I would sneak out early a lot and one day he called in looking for me and I was at Target shopping and called my cell. I got in big trouble and felt like just like I did when I was younger and got caught.......I was so mad at myself thinking I know better and I am an adult now. I used it for my own kids to show them that we as parents still make mistakes but your decisions can get you in trouble. Try to make the right choices of your actions. I am lucky I didn't get fired that day. Stick to your punishment even if others say you are being too strict. Your not physically harming him so tell them to butt out of your business and deal with their own children. I hate it when other parents.....relatives.....try to tell you how to be a parent. No matter how hard we try to do the right thing there is always going to be someone out there telling you it is the wrong thing and what they do is the right thing. You do what you feel is right. Trust is something that is earned.......it takes awhile to gain it back once broken. Have learned that too many times in my life. Good luck and your support system is here for ya girl!!!! Good luck and don't let his guilt trip get to you!!!!!!!!
  10. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I like the way you think Betsyjane!!! You can call the cancer society in your area and they have all kinds of scared streight programs for teenagers like they do for drunk driving programs.
  11. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Oh Connie, I know exactly how you feel. I too have an 8yr old daughter and an 15 1/2 yr old son. My daughter told me last night that he cusses at her all the time when I am not around. I was very mad because we do not do that in our house around the kids and he is teaching her bad behavior. I don't know about making him miss prom. You only get your senior prom once in a lifetime. I would maybe say instead of making you miss prom......yes his own fault.........your going to clean out the garage or something that you know he will not like as punishment. The porn thing is really hard to monitor. We only have one computer in our house and both kids use it. You just need to get the adult monitoring system to block any of this but like you said he has a lap top and can get onto them that way. Boys will be boys and we can only talk to them about the danger of that stuff. I was a bad teenager and snuck out and did all kinds of stupid things so I try to remember what it was like but as now a parent you can't be their best friend. You have to teach them that there are consiquenses for your actions...........so think it threw next time. You do what you think is the right punishment but the hardest thing of the punishment is sticking to it when they hate you and won't talk to you. Like your the bad one when they are the one that did the action.....................teenagers!!!!!!! It is frustrating but you only understand it later when you have your own kids. You can't expect your teenager to be like okay I was wrong and I will do my punishment with no arguments.........NOT!! It isn't going to happen. They are turning into appionionated adults and that the world revolves around THEM!!! I feel for you Connie. It is a hard, tuff love thing but we have to stick to our guns,,,,,,,with the teenage girls that is sometimes literally. I am not looking forward to my little girl becoming a teenager...........LORD HELP ME!!!!! Good luck.:faint:
  12. Vikki

    Looking for locals in Orange County.

    Hi Julie, Welcome and I am glad your recovering quickly. Send me your contact info to my email address so I can put you on a list to schedule us to all meet. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck on your jouney.
  13. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I spent the weekend with my girlfriend that had the lap band 10 years ago and lost all her weight then got a tummy tuck and breast list. She looks better than she ever has. I am so jealous. It was motivation to get this weight off and loan payment paid off so I can go get sculpted into a tight godess as my reward. This body thing is just so much work. Thanks for the support from all of you and all the struggles we have to go threw. By the way Vegas was great and I am feeling very sleep deprived today. It was the first time I really went out drinking since surgery. I must say the next day my stomach was very angry with me and all I wanted was a big breakfast burrito and couldn't even get scrambled eggs down. That was very frustrating. Some days I wish I could just not have to deal with the restrictions but it doesn't work that way. Had no problem getting the cocktails down though. Have a great day everyone!!!
  14. Vikki

    Looking for locals in Orange County.

    For all of you that are in Orange County or LA area and would like to meet up please email me and I can make arrangements to set something up. My email is vikki4mymail@yahoo.com. Just send me a message and I will gather up everyone's email addr and tell me where you live so I could pick a mid point between for us to meet. I will find a location we could sit down and chat about our experience and share stories. So just send me a breif email of where you live, when would be a good time to meet. I can only do this on Sat. or Sun. since I work full time. Welcome all the new bandsters!!!!!!
  15. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    :welldoneclap: Have a great weekend everyone. I am off to Las Vegas with my girlfriends for the weekend..........What happens in Vegas stays in VEGAS!! I am going to see how many of those watered down cocktails I can fit in my Band pouch........1? 2? 7? Wish me luck because mamma needs a new pair of shoes!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I am so scared of getting the stomach flu because the last couple times I got it I ended up in the ER to get the anti nausea shot to stop from vomiting. It does sound like you might have gotten food poisening which happens a lot too. Thank goodness you are on the road to recovery. Scary thing to happen. On the American Idol thing......thats it......I have officially been covinced it is not a talent show anymore its a freak show and I am not watching anymore.....NO MORE!!!!!
  17. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    On the American Idol topic. My husband is way more of a fan of it than I am and after seeing him last night he said that if he doesn't get voted off tonight that he is never watching it again!!! It has honestly starting to become more of a freak show :faint: than a talent show thanks to the voter though. I still think the voting has got to be rigged some how??? We just love a good ol freak show as Americans don't we? Sad but that is what gets ratings anymore. I have my fingers crossed that he is out tonight!!!!
  18. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I know what you mean Connie. I don't have scars but am as white as Casper and don't want to blind everyone so I might go with Capris too. Tom you might look good in Capris and shaving your legs isn't that bad. Just wear it with a tank top because your underarm hair will pull the attention away from your leg hair..........ha ha..... Tom- I would go on hot liquids for a couple of days and see if that helps loosen you up. A lot of times if something gets stuck the and I PB then the next day I am tight and have to do liquids. Wow this is a different lifestyle. Once we loose the weight it will be worth it but it is a frustrating and crazy journey with all of this!! Thanks for the support and info you all provide!!! Tom- those veggies grown with goat poop sound...mmm mmmm yummy!!!!!! You crack me up!!!
  19. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    That is great Marni. No Drugs!!! Scary to think what our food is doing to our bodies. Diabetic, cancer, heart attacks. My brother is having heart surgery next week and he is 38. I think being on powder suppliments is better than eating all this stuff that is doing really bad things to our bodies. You have to wonder what all this packaged food with preservatives is doing to us. Microwave foods. Meals out of a box. Makes you not want to eat anything but organic or raw. The way God intended our food to begin with. I finally dropped to 220 this week. I am so close to Onederland that I can TASTE it!!!!! I am determined to hit it by May!!!!! I want to wear shorts this summer darn it!!! I will have to spray the tan on but want to say bye bye to cottage cheese thighs!!! Summer is near and I want to actually be able to wear summer cloths with out feeling so self contious about looking chunky monkey. Who is with me Bandsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to start a Bandster Marathon for motivation.:bolt:
  20. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I meant Breed not bread BTW
  21. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    WOw Tom that is a lot. What kind of dogs do you bread? How many do you have right now? Do you make lots of money off of breading animals? Your male dog sounds like most the guys at the bar on Sat. nights....................ha ha You are down a lot for being a Nov bandster. It is so much easier for guys to loose weight than girls.......whatever........But congrat's on the great accomplishment!!! Your an inspiration to us weight loss junkies. Good luck with your horney dog. Poor guy.
  22. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I noticed a decrease in users too. Where is funny Tom?? I love reading his long drawn out stories that make me crack up. I am going to get my second fill next month. I am eating everything besides bread and pasta right now. I am trying to keep it at 1200 calories a day but it is hard when you feel HUNGRY. I have a question for you guys. I know that our port is a forign object in our body but the last week I keep having a sharp pain around my port. Do you guys get this at all. I have never felt this even right after it was put in. I am wondering if it is moving around and is making my area sore? Do they usually stitch it so it won't move. Could the stitching maybe be the pinching feeling I have. I woke up last night laying on my side and I had a sharp pain and it is sore when I poke around. Just wondering if you guys get this sensation too? I won't see my Dr. until next month with my fill.
  23. I know how you feel daizee, I too am frustrated. I am four months this Sat. and have lost 25 pounds. The last mth have teedered between the same 5 pounds. I am eating less and feeling frustrated that the weight is not coming off when I feel I am working so hard at it. I need to get a fill but have to drive really far so trying to wait until I absolutely have too. I see others on this post and they have lost up to 50 pounds around the same date of getting the band. I just can't figure out why my body is as stubborn as I am!! Figures!! I am trying to just take it step by step. I just thought I wouldn't feel so darn hungry. The first fill I got I was so tight I could barely get water down for about 3 weeks so I am scared to get another one.
  24. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    There is a page on this site where they were talking about Sharon Osbourne saying she was going to have her Band removed. Why would you want to do that? She said she has had problems with binging and balemia. Food has become as addictive as cig's or heroine. I guess we all have our vises. I hope all of you have a great weekend and Angela have a great time in Paris. Get yourself a sexy french man.....ooo la la!!!!
  25. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    It has been a big change in our household but my husband married me thin and he used to be really thin too. He has been really good about my eating so different than the rest of the family. I usually make my own dinner and he makes or buys dinner for him and the kids. I think it has educated him on loosing weight and he wants to go back on Atkins. The thing with me is I did the Atkins and lost but then went on carb binges because I was craving it so much and gained it all back plus more. With my band I cannot go on binges or I will be in pain and that is the difference. My husband feels the same way about me spending so much to get this when I could have just done it on my own. The difference is if I could have done it on my own I would have just stayed thin but my binges made me fatter. I cannot binge anymore. It is too much work to try to get a bag of doritos down. I don't want to feel pain...........so I have the mental block of don't do it. That is why we decided to get this very drastic procedure.......right? If your husband is overweight it is a low self esteem problem with him and he takes it out on you. You have to remind him that just because you want to go out more is a sign that your feeling better about you and that is a good thing. You feel better about you and you want to have more sex...WITH HIM> Not with anyone else. That will make him happy. Your personality does change when you loose the weight but its because you feel the need to get out of that shell of being depressed and get a life again..........outside of the comfort zone we lived in for so long. It is a journey to better our life and there will be others that will try to bring us down and that is part of the journey to rise above....................And be a better you. It is a daily journey for me and I am trying to just surround myself with positive self help books and positive people. If I feel negative energy from someone I will seperate myself from them. Which is my husband at times so I just plan a day away from him. They get insecure when you are not focusing every bit of energy on them:angry ...............sometime you need to focus on you. They will get the focus but grow up men............sometimes they are more needy than we are. Just remember with a man everything is ok by sex. Simple but true. Just give them a little more attention around bedtime and they will be happy. I have been married for 16 years and I am only 35 so I know how you feel. Just because we want to look better isn't because we want a new man. We just want to be happy with us!!!!!!!!!!

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