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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Brooksie, I know exactly what you are talking about. I PB'ed last night after trying to chew some chix with sauce on it and after about 5 bites I was in major pain. So I waited about 10 min and couldn't take the pain anymore so I made myself get rid of it and it was like a thick long goowy plug. I felt fine once I got that out. I know if does sound gross but having a band you know exactly what I am talking about. I sometimes can eat something and the next week have it again and forget it....It just gets stuck. What I am starting to notice is if I start my meal with something hot like watery soup that will loosen me up to get some solids down. I had some fish the other day at Co Co's and it came with soup so I sipped the soup before the fish and the fish went down fine. I then took the fish home for dinner and heated it up in the micro and tried to eat it with watery tarter sauce and it got stuck. So starting the meal off with hot liquids makes it easier. I am going to have to make some broth to sip or even some hot tea before I eat a meal. What I did right after my first fill was go to the vitamin store and get powder suppliment or they have them in liquids and put it in a cup of juice and sip it for an hour. It really helps put nutrients in your body and you will feel more energy in a couple of hours. I really wanted to chew something after a couple of weeks so I just gradually started sampling different things. Mostly from the Chinese restaruant because they cook everything really soft. I hope this helps!!
  2. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Go to tickerfactory.com and Use the weight loss scale and copy and paste it onto your signature. You can add anything you want to your signature. Darn Scales.............:angry
  3. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    That is soooooooooo true. My husband and I were just talking about that because I get mad if it goes up a pound. He said I am obsessing on it which is true. I am going to once a week so I don't get so discouraged. My cloths are getting loose and that is a nice feeling!!! I can break out my old cloths I put away because they were too tight. The big picture is what to concentrate on. Getting to that goal!!!!!!! I can't wait to be in Onederland again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2:
  4. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    OMG Tom I love the story. Yes they use flatter to keep their customers but your paying big money for it so enjoy. Flatter and flirting is fun. Working out is a matter of forcing yourself to make it part of your routine. I have discovered that if I don't go work out right after work then forget it.........it won't happen. Once you start making it a habit you feel the guilt if the scale stops or goes up. Good luck with your workout. I totally know what you are going threw. I went working out with my skinny friend :phanvan the other day and we were walking up hills and she was way in front of me. SOOONN I will be able to pass her up........I just felt like the Little Engine that COULD.......I think I can.....I think I can!!!!! The best feeling is going home after the work out and thinking to myself.....Thank god that is over!!!!!!!! Have a great day everyone.
  5. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I felt restriction with my first fill that was on Jan 6th but now don't feel as much restriction at all. I think the saline moves around in my band because I went to dinner with a girlfriend last Fri night and was just sipping tortilla soup and started to feel clogged and had to go in the bathroom and get rid of the fluid not going threw. What I have learned from all the different testimonies is that your first fill can just absorb in your band and not give you the tight feeling you wanted so you have to just go try again. Most Dr's like to wait a certain period of time in between the fills. Considering we have to pay for each fill it can be discouraging and hard on the bank account. Try to add more protien to keep yourself feeling full until your next fill. Keep a bottle of water with you and just drink it as much as you can to help you feel full also. Good luck and take it one day at a time. Don't forget the exercise because it will help you mentally and physically to be in a good place.
  6. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    When I had my first fill and was very tight I tried to have a protein shake the next day and couldn't get it down. It was too thick. I have learned to just add more soy milk and ice to make is more watery and just take my time sipping it. I don't know why your Dr. would tell you not to use that type of protien because you need to get it somehow? Everyone one's body is different and you work with what makes you feel good everyday. What vitamins give you energy and are easy to get down. Don't feel you can't do something if it works for you. The powder isn't cheap. The premade protein drinks that I get in a soda can are too thick and I have to put a half of cup of hot water to even get it down. It is hard to get any chix down so I have relied on my protein drinks to feel good threw out the day. It is all a science of what your body wants........what you crave..........what gives you energy. My best friend is skinny and eats breads and chocolate all day long. I cannot do that because I gain weight rapidly on carbs. Some need more sugar than others because you get light headed. It is hard to read your body but with time we can figure out what it is saying. Hope you all have a great day!!!!!
  7. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    This is what I have been doing and it really helps. I have the no carb protien from GNC and put some crushed ice in blender a scoop of the protien powder(I have vanilla) with Glutomine powder (which helps the protien stick in your body) put scoop of spenda, banana, some yogart and blend really well. If you need it more watery you can add soy milk or reg milk to water it down. This fills me up really well and gives you lots of protien. You can drink this twice a day and play with the flavors you like. I even stick a scoop of Peanut butter every once in awhile. It is hard to live on liquids when having a BLT sounds so much better but we can't do that anymore. Hope this helps!!!!
  8. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    That is true. I guess it really has only been not even two month since I got the band but for me it seems sooooo much longer because we have to deal with it a day at a time. I have to remember to drink more water to help feel full and try to work out as much as I can. I guess I have to stop feeling sorry for myself that I have let myself get this big and stop looking at the past and concentrate on the future. I will be back into a regular size.............I will!!!!!!! I will get out of the plus size cloths from the store and be able to go to the womens mediums again. I will!!! Thanks for the encouragement!! It is so nice to know I am not the only one. This board is a great support system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!:sleep :sleep :sleep
  9. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I have a 10cc band and I only got 2.3cc fill. I had a bad experience because I threw up right before they inserted the saline so I think I really irritated everything. I was having a hard time getting things down for a week and it might not have been so much that I was really tight but that I was irritated inside. Now that is all healed I can eat food again. I will wait a couple of weeks. I just have a long way to go to get a fill so I will be patient and wait. I notice that when I take my prozac about three hrs later I feel starved. I think I am going to have to change my medication because the last thing I need is something else making me hungry. That is why I got this in the first place to help not feel so darn hundry all the time. Patients is not something I am good at. I wish the weight could just go off quicker but I have to be smart and kick up the exercise. Move and move and move. I have a desk job so I have been trying to walk the stairs a couple times a day to get moving..................:faint: I am trying to not be discouraged even though I gained a pound today
  10. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I had my first fill two weeks ago and couldn't get anything down for about a week but I already feel like I can eat anything again? When you get a fill and the first feeling of constriction you get........how long does that typically last. I thought I wouldn't need another fill for 6 months. What have you guys felt with each fill of the time between feeling like you did before the fill.
  11. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    It seems everyone is different. I got a 2.3cc fill last Sat. and can barely get anything down right now. I hope I don't have to get some taken out because it is so far away to get too. I am just trying to sip stuff all day long. Hot things are easier. I just have to keep remembering that I did this to myself so learn to deal with it. I remember them saying after your first fill you will really start loosing weight.........well if I can't get anything in then yah I will loose weight. I have to just use liquid suppliments right now and in a couple of weeks hopefully go to mushies. Time will tell and I am working on the patients part!!!!:hungry: I miss In n Out Burger!!!!!!!!
  12. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I just want to say that reading what everyone is going threw daily really helps. You guys have such great advice and such positive responses. :nervous Thank you for all the support you guys give. I love reading everyone's views. Not too many people know I have a band and haven't had to deal with going to eat with anyone yet. I guess once a lot of weight goes then I will start getting questions. No one has really noticed the 20 pounds lost yet. I can't wait to get down another 20...........Thanks again for all of everyones inspirational advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heh:
  13. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Tom That is the way I am feeling right now. Mine is 9.75cc so 2.3cc fill isn't really that much but boy it makes a difference. I was just trying to get down some egg flower soup and it is hard. I just have to take things really slow. It is hard when I used to eat so fast and now have to take my time. I am on my third day and hope it gets a little easier but really that is the point to not get much in so I loose weight. I just have to remember why I did this in the first place.
  14. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I went and got my first fill this Saturday. What an experience that was. I totally fainted as soon as they finally got the needle into my port. I then woke up on the floor and started throwing up for 5 min. I didn't realize I would faint at all. They almost didn't continue with my fill but I said I wanted too since I had driven 2 hours to get there. I got my fill of 2.5cc and couldn't keep anything down so they had to remove 2cc so my total fill was 2.3cc. I really feel the restriction now. I am on only liquids and tried to have a protein shake yesterday which I burped up. I can't believe the difference you feel with the fill. I am looking forward to the scale going down but have to be more patient with getting things down now. Even water it is sip, sip, sip. Has anyone else fainted when they got their fill. My Dr. said it happens so don't worry about it. It was so embarrassing!!! :faint: I am just glad it is over and I am feeling so much better today.:phanvan
  15. Vikki

    Looking for locals in Orange County.

    We should start up a meeting for people in OC for support. I live in HB and would love to meet up to get advice anyone has on loosing weight and just dealing with this life change. If any of you are interested that live in OC please let me know. My email is vikki4mymail@yahoo.com and would love to chat. Thanks
  16. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I feel the same way........what I look forward to is going shopping and not having to find the plus size section. I am also going to try to think positive and be positive and be a better me inside and out. Hope you all have a great successful year in everything you do!!!!
  17. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I was thinking the same thing about diet pills. I just had my band done a month ago and have my first fill this Sat. and I am soooo hungry and feel like now that I am healed I could eat a horse. I am paranoid to overdue it so that has helped me but I will have to see when I get my fill if that helps with the hunger. I am going to ask my Dr. when I see him this weekend about Diet pills and I will let you know what his advice is. We are all worried about slippage or infection since if you are a full pay that is just more money. We have to be careful and eat small bites and not overdue it. I wish I could just turn that darn hunger switch off like a light switch.............Don't you? Darn Hunger...........Frustrating. I just try to think to myself ......wait until people start saying....WOW you have lost a lot of weight. I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!! Take it one meal at a time!!!
  18. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    You guys are such a big help with all of your testimonies. I am so glad the holiday goodies are over. That was hard for me to not eat the bad stuff especially the chocolate kisses. I am not eating any bread and I am scheduled for my first fill this weekend. I am feeling very hungry now that I am all healed so look forward to the fill. It is a long journey but I am trying to have the streighth to just keep moving forward and down the scale. It is the ol will power that is such a struggle everyday but that is why the band is so important to us to not end up overdoing it and being in pain. May you all have a very successful year of weight loss and personal triumph!!!!! Happy New Year Bandsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    Thanks Betsy. I remember reading that before. That is chicken but what about breads. Do they do that also. I haven't had any bread yet but nibbled on a cookie. Can you eat tortillas or any kind of breads and if you can how do you eat them? Small tiny bites and chew up real good. Wash down with liquid? Thanks
  20. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I am curious what you guys mean by that too. I haven't had a bad experience yet and wonder what it is like once you discover that you can't eat that? Do you throw up and if you throw up is it instant or do you just know and go to the bathroom? Do you hack it up? Do you get a hurt in your esophegus and want to throw up? Let us new bandsters know what signs to know a food is a no no. Thanks guys!!!!!
  21. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I was banded on Nov 24th and I feel like I am finally getting energy back. I was very, very tired for the first week. You need to sip, sip, sip more water. Just keep a bottle filled with you at all times. I even carry one in my purse and just try to keep fluids in me. I have always been a big water drinker but used to gulping it down. Having to only sip is new for me. I am starting to eat more solids and do not feel restricted which is discouraging me a little. I have my first fill on Jan 6th. I am just trying to concentrate on getting lots of protein. I bought a big jug of protien powder and make shakes with ice, yogurt, and a banana every day. It really does help with my energy. I am trying to get off of coffee since the day of my surgery I had a migraine from not having any all day. I decided it is time to get off the coffee if I am getting that addicted to it. Good luck with everyone and I am really loving reading everyone's progress. It has been a huge support for me since I am not in a group and feel a little one my own. No one knows I had this done and I feel like I am living with this little dirty secret.........but its not. I just don't feel like having a conversation about my weight every time I see someone because of them asking me all kinds of questions. Does anyone else feel that way? Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Vikki

    Looking for locals in Orange County.

    Hi Patty, I live in HB and had my surgery on 11/24 by a great Dr. in Mexico. It was very quick recovery and was back to work on Monday. If you want to chat or have any questions please let me know. I am newly banded but am very excited about the new tool to loose weight. I started at 250 and now down to 240.
  23. Vikki

    Where is my port?

    I have been using protein powder from GNC and make my own tasty treats. I put a half of banana with a scoop of yogart and some ice and juice all in the blender and walla a nice tasty protein drink. But I am just getting used to sip sip sip because I am hungry and want to just gulp it down. I have tried even a scoop of peanut butter in it for flavor. My blender is my best friend right now. I was banded on 11/24.
  24. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I am experiencing that also. I was banded on 11/24 and it has been hard to eat also. I am noticing that the esophegus seems irritated from the procedure and is in a healing process. My brother had bypass surgery and his advice to me was just try to take it slow with transitioning into liquids and mushies. You have to take it really, really slow. Sip like a bird would and take your time. I get really bad shoulder pain after I start consuming anything right now and it is discuraging and frustrating. I went overnight from a carb aholic to liquids and smoothies aren't cutting it to satisfy me right now. I have felt very cranky and I think it is the carb withdraws. I think that once I start putting anything down my esophegus that since the procedure it is healing and irritated so my body sends mixed messages regarding muscle pain and it feels like my shoulders hurt. My Dr. and everyone else has suggested to go back to liquids for a couple of days which makes me want to scream because just some mashpotatoes right now is a dream but it makes sense to let our body heal which might take a couple of weeks maybe even a month to feel normal again. Hope this helps and I know exactly what your going threw.
  25. Vikki

    November Bandsters!

    I was feeling the same way. My BFF is my biggest support threw this whole thing but every time I talk to her the first thing out of her mouth is "So how much have you lost now"? I was banded the day after Thanksgiving and I lost 10 pounds with in a week now still 10. Not to many people know what I did so I can't wait until people start saying wow you have lost so much weight. So just try to look positive to what the future has. It is a tool for life and it will take a lot of hard work and patients. Patients is usually something I have to really work hard on. Good luck to you and just keep it at one day at a time to help the sanity of it all.

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